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Methods of achieving mystical states & spiritual knowledge

Migrated topic.
That's interesting Spartan, do you experience a calmness once it goes quiet and are disembodied, losing all sensation with your body? I actually use a similar method by simulating the feeling excitation, that sends shivers or spasms from my center throughout the rest of my body. It actually is a bit like a weak orgasm haha. Austin Osman Spare's method of the Death Posture was to tense every muscle of the body until near paralysis, and then he basically concentrated on a single shape, usually an X; this would result in being swept up in a sort of ecstatic state. His aim was to simply invoke pure pleasure, and I myself have tried his technique to mixed results; most of the time I feel like I lose sense of direction, like I'm being spun around. Then again I'm more prone to become disoriented than still during altered states.

Anyway, I haven't been able to experience on command what is mentioned about having the two separate nervous systems functioning simultaneously, though activating the fight or flight alone is an experience in itself. The closest I've felt towards being in the simultaneous state is during the middle of a really long run during the tail end of a fast, and I can feel the physiological difference in my body between each breath; sort of tensing, then releasing. From what I've read the real skill is to heighten this state to the point of zero-pointedness, where one isn't even focused or aware of the body or breath. The real enjoyment for me as of now is the afterglow, once I'm done spending my energy. I've started a concentration technique after-which I stare in a mirror, fixated on my own eyes, only having candle-light in the room, being between me and the mirror. Things start to get really strange, where the image seems to shift. It sort of looks like an impressionist painting which frightened me the first few times. But what interests me was the initial feeling of feeling more real than usual. I'm still working with this technique, but its been allowing for strong introspective work, and mental reflex as I attempt to still all the thoughts that arise while staring into oblivion.

I'm interested in learning about OBE's however, I've tried alot of techniques to get there but haven't been able to cross my own mental barrier of disbelief, my mind keeps telling myself that it's just strong imagination rather than actual astral travelling. I used to try a technique that recommended "rolling out" mentally, sort of gesturing with your mind to roll over, but staying physically still. It let to strange feelings of smallness and vastness but no OBE :(
vardlokkur said:
That's interesting Spartan, do you experience a calmness once it goes quiet and are disembodied, losing all sensation with your body?

Yeah after the "pop" the vibrations stop everything is calm and I'm floating around, although sometimes at this point I'll experience bi-location and feel my physical body laying in bed and my "etheric"/"astral" double floating around at the same time.

I'm interested in learning about OBE's however, I've tried alot of techniques to get there but haven't been able to cross my own mental barrier of disbelief, my mind keeps telling myself that it's just strong imagination rather than actual astral travelling.

Once you have a total OBE, there will be no question whether or not it's your imagination. It pretty much proved to me that consciousness in not dependent on the "physical" body, and will survive death. It's that powerful.

I used to try a technique that recommended "rolling out" mentally, sort of gesturing with your mind to roll over, but staying physically still. It let to strange feelings of smallness and vastness but no OBE :(

With practice and willpower, you will kind of develop your own variation of the techniques you read about. Remember to save your emotional and sexual energy during your waking hours, it's needed for this kind of spiritual work. Keep it up, and you will succeed.:)
vardlokkur said:
I've started a concentration technique after-which I stare in a mirror, fixated on my own eyes, only having candle-light in the room, being between me and the mirror. Things start to get really strange, where the image seems to shift. It sort of looks like an impressionist painting which frightened me the first few times. But what interests me was the initial feeling of feeling more real than usual. I'm still working with this technique, but its been allowing for strong introspective work, and mental reflex as I attempt to still all the thoughts that arise while staring into oblivion.
This is a classic technique which certainly provides some potential for mind blowing trippiness. If you are willing to go with it and can loosen the knots in your mind sufficiently, you might be surprised at how far out this can take you.

My experience with this is that it goes from this kind of impressionist thing to very pronounced flipping of light and dark with energetic phenomena in the space around your reflection... and then it breaks into an experience of having your face melt away to be replaced by another, and then another, and then another. Often dozens of different faces come up, and the disconcerting thing that usually inspires people to break it off is that the eyes and personalities looking back at you do not feel like your own. It is no longer a reflection of you, but rather a face to face encounter with other beings who regard you in various different lights.

Many texts indicate that these are alternate reality versions of yourself, or in prosaic tomes "past lives." There does seem to be some connection to the people that appear, though I can't say for sure what that is. I mostly (almost exclusively) see other male humans, but occasionally women appear as well as true alien lifeforms. The human looking people could be ETs as well (if they live in alternate universes, they are extra-terrestrial)... who knows? At a certain point, having a stare off with a bug faced being of limited friendliness becomes a bit much, and the mind naturally begins to wonder if the other people might not be able to reach across the dimensions to do something more than gawk.

Another interesting note on this is that it can be done with another person and not just a mirror. Sitting comfortably in a lotus or other posture one can maintain for a good amount of time with a candle in between you can produce similar effects, only the feeling is that you are looking into the multiple incarnations of the other person while they meet yours.

Not for the faint of heart.

The distances can be dialed in to increase this effect, but the candle is nearly always best halfway between you and the mirror (or person).

The last thing I will say about this technique is that it can be quite interesting once it is going strong to shift away from the locking eyes thing and observe the environment over the other entity's shoulder. You might be surprised to find that the room behind them is equally alien. It takes a bit of practice to shift the attention without breaking the connection and spoiling the effect.

I'm interested in learning about OBE's however, I've tried alot of techniques to get there but haven't been able to cross my own mental barrier of disbelief, my mind keeps telling myself that it's just strong imagination rather than actual astral travelling. I used to try a technique that recommended "rolling out" mentally, sort of gesturing with your mind to roll over, but staying physically still. It let to strange feelings of smallness and vastness but no OBE :(
I will respond to OBE, WILD and AP methods later in this thread. If you can't wait, there are a number of threads already around in which we have discussed this subject in great detail (as well as argued the subject to the ground). Search the forums for "astral lucid" under posts and a bunch of these threads will come up. You can click over to a thread and then start from the beginning.
Hyperspace Fool said:
The last thing I will say about this technique is that it can be quite interesting once it is going strong to shift away from the locking eyes thing and observe the environment over the other entity's shoulder. You might be surprised to find that the room behind them is equally alien. It takes a bit of practice to shift the attention without breaking the connection and spoiling the effect.

I've done this many times while on acid and shrooms. Simply amazing, and creepy. :shock: A little trick I use to prevent spoiling the effect is to "look" in the background with my peripheral vision. My line of sight or focus is on the eyes, yet my attention is at the peripherals. This technique has other applications as well such as aura viewing.
Ok so I had a peculiar experience last night and it has me both excited and perplexed at the same time.

It's actually pretty personal but it's important for me to share what happened with anyone who might understand these things (HF I'm looking at you).

So last night I had an unexpected phone call and was asked to watch my 3 yr old niece for a couple of hours. I'm not a great babysitter but I agreed to anyways to help out my brother. As I was babysitting my niece she was just being a little kid being all innocent and stuff and I had this ache in my heart. Not the first time it's happened, but it was like a longing to be a child again, a longing for a return to innocence. If you've read my 'first steps into hyperspace' post (appropriately titled 'A Return to Innocence') it might shed some light on why I have this desire to return to childhood, but I won't go into it here. Just know that when I'm around a kid under 5 years old I get like that and it effects my psyche.

Speaking of effecting my psyche, I went home around 8:30pm last night and found my wonderful girlfriend waiting to suprise me in a rather sexual way. As we were getting into it, I wasn't getting into it for reasons I just could not understand. My body would not cooperate with what was going on and my psyche was immeadiately internalized. This is the first an only time I've ever had my body not cooperate with me regarding sex.

Obviously my gf was disappointed at this letdown and went to bed, and at that point I was hit with this wave of emotion. It was like anger, but a willful anger. I was angry at the illusion I know to be my life on Earth. Angry that here I am, playing this game I KNOW isn't all there is to reality and being unable to leave of my own free will. Only when I take a psychedelic can I achieve an out of body state no matter how often I've tried some of the different methods already listed here. My frustration caused me to call out to the universe with all of my might and will. My mind went something like this:

"This is RIDICULOUS!! I don't fit in here on Earth and all I ever think about it going home (hyperspace)! I don't want to be on Earth, I don't like it here, I don't like being human and I know I am NOT human, that is just a game I'm playing and I don't want to play anymore! I'm sick of these petty games! Universe... HELP me... I swear to god I will rip a hole in the fabric of space and time if YOU WON'T LET ME OUT OF THIS TINY LITTLE BOX REALITY!!!!"

Little over dramatic but it had been a rough day. The incredibly peculiar part was... this actually worked. I don't know if it was my anger, my will or what, but as soon as I made this sweeping declaration in my head I closed my eyes and felt, and I mean FELT my pineal gland tingle. As I started to feel this, with eyes closed I focused my awareness on a single point, a quantum point in the blackness of my mind. I was going to prove to the universe and myself that I could burn a hole in time and space and escape this prison that I was considering my life to be. And as I was doing this, focusing intently on a small point of dark space, my whole insides started to buzz and vibrate. I have long heard how the first steps to an OBE is the increase in vibrations and I intuitively knew that this must be what it felt like. If felt like an oscillation of some sort, like a WHOM... WHOM... WHOM... WHOM... sound.

The increase in energy was incredible. I could feel a fountain of energy inside of me, more than I was really prepared for. I immeaditely thought this might be what kundalini awakening feels like, as my entire spine from base to the top of my head felt peculiar (no real way to describe how it felt). As this was going on, I felt a wiggle. Like something had come loose and as it did it felt very similar to how I feel when I'm coming up on a psychedelic. At a certain point on a trip I feel like my soul or mind isn't in perfect sync with my body. When this happens I know I'm only minutes away from a trip into hyperspace and this usually occurs naturally. However since I wasn't on a psychedelic this was an all together new thing.

I was trying so hard not to get hung up on what was happening, but it was inevitable that I did end up focusing to much on the peculiarity of what was transpiring. I had intently focused on increasing the vibrations I was feeling, and I did have some success with this, but I again felt I needed to call out to the universe for help. I haven't prayed since I was a hardcore Christian, but this was what I was doing. I was praying intently for probably the first time of my life and it was being heard. At a certain point, I could feel something... I dunno what it was I hesitate to say a being or entity but it could have been, pulling on the part of me that was vibrating. It was pulling it deeper and further back into my mind and I knew this feeling to be nearly identical to how it feels when I leave my body to fall into hyperspace. My excitment got the better of me (just like a novice) and I opened my eyes and...

...the room looked like it would look if I had been coming down from a trip. I looked at my dog and it's features were warping and twisting in such a way that it was a little startling. This lasted only a couple of minutes until I baselined, but after it happened I was left a little speechless. I was going to start my own thread to talk about this but I had seen this one this morning and thought maybe I'd just put it here and get some possible insight.

Something that's on my mind today, why is it that only when I get so angry at being a human do I achieve a state like that? I have read most of the literature on these topics, and the common element is to relax your body to a state where your mind is awake but not thinking and your body is asleep. Well, I did lose all concept of having a body but it wasn't because my mind was in a state of no-thought. No, I was thinking quite intently on how annoyed I was with being a human, and this anger was like fuel for my psychic fire.

Has anyone else ever experienced achieveing an altered state because their frustration? I was just so sick of being limited I shouted out to the universe that I was just done being limited and as I did that, something had happened. I would appreciate any thoughts on this from any and all takers. I'm even open to it being a simple product of my depressed state of mind convincing me of an altered state to help me feel better. I'm not closed to any interpretation, but I wanted to share it with the community.

(PS. Felt I had to put a disclaimer. I am not a depressed or suicidal person by any stretch. My frustration deals with knowing how unlimited my true self is and how that true self is always in a state of perfect bliss. However this human self is very limited and I know that is not my true nature, it is a false nature that I have to deal with for a mortal lifetime. If is this sense of falseness, that I'm not really being my true self, that causes me extreme discomfort here on Earth. I love myself and my girlfriend and my dogs, but our society, my job, having a house and a car... these silly human things irritate me everyday. What I want, what I truly want, is to be able to just be without the added junk that human civilization makes you participate in. This is why I have a weird feeling around little kids. They are truly free in their humanity, to play and laugh and love just as they are. But eventually, that gets taken away from us and we all become these robots operating from a society that doesn't give two shits about your spiritual life. THAT is my anger with being human, with feeling like my innocence was stolen by our culture. That god for psychedelics :)
First of all I have my "Proteus" mind machine. It has altered my consciousness in the way that I perceive visual forms, particularly in the way of flicker phosphenes. Over the course of studying the patterns that would arise from the mind machine over the accumulated hours, the patterns quickly became ingrained in my sense of perception. Whether they've always been there or not, I cannot say which saddens me a little. I would like to know if I've merely learned to recognize what's been there all along, or if the mind machine has rewired my neural circuits to the extent that new patterns that were never there have now made a permanent mark. In any event, the other day after studying some sacred geometry, I noticed that one of the highest recurring patterns (this is without the use of psychedelics, though strengthened by sleep and cannabis) is the "flower of life". I found this rather intriguing as I now treat it as an internal mandala on which to meditate.

For christmas this year, I got a set of 9 ancient solfeggio tuning forks (the original 6 plus 2 lower octave frequencies and 1 upper octave frequency. The tuning forks are relatively soft in volume, so I hold them in front of the microphone that's connected to an amplifier so they easily resound throughout the room. Now, I know the frequencies are on You Tube or all over the web, but there are two things I've taken into consideration. The first of which is that the sounds are digitized and not analogue, so as a result they are inherently non-continuous. Secondly, even in the case of using the headphones for binaural beats, the frequencies go straight in the ears, and perhaps resonate slightly in the head cavity, but no further. In the case of the tuning forks, the entire body can be immersed in the continuous analogue frequencies that can resonate all along the body.

I know this thread isn't about DMT, but I figured this little ritual with the tuning forks I came up with may be relevant to this thread. Bearing Kat Harrison's words in mind about the importance of ritual, I've always realized that I have minimal ritual. Sometimes I'll sit and focus on my breathing before going into a DMT experience, but it just seemed like there could be more symbolic things to do, but I hadn't come up with anything of importance to me until recently, so I just left the idea alone. About 2 weeks ago, before going into the DMT experience (which was really DMT followed by harmine followed by DMT), I decided to sequentially ring out the tuning forks (through the microphone) in ascending order. I had an ecstatic godhead encounter (of which I had only had one prior last year), and when the session was over, I decided to run back through the tuning forks in a similar fashion, but this time in descending order to conclude the ceremony (which now felt like a ceremony with this little ritual). Then two days ago, I decided to journey again (this time without harmine), and I consciously decided to make the tuning fork ascension ritualistic. So I once again go through the tuning forks in ascending order, this time waving each tuning fork 9 times in front of the mic so that there would be 9 swells, and then move on to the next frequency. This added some mathematical symbolism to the ritual for me because there are 9 tuning forks, each being waved 9 times, and after some research on the number 9, it has become quite significant to me. The experience that followed was a consecutive godhead experience, and the only one I've experienced thus far without the aid of MAO inhibition. I once again concluded the experience by ringing through the descending order of tuning forks, waving each 9 times. Now granted, the forks may have had little to nothing to do with the godhead encounters, but thus far, the fact that they have been some of my most effective journeys yet, I'm not about to stop :lol:

Ever since somewhat early on in my DMT experiences that I began to see Egyptian imagery in my experiences, I began to become fascinated with Egypt. In a combination of witnessing the very real-seeming energies that I interact with in hyperspace coupled with the idea that the shape of the pyramid has an esoteric tendency to control the flow of energy, I decided to get myself some kind of pyramid structure to keep in my room. I gathered the proportions of the Great Pyramid in Giza, and then went on ebay, doing the mathematical calculations based on the dimensions (usually in inches or mm) of the for sale item to see how well it matched up to the Great Pyramid. There were very few I could find that even came close to matching the dimensions, but one of them was a small citrine (quartz) pyramidion that my math showed was as close to the Great Pyramid as it looked like I was gonna get.

Upon some research I discovered that citrine is a kind of quartz that absorbs and stores light (sunlight in particular). So I keep it in my window most of the day to soak up the sun's rays. When I use the tuning forks, I move the pyramid near the amplifier so it can store the solfeggio frequencies. I believe it's in Dr. Boulter's "Pyramid Code" where she talks about specific "holy" frequencies, each of which resonates with a specific pyramid in Egypt (as they are made of different stones, they resonate with different frequencies), so the practice took on another layer of meaning. I'm also relatively confident that the frequencies to which she is referring are in fact the solfeggio frequencies which makes sense to me because she described the frequencies as healing. When I journey, I keep the pyramid at eye level in front of me. My Egyptian visions used to be far and few between, but they've been becoming more and more frequent, and I can't help but think my citrine pyramid might have something to do with it. 3 out of the last 3 of my experiences have not only been Egyptian-themed, but significantly and radically so. The Egyptians also considered the number 9 to be sacred, and so between the 9 tuning forks and the quartz pyramid, I tentatively ponder if I may have found my keys to the transcendent.
Tek said:
The incredibly peculiar part was... this actually worked. I don't know if it was my anger, my will or what, but as soon as I made this sweeping declaration in my head I closed my eyes and felt, and I mean FELT my pineal gland tingle. As I started to feel this, with eyes closed I focused my awareness on a single point, a quantum point in the blackness of my mind. I was going to prove to the universe and myself that I could burn a hole in time and space and escape this prison that I was considering my life to be. And as I was doing this, focusing intently on a small point of dark space, my whole insides started to buzz and vibrate. I have long heard how the first steps to an OBE is the increase in vibrations and I intuitively knew that this must be what it felt like. If felt like an oscillation of some sort, like a WHOM... WHOM... WHOM... WHOM... sound.
Oh yeah... that's the stuff.

It seems from your description that you were a hair's breadth away from an OOBE. If you could have resisted the urge to open your eyes or move, deepened into a sleep paralysis or simply raised your vibration enough... you could have tried for an exit technique.

The "or" in that sentence is crucial because it is not just through total relaxation that such impressive altered states as astral projection are achieved. The extreme opposite state is equally as effective. Osho (Rajneesh) recommended a series of very active meditations (more like primal scream yogas) for his followers in the West. He recognized that over here, the path to glory is often easier if it is external and energetic rather than internal and quiescent. Google "Osho Dynamic Meditation" if you are interested, because it involves the kind of emotional release you describe in your post.

Truthfully, the most profound spiritual occurrences seem to come when people stop being polite with the Universe. Rock bottom, wit's end, completely fed up, end of their rope... these are the descriptions of people who are about to break open. I find that the Universe responds when you are 120% intent or 120% empty. Nothing in-between will cut the mustard. The ideal seeker is one who has hit both extremes and synthesized them into that impossible mix of alpha & omega, keen interest & detachment, total investment & absolute dissociation.

Nevertheless, religious texts are filled with people who got their divine encounter when they broke down and began yelling & screaming at G*d. Even the current crop of new-age gurus all fall into this mold. Eckhart Tolle (Power of Now) & Neal Donald Walsch (Conversations With G*d) both describe their "fed up, can't take anymore" moments where they demanded the truth or whatever. Even JC went out into the desert and sat in a circle for 40 days saying he wouldn't leave until he got his answers... of course, this is also when he was tempted by the devil. And, as most people know, Buddha didn't reach enlightenment until he sat under the Bodhi Tree with the hardcore intention that he wouldn't move until he got it.

It seems the Omniverse likes some ballsy intensity. If it is authentic anyway.

I would keep at it Tek. Rage against the machine. Next time, instead of letting up... double down.

All the best friend. Love & light to you.

You're post was precisely what I needed to hear, thank you.

I was pretty convinced that what I was achieving was close to an OBE (since I've read a lot on the subject) but the circumstances of it was what was throwing me off. Being a highly charged emotional person (introspectively rather then externally), I suppose it would make sense that focusing all of my frustration on a single goal would be my ticket to transcendence.

Truthfully most of my life I have allowed my will to be broken and controlled by external forces, only recently through my psychedelic undertakings have I rediscovered the metaphysical power of intent and yet I don't practice it conciously even though I am aware of it (or in other words, my lazy ego keeps me in a state of complacency 90% of the time). Last night was the first time since I had tried psychedelics that my will overpowered my ego and shut it out completely. Actually when I first tried magic mushrooms (which went against everything I believed to be moral an acceptable from my Christian worldview) it was that same sense of frustration with life and god that prompted me to 'go for broke' and try any avenue I could find to transcend my limiting reality.

You have inspired me to continue to focus my rage on that which it should be focused: the insane parts of life on Earth and my desire to become more than it, better than it, in every possible way. There is a line from one of my favorite songs (ART, by God Module), which says 'To feel my hate without the emotion, darker than the black of the ocean' which has always spoke to me. There are things I hate about being on Earth, but it is only the attachment to that hate that would bind me to a continued existence here, i.e. an emotional response to that hatred. Like last night, instead of getting down on myself for being unable to satisfy my girlfriend, I broadened that anger to include the entirety of what pisses me off about being human. It was motivation for me to try and transcend that which I don't enjoy, which like I already said apparently was the formula I needed.

Thank you for your insight.
Global said:
First of all I have my "Proteus" mind machine.
Loving the mind machines. I have posted often about how much I love my "Procyon" and that my old "SuperMind" lasted me over 20 years of dedicated service. Light & sound brainwave entrainment is the real deal folks.

For christmas this year, I got a set of 9 ancient solfeggio tuning forks (the original 6 plus 2 lower octave frequencies and 1 upper octave frequency. The tuning forks are relatively soft in volume, so I hold them in front of the microphone that's connected to an amplifier so they easily resound throughout the room. Now, I know the frequencies are on You Tube or all over the web, but there are two things I've taken into consideration. The first of which is that the sounds are digitized and not analogue, so as a result they are inherently non-continuous. Secondly, even in the case of using the headphones for binaural beats, the frequencies go straight in the ears, and perhaps resonate slightly in the head cavity, but no further. In the case of the tuning forks, the entire body can be immersed in the continuous analogue frequencies that can resonate all along the body.
Very cool. Those Solfeggio tones do feel special, no?

Have you tried toning the fork and then placing the base on one of your chakras while still vibrating? This chakra tuning thing became pretty popular for a blip in my circle, and despite what other people might say about it... placing a vibrating tuning fork on your sternum or between your eyes can be mind blowing. Do this with a Solfeggio tone while on aya, and you might explode.

I feel you about the analog sound (I used to DJ from only vinyl), but in lieu of the real deal... digital gets the job done pretty well IMHO.

So I once again go through the tuning forks in ascending order, this time waving each tuning fork 9 times in front of the mic so that there would be 9 swells, and then move on to the next frequency. This added some mathematical symbolism to the ritual for me because there are 9 tuning forks, each being waved 9 times, and after some research on the number 9, it has become quite significant to me. The experience that followed was a consecutive godhead experience, and the only one I've experienced thus far without the aid of MAO inhibition. I once again concluded the experience by ringing through the descending order of tuning forks, waving each 9 times. Now granted, the forks may have had little to nothing to do with the godhead encounters, but thus far, the fact that they have been some of my most effective journeys yet, I'm not about to stop :lol:

Harness the power of ritual if you can... it certainly can focus intent.

As for the #9... number 9, number 9 heheheh... This is a whole discussion of its own. I will just say, for now, that I too have had a lengthy love affair with this numeric lodestone. It is everywhere if you know how to look for it.

Pyramid energies, mystic numerology, sacred tones... we are really getting into the wonderful woo-woo for which this subforum was set up.

Lovin' it.
Very interesting stuff about the anger, I personally find myself too in such states of amped up anger, from both similar and different reasons, and I was feeling very frustrated about it because I wanted to somehow relieve myself from all of it. This way of releasing sounds like something I'll definitely try.

HF, I'm having trouble getting past the vibrational stage in my projection endeavors. Do you have any suggestions as to what else to try to keep my awareness going? Once I enter the vibrational stage, I can't keep it up enough until the SP kicks in. I drift asleep fast, no matter how much I wish not to. I started remembering more dreams though, so it's not all for nothing.
rjb said:
HF, I'm having trouble getting past the vibrational stage in my projection endeavors. Do you have any suggestions as to what else to try to keep my awareness going? Once I enter the vibrational stage, I can't keep it up enough until the SP kicks in. I drift asleep fast, no matter how much I wish not to. I started remembering more dreams though, so it's not all for nothing.

I know you're addressing HF, but if you don't mind, I'd like to offer you some advice: I too, have had problems at that stage, and the technique I mentioned usually works for me, providing I've saved up enough available spiritual/emotional energy. Who knows, it might work for you too. :)

SpartanII said:
What I do, is focus on the feeling of getting scared, or really cold- that surge of energy that comes from the pit of your stomach you get when you experience fight or flight, or the shiver you get when you're really cold (it's hard to describe). Anyway, when I do this, I feel that surge of energy spread through my body and when it does it increases the intensity of the vibrations, and possibly the speed. I do this a few times, and each subsequent energy surge builds off the previous one, amping up the intensity until the vibrations are surging and buzzing through my body. At a certain threshold I'll feel a "pop" and everything will be quiet and I'll be floating above my physical body.

Your exit sensation may be different though. I've felt a POP, and also felt my "etheric" body "peeling" away from my physical body. The latter exit feels slightly creepy.😉
I have been meditating for about 15-16 years..I am 28 now and started martial arts when I was 12 or 13. I did alot of taekwondo at a school owned by a old master from korea and meditation was something we did every day. I did not understand everything about meditation back then but I did it and it did give me foundation for what I was brought to later on in life.

I dont meditate in any sort of obvious way anymore. I sometimes do yoga. Surfing and skimboarding is the deepst form of meditation I have experienced and connects me with all of my surroundings in a way that just sitting down and meditating does not.

I take 10-15mg of harmalas every night sublingually and lay there in a mild shamanic sort of trance while I fall asleap and meditate or focus on different things. Often I just try to vision the future I want to see humans living on earth.

Now, my realationship with psychedelics is not something I see as an easy way out or a crutch etc. I personally think that without them you are limited. Even a buddhist master who does not make use and form a relationship with these things is limiting their experience. I dont mean to say that you cant get into very similar states without the use of exogenous neurochemicals, but that practice that can involve both endogenous experience and exogenous experiences will take one much farther than either one alone IMO.

I think these things are for us to use..not to learn how to do it ourselves, but just for us to use. It is as natural as eating food..and I am not about to give that up..no interest in attempting to be breatharian.

Now, diet is important for this sort of work IMO. This is part of why I am a raw vegan, and why I dont drink tap water. Living on clean raw vegan foods and wild spring water, and lots of wild herbs and berries I collect myself etc is important. You can just feel it after a while. You dont NEED to meditate for hours every day to clear your mind etc..you just are clear. You sleep better, you dream deeper, you feel more energetic. Smells are stronger, tastes are stronger, hearing seems clearer..you are tuned in.

I have had endogenous experiences for as long as I can remember at night time that are very much like a tryptamine and beta carboline experience. I am prone to sleep paralysis and learned as a teenager that I can astral project and lucid dream from that state. I got very much into lucid dreaming as a teenager becasue for as long as I can remember I have had them, I just did not realize others did not have them until a high school psych class where the topic came up. I used to be really into that LD4ALL(lucid dreaming 4 all) site like 11 years ago or something.

I have also had experiences from a very young age that mirror classic abduction cases..but I wont really get into that here as it is way too weird for alot of discussion here..but whatever the nature of it is, I have experienced it and trust me..it feels VERY real. You can tell the difference between dreaming you are on a space ship, and snapping back into your body late at night somehow KNOWING you really were just on that space ship. I wish I knew wtf that whole thing is about...

Darkrooming is something minxx and I have wanted to do for a long long time.

I do alot of what you might call energy work I guess with crystals and usually harmalas, I use them with full oral DMT brews as well but it can be sort of hard to focus on a crystal at that point..

I dunno, I have experienced alot of things similar to what is said about merkaba/vortexijah activations, so I am interested in that stuff reguardless of what the nature of such experiences turns out to be.

Oh also..I try to be barefoot as much as possible..even when out hiking. This is just something you have to have experienced..being barefoot for the majority of a whole summer hiking around etc starts to feel amazing. I sort of think there is something to the idea that rubber soles block a vital current from the earth. At the very least it is better for your alignment in your back, as long as you are not walking all day on concrete.
The increase in energy was incredible. I could feel a fountain of energy inside of me, more than I was really prepared for. I immeaditely thought this might be what kundalini awakening feels like, as my entire spine from base to the top of my head felt peculiar (no real way to describe how it felt). As this was going on, I felt a wiggle. Like something had come loose and as it did it felt very similar to how I feel when I'm coming up on a psychedelic. At a certain point on a trip I feel like my soul or mind isn't in perfect sync with my body. When this happens I know I'm only minutes away from a trip into hyperspace and this usually occurs naturally. However since I wasn't on a psychedelic this was an all together new thing.

Definitely sounds like Kundalini to me.
I've experienced it right at the border between wake and sleep myself.
My experience didn't go out of body but ended with a burst into to clear light...
Sadly this only lasted moments before I lost it.

^ I have had that happen to me more times than I can remember at night, usually I end up bolting straight up in bed from the energy. There is also a powerful humming or buzzing sound that goes along with it, like the carrier wave and I can feel it as well as a tactile sensation. Sometimes I see full on hyperspace geometry while it is happening, usually with a really bright blue aura to it.
rjb said:
HF, I'm having trouble getting past the vibrational stage in my projection endeavors. Do you have any suggestions as to what else to try to keep my awareness going? Once I enter the vibrational stage, I can't keep it up enough until the SP kicks in. I drift asleep fast, no matter how much I wish not to. I started remembering more dreams though, so it's not all for nothing.
SpartanII's advice is solid here. I will just add that you might want to work the SP before the vibrational stage. Practice deep full body meditation until you can completely relax your entire body. Even a single tense muscle can keep you from exiting.

If you go from SP to Lucid Dreaming that is also a worthy achievement. WILDs are really awesome.

At any rate, this stuff is hard, and often takes years of practice & cultivation. Don't give up. You might want to recalibrate the time you need to invest a bit, but you seem like you are nearly there.

If you wanna avoid falling asleep, you can try a cup of mate or green tea... or start an hour earlier, perhaps.
@jamie I'm interested in your Merkabah type experiences. The abduction ones as well, but I can understand if you don't want to discuss such things in this forum.

Also, the spontaneous Kundalini releases you and joedirt mention are fascinating. Amazing how the experience can dovetail with exogenous tryptamines... but as it has been said, we do have evidence that DMT is made in the spinal cord, and beta-carbolines are also produced endogenously. Who knows? Perhaps endogenous ayahuasca is a real possibility.
Hyperspace Fool said:
Who knows? Perhaps endogenous ayahuasca is a real possibility.

My thoughts exactly! Just take a look at Ramana Maharshi's face. The eyes in particular. I've come to the conclusion lately that such states as Nirvikalpa Samadhi and Sahaja Samadhi are undeniably produced by chemical release. The only difference is that such advanced human beings can will such activation consciously and with some rare birds, perpetually.
Hyperspace Fool said:
Nevertheless, religious texts are filled with people who got their divine encounter when they broke down and began yelling & screaming at G*d. Even the current crop of new-age gurus all fall into this mold. Eckhart Tolle (Power of Now) & Neal Donald Walsch (Conversations With G*d) both describe their "fed up, can't take anymore" moments where they demanded the truth or whatever. Even JC went out into the desert and sat in a circle for 40 days saying he wouldn't leave until he got his answers... of course, this is also when he was tempted by the devil. And, as most people know, Buddha didn't reach enlightenment until he sat under the Bodhi Tree with the hardcore intention that he wouldn't move until he got it.

I'm reminded of the mechanics of Persinger's God Helmet when reading this. The helmet functions by magnetically overstimulating the left amygdala (responsible for fear/anxiety reactions) which causes it to dump it's neuro-electric load on the right amygdala responsible for reactions of bliss and the like. It's after that cross-over that 2% (or 20 people) reported having an encounter with God. As a side note, a much larger percent had entity contact of some kind, and it must also be assumed that under the scrutiny of rational scientist-types, volunteers might also be skeptical to reveal the full nature of a spiritual experience with the scientists. Whenever I've had a godhead encounter, it usually starts off with this sense of "impending doom" in the air. From a rational standpoint, I can always reassure myself that it's just a biological reaction of sorts, and that I'm not gonna die (at least in the literal sense) so that there's this sense of alarm and urgency where the inanimate objects in the room seem to be concerned for my safety cause I've "really done it this time" which after some intense build up transforms into an encounter with the godhead. So as you said, we must often go to hell to find heaven.
Thanks a lot for the encouraging advice! It's great that I am walking in the right direction, it's what I needed to hear. I'll keep at it.
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