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Mimosa batch to batch variation inteferes with STB?

Migrated topic.
SWIM was dreaming about something recently:

Normal STB used to always work fine. SWIM tried with a different batch of mimosa and within seconds a horrible un-fixable emulsion set in. Nothing could stop it. Tried everything. Has anyone else noticed similar situations with various batches of mimosa? Perhaps different types have different amounts of fats. SWIM never saw an emulsion like this ever before. It was the emulsion from hell that inspired the dream in SWIMs other thread.

Maybe it was the toluene but that normally works fine too. Any ideas?
Thanks for advice will dream about it next time. Makes sense because whatever is in the emulsion is lipid like and alcohol should help dissolve that. SWIM had to wake up from the dream however due to a mistake with plastic oops hehe. Wrong type of plastic + sucking off organic solvents = melt down, sh*t happens.

Edit: Actually SWIM should be more clear parafilm wrapped around the right type of plastic + organic solvents = meltdown of parafilm.
back in the day... swim became quite handy dealing with emulsions. Good technique is the best preventative of course.

First he would set his sep funnel at a 45 degree angle to maximize surface area between surfaces and do gentle rolling.

Then he would move to adding salt to further polarize the aqueous layer.

Next he would gently agitate with a thin glass rod.

At last resort, he would use heat in the form of a blow dryer. Potentially dangerous if low boiling solvent suddenly began boiling within the sep funnel. Safety precautions where employed after the first mishap. Quick, gentle application of heat. And done in such a way as to be able to remove said heat in a moments notice.

Perhaps it shouldnt have been mentioned as someone, if not careful, could end up wearing their nonpolar layer. Obviously, the cap should be removed from the top and proper ventallation employed as well as ........
^^All above was tried in SWIMs dream except the salt part. Don't really see a need for the water to be more polar. This really was a horrid emulsion like never before. SWIM normally avoids them by normal careful techniques. Anyway SWIM did manage to get some of it cleaned up and yield before accidentely contaminating with plastic hehe. :roll:
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