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Micro Doses of A. Colubrina Seeds

Migrated topic.
SWIM eated a seed after having taken a anti-emetic. Hopefully he did ! Because he felt quite nauseous even with the anti-emetic. Slight head pressure came after 20 mn. SWIM thought that one seed would not be noticeable... but he was wrong. Considering the weight of a toasted seed (50 mg) and the effects, SWIM estimate his seed having at least 4% bufotenine. He drank a bit of sweet wine which helped with the nausea but the overall experience was not that pleasant due to the long lasting secondary effects. Similar (and stronger) effects are felt with smoked extracts but they last much less, leaving a nice euphoria.
SWIM prefer the extracts, sublingualy or smoked.
SWIM tried this last night with three seeds and some beer, and it worked quite well--nothing too terribly amazing but definitely worthwhile. After the effects of the oral seeds wore off, he decided to smoke a few seeds in a bubbler, and that brought it on stronger than before (as would be expected). The nausea was incredibly light and negligible, and the headache was quite mild and short-lived.

This is SWIM's first successful bufo experience and imagines that it's simply due to the quality of seeds. SWIM'll definitely be extracting from these.

Night Recordings from Bali
Nath Family - Sounds of the Indian Snake Charmer
I got a new batch of seeds in, very noticeable bufotenine, colourful fire CEV's off of 1 seed. Looking forward to experimenting further. Nausea was minimal without any supplemments used and the seed tasted very strong. My last batch tasted of nuts, but this one definately had that alky taste very strong.
very cool... it would make sense to smoke them to boost the oral effects as well... though you might build a tollerence to it quick hmmm
amor_fati said:
SWIM tried this last night with three seeds and some beer, and it worked quite well--nothing too terribly amazing but definitely worthwhile. After the effects of the oral seeds wore off, he decided to smoke a few seeds in a bubbler, and that brought it on stronger than before (as would be expected). The nausea was incredibly light and negligible, and the headache was quite mild and short-lived.

This is SWIM's first successful bufo experience and imagines that it's simply due to the quality of seeds. SWIM'll definitely be extracting from these.

Night Recordings from Bali
Nath Family - Sounds of the Indian Snake Charmer

soulfood said:
I got a new batch of seeds in, very noticeable bufotenine, colourful fire CEV's off of 1 seed. Looking forward to experimenting further. Nausea was minimal without any supplemments used and the seed tasted very strong. My last batch tasted of nuts, but this one definately had that alky taste very strong.

Can you guys post in the vendor section which vendors these good quality seeds came from?
yah the alcohol seems to be a key part...
if you think of it... people would have been eating these seeds instead of snuffing them for thousands of years, if eating them would have been a good way to go. taking them in a chicha or alcoholic beverage is the one way I have heard of them being ingested orally. One would think that there would be a reason for that.
getting rid of the head and neck pressure and other unwanted effects is very desirable.
SWIM ate 3 seeds measured about 0.3 grams and got nothing drank with some vodka and an ice beer and 3 datura stramonium seeds. He didn't get sick with nausea, but no OEV's,or CEV's maybe his seeds were weak though.
SWIM noticed something...after toasting the seed..it was most certainly less potent...the raw seed was at least twice as powerful...and the seed never got hotter than 260F
Jorkest said:
SWIM noticed something...after toasting the seed..it was most certainly less potent...the raw seed was at least twice as powerful...and the seed never got hotter than 260F

Were the effects any different or just less potent after toasting?

Natives nearly always toast the seeds when making snuff. But I think when they take it orally with alcohol that they don't toast it, but I’m not sure about that.
SWIM is so jealous of all the swims that got any at least any slightest effects from C. seeds! After first and second try with only 3 seeds SWIM decided to ingest 7 C. seeds. He “teeth-grinded-))” and swallowed 4 inoxia seeds then in half hour drunk glass of red wine. Approximately in 20 minutes after that he drunk another glass of wine already “infused” for an hour with 7 peeled and grinded C. seeds. In about 20 minutes later he could feel slightest nausea which quickly disappeared. Disappointed SWIM woke up from his dream hoping to find an explanation. The supply came from our trusted FV vendor. Even if those seeds are week he hoped he would feel something from 7 seeds like some people after ingesting 1 or 3!! Now SWIM contemplating taking at least 14 seeds + 5 inoxia OR 7 seeds + 4 inoxia and 250 ml Caapi Copy! Any suggestions or comments from you guys would be greatly appreciated! Peace


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D. inoxia doesn’t seem to go well with these seeds. Try D. stramonium seeds instead.

Idtravlr’s SWIM used D. stramonium, not D. inoxia. SWIM has both and found D. stramonium goes much better with the seeds. With them, SWIM feels an increase in potency and a decrease in nausea, but with D. inoxia there was a decrease in potency and an increase in nausea for SWIM. Quite the opposite.

SWIM has A. colubrina seeds from FV (same as Idtravlr’s SWIM has) as well as some from BBB. They are essentially the same. Both are very good. You probably have the same seeds SWIM and Idtravlr's SWIM has if you got them recently.

If you've done other psychedelics in the past few days (LSD, mushrooms, etc.), it can greatly diminish the effects of the seeds.
I'm very curious about the toasting aspect myself.

SWIM found that an impure A. colubrina A/B extract (using DCM as the non-polar solvent), when toasted at 300 F for 30 minutes, releases some smoke, and after that smoke is released the end result is stronger and less nauseating. Some toxic alkaloid or something else seems to vaporize away and leave behind the bufotenine. It seems to be a good purification step if one can’t recrystallize the bufotenine.

But according to Jorkest’s post, toasting reduced the potency for oral use. This is very curious. Why would the potency after toasting decrease for oral use and increase for smoking it? Does anyone have any ideas on this?
Are most people toasting or not when they are getting effects from 1-3 seeds orally?

Also, are most people removing the outer shell or leaving it on?
Well somebody here said there are some weak maoi's in colubrina maybe some of the other alkaloids are slightly active.

SWIM didn't toast the seeds he peeled 3 seeds and ate the white part and 1 datura stramonium seed, felt some minor nausea, then took 2 more datura seeds. SWIM felt a little stimulated like 69ron has said compared to inoxia which are slightly sedating by themselves and scopamaline is not a bronchial dilator.

SWIM's probably gonna try making some snuff with calcium hydroxide instead of oral which didn't work for SWIM. How many seeds should SWIM use and what seed to lime ratio works best 5:1?
both times SWIM kept the outer coating on...when he first ate it raw...the taste was so strong..he gagged on it..nothing nutty or good tasting at all..total alkaloid taste..and they all make him gag...while after toasting it did actually taste a little better...but the effects werent nearly as strong..the untoasted seed had much stronger visual effects..and strong euphoria...a kind of brightening and warping to things..there was a bit of nausea but that was more from the alkaloidy burps he kept getting..so he decided to just purge and get it out...after the purge the effects increased slightly as well..the purge may have happened around 45 minutes...the effects of the untoasted seed lasted between 4-5 hours from baseline to baseline..which was probably going to sleep...

the dreams after taking bufotenine are usually VERY strange...which SWIM loves...and he always looks forward to sleeping after any sort of bufotenine consumption..

any way the toasted seed did taste better..and there was less nausea but it just wasnt as good...and the seed was the same size or bigger..SWIM says hes going to start weighing them..

also he ate the seeds about 3-4 days apart..so there shouldnt have been any tolerance build up...especially because it was such a low dose..

SWIM is also thinking of just swallowing the seed like a pill or grinding it up and putting it in a capsule..because the untoasted ones are stroong
i tried again last night... ate 4 cebil seeds, a shot or so of liquor, and a couple of datura seeds. Felt a bit strange as it came on. Subtle waves of euphoria. Felt like I was on the verge of something... I then lay on my bed, and proceeded to fall asleep! Had some mad crazy vivid dreams.

Maybe my seeds are just weak...? Or maybe I just need to try when I am not so tired!
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