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Mescaline extraction with no chemicals except DI water?!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
I stumbled across an interesting post recently.

There's a citric acid based mescaline extraction tek that recommended recrystallization from water as a means of cleaning up the final product. Basically the mescaline is dissolved in a small amount of water, and the water goes in the freezer. As the water freezes, the mescaline falls out of solution. When the ice is allowed to thaw in the freezer, the water can be decanted off of the mescaline crystals.

Pretty handy, but nothing really novel there.

But one poster, upon seeing this, wondered why go through the whole trouble of basing and extracting into a nonpolar solvent if mescaline could be made to crash out of water. So they tried making pedro tea with distilled water, boiling it down to a small volume, then freezing/thawing/decanting as per the recrystallization method described above... and it worked! No acid was added, but since distilled water was used, I'm guessing that the product is mescaline carbonate... after all, distilled water is always acidic from CO2 dissolved out of the atmosphere.

Just thought the Nexus might want a heads up on this.
Wow sounds amazing, completely up my alley as i cant journey with anything that has been extracted with chemicals :d

Thank You Entropymancer

Much Peace
I'm very skeptical of that one. If it actually works, why isn't everyone doing it?

That sounds too good to be true.
haha so did the d-limonene tek :p

btw i contacted the person that made that post to ask some questions..ill get back to the board if i get any answers from him
The main post they made regarding the method is in a subforum that can't be accessed until you've been a member of the shroomery for long enough, or made enough posts, or something like that, so here's the relevant posts:

ReoSpeedwagon153 said:
Took a well filtered, very clear SP brew made from one cutting boiled down to one shot.

Put it in the freezer until it was frozen solid.

Put it in the fridge until it had thawed.

Poured off cactus juice steadily but swiftly to uncover a mat of crystals formed on the bottom of the glass bottle.

Collected crystals with small volume of near boiling distilled water, and let evaporate on a baking dish.

200-300 mg of yellow white crystalline solid.

Obviously the next step is to try this with a larger amount of cactus.

Keep in mind that no one used a blender or anything that would turn the brew into guacamole. Fresh green cactus strips with the white parts filleted out and the skins still attached were boiled as is, smashed up with a potato masher, and then strained out with a spaghetti strainer.

Repeated with fresh water and extractions combined.

The brew was filtered through a t shirt, concentrated some, then filtered again, then concentrated to approximately two shot glasses' volume, equaling one shot per cutting.

Then someone drank half of it, had a good time, realized again how awesome pure crystals would be, and got to work a few days later.

Leaving the brew at room temperature for a couple days lets some extra sediment fall out, and further clarifies it.
Jorkest said:
oh wow!

do you think distilled water is a necessity?

I'd guess that some sort of acid is necessary, distilled water is a way to use an acid without really using an acid.

69ron said:
I'm very skeptical of that one. If it actually works, why isn't everyone doing it?

That sounds too good to be true.

It sounds like it can be difficult to catch the crystals as they like to melt back into the water. It's also possible (likely IMO) that this method isn't effective with cactus brews made via blender (or other methods that yield a very sludgy tea.

I'm a bit skeptical myself, but it certainly sounds worth experimenting with.
Aegle said:
Wow sounds amazing, completely up my alley as i cant journey with anything that has been extracted with chemicals :d

I hate to break it to you, but water and CO2 are chemicals.:shock: Maybe this isn't up your alley after all? 😉

(Mostly teasing here, I get what you mean... chemicals that aren't already ubiquitous in human biochemistry, eh?)
Sorry, I probably should've included that!

Yeah, he tried it: "600mg produced decent effects, but not really strong effects - probably not quite huxley's 400mg"

Looks pretty nice:

So it's by no means pure, but it was effective. Seems like someone else must've tried it yet, but if they have I didn't see the thread.

Here's a little more detailed presentation of his method:
Take 2 or more feet of san pedro and chop it up into stars. Slice the core and most of the white parts out of each star, then toss the green pieces with skin and spines still attached into a big pot.

Boil the cactus strips for an hour or so, then strain out the water with a spaghetti strainer. Start concentrating this extraction in a different pot while you pour more water over your cactus and give it another good boil for 45 to an hour or so.

Combine the extractions, and filter them through an old t shirt. Keep boiling off water and filtering until the brew has concentrated significantly. You should filter at least three or four times during this process.

In the meantime, take a shot glass and measure out however many feet of san pedro you used as shots of water in a glass bottle. Let's say you used 3 feet of SP; you fill the shot glass with water three times and put it all in a glass bottle, jar, or measuring cup. This is just to see what three shots of liquid looks like in the container you will put your pedro tea in.

When your pedro tea is concentrated to one shot of liquid per foot of cactus, leave it in the bottle and let it cool (do I really have to add a warning about being careful when pouring hot liquid into a room temperature bottle? use you own discretion here...).

If you leave it at room temperature for a few days, some unwanted gunk will settle out.

Throw that bitch in the freezer for a few hours, then throw the well frozen brew into the fridge.

Let it thaw slowly in the fridge. You actually could just cycle between fridge and freezer for a few days if you wanted. But the final thaw should be left to settle for a couple days to get the most out.

While the brew is still cold, pour it off carefully and steadily, trying to salvage the layer of precipitate on the bottom of the container. Some will always pour out with the brew, but with a little skill you can salvage most of it. Rotating the bottle while you pour can help keep most of the precipitate on the bottom.

Heat up some dH20 in the tea kettle, pour it in there and swirl around until it is dissolved. Just dump this onto a glass dish and let it evap. A heat lamp and a fan makes short work of the water. A blow dryer works too, for the impatient.

Sometimes when dried too fast, the residue scrapes up less crystalline and more like needles of transparent film. I wonder if this is freebase that has not reacted with c02 to form mesc carbonate. In any case, this can be avoided by waiting longer for the water to dry up, leaving the dry evap dish overnight, or just smashing up the film and crystals with a mortar and pestle.

I guess a coffee grinder would also work, but I bet half your yield would become airborne as soon as you began to grind.

Dosage is tricky. 600mg was well over threshold, but still left swim wanting more. Start with 500-800 I guess. You could handle 1000 I'm sure though.
It's not like there's anything to lose trying it if you've got the cactus laying around. That's the only reason I haven't put it to the test.

Worst case scenario if it doesn't work, you've still got a 1 fl oz dose of cactus tea.
What is salt is added. Would that help?

By added up to 10% salt, you should make the water even more polar and that should force the mescaline out even more.
69ron said:
What is salt is added. Would that help?

By added up to 10% salt, you should make the water even more polar and that should force the mescaline out even more.

Exactly. I think the technique is a great concept, but I think altering the process just a bit would work even better.
Oh man, look at my poor English above. That’s what happens when I don’t get enough sleep two days in a row.

Yeah, I think this tech just needs some tweaking here and there. It’s a good idea.
Jorkest, did this person experience nausea/stomach problems? If these side effects are still there then SWIM wouldn't see the point, but if they're not...

Also, is it ok to just use tap water, or filtered tap water? Instead of having to buy distilled.
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