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my introduction and first experiences with dmt

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Rising Star
Hi all I am new to dmt but not to psycedlics.i had my first experiences with psychedelics about the age of 15 with LSD I was young dumb and full of cum but loved the experience.At the age of about 20 I had my first mushroom experience(liberty caps) psilocybe semilanceta picked locally and have been back almost every year since.i got into growing my own cubensis from the age of about 38 and have been very successful with them.about two years ago I grew some and took them without fear they started to communicate with me I first noticed this after reading and learning about them.the first thing they said to me was listen and holy repetedly in my head I knew this was the mushroom talking to me as my intrest grew so did my intrest in other etnobotincals I came across dmt and knew I wanted the experience so two weeks ago I finally invested in 100 g mhrb and did a stb extraction using caustic soda and naptha for the pull im no chemist I kept it simple and proberbly rushed the process.after 8 hours in the freezer there were some orange crystal in the container I used.my first smoke was sub break through I was cautious but gave me some idea of the blast off.I waited an hour this time loaded the pipe I was determined to break though.i did a male came full vision said alot but really can only remember not to question were ge is from it was information overload and it didn't go in.I went back a second time after a wait and was comical wacky racers didn't really understand but from what I now thinking is its not a race lol was funny.the third time I went back that night he told me I have a drug problem and to get on my knees a beg to a higher power for help.that stopped me there and then that night.it gave me plenty to think about.the next day I went to visit friends and let anyone try who was willing.when I got back I loaded the pipe quite nervous as the last message got to me as if to say leave me alone anyway I took a hit held took another as I took the second hit on the pipe it was like I had a quick sensation id already had the second hit like I had a quick jump to the future I then had a third hit.after that this female voice said he done it he has dared to go were most don't and felt as if it congratulated me.it then sat me down told me a story about it self and what its about and then sang to me it was as if this cosmic dance has been going on all the time and I finally just learnt the rhythm I was so beautiful the way all thing finally came into sink with everything I kept hitting that pipe.in the morning I had another go but the magic had gone things looked ultra normal and I could not enter what strange magical stuff.love shakid hello all
I went back I went to a little wooded area and vaped the message I got was I am not allowed to know everything.i accepted that went back in with the thought I just want to help I was interrupted by a phone call of a friend.i arranged to meet this friend we shared a joint at my house he knew id been dabbling with dmt and was curious but he never tried it I don't know right now that if he wanted to if I would have gave him some but he didn't and I am thankfull know.after he left I went back as I entered I was told to leave this friend alone I am no longer able to see this person I was told he is very special I mean he is the second coming special.before I could get answer I was back so me being me I got my pipe back out took what as I took it I knew that I took more then I should.it confirmed that this friend was special as I asked questions it already answered them then told me that me something I was not ready for that I am going to die I really believed I was I begged and pleaded I wanted to live/love I hit me to the core I thought I was going to enter the void in a terrible state and this was it for me forever.i am changing today I am so thankful for this second chance I promise I wont let them down I want to go to heaven because I really belived I was about to enter hell becarefull travellers I love you all I will see you when its right and not before x
I thought id right my thoughts down.its been three days since I ventured into hyperspace,and the experience hasn't left my mind,I truly believe that dmt came and found me.i have been going down the wrong path for quite some time.and I needed help.and I got excactly what I preyed for.the last experience was a rude awaking it performed it with love all though at the time it didn't feel like that when I was faced with the void I was terrified I wanted to live I broke down on my knees and begged for forgiveness I promised with all my heart that I would do things right.I cried and begged.she/he then smiled calmed me down and said not in so many words but I am alive and I'm not going to die but if I continue down the path I was going then that will be my fate.im now in the process of getting my life back on track no more drugs.i feel that I've been reborn and I also have the holy spirit in side me to help guide me.i won't be looking for answer using psychedelics or such like I just have to look inside me.love and peace to you all I hope you find what your looking for x
Hi shakid, welcome to the forum.

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Keep on truckin' !
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