Saw this guy live a while back..took some medicine and it was great.
Space said:soulfood said:Hoopy Frood - "Sequence" I love these guys. They just have a new album out that was mixed by Ott. Very nice.
I've pretty much drained 130gb of my music and was wondering where my next hit was going to come from. Thankyou !!
Bancopuma said:Apologies if these have been posted already, these are 2 songs from the new Shpongle album I particularly dig...if, like myself, you are Shpongle fans these are goosebump inducing tunes, and special in a way only Shpongle can touch...
Nothing is Something Worth doing;
The hang drum in the song is beautiful...played by Manu Delago, who I experienced live in a bar in Canterbury, just myself and my friends pretty much...was awesome...but now I want a hang drum! (VERY hard to get hold of one).
fractal enchantment said:here you guys go..its aya time!