Hi all,
There is really no reason why full members should not be posting introductory essays. Now, this is a bit oxymoron, since full members are already around for quite some time and other members already "know" them, but what the heck. Introductory essays are fun and no doubt an opportunity for one to introduce new stuff for himself.
So, the thing starts for SWIM with mushrooms. Good stuff indeed. After spending the teenage years having fun boozing and getting stoned, this guy hears about some fungi from his friend. He thought; awesome man, it's gonna be cool colours and all that psychedelic shit, so let's fucking do them.
Yeah right. By the end of his first trip he was convinced that seeing fancy colours is the least one can experience with mushrooms. Fancy colours was just the dressing of a trip. The effects on the psyche however was the most amazing and remarkable. There's no need to analyse the latter. Mushroom are mushrooms and the mushroom trip is the mushroom trip, with whatever it entails. Growing mushrooms was inevitably the next big thing. This appealed to his occupation and growing mushrooms was like putting the principles he was working on into practise. Plus, cultivating any kind of mushrooms is great fun.
Then came dmt. He heard of dmt from another friend who told him a story about a "decoction of different amazonian plants that work in synergy but not alone" to make you trip. Some research easily brought him to ayahuasca and dmt. Next goal was extracting it. This was also fun because (just like the mushroom thing) it appealed to his professional interests. Getting biological materials and isolating things form them is something he routinely does. So why not with these dmt-containing plants?
Extracting is fun. He gets thrills just from that. It is amazing, a beautiful (al)chemical process which leaves someone with some white/cream/yellowish powder that can be smoked.
"Should you decide to walk your way back home, you should wish for the journey to be really long"
And smoking this powder is a big WHOA! Very nice, very visual, yet not very psychedelic. It is a hardcore ultra fast ultra flashy roller-coaster. Sweet! Utter hedonism!It is unlike mushrooms however. dmt never brought him deep. Neither smoked dmt, nor ayahuasca or pharmahuasca. Ayahuasca and pharmahuasca tried at various strengths were always too weak, leaving him with "Hmmm, yeah. that's all?" feeling. But smoking dmt has been very often pure fun for him.
Some comments should possibly apply to the last statement. dmt is pure fun for him. He never had any revelations on dmt, neither this increased his imaginative thoughts (like mushrooms, lsd, weed, alcohol etc can do). He finds no spirituality in smoking dmt and he does not consider dmt as a sacrament. dmt however is very special molecule in many respects. For one, other people report having way more profound experiences from smoked dmt. This is very important and should be seriously taken into account. SWIM is not seeking profound experiences. He had them on his mushroom trips. He is absolutely happy with his life as it is. This may be the reason why dmt does not evoke such experiences. On the other hand, people who seek such experiences will most likely find them on a dmt trip. This makes the dmt trip a catalyst that has the potential to help people. Hence it's role as a deeply respected, sacramental substance.
Final thing, the Nexus forum. The Nexus is far one of the most mature and nice forums on the internet. Nowhere else such a nice crowd of people exists. There are many amazing things to say for the Nexus, there's no need to list them all, just say that if SWIM didn't think to be great he wouldn't be posting his stuff here.
There is really no reason why full members should not be posting introductory essays. Now, this is a bit oxymoron, since full members are already around for quite some time and other members already "know" them, but what the heck. Introductory essays are fun and no doubt an opportunity for one to introduce new stuff for himself.
So, the thing starts for SWIM with mushrooms. Good stuff indeed. After spending the teenage years having fun boozing and getting stoned, this guy hears about some fungi from his friend. He thought; awesome man, it's gonna be cool colours and all that psychedelic shit, so let's fucking do them.
Yeah right. By the end of his first trip he was convinced that seeing fancy colours is the least one can experience with mushrooms. Fancy colours was just the dressing of a trip. The effects on the psyche however was the most amazing and remarkable. There's no need to analyse the latter. Mushroom are mushrooms and the mushroom trip is the mushroom trip, with whatever it entails. Growing mushrooms was inevitably the next big thing. This appealed to his occupation and growing mushrooms was like putting the principles he was working on into practise. Plus, cultivating any kind of mushrooms is great fun.
Then came dmt. He heard of dmt from another friend who told him a story about a "decoction of different amazonian plants that work in synergy but not alone" to make you trip. Some research easily brought him to ayahuasca and dmt. Next goal was extracting it. This was also fun because (just like the mushroom thing) it appealed to his professional interests. Getting biological materials and isolating things form them is something he routinely does. So why not with these dmt-containing plants?
Extracting is fun. He gets thrills just from that. It is amazing, a beautiful (al)chemical process which leaves someone with some white/cream/yellowish powder that can be smoked.
"Should you decide to walk your way back home, you should wish for the journey to be really long"
And smoking this powder is a big WHOA! Very nice, very visual, yet not very psychedelic. It is a hardcore ultra fast ultra flashy roller-coaster. Sweet! Utter hedonism!It is unlike mushrooms however. dmt never brought him deep. Neither smoked dmt, nor ayahuasca or pharmahuasca. Ayahuasca and pharmahuasca tried at various strengths were always too weak, leaving him with "Hmmm, yeah. that's all?" feeling. But smoking dmt has been very often pure fun for him.
Some comments should possibly apply to the last statement. dmt is pure fun for him. He never had any revelations on dmt, neither this increased his imaginative thoughts (like mushrooms, lsd, weed, alcohol etc can do). He finds no spirituality in smoking dmt and he does not consider dmt as a sacrament. dmt however is very special molecule in many respects. For one, other people report having way more profound experiences from smoked dmt. This is very important and should be seriously taken into account. SWIM is not seeking profound experiences. He had them on his mushroom trips. He is absolutely happy with his life as it is. This may be the reason why dmt does not evoke such experiences. On the other hand, people who seek such experiences will most likely find them on a dmt trip. This makes the dmt trip a catalyst that has the potential to help people. Hence it's role as a deeply respected, sacramental substance.
Final thing, the Nexus forum. The Nexus is far one of the most mature and nice forums on the internet. Nowhere else such a nice crowd of people exists. There are many amazing things to say for the Nexus, there's no need to list them all, just say that if SWIM didn't think to be great he wouldn't be posting his stuff here.