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Mental block to the spice

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi people, over the past months Ive been getting a strong calling back to hypersapce but I seem to have developed a mental block where I just cant smoke the stuff.
I try smoking a little to reaqauint myself with the taste and feeling on the chest and throat and all is fine, i get the usual mood lift for a threshold dose.
However when I try to go for even a sub-breakthrough say 20-30mg I just cant bring myself to take it all in and I back away from the pipe with half remaining..

Ive asked myself what it is I fear, the strong body shock is one thing, the buzzing of the limbs and vibrations around the eyes.
I suppose I also fear being taught a tough lesson, that my bad trip on the spice is just around the corner and will TERRIFY me to the core..being launched into a living breathing FEELING nightmare for what seems an eternity, but this is irrational as I know the spice is for the main a freindly ally!
lol So you see my problem ive developed an irrational fear of the spice..maybe I just need to gather the courage and just go for it?
yes...most certainly...you just need to commit...train yourself to ALWAYS go as far as you can when you hit your pipe...never do it half heartedly...but seriously..just make a decision...take some deep breathes and just do it..

also look at those things that you fear and remember that they happen every time..and that they are almost like road signs...when you get those certain feelings..you know where you are and how close a breakthrough is..get excited when you feel those things and remember that everything is gonna be fine..even if it is a weird one..
Good advise thanks, i think I also fear having a panic attack in hyperspace, i cant think of many things scarier..
I tend to pull away just as the very first wave is coming on, fear grips and then i realise I cant enter hyperspace with that fear in my heart..
This is most likely easier said than done for some, but I just believe I will not have a bad trip and that doing hallucinogens in general are good for me and my mind. By believing this, I have avoided many a bad trip and have been able to completely reverse negative feelings into a completely positive mindset (possibly more positive than if I had been happy/fearless from the onset)

As a medicine, hallucinogens are an amazing source of healing. If you believe deep down that you cannot be hurt and only healed through psychedelic revelation, than the chances of having a bad trip diminish (assuming a comfortable, safe setting and positive state of mind).

Taking deep breaths and meditation surely help before a trip as well (especially with DMT, where taking as deep of a hit as possible is helpful). take 8 deep breaths (as deep as you can) and hold them prior to smoking your DMT. turn off the lights and focus on a candle and clear all thoughts and fears, repeat to yourself that you are fine, you are safe, and let the DMT guide you.
On my last voyage foaf barely broke through, he was there but the visions didn't seem particularly bright, so once he was over the intial rush, say in less than a minute's time, he opened his eyes and went back to the pipe- the rest of the dose was still hiding within the parsley and topped him up and took him far and away.
Have you tried returning to the pipe once the initial rush has died down and the threshold visions have started? It is quite hard to continue smoking when the rush hits you (in foaf's limited experience).
Take a break from smoked DMT and try Ayahuasca or Cactus.

Cactus is so very gentle and smooth... I think it'd be really good for alot of you Spcie-heads.
By "cactus" I mean "San Pedro" = Trichocereus or "Peyote" = Lophophora.

By "cactus" I do not mean mescaline.
cactus is very cool - if you have good cacti that is.. mine are crap. i ate 30g of powder last night and didnt feel a thing.. just the light moodlift and being more awake than normally. i cant get myself to eat more of that stuff. it tastes awful. i need some potent clones.

do you have potent clones coatl?
a friend also thinks ayahuasca is better than smoked dmt as there is no turning back when half way in. it comes on much smoother and it can show you more in that time than the 10minute flash of when it is smoked.
cactus is very cool - if you have good cacti that is.. mine are crap. i ate 30g of powder last night and didnt feel a thing.. just the light moodlift and being more awake than normally. i cant get myself to eat more of that stuff. it tastes awful. i need some potent clones.

do you have potent clones coatl?

Yes I do... potent clones make the difference between puking all night, feeling nothing and meeting the mescalinto.

Preperation is key as well. PM me if anybody is interested in potent Trichocereus clones or other cacti :)
SWIM had the same thing happen awhile back. Try to figure out what is scaring you and work that out before smoking. If something is bothering you it will come to the surface when smoking and usually before you breakthrough and often will force you to stop the dose.

if its something irrational...who knows what to do

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