currently intergrating
cellux -
DMTripper -
Thank you mate. It's just great to know that I'm not the first and I won't be the last! Nobody in my circle knows of the spice and so I did feel a little isolated. My God this stuff takes you deep. I have been reading the posts of others as Polytrip suggested and I now feel more able to continue with regular daily life. The experience seems to have been at least partly integrated but I do remain quite 'spooked'.:shock:
I understand when you say that it's harder to accept your death now that you have acquired a daughter. For all the shock and finality of the experience I was not afraid of dying. I felt only a great sense of timeless, ancient Love. There was nothing to fear there. I was afraid for the living. I was afraid only for those left behind without me. The scribbled note which I was trying to leave for my wife said 'don't worry ... it's OK ... God loves you...I've seen it' etc.
As for the nature of consciousness ... I can't understand how the brain can produce that. I understand that consciousness in the individual can be altered by surgical, electronic and chemical methods in the lab. That would lead one to assume that consciousness is a product of meat-brain. I can accept that the brain somehow colours, interferes with or tunes an individual's consciousness. I just don't see how the brain can produce consciousness. For example; a particular wavelength of photons and subsequent processing of the brain is necessary to see the colour red. This can be artificially induced in the lab. But no neuro-chemical process is the colour red. I cannot help but speculate that the brain is certainly involved in an individual's interpretation of awareness/consciousness but cannot be the originator. I speculate that an individual brain is like a TV receiver. The TV does not produce the programme. Yes the TV may be stimulated in the lab to malfunction colours and sounds but that is not the actual broadcast. It cannot produce that. It may be broken and unable to receive anything. But the broadcast continues regardless. It may however be re-tuned to alternative frequencies. If you live close to the border you may be able to re-tune to receive foreign broadcasts . . . .
So are we the TV or an individual example of the broadcast :?:
MagikVenom -
It's very easy to say always. I say it all the time. But I do really mean that this Holy presence or process of death or whatever one would call it has always been here. I believe that it's here now- I just can’t feel it at the moment.
I know where your’ coming from! I looked back into the room which I had just left expecting to see my physical body dead inside:shock: I felt like a dead man walking- there was a dream-like, surreal atmosphere that was somehow sombre and holy and removed from everyday experience. BTW, I checked out the link you provided- excellent read, it also led me to Tim Leary's 8 circuit theory of consciousness which I was previously unaware of - thanks :lol:Well, imagine me wandering around the house of a friend at 4:00 AM thinking that I should perhaps try to call the phone number of my "previous" home to determine whether my parents still exist. Finally I called a close friend instead who sleepily confirmed that he also exists in this "new" universe.
DMTripper -
I've had several experiences like this and believe me or not you get used to it quite fast
Thank you mate. It's just great to know that I'm not the first and I won't be the last! Nobody in my circle knows of the spice and so I did feel a little isolated. My God this stuff takes you deep. I have been reading the posts of others as Polytrip suggested and I now feel more able to continue with regular daily life. The experience seems to have been at least partly integrated but I do remain quite 'spooked'.:shock:
I understand when you say that it's harder to accept your death now that you have acquired a daughter. For all the shock and finality of the experience I was not afraid of dying. I felt only a great sense of timeless, ancient Love. There was nothing to fear there. I was afraid for the living. I was afraid only for those left behind without me. The scribbled note which I was trying to leave for my wife said 'don't worry ... it's OK ... God loves you...I've seen it' etc.
As for the nature of consciousness ... I can't understand how the brain can produce that. I understand that consciousness in the individual can be altered by surgical, electronic and chemical methods in the lab. That would lead one to assume that consciousness is a product of meat-brain. I can accept that the brain somehow colours, interferes with or tunes an individual's consciousness. I just don't see how the brain can produce consciousness. For example; a particular wavelength of photons and subsequent processing of the brain is necessary to see the colour red. This can be artificially induced in the lab. But no neuro-chemical process is the colour red. I cannot help but speculate that the brain is certainly involved in an individual's interpretation of awareness/consciousness but cannot be the originator. I speculate that an individual brain is like a TV receiver. The TV does not produce the programme. Yes the TV may be stimulated in the lab to malfunction colours and sounds but that is not the actual broadcast. It cannot produce that. It may be broken and unable to receive anything. But the broadcast continues regardless. It may however be re-tuned to alternative frequencies. If you live close to the border you may be able to re-tune to receive foreign broadcasts . . . .
So are we the TV or an individual example of the broadcast :?:
MagikVenom -
Whilst I acknowledge the possibility of this (and I, personally, have no 'faith') it seems, to me, unlikely. I am still struggling to sift the wheat from the chaff of my NDE. I have to be carefull to discount not just the obvious delusions but also the influence of my own interpretation at the time. I understand more now why others have advised not to attempt any sort of internal dialogue of interpretation during the experience. Despite the difficulties, I assert that there is something there. I felt a presence that was so unbelievably ancient that its age itself was heavy and deep. It was as though this thing has always been there.I to have thought much about the location of the goal posts and often consider the fact that there may may be no location at all and it is entirely possible that this is all completely pointless and has no meaning what so ever.
It's very easy to say always. I say it all the time. But I do really mean that this Holy presence or process of death or whatever one would call it has always been here. I believe that it's here now- I just can’t feel it at the moment.