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My self-introduction!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello. I am OneIsEros, and for those who know a bit of philosophy, you may be able to discern from my name that I am a Neoplatonist.

I use psychedelics (preferably DMT, ayahuasca, LSD, or mescaline) to explore and deepen my relationship with the divine, mostly working through a Neoplatonic framework.

I am also a practicing Zen Buddhist, which is a heck of an adventure, because Buddhism and Platonism are two traditions which historically have never spoken to one another and, on the surface, would in many ways appear diametrically opposed to one another. But, I think Socrates and the Buddha (who may very well have been nearly exact historical contemporaries of one another) would have found a deep respect for one another, had they ever communicated.

I had my first experience with a classical psychedelic ten years ago at the age of 15, on a good hit of LSD with a close friend. Prior to this I'd only used cannabis and salvia, which were not nearly as impactful on my life. I am here on the Nexus because I find this community to be impressively respectful and generally knowledgeable, and I thought I would find it more interesting and pleasant to view and post in than other psychedelic forums. I am grateful for this community to exist, and look forward to being a part of it. If any of you ever happen to want to discuss mystical philosophy of any stripe, I'd be very happy to participate.

Namaste :)
Hey there, and welcome to the Nexus!

Sounds like you had something of an early start with things! How long was it before you came into contact with the plant-based entheogens?

In a couple of your other posts, it seems you've been asking about the combination of suboxone with ayahuasca - is this something that affects you personally? It must be a subject fairly close to you or you wouldn't be asking...

There's a fair number of senior members here who've quite opiate addictions with the help of psychedelics/entheogens so you're in the right place to research these matters. It might well be more effective to start your own thread with the question you want to ask, along with some outline details to provide context. This can then be moved to the correct place if necessary.

You can check the dates of individual posts, as well as looking at the "Last visit:" date that appears under the username and avatar, before posting, to give yourself a better idea of the likelihood of receiving a meaningful answer. Dredging up old threads is only really useful when it relates to obscure information and there is nothing more recent to work with.

People here are typically quite helpful, although you might not be thinking this at this stage :D

Whatever, you have a wonderful resource here at your fingertips - all the best to you!
Well, I'd done salvia a year before I'd done LSD, but, it wasn't that impactful. Just really, really weird.

It wasn't until 4 years after acid that I used mushrooms. I'm not a fan of mushrooms, actually. LSD is much more entheogenic for me.

I tried mescaline about 2 years after I tried mushrooms, and I loved it, but I haven't worked with mescaline much (it's not the most convenient substance to obtain/prepare). I did ayahuasca and DMT shortly after mescaline, and with ayahuasca I first discovered an easily obtained/prepared plant ally. I am very fond of ayahuasca.

I *do* have respect for mushrooms btw. I had a single experience on them once where an earth spirit swept into my soul and hugged me, and I was filled with loving euphoria... so I know there's something to them. But, that was just one experience. Every other time it's been on a spectrum of either "meh" or hell. I think some people simply work with certain entheogens more naturally than others. LSD is *consistently* a healing religious love trip for me, while many I speak to who love shrooms describe LSD as cold/nihilistic. I think all classical psychedelics have an inner spirit that can connect us to the divine, I just happen to work best with mescaline/dmt/lsd. (By a funny coincidence, these three comprise the archetypal phenethylamine, archetypal tryptamine, and archetypal ergoline, the last of which combines phenethylamine and tryptamine structures.) :lol:

I've also done DOx, 25i-nbome, 2C-B, and about a dozen times done high quality MDMA... liked MDMA/25i, not a fan of DOx/2C-B, and not really inclined to do any of them again though. These are just the serotonergic psychs. I have EXTENSIVE experience with diphenhydramine (datura analogue). Hellish nightmare trip... but I know for a fact telepathy is real because of it. Crazy stories. I advise everyone not to do it.

Re: the suboxone/harmala combo question I've been asking: It's not for me personally. My best friend (the one I first took acid with, actually) has been a poly-drug addict (crack, opioids, anything really... but especially opioids) for a very, very long time, and he's been trying to get sober for an equally long time. DMT has been helpful, but I feel ayahuasca would be of more assistance (easier to integrate). He usually does not like psychedelics (we had a great time on acid when we were 15, but later he found they made him anxious), but DMT is an exception, even in massive doses, he still likes it. So, if harmala/suboxone could be combined, that'd be great. I won't believe anything until I hear it from somebody who has actually done the two together personally though.
There's an active thread brushing on your harmala/suboxone question at the moment - have you seen it yet? In brief, subutex seems to be ok but the naloxone in suboxone might cause problems.

Your friend has to really want to quit. This is what the seasoned ex-addicts will say. No psychoactive substance is a guaranteed magic bullet.

It's really tragic. My first tripping buddy also went off on a path of polyaddiction. I've no idea what's happened to him.
Thank-you very much, that info is really appreciated. And yeah, I know he does... there's a lot of barriers, internal and external. Homeless, mile long criminal record, prison institutionalization, PTSD, and way, way too many other things to even list. I've been trying to help him in a number of ways... DMT is just one dimension (hyper-dimension, lol). I'm glad you get it. Contrary to the "reset me" view some take, psychedelics are only an aid, albeit a powerful one. The work ultimately comes from within. There are so many things... it really sucks. The guy is like a brother to me.
downwardsfromzero said:
Your friend has to really want to quit. This is what the seasoned ex-addicts will say. No psychoactive substance is a guaranteed magic bullet.

I know this is different, but I quit smoking cigarettes (pack a day) with no intention to, due to a large LSD dose. Took a deep breath, felt the complete usefulness of oxygen to every cell of my body and how breathing anything else would be counterproductive and I "got it" and never wanted another cigarette again. I didn't quit, the desire just dropped away.
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