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New 'Attitude' link

Migrated topic.

The Traveler

The Moxylator
Staff member
Hello all,

After the recent steam that was blown through our beloved forum, we setup a think tank with our senior members to discuss solutions to this kind of problems. One of the things that came forward during this discussion was the fact that we should be clearer about the expected attitude, behavior and support from this forum.

To make sure everybody knows about the expected attitude all new people who signup from now on see a different welcome text. For the people who are already a member there now is an 'Attitude' link on top of the page, just left of the inbox link. This link will show you the exact same message as new participants will get when signing up.

Please read this message well and think about it carefully. This content of that message is one of the pillars of this forum. If you think that what the message shows is nonsense then you have to ask yourself if this forum is the right one for you, maybe there are other forums where you will find yourself more at home. On the other hand, if you can find yourself in the content of that message then we welcome you with all the knowledge and support we have.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
I think its a damn shame that even needs to be up for people to read...

Im not going act like I had the best attitude when I got here, thankfully traveler let me stay and I was able to see the error of my ways...but others with bad attitude might not be so lucky, so take some time before you post and be respectful...

its just better for everyone...
I just think that sometimes a dissenting opinion is considered "attitude".

I think our right to free speech needs to be protected here at the Nexus... or at least our right to free belief!
It's not dissenting opinions that are a problem, it's the way those opinions are sometimes voiced.

BTW, as far as free speech goes, this is an internet forum, a club of sorts, not the sidewalk in a city park.
I don't think Nazi's & their opinions are welcome here, but their right to believe what they do, is their business...or their loss (in my opinion).

The term "free speech" is a somewhat misunderstood thing I think, we can thank the 1990's, PC-ism of the world for that.😉

It actually does not give everyone the right to just blow hot air all over, where & when ever they want.
Seriously, it's really a bit more subtle, directed & much more serious than just that.
There was a time when voicing your political or religious views could get you thrown in jail, tortured, and/or just plain killed!! With no trial or even a chance to explain yourself.
That is the spirit that coined the term "Free Speech".
That is not an exaggeration & in comparison, the way the term free speech is bandied about to justify being generally offensive in our current pop culture, is really a bit gross.
Somewhere along the line though, "the right to free speech" was turned into an easy excuse for getting away with being offensive. Thank you early 1990's PMRC.

I am a 20 year Howard Stern listener & fan BTW, so don't try calling me an old grandmother or anything.😉
I get the need to stop the Gov't from policing the air waves & television! To a certain extent.
Stern going to Satalite, PAID radio was the correct thing for him to do.
Now the people listening are choosing to listen. Any censoring of his content now, would against the law.
But children do not need to be listening to his show & it does not belong on public radio in its current form. Which is light years better than it was on public radio anyway!!

And that statement is seriously not aimed at anyone in particular, just an observation.

Baba Booey, Baba Booey, Baba Booey!!!:lol:

oh 'coatl, always the black n' white with you....

so...how shall we handle it then when someone decides to exercise their "free speech" on this forum and spout hatred and derogatory insults? didn't you yourself get "a little vacation" thrown your way for name calling a little while back?

i'm with WS on this one i'm afraid....this has NOTHING to do with the extremist "free speech" idea of saying whatever the hell you want and expecting everyone to just eat it. this is a forum devoted to something that is profound, spiritual, beautiful, life-enhancing and.....get ready for it.....ILLEGAL AS HELL!!!

when a disrespectful individual comes into THIS forum posting pictures and video-links that SERIOUSLY cast a horrible light on something that's ALREADY frowned up by the uneducated masses....it is crucial that we rally to make the individual understand what we are trying to achieve within this forum. absolutely crucial.
this isn't the college quad. there are no soap boxes or bullhorns. no ego-driven hoards feeding anyone else's ego-based need to try to "tell us the way it is" or deride us for not agreeing. this is beyond all that. this is about respect.

respect. i am twice your age 'coatl. i have circled the sun twice as long as you have lived. in that amount of time i have learned some beautiful, important things....and one of them i'm going to share with you right now:

respect and compassion for your fellow beings will ALWAYS take precedent over "freedom of speech". the notion of "freedom of speech" WITHOUT first taking into consideration how compassionate and respectful what you are saying is to those you are addressing will ironically serve only to push those people farther away.

you want people to respect what you say?
...then give respect to the people you are speaking to...

oh....and....i LOVE the new attitude link!!! beautiful message. beautifully succinct. i think it really sums up this righteous place!!

...makes me want to change my signature to:

good ol' SWIMfriend......awesome writer. him and Uncle Knucles really have a gift with the written word IMHO....

onward and upward! :D

respect and compassion for your fellow beings will ALWAYS take precedent over "freedom of speech". the notion of "freedom of speech" WITHOUT first taking into consideration how compassionate and respectful what you are saying is to those you are addressing will ironically serve only to push those people farther away.

O wow alright.

Your right, people should only be allowed to say nice things.

People should be able to say and believe whatever they want!

I'm not saying we allow Nazis and hate speak here... y'all are right, this is like a club, but the belief system I see behind this is most disappointing.
respect and compassion for your fellow beings will ALWAYS take precedent over "freedom of speech". the notion of "freedom of speech" WITHOUT first taking into consideration how compassionate and respectful what you are saying is to those you are addressing will ironically serve only to push those people farther away.

O wow alright.

Your right, people should only be allowed to say nice things.

People should be able to say and believe whatever they want!

I'm not saying we allow Nazis and hate speak here... y'all are right, this is like a club, but the belief system I see behind this is most disappointing.

I don't want to hijack my own thread but I have to ask you this: 'Coatl, with your ideas and conceptions, do you really think the DMT-Nexus is the right place for you?

I'm wondering about this, since quite often your opinion is different from the rest and even when you are being shown with proof and good reason what is wrong with your ideas you seem unwilling to even change your stance the slightest bit. And recently, you seem to have found the 'freedom of speech' to hide those facts and say 'it's your opinion'.
I really enjoy it here.

I really do.

I'm wondering about this, since quite often your opinion is different from the rest and even when you are being shown with proof and good reason what is wrong with your ideas you seem unwilling to even change your stance the slightest bit.

Wouldn't the world be a terrible place if we all thought the same exact things?

I feel like there are certain opinion or beliefs I'm not allowed to have here at the Nexus, that makes me sad since I believe I can voice them in non-offensive manner, but they must be taken at face value and accepted for what they are.

This is why I am referring to "Freedom of Speech".
antrocles said:
oh 'coatl, always the black n' white with you....

so...how shall we handle it then when someone decides to exercise their "free speech" on this forum and spout hatred and derogatory insults? didn't you yourself get "a little vacation" thrown your way for name calling a little while back?

i'm with WS on this one i'm afraid....this has NOTHING to do with the extremist "free speech" idea of saying whatever the hell you want and expecting everyone to just eat it. this is a forum devoted to something that is profound, spiritual, beautiful, life-enhancing and.....get ready for it.....ILLEGAL AS HELL!!!

when a disrespectful individual comes into THIS forum posting pictures and video-links that SERIOUSLY cast a horrible light on something that's ALREADY frowned up by the uneducated masses....it is crucial that we rally to make the individual understand what we are trying to achieve within this forum. absolutely crucial.
this isn't the college quad. there are no soap boxes or bullhorns. no ego-driven hoards feeding anyone else's ego-based need to try to "tell us the way it is" or deride us for not agreeing. this is beyond all that. this is about respect.

respect. i am twice your age 'coatl. i have circled the sun twice as long as you have lived. in that amount of time i have learned some beautiful, important things....and one of them i'm going to share with you right now:

respect and compassion for your fellow beings will ALWAYS take precedent over "freedom of speech". the notion of "freedom of speech" WITHOUT first taking into consideration how compassionate and respectful what you are saying is to those you are addressing will ironically serve only to push those people farther away.

you want people to respect what you say?
...then give respect to the people you are speaking to...



"respect and compassion for your fellow beings will ALWAYS take precedent over "freedom of speech". the notion of "freedom of speech" WITHOUT first taking into consideration how compassionate and respectful what you are saying is to those you are addressing will ironically serve only to push those people farther away."

That looks good on paper, now lets get down to reality. You may be twice the age of `coatl but you have a quarter of the honor. You are now talking with someone who has served sir.

With that kind of attitude you said right there, we would still be under british rule.

I'm sorry, but I humbly disagree with you 100% percent.

Also do not take it out on `Coatl and those like him that value free speech, regardless of what is said, so long as it does not bring direct harm unto others, should be heard. I guess you are right, this is not a forum full of patriots or freedom loving individuals, but just a bunch of children (of mind) playing with their mind.

Peace to all, from someone who protects your freedoms.
[quote='Coatl]Wouldn't the world be a terrible place if we all thought the same exact things?

I feel like there are certain opinion or beliefs I'm not allowed to have here at the Nexus, that makes me sad since I believe I can voice them in non-offensive manner, but they must be taken at face value and accepted for what they are.

This is why I am referring to "Freedom of Speech".


'Coatl, you need to realize that if your expressed beliefs happen to be quite outlandish or unfounded, they're going to receive criticism. You also have to consider how the things you say reflect upon the site. Most of the time, if you can bring yourself to express those beliefs in a somewhat eloquent and courteous manner, you may find more sympathetic responses and avoid any potential backlash from the mods. Criticism does not always entail offense and can be constructive.

Discussions are not about stating opinions or beliefs (thats what arguments and conflicts and disputes are for), they're about developing values based on unique perspectives, assessments, and experience. This isn't a libertarian state, this is a privately owned forum with an expressed purpose and standards of conduct.

ienjoythisimmensly said:
That looks good on paper, now lets get down to reality. You may be twice the age of `coatl but you have a quarter of the honor. You are now talking with someone who has served sir.

With that kind of attitude you said right there, we would still be under british rule.

I'm sorry, but I humbly disagree with you 100% percent.

Also do not take it out on `Coatl and those like him that value free speech, regardless of what is said, so long as it does not bring direct harm unto others, should be heard. I guess you are right, this is not a forum full of patriots or freedom loving individuals, but just a bunch of children (of mind) playing with their mind.

Peace to all, from someone who protects your freedoms.

While I'm not fond of pulling age (especially since difference in age and experience tends to be self-evident anyway), I'm DEFINITELY not fond of pulling veteran-status or faux-patriotism. This is quite clearly a troll-post anyway.
you took the words right out of my mouth AF....

hey troll-poster: what is it exactly that you "enjoy immensely"? making provocative statements about my honor and then referring to me as "sir"? with exactly what attitude would we be under british rule? with the attitude that we should all respect one another and have compassion for one another before just blurting whatever we want out? are you the guy who farts in elevators full of people rather than just holding it for a few seconds until you get to your floor? your horribly mutated "freedom of speech" mask is not unlike this analogy. it's all stinky hot air and you could care less who has to endure it as long as you get it out...

...i think you are actually "hysterix" with a new avatar and name....

you and coatl' both need to re-read my post SLOWLY and THOROUGHLY and use that little wad of curly meat in your skull to see exactly the point i'm making here. THIS IS A FORUM. hello? a forum dedicated to the exploration and development of consciousness through a very specific, special alkaloid. there is now an "attitude statement" ie: code of conduct that, like most RIGHTEOUS writs of wisdom, says to essentially treat others as you would not only have them treat you, but as YOU would treat yourself!

hiding behind some teenage "freedom of speech" disguise while you go about insulting and posting aggressively negative nonsense (most of the time) is WEAK and you are both better than this.

"wouldn't the world be a terrible place if we all thought the same exact things?" a direct quote from you 'coatl...

have you ever actually READ another person's post here....or do you simply type provocative crap up and fire it off with no thought of how it may fit into a thread? are you the kind of person that sits and thinks about what you're going to say the whole time someone else is talking? do you just sit there waiting for that person to take a breath so you can throw out your "zinger"...having never paid attention to what that person was saying??? this is a forum. EVERYONE hear has a voice and something important to say. EVERYTHING everyone says is different. NOBODY HERE "thinks the same exact things"...that is why the majority of these threads are SO informative and educational. what is being put to you, 'coatl, is not the idea that everyone should "think" the same.

it is that everyone should "respect" the same.

you obviously are having difficulty with this notion...

...as are you hysterix...or ienjoybeingdislikedimmensely....or whatever your NEXT incarnation will be...

and p.s.- i really have doubts that you have served in the military to be honest. most kids i know, including my nephews, are instilled with a deep sense of respect for their fellows after having served in the military. you seem to have none. you don't know me at all friend and yet you feel you can question my honor?? you are either very young and stupid or just very stupid. either way, i would NEVER say something so disrespectful to someone i didn't know. never. in truth, it is this blatant disregard for others that puts YOUR honor in question.

you don't become "honorable" by being sent off to war.
you become honorable by "honoring" your fellow humans.
honor=respect. honor=recognizing the oneness that connects us all. honor=compassion for everyone's struggle to see beyond illusions and false identities. honor=THINKING about your actions/words before just barfing them out onto the world.

honorably yours,

and use that little wad of curly meat in your skull to see exactly the point i'm making here.

Are you talking to me?

have you ever actually READ another person's post here....or do you simply type provocative crap up and fire it off with no thought of how it may fit into a thread?

Dude do you actually ever read any of my botanicals threads? Are you seriously asking me whether or not I post relevant information?

Are you speaking to me in a respectful manner as you preach?

Does everyone here think that this is a respectful way to treat members?

and use that little wad of curly meat in your skull to see exactly the point i'm making here.

I curse sometimes, but I don't EVER talk to anybody like that!

I'm going back to my ethnobotanical threads... try reading one antrocles.
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