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Migrated topic.
yeah its preddy small - but the amount swim can fit in depends on the density.
that first vial contains 102mg unwashed not so dense stuff from the cactus in the pic, the other 2 contain a combined 300mg or so.
holy cow...so far SWIM has done one d-limonene pull using 69ron tek..and from the three vinegar pulls from that..hes gotten just about 850mg..hes working on d-limonene pull two...and hes expecting another 500-600mg more...the first vinegar pull he did from the first d-limonene pull was 500mg

and that is from 100g cacti pedro
yeah the 102mg was from 186grams wet torch and swims not done pulling yet - this is just a test remember.
the other 300mg or so was pulled from about 3 tablespoons of dried cactus. no idea on weight.
swim d-limonene is on the way - hopefully this is the last swim will see of those nasty petrochems.

im assuming the 100g pedro ur using is 100g dry ?
Seems like it's working out like I thought... these are the kinda levels of mescaline I thought existed in Trichocereus cacti.
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