The first true psychedelic SWIM ever had was LSD-25. He did it hundreds of times before ever getting a taste of mushrooms. Once he tried mushrooms, he was very impressed that such an awesome experience was available in a 100% all natural form, and was actually healthy food (mushrooms contain vitamins, minerals, protein, etc.). From then on SWIM made the switch to mushrooms for many reasons:
* SWIM could not get bad trips from mushrooms, even with massive doses. (About 1% of SWIM’s LSD trips were horrifying bad trips, but most were fantastic trips.)
* SWIM could easily digest mushrooms without stomach problems. (Badly made LSD caused SWIM to vomit, get diarrhea, stomach cramps, etc.. About 10% of the LSD SWIM ingested caused such problems.)
* Because they are natural, they don’t pollute the earth. (LSD manufacture pollutes the environment.)
* SWIM loves the taste of mushrooms. (LSD has no taste really.)
* They contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc., so they are actually good for you. (LSD is not beneficial to your body in any way.)
* SWIM could grow his own mushrooms so he new they were always 100% pure all natural mushroom. (LSD had all sorts of crap in it from time to time from it being badly made and adulterated with who knows what.)
* Because SWIM could grow them himself, he always had a fresh supply whenever he wanted them. (LSD eventually completely disappeared and was replaced by research chemicals and MDMA. SWIM can no longer find real LSD.)
After SWIM’s love affair with the mushroom blossomed, he began to seek out other natural psychedelics and found LSA, then mescaline (and cacti), and then ayahuasca, and then freebase DMT and finally 5-MeO-DMT and 5-HO-DMT. Since then, SWIM has exclusively used 100% natural psychedelics and will not go back to using any man made psychedelics again. The natural psychedelics, being made by plants, are beneficial to our environment, and SWIM found them better than DOM, LSD (and its many relatives), DOI, and all the rest of the man made psychedelics. So making the switch to 100% natural was easy for SWIM. He felt he was doing something good for the environment by making the switch and also found better psychedelics.