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Microdose LSD and then DMT?

Migrated topic.

Ram Dazz

Rising Star

let me share a, for me, interesting combo of 3-5 micro gramm 1p-LSD and after a couple of hour 30-50mg DMT.

* The 1p-LSD lifted my mood, I feel extreme awake and connected with people and the environment.
* Smoking 30-50 DMT becomes then very, very visual. It is more like a strong LSD Trip.
* Also a long and pleasant Afterglow take place, not typical for a DMT Trip.
* Because I have a deep respect and fear of the 8-12h duration of a LSD Trip, this combination is extraordinary...short and powerful.

My Question to you:
* Does DMT act like a multiplicator?
* Does microdose 1p-LSD influence the DMT Experience? Maybe in the wrong direction?
* Is it like drinking beer and whine at the same time? (Sorry for the simple metaphor).

Personal Opinion:
* LSD is the main factor and dominate DMT even with a microdose of 1p-LSD.
* The combo brings new experiences to me. Like listening Mozart (instead of Bach).

Let me know your thoughts and experiences.

I have done the LSD and DMT combo a few times. I like it. It has a great synergy!

I didn't micro dose the LSD though. I took full threshold doses and have vaped DMT at peak and on the come down. I found I liked it at peak. The DMT seemed to override the LSD. I was tripping on LSD, vaped DMT, off to hyperspace, back to the LSD experience. They didn't really seem to interfere with each other.

I was expecting like super trippy hyperspace and that seems silly to me now as how could hyperspace be anymore trippy. The experiences I had with this combo were all positive.
Hi DmnStr8,

when you smoke DMT...
How long was your peak?
And also how is the afterglow for you?
Is a full threshold dose LSD and DMT not too much for the average user?

For me the combination give the DMT experience a more friendly, warm note. But this
could also be "autosuggestion".


Ram Dazz
Ram Dazz said:
Hi DmnStr8,

when you smoke DMT...
How long was your peak?
And also how is the afterglow for you?
Is a full threshold dose LSD and DMT not too much for the average user?

For me the combination give the DMT experience a more friendly, warm note. But this
could also be "autosuggestion".


Ram Dazz

The DMT experience was no longer or more powerful with LSD than it is sober. I found that I do have a breakthrough experience easier. It just comes on with no shock to the system. Like your mind is primed. Sober usage with DMT can feel like your shattering. The transitions were smooth and fun for me.

I have an afterglow from LSD that lasts for about a week. DMT the afterglow can last for weeks.

Full threshold doses of LSD and DMT experience is subjective. It was great for me but could be hell for someone else. It all about headspace. If you are enjoying your LSD trip and are in a good place, then give it a shot. I am very familiar with the LSD terrain, so it's all fine and good in my mind.

Like I mentioned it was always a positive experience for me. My set and setting were always perfect. For me it was about going deeper. I would say coming out of the DMT trip and back into the LSD trip is definitely a little weird. A slight shock and adjustment. The 'Holy Crap' factor was high. It's always confounding and weird and trippy but it's just all that more confounding and weird and trippy with this combo. They compliment each other well.

DMT never seemed to be 'more friendly'. I never assigned which drugs are more friendly than others. I don't compare. They are both good buddies I guess! :)

This combo has been talked about a lot here on the Nexus. Do a search and you will find many trip reports and threads discussing this combo.
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