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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Has anyone else had the experience of either or both of the following. Mouth gets a pasted on gelatin like substance covering the whole mouth and...some foreign object bouncing around in the mouth (not the tongue either). These are strange however one time after having one of these bouncing little items on a full on breakthrough, the next go at it my tongue was almost possessed with activity that certainly was not of my doing! Anyone else? The whole time it is as if the mouth is coated with....ectoplasm? Ghostbusters?

The rest of the experinces warrant their own thread however this I find curious.

Very strange but kind of interesting.
Holy crap Jorkest...I've just been flipping through these new posts tonight in anticipation of the new album...talk about syncronicity.:idea: Ha!
you can find the whole album out there..but make sure you buy it too..they deserve the money..this album is so fucking badass
I've been listening piece miel all night as I get the kiddies off to bed...definatetly buying this one. Nothing short of awesome. Hoping they'll come to NYC this or next year - closest I'll get to seeing the whole act. Thanks to the poster yesterday.

I'm guessing I'm not the only one to experience that! Gummy! Elect"r"oplasm! gotta love it.
Awww Yess! New Shpongle album!! Yeeeee-es!

I hope it appears on Napster soon!

Thank you Jorkest.

Hmmm, the tongue thing, very strange. The tongue is a very strange organ.
There's a beautiful track with a hang drum on it. That's my fave instrument right now. I'd so kill for one of those.

But yeah, enough of the hijack brigade... love that crazy mouth shit :)
uhh back to the original subject...onthepath...yup I sure have had a similar experience, actually becamr the foccus of 2 of his trips before..perhaps its just our saliva glands going into shock!
though as you said it wasn't quite like saliva, like gelatin..yeah...I felt the need to clean it out like it was a kind of 'purge' product
YEAH, SWIM used his tounge and just kinda brushed his mouth with his tounge..which was taking alot of foccus from the experience but SWIM felt like it was a way his body was purging at the moment. SWIM also felt that It might be a bad idea to swallow the ectoplasm..sure enough, a second hit after that happened turned out to be quite dark and a feeling of being poisoned for a few minutes, visions were darker more earthy toned and all curling inward like claws, and the spice was like inhaling black puke/shit/rotten mushroom milkshake...uughh! by far the most negative experience on the spice SWIM has had so far.
Just had my first DMT experiences..... both involved very strange objects inside my mouth.... read my post... Something in mouth (cosmic food) Part 1..... Part two to follow soon.... second experience was very much involving a hyper active mechanical being
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