SWIM has a bit of dirty brown mescaline HCL and wanted to purify it. Since the tartrate salt (and presumably the bitartrate salt) isn't very soluble in room temperature/cold water, he thought he'd just try recrystallizing as follows: Dissolve MescHCl in small volume of hot water, dissolve Na2tartrate or NaHtartrate in hot water, mix, then slowly cool and collect crystals.
The bitartrate should be significantly more massive/mole, which is nice for some reasons, but the driving factor would be the solubility in cold water- how much water can be used before losing too much goodies.
It would be very useful to know the solubilities before attempting this, so if anyone knows (even roughly), SWIM would love to know.
SWIM will make sure to get the results back to you guys, success or failure.
The bitartrate should be significantly more massive/mole, which is nice for some reasons, but the driving factor would be the solubility in cold water- how much water can be used before losing too much goodies.
It would be very useful to know the solubilities before attempting this, so if anyone knows (even roughly), SWIM would love to know.
SWIM will make sure to get the results back to you guys, success or failure.