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My First DMT Experience - SubBreakthrough Cosmic Ruined Orgasm

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello friends. First, please allow me to humbly thank you all. I have been lurking in these forums for a while before I made this account. The plethora of reliable information about this substance was quite literally like finding a hidden treasure horde in cyberspace.

(mind)Set: Horrified, but post meditation and as ready as I'd ever be
(physical condition) Set: fasted, relaxed muscles
Setting (location): friend's basement, free of any distractions, very comfortable with surround speakers
time of day: noon-1pm
recent drug use: N/A
last meal: 8AM breakfast from wawa (the DMT did not agree with this processed meal even after fasting)

Gender: m
body weight: 70 kg
known sensitivities: none
history of use: first timer


Substance(s): DMT, marijuana
Dose(s): 100mg DMT, 400mg marijuana
Method of administration: sandwich method

Due to failing my first smoking method, I have no idea of the timescale for effects. I will try my best to include the rest of the information in the template in the report.


Now, to my experience. My first experience with DMT was confounding and horrifying. Using a method I found from GordoTek, I successfully extracted DMT from MHRB. I've subsequently found simpler methods on here, but for my equipment, Gordo's method was perfect. I digress.

My first hits of the pure freebase were abysmal. I was trying to vape the stuff at precisely 300 degrees, using a tool also provided by GordoTek, but with little success. Half full hits of very, very hot and disgusting vapor, no effects whatsoever. I was crestfallen that all my work was for naught.

I was with a friend who decided we should use the sandwich method before we gave up entirely. The only herb we had was marijuana, which I've read is not recommended to use with DMT. However I was desperate, so I decided to try it. We layered about 100mg of freebase in between an insubstantial amount of herb. After one hit I started to feel the effects of the DMT. There was lo-fi music playing, inducing a sort of euphoria and calmness. As I continued to take more hits, the music started to really affect me. I lay back, closed my eyes, and had closed eye visuals DIRECTLY in sync with the music. I've never before experienced this, I was very excited, and tried to breakthrough. I took one last monstrous rip, smoking (and probably burning) the rest of the DMT. This is when I prepared for lift off.

Immediately I started to vibrate. I tried to open my eyes, but it felt as if a female voice was telling me to keep them closed, assuring me my body would be fine. The visuals were very intense at this point, and the current song was coming to a dreamy end, further inducing me into the DMT state. I started to hear a very high pitched whine, like a surge of indescribable power and energy, and it was then I knew I was about to leave. And it was HORRIFYING.

It's fun and cool to listen to stories of others breaking through to this supposed spirit world. When faced with the actual possibility, it is another beast entirely. And I was not ready. I was experiencing severe cotton mouth from the ganja combined with my 7 hours of fasting before the DMT. It was like an anchor that held me to my body. The buzzing continued to increase in pitch, I felt I was about to leave, yet my cotton mouth and developing nausea kept me thinking about my body, and these thoughts manifested themselves in black and dark purple lines in the midst of the beautiful, vibrant visuals I was experiencing.

I came to an ultimatum. Something inside of me knew that there was a choice to make, to leave or stay. There was a tremendous force pulling me from my body at this point, yet fear for my own body due to cotton mouth and nausea caused me to force my eyes open, and take a sip of water. It was at this precise moment, this action, I knew I had chosen to remain in 3D space. I was not ready to leave.

I got up, immediately went to the bathroom, and puked. Part of me feels like I puked just from the trauma of being right about to breakthrough and deciding to stay in 3D space. A cosmic ruined orgasm is the only way I can explain it. I was right there, I can't tell you exactly what I saw, but when I heard and felt my vibration increasing I knew I was about to leave. But man, is it scary. Part of me thinks that if I'd used a different herb that didn't induce cotton mouth, I wouldn't have been afraid to leave my body. I was so thirsty and the idea of leaving my body in that state provoked irrational fears of death via dehydration.

After puking, I was laughing hysterically. "No way, man, no way, man!" was all I could say. This stuff is real. This experience is real. I couldn't believe DMT was precisely what everyone had said. A freaking gateway to somewhere else! The implications of this confounded me, amazed me, terrified me, delighted me all at once. And all I could do was laugh, and laugh, and laugh. "No freaking way man!"

I experienced no "afterglow" however. I came down, and hard. I think this is partly to do with how close (I felt) I was to breaking through, then being slammed back into 3D space. I was incredibly tired, couldn't eat, and slept for the rest of the day. the next day (today) was even worse. I felt like there was a poison inside of me that needed to be sweat out. I could hardly eat at all today as well, and these reactions raise fears pertaining to the purity of my substance. Could the intense come down be a result of impure freebase? Has anyone else experienced this sort of cosmic ruined orgasm?
While it is impossible to comment on the purity of your DMT without further details (or an analytical sample), it seems most likely that this issue was not caused by impurities. Rather, it is essentially psychosomatic, but also "somatopsychic", as it were, in that you are clearly aware that certain aspects of your life are, shall we say, less than purifying. I have no idea what this food outlet called 'Wawa' is but it seems to be one that you think is essentially junk food.

I also get the feeling that you may be feeling unwell from being hungry! Of course, cannabis is well known for enhancing appetite but a lot of people fail to realise the after-effects it can have on your psyche. Take a look at how cannabis use is affecting your life, perhaps.

Eat well, exercise well, sleep well, be kind to you and those around you - all the usual advice! After 4-plus decades on this Earth I've noticed that these time-honoured principles do actually apply to myself and in all likelihood apply to everyone else as well 😉

I hope you are, in the fullness of time, feeling better on all fronts. Pop in to the chat if it's still challenging, you are not alone.

Welcome to the Nexus!
Exciting the confines of the body while being a very tantalizing prospect is indeed terrifying in practice. Your experience sounds very similar to some of my first trips with this stuff. Wanting to explore but scared-pretty natural and common.

Your post comedown effects are doubtful to be from an impurity. I too am unfamiliar with wawa, n but processed foods are generally going to mess you up. Even if you hadn't taken dmt, fasting and then eating at a Smackdonalds would make you sick. That's not what "fast" food means.😁

Maybe the dmt has raised your body-awareness and your misreading the signals?

Blaming the dmt when it's the poor health life style-not to denigrate your lifestyle- i have no idea what you eat.

Dmt is strange. At the same time it propels our conscious mind form from our physical form, it's processes are inextricably tied to our bodily processes.

Maybe it has something to do with a "familiarity" within due to its endogenous nature. Ever since my very first experience with it, and far removed from any body-centered action of other psychs I've done, DMT seems to be connected with the hormonal system. It does something, but it's never made me sick.
Boom Shakalaka!!!!

And there is was, right in front of me... I stood in awe and could go no further!!!

Sorry your cosmic orgasm was ruined. lol I think what you experienced sounds very fulfilling and cool. I mean, how many people can say that they have seen what you have seen. Very few and far between in my world anyhow.

I think you know where to go from here... It is always the same advice...

When you travel again I hope the orgasm is completed and you find your release. All is well.. all is ok.. and ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Carry on...…

Thank you all for your feedback.

I haven't considered the possibility that DMT would raise my bodily awareness. The next day it indeed felt like there was a poison within me that needed to be sweat out. Admittedly I do not have the cleanest diet and the possibility that DMT made me realize this is something I briefly thought of immediately after my experience, then brushed to the side. Interestingly, when I started to listen to the same music as I listened to on my DMT experience, almost immediately I began to recover physically.

Cannabis has also started to affect my life in negative ways. There is no doubt to this. Since the experience I've had no urge to smoke cannabis. Perhaps I will wait a few weeks until it has cleared my system, clean up my diet, then try again.

I am intent on breaking through. It is significantly more terrifying than anything I've ever imagined, but my curiosity is greater than my fear. Thank you all for these perspectives to consider :thumb_up:
I'm also fairly new to this, and I had an almost identical experience. After one try of not enough to get me anywhere, I put about 30mg in a GVG and ripped a big hit. I had no idea what i was in for! I told myself all the things I said I would remember, that I meant for this, just hang on and go with it, it's only for a few minutes,etc. Then I did the same thing when that terror hit. I grabbed for reality with both hands and held on as tightly as I could. I totally fought it and it was very scary.

After that I went to lower doses in an attempt to "make friends" with that scary place and I've had some beautiful experiences, but still no full blown breakthrough. I'm working up my nerve to just go for it one of these times, and I've completely laid off of it for the past couple months while I anxiously await for a good time to go for it again.
Not an expert in this (chemical interactions..etc), but thought to share a bit of my experience. While lifestyle and diet would definitely play a part in the overall experience, I think cannabis might be a bigger factor as you were taking them at the same time.

Recently I started trying CBD oil to experiment its health effects. One night decided to smoke the spice thinking the CBD oil took earlier in the day would be pretty much gone from my system. It turned out to be a very unpleasant experience from many previous experiences with the spice & aya. I felt as if I was somehow stucked in the threshold between the two dimensions, it was awful. And my physical sensation was totally whacked. (Later I recall that CBD / cannabis blocks certain receptors in the brain...etc) More than likely it'd have some sort of unintended interactions between the two. Of course each of our brain, body chemistry..., are unique and thus some of us might be more sensitive to particular combination(s).

We've got to be careful with what we take along with the spice and have more respect to the whole process,-) 😁
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