Any programmers out there or people who know about excel?
I need help with a calculator im building to help identifying substance spots on a TLC plate (you dont need to know what that is to help
I have a simple excel Im attaching.
All I need is that instead of cell D2 which says Known Substance, it becomes a drop down list so you can select any of the substance names on column A, and that cell E2 shows the accompanying ratio from column B.
Same for cell D4/unknown substance, it should be any of the corresponding names
And then the user will just have to add a number on cell d3 and it will automatically calculate the unknown substance height on cell E5
If anybody knows how to do this in excel, or want to set up some online calculator or an app or really any other method that makes a working calculator for this data set, that'd be amazing
Thank you very much in advance!
Any programmers out there or people who know about excel?
I need help with a calculator im building to help identifying substance spots on a TLC plate (you dont need to know what that is to help
I have a simple excel Im attaching.
All I need is that instead of cell D2 which says Known Substance, it becomes a drop down list so you can select any of the substance names on column A, and that cell E2 shows the accompanying ratio from column B.
Same for cell D4/unknown substance, it should be any of the corresponding names
And then the user will just have to add a number on cell d3 and it will automatically calculate the unknown substance height on cell E5
If anybody knows how to do this in excel, or want to set up some online calculator or an app or really any other method that makes a working calculator for this data set, that'd be amazing
Thank you very much in advance!