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Monthly crystal growing contest

Migrated topic.
Hi ppl :) i was thinking about crystal growing today, i will be experimenting very soon with my little crystals. I dont have much experience about crystal growing but i said to myself; Why dont we have a monthly crystal growing contest on Nexus :):) where we can see nice crystals from different people and get good info about everyones crystal growing teks and suggestions from experienced growers. :)

It sounds like real fun :) More than a competition it will be a nice visual gallery and info source. :) It needs no coding.. just a thread with poll will be enough :) and an announce mail a week before submissions.

What do you people think.
Touche Guevara said:
endlessness said:
yes you can get somewhere very nice with naphtha, not the same but very nice long crystals also... Just evaporate VERY slowly..

put it in a place with no wind, maybe almost completely cover the container.. then forget about it and check days/weeks later :)
Someone else on here mentioned that he had very good results with cycling his precip container from the freezer to the fridge and then sitting out on the counter before going back in the freezer. His reasoning was that the smaller crystal formations would re-dissolve, while the larger ones would grow over time.

yes this does work increasing crystal size..

Maybe SWIM just didnt do it for long enough, but even though it does work, he still never seen such monster crystals from fridge-freeze cycling as he did from super slow evaps (also because the slow evap is something you can put in some corner and forget about it for days/week/months, while the fridge/freeze thing needs your constant attention to keep changing and changing)
q21q21 said:
So basically something relatively skinny (low surface area) with a curved bottom is best.

So how about covering a campaign glass with plastic wrap + a rubber band then poking a single hole with a pin in the top?

Or would it be better without a hole?


champagne or wine glass i dont know the difference between them sorry, but both will do the trick. You need a small hole, or just cover the top with a t-shirt or any cloth. If you notice its evaporating so fast, next time use 2 layers of same cloth :). My evaporations take mostly 4-6 days.. but i dont yield one piece of xtalz coz its a wide evap dish so theres one xtal here one xtal there. :p
Oh yes, SWIM's definitely going to get into crystal growing. He's thinking of dedicating a gram to large crystals, and another to attempting to grow single-serving crystals by basifying measured amounts of purified fumarates in test-tubes, pulling with bestine, and evapping in small containers.
Im reading a very interesting book at the moment, its called the cosmic serpent - dna and the origins of knowledge, by jeremy narby.
And in it he says that in the amazon, people don't talk about doing things, they just do them.
;) but without that, we wouldn't have much of a nexus now would we...

p.s It is all about how western science cannot and does not understand ayahuasca, and the hallucinatory origins of knowledge. It may interest you lot here at the nexus :)
amor_fati said:
Oh yes, SWIM's definitely going to get into crystal growing. He's thinking of dedicating a gram to large crystals, and another to attempting to grow single-serving crystals by basifying measured amounts of purified fumarates in test-tubes, pulling with bestine, and evapping in small containers.

i just finished putting 1 gr for xtalization. :p applied hot naphta before that so the fats and other crap just seperated... lets see what im gonna get... i hope in 5-6 days :p
shoe said:
Im reading a very interesting book at the moment, its called the cosmic serpent - dna and the origins of knowledge, by jeremy narby.
And in it he says that in the amazon, people don't talk about doing things, they just do them.
;) but without that, we wouldn't have much of a nexus now would we...

p.s It is all about how western science cannot and does not understand ayahuasca, and the hallucinatory origins of knowledge. It may interest you lot here at the nexus :)

Interesting book I enjoyed it. Most here would also I am sure. The thing that caught my attention was the extreme number of footnotes and quotes from other books. It almost appeared Narby wrote less than 50percent page 163 to 246 are notes and credits for references from other books. My book case is right in front of me so I had it handy:lol: I am not putting the book down I agree with Shoe most here will enjoy reading it.

Another good one is "Life Its self" by Francis Crick he expounds upon his discovery(watson and crick) of DNA and his opinion that the earth was indeed seeded for life from a external source in a scientific speculative manner. I know many here will love that theory:)

Awesome thread, I think there is nothing wrong with a little bit of healthy competition. It will only encourage everyone to increase their crystal making skills which definitely isn't a bad thing. I look forward to seeing some amazing works of crystal art and to growing my very own crystals. :D

Much Peace and Happiness
What SWIM has determined in his experience from growing crystals is that the key is to use very hot and VERY LITTLE solvent(just enough to dissolve the spice), and then to let it cool VERY slowly over the course of a few days. A narrow container is also nice if SWIY is trying to grow a single crystal; but the surface area exposed to the container is what really seems to make all the difference.

Very good thread, why not just submit photos here?
corridors of my cells said:
q21q21 said:
Quick question:

Can you get anywhere close to these crystals with naptha.

SWIM's scoured all of vancouver for bestine with no luck.

If you could you give a brief description?


i didnt remove the yellow layer from my evaporation so its yellow. but i think color problems can be solved its no problem... what i do is i take the leftover naphta after freeze precipt and apply slow evap to that in a big evap dish. Using a wine glass is the best, you need a curvy bottom to grow bigger crystals.. im gonna try xtlyzing all stuff i have in my hand.. just to get some experience.

Nice... Anything I´ve got is a crystalization glass...
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