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Mescaline extraction with no chemicals except DI water?!

Migrated topic.
he didnt say whether or not there was any nausea..he just said that it was mild and that he wanted more..

and i guess the reason for distilled water is because its slightly acidic and whats actually happening is that you are converting the natural mescaline salts into mescaline carbonate
Would it be possible for you to ask him about the nausea/stomach situation? Pweaseeeeeeeeee :) :) :)

It's annoying though how one would have to buy distilled water. So tap or filtered definitely wouldn't work? Or tap or filtered with a bit of lemon/lime juice added?
Tap water has carbonate dissolved, but all of the other trace components of the water act as a buffer, so it stays around pH 7, while distilled water is substantially more acidic because it lacks the non-volatile buffers. It's possible that it'd still work at a higher pH... Couldn't hurt to give it a try (if it doesn't work, you've still got a dose of mescaline cooked down to a single shot and ready for consumption).

I wouldn't try adding any citric acid until it's been verified that the method works as-is. Depending on how much you add, some could end up in the final product increasing the dosage (and making the mescaline quite tart).
Hey, it's me - reo, I'm 'the guy.'

No nausea to speak of, at least for me, but I don't even get it too bad from snot tea.

Sorry for neglecting your questions and stuff, I don't get on much anymore ( I'm actually typing this from an iPod in a hotel room...)

Thanks a bunch for taking my idea and running with it, I'll have a lot to work with when I eventually get around to it.

See you in another couple weeks or so.
Hi all,

Swim is wondering if the extraction tek with perticipation in distilled water has been researched further and found to be a workable solution? As swim does not have ready access to all required elements to do a proper A/B extraction from SP, he wonders if he can use this method instead? What would you recommend to swim for getting a fairly clean product, with access to household elements, but not 'exotic' ones like d-limonene or xylene. Calcium hydroxide is not a problem, just the solvent is. That is why swim is looking for another way.

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