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Morning changa meditations

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Chen Cho Dorge
OG Pioneer
So just for the hell of it Swims been waking up every morning and smoking changa. Great intuitive compass for the day. Clears swims head, helps mood, and is highly motivating.
For fun swims been asking changa as swims set intention to give swim somthing that helps swim that swim can share with others. it's almost like an entheogenic I Ching. The inner voice phenomena that occurs with harmalas and tryptamines is extremely unique and helpful. Questions can be asked and through passively listening to ones thoughts another perceivably "other" voice can be heard. Guidance offered... I read so few focusing their experiences on this!

Swim takes a light hit, tunes in...

"I'm tired of treding water, I want to move forward in life."

Cue inner voice phenomena:

"Your heart is strong, be heart strong right now."

Swim will find ways to share that with others through out the day.

If anyone else would like to try a morning daily changa session and share here it would be nice!
Maybe hold the same intention, and share the report!
Sounds like a lovely practice, I'm just not so sure I could handle a changa session every morning. Not yet anyway. I'm definitely interested in seeing more of your results with this, as I believe that using the spice as a spiritual and meditation tool is the way to go. It's always an enlightening experience.
Smoke small hits... Mostly body high level... That'll tune you right in with meditation.
Smoke small hits... Mostly body high level... That'll tune you right in with meditation.
I've done this a bunch of times and it really is an amazing way to start the day like you said..It really helps me align me with what i feel is the right way to approach the days experience..sooo recalibrating..i find myself smiling nearly non-stop and contorting in laughter at the most ridiculous and mundane of things all day long..It can also be very clear in the mornings, little confusion or resistance; especially if i'm waking up after a night of harmalas or ayahuasca. Some changayoga a day keeps all psychological gunk at bay, IME

I like what you said about the voice phenomena! I get that often, usually its as if my left hemisphere stumbles into right hemispheric idea complexes and thoughts that are operating as if autonomously or completely on their own. Occasionally a sort of dialogue does occur, when in the right mind-set. And that can be startling, but stimulating..Interesting stuff indeed..and, regardless of what it "IS"..there is almost always something positive you can bring out of it, and sometimes thats all that really matters
Dorge said:
Smoke small hits... Mostly body high level... That'll tune you right in with meditation.

I see where you're coming from. The problem with me, however, is that I only start to get comfortable once I've passed that threshold "body high" level. For me, too much anxiety often exists in that first hit or two state.
I'm thinking about keeping the Zong loaded by my bed and lighting up in the wee hours, preferably two hours or so from when I normally get up, thus being closer to a deep sleep state which, in theory, will be awesome. I usually smoke at night and "keep the party rollin'" for a couple hours then wind up staying up most of the night. Getting my lessons in in the morning sounds like a great idea!
HermeticShaman said:
Dorge said:
Smoke small hits... Mostly body high level... That'll tune you right in with meditation.

I see where you're coming from. The problem with me, however, is that I only start to get comfortable once I've passed that threshold "body high" level. For me, too much anxiety often exists in that first hit or two state.

I've gotten this to..i find it best to just give in and smile and laugh during these moments. It doesn't always work but it can help. vocalizing helps as well
I get the anxiety when I am trying to process information and anticipating that I am going to have to process a lot of info all at once. My way around that is that I focus on breathing and my chi or energy body, prana what have you, once I've cleared my self of dense and stuck energy (like a morning shower lol) then I can focus with more ease on processing the information coming into my awareness, feelings, visuals, and the heard information. I dont bother until I'm clear.
I like you, Dorge. You're completely legit.

I'll experiment with this some, I definitely have experience with the esoteric which is what started my interest in spice in the first place.
Yeah I think there's a difference when you approach these substances with a little back ground in esoteric method ;)
Honestly I think changa lends itself to daily routine, much more than even cannabis.

It's perfectly transparent on the body and mind. Even after the most mind-shattering experience, as soon as the drug wears off, you're right back on your feet, good to go!

Whereas regular use of cannabis just wreaks havoc on the mind, clouds the memory, increases anxiety, paranoia, etc. IME.
Had the Zong loaded with changa, set it by my bed for a morning session . . . but I chickened out. I did, however, have a strange dream involving lady gaga (not a fan) and plastic babies, so maybe that was a trip enough for the morn. I think I'll go for a changa "nooner" to make up for this morning and relieve the shame brought upon my family crest.
You know, I've always wanted to try blasting off right after waking up. Even during the first few groggy minutes. Might be something different!
I agree with you about pot. Daily use of changa as far as I can see has nothing but benefit.

Why did you chicken out?! Just dont take a big hit. Slow ride it.
I always felt I should wake up completely before smoking or vaping anything.
Maybe, it's not so bad. Will try vape a bit.
TheAppleCore said:
Whereas regular use of cannabis just wreaks havoc on the mind, clouds the memory, increases anxiety, paranoia, etc. IME.

At least you are honest, man. That was my overall experience from years of excessive cannabis consumption. I cherish that life experience, but I am glad to have parted ways with it.

I'm still getting comfortable in the head space that spice produces. I've had perhaps 20 experiences with it so far, each with its own unique flavor, but with a certain common thread that runs through each. I do strongly agree with you in that it's incredible how quickly and thoroughly you recover from the experience.

Frankly, it is remarkable, considering just how far out it can take you.
dreamer042 said:
Started this morning.

2 small puffs changa mixed with carrier herbs to a low strength.

nice energy calibration.

Good start 8)

Good idea lowering the dose.
Mmmmnnnnn....sweet morning changa sessions:)

I quite enjoy morning waking smoking, i find that smoking right as i am waking that i can stretch the dreamtime state flexibility into the waking state quite nicely. its a very nice warm comfortably enveloping state, drifting back into visions and being.... starting the waking within the flow...

On some nice early mornings i like to get up as soon as i wake, and sit in the garden wrapped in a blanket amongst the sparkling reflections of the morning dew, and smoke and drift back into the dreamtime...

Such a wonderful way to begin your day...
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