Ram Dazz
Rising Star
let me share a, for me, interesting combo of 3-5 micro gramm 1p-LSD and after a couple of hour 30-50mg DMT.
* The 1p-LSD lifted my mood, I feel extreme awake and connected with people and the environment.
* Smoking 30-50 DMT becomes then very, very visual. It is more like a strong LSD Trip.
* Also a long and pleasant Afterglow take place, not typical for a DMT Trip.
* Because I have a deep respect and fear of the 8-12h duration of a LSD Trip, this combination is extraordinary...short and powerful.
My Question to you:
* Does DMT act like a multiplicator?
* Does microdose 1p-LSD influence the DMT Experience? Maybe in the wrong direction?
* Is it like drinking beer and whine at the same time? (Sorry for the simple metaphor).
Personal Opinion:
* LSD is the main factor and dominate DMT even with a microdose of 1p-LSD.
* The combo brings new experiences to me. Like listening Mozart (instead of Bach).
Let me know your thoughts and experiences.
let me share a, for me, interesting combo of 3-5 micro gramm 1p-LSD and after a couple of hour 30-50mg DMT.
* The 1p-LSD lifted my mood, I feel extreme awake and connected with people and the environment.
* Smoking 30-50 DMT becomes then very, very visual. It is more like a strong LSD Trip.
* Also a long and pleasant Afterglow take place, not typical for a DMT Trip.
* Because I have a deep respect and fear of the 8-12h duration of a LSD Trip, this combination is extraordinary...short and powerful.
My Question to you:
* Does DMT act like a multiplicator?
* Does microdose 1p-LSD influence the DMT Experience? Maybe in the wrong direction?
* Is it like drinking beer and whine at the same time? (Sorry for the simple metaphor).
Personal Opinion:
* LSD is the main factor and dominate DMT even with a microdose of 1p-LSD.
* The combo brings new experiences to me. Like listening Mozart (instead of Bach).
Let me know your thoughts and experiences.