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Mythbusters: Urban psychedelic legends

Migrated topic.
GOD said:
" Is anybody really disputing that flashbacks can happen? "

There is a phenomenem that ignorant people claim comes from drugs that they call flashbacks . As the drug isnt in the system anymore it cant be caused by drugs . Its a natural thing that people get . The ones that have taken drugs sometimes notice it and put the blame on drugs .

Just gonna give a few toughts i have on the subject of Flashbacks,
The Substence is not in the system so that means all that was effect to you by the Substence is gone ?

Why do some people experience A shift in their high from weed after having experienced LSD a few times ?

Maybe that is still not engouh to blame it on LSD in this case, maybe their LSD trip had an effect that had not left them since and thus the shift some anxiety or else .

then again wouldn't one can say That it is to blame on LSD even tho its long gone from his system ?

GOD said:
For example ...... Kids often daydream = a sort of trance that is similar to a weak LSD tip . They havent taken any LSD so they have nothing to compare it with so they dont stand up and shout ...... " Drug induced flashbacks " !!!!

Why should one drug cause flashbacks and another doesnt ? If drugs cause flashbacks why doesnt everyone who takes drugs get them ?

Thats not a hard question to answer its simple , as we are all the same , we are also not .

Just some toughts here ,

If one can experience this lets say Daydream state befor taking LSD yet after taking LSD experiences a much stronger Daydream happens that he calls it a Flashback It might just be that a LSD trip is familiar to this feeling He known from befor but now notices it and has something to call it
but i if thats the case,id still say LSD had an effect on how much he feels while Daydreaming again Cause its very clear that after LSD and befor LSD daydreaming has changed very similar to what i have said with weed

As i experienced So called Flashbacks many times for myself , i can say here that this is definatly not something that has happened befor my path crossed LSD ,
Can i be sure ? yes definatly .
Has it been exactly like LSD ? Yes And even alot more stronger , and even sometimes blessed me with amazing Hallucinations (Hallucinations were on Flashbacks that had weed mixed in the mind bowl)

yet i have to say am in a diffrent state to be of value to this to some people as my mind is more vulnurable
and this might not be LSD in some of people's unwritten books but an illness brought on to life by its use,
i will say if one chooses to think this is the case that a person with a mind more open to this kind of experiences has hes brain functioning wrong, he should look deeper to the effects of this substences ,

Ill explain what im sayin with some questions

What about sound ? Music ?

Can a person imagine music in hes mind has he never heared it befor ?
After hearing music , How would a person imagine music then ?

If a person can recall an entire song from hes mind just by hearing a moment of the song
he would of never been able to complete the song without knowing it ,
then after using LSD and knowing the sort of notes that fly out there
and then meeting one of those strange notes that he normally can not recall out of that state
Could that send him to bring out the following notes of that LSD Tune ?
Any update on the production of DMT in mammalian metabolic pathways, pineal or otherwise? I thought I'd read that, in the rat model, DMT had been identified in lung tissue isolates.

I realise I am late to the party but I had a quick input on flashbacks. I've never had any acid or shroomy flashbacks worth considering much.

However, since trying DMT for the first time a few years ago I believe I have definitely had flashbacks.

I'll be looking at something innocuous such as the living room wall and all of a sudden a matrix/faint fractal grid starts to make itself visible. I am certain that this is related to my DMT trips. It is not at all unpleasant.

It feels like the DMT reality is teasing me, trying to hint at it's existence. Could also just be my mind recalling the wonders, granted. But I prefer to believe that the message is 'we are still here, just a scratch below the surface, we remember you. You will never fully escape us now'.
This seems to be a thread from ancient times and on a lot of forums it seems sorta taboo to post on old threads... but since this one is still hovering on page one of "General discussion" I thought it would be alright to add my two cents on two topics.

Flashbacks, this does seem to be a mostly made up thing. The 'best' that I've ever experienced seems to be a very slight 'breathing' or 'moving' effect when staring at a particular thing/texture etc. Similar to the breathing effect of psilocybin or LSD but just much less pronounced. It almost can be brought on consciously by sort of zoning out or going into a kind of trance state. But never had the full on "Woah I'm driving a car and now I'm full on tripping again out of nowhere 'cause I cracked my neck" or something like that. The other sort of 'flashback' has been with spice but it's more so of a clearing your throat, having a bit of phlegm or whatever dislodge and be like... ok there is that taste... we all know the one. The particular sort of plasticky taste one gets when uh... but yeah. I've been surprised by this one, seemingly like months and months after having not done it out of nowhere and then "Oh Hi There" it kinda does make me wonder about the crystallizing in your lungs theory. After all, human body temperature is much lower than the vaporization temp isn't it?

Second one would be my experience with MDMA and something I believe I read on erowid a while back. Someone on here was saying it's pretty harmless and can't cause 'brain holes' to form and while that may be true, once the sparkle sparkle of MDMA has worn off, it never ever seems to come back. And normally tolerance doesn't really work this way, i.e. after a few months of abstinence from a substance you can take it and get the full effects again.

I had already found the sparkle of MDMA had faded after the incredible magic of the "early days" when I had first tried it. I told myself I wouldn't even bother to do it anymore. A couple years went by then at a house party I was offered some with a bunch of people taking it for the first time (i.e. it was all the same stuff) and the 'newbs' were basically rolling around on the floor in a puddle of bliss, while I was feeling it but clearly not like that. So it's almost like pointing to evidence of 'permanent' physical changes in the brain... I wouldn't know how else to describe this loss of magic. Not necessarily that these changes are a bad thing but it's sort of hard to explain it any other way. Also I am not sure what the substance was but years after that I came across a brown sugary substance that was only being referred to as 'sassafras' and that felt like MDMA for the first time again. The next time we went to the guy for some more he had some white powdery stuff he was trying to say was the same stuff and it was a bit like is it now? Such is the world of black market stuff.
Regarding Flashbacks, definitely not a myth, as I had several experiences of going into "psychedelic" state while completely sober, for a short duration, following psychedelic substance use. Also know at least two people personally who had similar experiences.

MDMA is tricky imho - from my personal account, actually my third time of using it was the most memorable experience for me. First couple of times were great and everything, but not like _that_ party.
But it can be hit/miss situation, since at least for me, MDs effects are greatly enhanced by music and setting (people, temperature of the venue, lighting setup, etc) you are in.
I think you can re-experience MD magic, given long abstinence (I take years of no use between series of 2-3 parties) and right music+situation.
I used to think flashbacks were purely fictional, but it’s interesting to learn that some people genuinely experience them.

Personally, I’ve never encountered flashbacks myself. However, I do have some lingering effects from heavy LSD use, like persistent tinnitus and occasional visual artifacts in my peripheral vision. During periods of frequent use, my brain becomes more prone to psychedelic pattern recognition, tiled surfaces, for instance, might appear to “dance” slightly if I zone out.
I also experience something similar to déjà vu, but it’s tied to moments or sensations from past trips. It’s not quite a flashback, but it feels reminiscent of those experiences, so perhaps it could loosely qualify.

On a different note, I can imagine that someone going through a particularly challenging trip might develop trauma or ongoing anxiety, which could trigger a re-experiencing of parts of that trip. While I don’t personally know anyone who’s dealt with that, I wouldn’t find it surprising if someone shared such an experience.
This seems to be a thread from ancient times and on a lot of forums it seems sorta taboo to post on old threads... but since this one is still hovering on page one of "General discussion" I thought it would be alright to add my two cents on two topics.

Flashbacks, this does seem to be a mostly made up thing. The 'best' that I've ever experienced seems to be a very slight 'breathing' or 'moving' effect when staring at a particular thing/texture etc. Similar to the breathing effect of psilocybin or LSD but just much less pronounced. It almost can be brought on consciously by sort of zoning out or going into a kind of trance state. But never had the full on "Woah I'm driving a car and now I'm full on tripping again out of nowhere 'cause I cracked my neck" or something like that. The other sort of 'flashback' has been with spice but it's more so of a clearing your throat, having a bit of phlegm or whatever dislodge and be like... ok there is that taste... we all know the one. The particular sort of plasticky taste one gets when uh... but yeah. I've been surprised by this one, seemingly like months and months after having not done it out of nowhere and then "Oh Hi There" it kinda does make me wonder about the crystallizing in your lungs theory. After all, human body temperature is much lower than the vaporization temp isn't it?

Second one would be my experience with MDMA and something I believe I read on erowid a while back. Someone on here was saying it's pretty harmless and can't cause 'brain holes' to form and while that may be true, once the sparkle sparkle of MDMA has worn off, it never ever seems to come back. And normally tolerance doesn't really work this way, i.e. after a few months of abstinence from a substance you can take it and get the full effects again.

I had already found the sparkle of MDMA had faded after the incredible magic of the "early days" when I had first tried it. I told myself I wouldn't even bother to do it anymore. A couple years went by then at a house party I was offered some with a bunch of people taking it for the first time (i.e. it was all the same stuff) and the 'newbs' were basically rolling around on the floor in a puddle of bliss, while I was feeling it but clearly not like that. So it's almost like pointing to evidence of 'permanent' physical changes in the brain... I wouldn't know how else to describe this loss of magic. Not necessarily that these changes are a bad thing but it's sort of hard to explain it any other way. Also I am not sure what the substance was but years after that I came across a brown sugary substance that was only being referred to as 'sassafras' and that felt like MDMA for the first time again. The next time we went to the guy for some more he had some white powdery stuff he was trying to say was the same stuff and it was a bit like is it now? Such is the world of black market stuff.
Magic moves brother :)

What is seen cannot be unseen

MDMA for the first time, is for the first time. Nothing stays the same, even sex! and food! and this consciousness of yours 🐚


I got them mostly from adrenaline based things so far. I got flashbacks from non-psychedelic traumatic things, but I also got 'post-trip' flashbacks from both ayahuasca and MDMA+LSD (I never took MDMA by itself yet), but not LSD itself so far. LSD has only been serene to me on its own so far. The flashbacks I experienced were all unique and different. Some surprised me, some slide in, some had certain places or means of activating. The LSD + MDMA slowly pressed itself into my consciousness and certain types of emotions, or things I noticed, would trigger the heightened intensity of an LSD trip to enter into daily life. Except, instead of tripping in that moment, the present moment would slowly feel like it was dissolving and being consumed by a more real moment (which was in the 'past'?). Those really makes me feel like this life of mine is very non-linear, as if I my consciousness is orbiting and descending into moments of realness.

For me at the moment though, it's almost always alongside adrenaline, and I'm curious whether people get flashbacks that DON'T have adrenaline reactions involved. When I am taking a single tab of LSD, and meditating, it's extremely, exquisitely smooth on its own. I really love it so much. It's a gift. It's so so so SO smooth to me, smoother than I ever knew. It's very serene to me, opening, and many things. I'm naturally very sensitive to adrenaline in general and have been eating a shamanic diet for a while which is also extremely low in adrenaline.

It takes me at least 50% longer to metabolize caffeine than everyone I know! 12hrs at least. Even when I'm in a high tolerance relationship with it! Same with pretty much all other stimulants and lots of drugs in general. I've been on motorcycles a few times and when I get off I start crying lol from all the adrenaline that builds up! I don't feel like most of my more open states of consciousness were accompanied by this adrenaline factor.

Flashbacks are very sudden, and flashy, or strong, and I feel like they always have this adrenaline spike characteristic for me.
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I believe "psychedelic flashbacks" is actually a leyman term for somone experiencing HPPD or " Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder" a clinically documented disorder caused by repetitive or persistent usage of psychoactive substances not only including classical psychedelic's but apparently things like cannabis and SSRI's can also potentially lead to this. A very long time ago I suffered with this after taking what I thought was LSD but was actually some seriously messed up research chemical, possibly NBOME. for months I could FEEL my skull underneath my skin. it wasn't like my skin was numb or that I lost sensitivity rather I could FEEL my the bony architecture of my skull beneath my skin more than my skin itself. I also kept having repeated patterns where colors would spontaneously become hyper vibrant and things would begin to wave and dance as if I was actively tripping well after the dose that caused these issues. I experienced these symptoms for over 3 months as well as difficulty with spelling like I do now after my legitimate traumatic brain injuries only substantially worse. it was a really difficult time in my life. I Was probably about 16 when this happened. after some time the symptoms faded. I found a much more reliable and honest source of real LSD many years later and stopped using it all together after that source retired because I realized they were the ONLY person with access to the real deal. everyone else was pushing stuff like ALD52, 1plsd, nbomes,4acodmt and any other number of lookalikes. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss having access to real LSD. purest stuff I've ever experienced in my entire life.
This thread is to discuss and hopefully debunk all urban legends about psychedelics.

We all know them, thinks like:
* It will stay on your spine forever
* take that 7 times and you are legally insane
* A college student took acid for the first time in his life and never got back from it.
* DMT is produced in the pineal gland
* You get a massive burst of DMT when you are born and when you die.
* Flashbacks. Way after the experience you can experience flashback that will suddenly put you back into the trip.

With this thread we will discuss them one by one and try to get proof if they are definitely true or not.

Lets start with the first one:
* It will stay on your spine forever

Is this true or not? What proof do we have for both sides of the medal?
I thought DMT was produced in the pineal, unlikely to be in the same form as what is extracted from Mimosa but even still.
Third eye experiences are certainly DMT-like. In my mind there is a correlation. Whats the most recent info on this?
I thought DMT was produced in the pineal, unlikely to be in the same form as what is extracted from Mimosa but even still.
Third eye experiences are certainly DMT-like. In my mind there is a correlation. Whats the most recent info on this?
It's produced by many organs in the body, namely the lungs from what i've read and i believe the liver and in the brain to some degree but I cant remember where those medical journals are anymore so that should be taken with a grain of sand
HPPD is a possibility but I think that in most people flashbacks are flashbacks like the ones that follow traumatic experiences. Probably when a situation reminds us of a trip our mind relives that experience. Even slight visual effects could be cause by this phenomenon, IMO.

Sometimes for me mindfulness meditation in nature makes me feel like I'm tripping slightly (it happened yesterday for example), but probably it's just how it feels to live fully in the present moment and I associate that feeling with psychedelics because that's the headspace they brought me into.

It's produced by many organs in the body, namely the lungs from what i've read and i believe the liver and in the brain to some degree but I cant remember where those medical journals are anymore so that should be taken with a grain of sand
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00702-013-1024-y (Sci-Hub | A possibly sigma-1 receptor mediated role of dimethyltryptamine in tissue protection, regeneration, and immunity. Journal of Neural Transmission, 120(9), 1295–1303 | 10.1007/s00702-013-1024-y)
This is the paper I think. It lists the organs with the INMT enzyme, needed for the last step of DMT biosynthesis, is most expressed. But I find this paper highly speculative on DMT's biological function.
HPPD is a possibility but I think that in most people flashbacks are flashbacks like the ones that follow traumatic experiences. Probably when a situation reminds us of a trip our mind relives that experience. Even slight visual effects could be cause by this phenomenon, IMO.

Sometimes for me mindfulness meditation in nature makes me feel like I'm tripping slightly (it happened yesterday for example), but probably it's just how it feels to live fully in the present moment and I associate that feeling with psychedelics because that's the headspace they brought me into.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s00702-013-1024-y (Sci-Hub | A possibly sigma-1 receptor mediated role of dimethyltryptamine in tissue protection, regeneration, and immunity. Journal of Neural Transmission, 120(9), 1295–1303 | 10.1007/s00702-013-1024-y)
This is the paper I think. It lists the organs with the INMT enzyme, needed for the last step of DMT biosynthesis, is most expressed. But I find this paper highly speculative on DMT's biological function.
oh absolutely. the brain is capable of a lot of really crazy things . "abnormal" isn't even an adequate adjective for the topic because of how the brain can behave and trick us on several levels.. I only mentioned HPPD because it's a reoccuring condition i.e. it's not just a one and done rather you persist to have similar experiences over and over again like I did In my situation.
HPPD is a possibility but I think that in most people flashbacks are flashbacks like the ones that follow traumatic experiences. Probably when a situation reminds us of a trip our mind relives that experience. Even slight visual effects could be cause by this phenomenon, IMO.

Sometimes for me mindfulness meditation in nature makes me feel like I'm tripping slightly (it happened yesterday for example), but probably it's just how it feels to live fully in the present moment and I associate that feeling with psychedelics because that's the headspace they brought me into.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s00702-013-1024-y (Sci-Hub | A possibly sigma-1 receptor mediated role of dimethyltryptamine in tissue protection, regeneration, and immunity. Journal of Neural Transmission, 120(9), 1295–1303 | 10.1007/s00702-013-1024-y)
This is the paper I think. It lists the organs with the INMT enzyme, needed for the last step of DMT biosynthesis, is most expressed. But I find this paper highly speculative on DMT's biological function.
I agree HPPD is not the same thing as a Flashback, as they have very different sets of symptoms. As to paper it is indeed speculative and doesn’t really provide evidence for the function of, if any, in humans.
I have had flashback few times, it's quite real phenomenon, frankly I am quite surprised that it is even discussed as not confirmed. It was always two or three weeks after LSD trip and it felt like a short, couple of minutes long, burst of acid experience, but not with full strenght.
It was not at all connected to any adrenaline situation.
Yup, I can remember lsd flashbacks. Took a couple of tabs in the weekend, had a nice trip. Next monday, at work, I was sober as can be. Then I jumped off the last few steps off a stair, landing somewhat with a thump. Few seconds later, a 30 second flashback. I thought it could be from the shock, that dislodged some residue lsd somehow somewhere.

I also know that weed will dissolve pretty good in your fatty tissues, which can be released when you work out and burn that fat. In very slight dosis, barely noticeable.

I also think just meditating and remembering and reliving for example a shroom or xtc experience can bring back the same feeling to a certain extent.
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