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Michael Pollan - What It’s Like Tripping on the Most Potent Magic Mushroom

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Just read the written report and currently listening to the podcast. Good stuff so far and very curious about azures and always have been. The paralysis thing is all that is stopping me from starting a spawn run and making an outdoor patch...

I was under the impression psilocybe cyanescens ans panaeolus cyanescens were about as potent as psilocybe azurescens, gram for gram?
A well written account - but, is it just me or does that sound like a really low dose...? I would have expected, given the buildup and the warning Stamets gives him (as well as the mere fact of the azures being the fungus consumed), a much more intense experience, and one characteristically different from that of cubes. Anyone else have experience with azures? I have always been curious and tried to start a wood patch years ago, but the spores I got were duds or past their due date...


jbark said:
A well written account - but, is it just me or does that sound like a really low dose...? I would have expected, given the buildup and the warning Stamets gives him (as well as the mere fact of the azures being the fungus consumed), a much more intense experience, and one characteristically different from that of cubes. Anyone else have experience with azures? I have always been curious and tried to start a wood patch years ago, but the spores I got were duds or past their due date...


They used to sell them in amsterdam. These where the first mushrooms that where officially banned there, because they where too powerfull. The dutch authorities applied a weird kind of logic: if they, by some obviously (and maybe deliberately) not very accurate method, where able to detect psilocin or psilocybin in a mushroom, then the mushroom would officially contain an illegal substance and would be banned. The azures where the only mushrooms that failed (or passed) this test and got banned.
Later on they banned all psycho-active mushrooms, just for being psycho-active mushrooms. Psycho-active sclerotia are fine now, but not the shrooms.

Anyway, before they got banned, i ate them a couple of times. I never experienced any paralysis, with them. Maybe they where growing a strain that didn't contain the mycotoxins responsible for those effects.
But they where very powerfull nevertheless. One gram of dried azures would be enough to make you hallucinate and see spectacularly weird things. I once saw my room fold in on itself in some impossible way that would have seriously freaked out even escher himself in how it defied 3-dimensional logic, after just one gram.
dragonrider said:
jbark said:
A well written account - but, is it just me or does that sound like a really low dose...? I would have expected, given the buildup and the warning Stamets gives him (as well as the mere fact of the azures being the fungus consumed), a much more intense experience, and one characteristically different from that of cubes. Anyone else have experience with azures? I have always been curious and tried to start a wood patch years ago, but the spores I got were duds or past their due date...


They used to sell them in amsterdam. These where the first mushrooms that where officially banned there, because they where too powerfull. The dutch authorities applied a weird kind of logic: if they, by some obviously (and maybe deliberately) not very accurate method, where able to detect psilocin or psilocybin in a mushroom, then the mushroom would officially contain an illegal substance and would be banned. The azures where the only mushrooms that failed (or passed) this test and got banned.
Later on they banned all psycho-active mushrooms, just for being psycho-active mushrooms. Psycho-active sclerotia are fine now, but not the shrooms.

Anyway, before they got banned, i ate them a couple of times. I never experienced any paralysis, with them. Maybe they where growing a strain that didn't contain the mycotoxins responsible for those effects.
But they where very powerfull nevertheless. One gram of dried azures would be enough to make you hallucinate and see spectacularly weird things. I once saw my room fold in on itself in some impossible way that would have seriously freaked out even escher himself in how it defied 3-dimensional logic, after just one gram.

Interesting... would you qualify them as distinct from cubes, or in any way different - or just stronger? IOW, would taking a high enough dose of cubes equal a given lower dose of Azures?

Well, they are not as clean as the copelandia cyanescens. They are definately more physical. They do have a bit of a muddy feel to them, like cubensis has. But they are definately distinct. I think they're closer to liberty caps. There's something very weird about them. I always found my experiences with them realy euphoric and pleasant, but also very weird and freaky. I had strong aural hallucinations with them, for instance. I would hear weird noises. Sometimes a high pitched carrier wave type of noise, wich i never had with cubensis. But also deep growling type of noises.
Listened to Pollan's interview on NPR's Fresh Air. I feel he's a good spokesperson to introduce the concept and idea of psychedelic wellness to a population that is completely unfamiliar with it. A good step towards large scale de-stigmatization.
Anyone else have experience with azures? I have always been curious and tried to start a wood patch years ago, but the spores I got were duds or past their due date...
Well, they are not as clean as the copelandia cyanescens. They are definately more physical. They do have a bit of a muddy feel to them (etc.)

Up here in the US PNW. azzies and cyans are prolific. I don't have experience with azzies but have consumed cyans liberally. From what i understand, they are genetically almost identical and contain comparable chemical makeup.

Ive felt that the cyans seem to be about 1.5 to twice as potent by weight, are VERY visual with less body load than most cubes I've eaten. The lesser body load though may have to do with the fact that I've consumed less weight to reach a point of psychedelia that would take a larger dose of cubes to achieve.

Cyans are my favorites, but this year I'd like to get to the coast and collect some azzies. Also to collect some sho spore prints. I'll let y'all know in several months if there is success and will offer prints to spread the love and mycelium.
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