Stardust in lingerie
IridiumAndLace said:As for my batch, I think I might start with the tea, since it's the most accessible. My pulls were always just putting the heptane with the tea into a 2L Erlenmeyer flask, and putting it on the stirrer for a couple hours. Maybe some good hard shaking will help?
This feels plausible... When I did my little mini-A/B on the heptane from my first pull, I had to shake it hard and let it separate multiple times before the liquid turned clear--in both directions. Perhaps I'll try a pull like that next, just to see if a lot of agitation makes a difference.
Update: Extensive agitation did produce some additional product, but like the first batch, it came with a lot of that annoying uncrystallized spice, and the resulting scraping was also brown and crunchy.
End result from my pressure cooker batch:
•First pull (w/ 190ml clean heptane): 0.318g, nasty, orange, crunchy, did not want to crystallize
•Second pull (w/ 50ml used heptane): 0.024, reasonably white
•Third pull (w/ 100ml used heptane and heavy stirring): 0.129g, brown and crunchy
•"Bonus" pull, when I did a mini-A/B on the heptane from the first pull: 0.074g, fairly white w/ some yellow oxidation
Total: 0.545g of rough, contaminated spice, 1.09% yield. Gonna need to re-x this, hopefully won't require a mini-A/B to get my usual fluffy white xtals.
All in all, I'm afraid I have to call this a failure in that it did not improve either my yield or the quality of my product versus a standard A/B with citric acid. There might be more spice still locked up in the solids or in the tea in some form that heptane can't extract, but at this point I've been fussing with this extraction for a week and I'm kind of over it and ready to move on.
For my next run, I'll try the latest update to the minimum polymer tek, using ascorbic acid and extra water as indicated. Once the cooking is done, I'll filter the resulting tea and basify/pull from the tea and solids separately, to see if there remains any meaningful amount of spice in the plant matter. I'll report back soon...