in my beetle's experience, a glass baster works well until the naptha layer gets smaller, at that point hit it with the eye dropper. Between the baster and the eye dropper, he manages to get very close to 100% of the naptha out. another tip: if you are pulling from a large bottle or jar, it is helpful to move the naptha layer(along with some of the bark solution) to a smaller jar, that way, the naptha layer wont be as thin. So it would go something liek this: 1. Use large glass turkey baster to pull as much as possible from your large container. 2.Once the naptha layer is too thin for the baster to get, pull the remaining naptha along with bark solution into a smaller(less wide) jar. Allow the naptha to separate from the solution. 3. Now pull the last of the naptha out of the smaller jar using your eye dropper. After a few times, this gets easy, and it's possible to get damn near every drop of dmt-rich naptha with a little patience. No need for a sep funnel, tho i'm sure they're nice to have. Good luck!