I thought I'd toss another angle into the mix. One of the primary practices I have followed for several decades now, is the methodless method. Or perhaps another way of conceptualizing it is, the pathless path? An approach anchored in the insubstantial essence. Which I admit, is a paradox, after all. Circular logic meeting abstract expressionism?
Such identification with this nebulous self non-description... whereby we undo all that we have meticulously collected and catagorized, in this physical lifetime, manifests a truly spontaneous rebirthing. By reversing the forward impulse of self, the emptiness can be cultivated and integrated, as a gradual counterbalancing act within the time-space-continuum.
And so, this very rebirthing echoes beyond our mind, into the shimmering silence of No Mind. We re-enter that frequency of being, which we once were, looooooong before we were materially incarnated. The Divine Remembrance. I believe, that this, and this alone, will be our fulcrum of existence after our own personal incarnation is returned to the formlessness of the Godhead. Ironically, on a quintessentially core level of being, we are always this Spirit. No such dream as before, during or after... just the effulgence of the eternal present.
I have found that Kriya Yoga and Surat Shabd Yoga are optimum, in this regard. Deep meditation upon the Inner Light and the indwelling Sound Current, are wonderful dimension-skipping exercises. Through contemplation and meditation upon the Clear Light of the Void, getting lost in the endless sonic ramifications of the AUM vibration, this training/sadhana quickens the release from the material paradigmatic circumstances.
A rather self-erasing way of living and being... but one in which much bliss is received. We've all gone through these potentially infinite cycles of endless rounds of ego-deaths. We are forever called into this vortex, eh? Like moths into the flame! And so, this allows the shift in our awareness to fully bloom, exponentially. Thus elicits The Awakening of the Omniself, within this most precious moment, the very dawning of the here & now.
Alan Watts said:... it's like trying not to try.
Such identification with this nebulous self non-description... whereby we undo all that we have meticulously collected and catagorized, in this physical lifetime, manifests a truly spontaneous rebirthing. By reversing the forward impulse of self, the emptiness can be cultivated and integrated, as a gradual counterbalancing act within the time-space-continuum.
And so, this very rebirthing echoes beyond our mind, into the shimmering silence of No Mind. We re-enter that frequency of being, which we once were, looooooong before we were materially incarnated. The Divine Remembrance. I believe, that this, and this alone, will be our fulcrum of existence after our own personal incarnation is returned to the formlessness of the Godhead. Ironically, on a quintessentially core level of being, we are always this Spirit. No such dream as before, during or after... just the effulgence of the eternal present.
embracethevoid said:What physical techniques/yogas would allow an adept to practise going in and out of annihilation?
I have found that Kriya Yoga and Surat Shabd Yoga are optimum, in this regard. Deep meditation upon the Inner Light and the indwelling Sound Current, are wonderful dimension-skipping exercises. Through contemplation and meditation upon the Clear Light of the Void, getting lost in the endless sonic ramifications of the AUM vibration, this training/sadhana quickens the release from the material paradigmatic circumstances.
A rather self-erasing way of living and being... but one in which much bliss is received. We've all gone through these potentially infinite cycles of endless rounds of ego-deaths. We are forever called into this vortex, eh? Like moths into the flame! And so, this allows the shift in our awareness to fully bloom, exponentially. Thus elicits The Awakening of the Omniself, within this most precious moment, the very dawning of the here & now.