Psilohausca, such a beautiful experience.
If you are not experienced with mushrooms, I would avoid the combo. It will make the mushrooms way more potent, and it will last twice as long.
I have done it twice. Once with 3g of rue, and 2.5g of mushrooms. This was more like 3.5-4.5g in intensity and it lasted for 8 hours. I also tried about 6-10g of caapi leaf along with .5g of mushrooms, and this produced a fairly strong experience that lasted the normal 4-5 hours. This trip was also very spiritual and healing.
If you try this out, expect to be floored. It's not something to do if your going to be out and about either. Make sure your in a safe environment and that you have someone with you in case it becomes too much to handle. Hope it goes well for you, it truly is an amazing experience.