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newbee, intro

Migrated topic.
Im nealy 40,
but I don’t feel like a forty year old , oh my’ I remember my dads fortieth.

I've battled my way through the drug scene from pot n mushies at a young age, too the late 90’s with pills n speed during the rave scene. Now I have been turned off drugs lately, by the ICE eppedemic.
Also, Im on the program, {dome} another form of control. I've heard of people coming off opioids using psychedelics.

I recently had an accident at work, I broke my heal falling off a ladder and landing on my left foot. [ooch]. So... Im stuck at home starring out the window and thinkin about my ufo encounter and then, started googling.[mis information everywhere] so fear porn led me to dmt.
My main google search was ufo, kundilinni and acacia, I studied horticulture before working in demolition.

So my googling led me into the bush of se Melbourne, I tested every common acacia I found inc roadside plantings being carefull not to destroy the plants by removing root bark or deep trunk bark, I mainly used fresh broken branches coming out of winter into spring as there has been alot of wind.


I have been so drivin, because of the lack of positive feedback and the thort wouldn’t leave me alone, I needed to know for myself, I spent 2 months researching all the common acacia around me. They really are beautiful trees and shrubs, I have had so much fun. But found nothing. Some are slightly active, but nothing like I’ve seen on the nexus.

Watch this space

What ever happened during the 60’s. L S D, free love, real music, real people with real choices, standing up for themselves, where they had the power in there hands, the power of passion the power of the people.

Wife, kids and a mortgage, will distruct a persons power.
Too much to lose.

When u have nothing, u have nothing to lose.
People power.

What is the value of life,

The freedom I have, comes with a high price tag and too many choices, I see kids are killing themselves because they cant decide who they want to be.
We have forgotton who we really are.

Who are we.
Who are you?
Welcome Melbouiod! sorry to hear about your struggle with addiction and your accident.. wish you luck getting through it and the community here is very caring.. so don't be afraid to ask advice or questions.

I'm interested in your experiences testing acacias down there. I lived in melbourne for about four and a half years and just moved back up to country nsw 6 months ago. I also enjoy researching acacias and was quite active in doing so down in victoria.. do you have any interesting findings to share with us all?

there are definitely some good candidates down there especially heading out into the dandenong/yarra ranges areas. If you haven't already seen it, I'd check out the thread Trying to improve acacia information. Its imo the most in depth collection of information on acacia and its alkaloids period.

I enjoyed your poem too :)
hi melbouiod, sorry to hear about your accident.

As per your struggle, it could be that you haven't perfected your extraction techniques well enough yet. You might be doing something wrong, you can post a thread and tell us and we might be able to help you.

Also, I have had varied results from various acacia. I have never gotten 1% and has always been more like .1-.3% and have accustomed by doing larger extractions. Alkaloid content also varies by how developed or old the tree is and i think also the season it is in (spring being best) but I am not sure on the last one.
Well thanks acacian and fathomlessness. I have followed your posts on the acacia identity thread, I have been bush walking around the yarra and the foot of dandenong ranges, a. mearnsii, a. melanoxylon and prickley moses are prominent.
I would love to identify all the acacias at a uni where I live.
We see A. baileyana a. podalyriaefolia (piss ants w/t formic acid love this tree)
There is also a beautifull tree that smells wonderfull in flower, and Iod got a little yellow wax from the bark that was peeling naturally off the tree, (maybey it was a. concurrens). At first it looked like a. longifolia but the blue green color of the wide phyliodes and the greying of the tree after flowering gave it away.
I signed up as a member so peeps would reach out and help with the identity of these beautiful trees and shrubs.
I grew up with Acacias'. We all recall swinging off them into creeks and rivers.

I really need 1 or 2 candidates like a. mucronata which Iod can't identify yet.
We wont be disheartend.
ur right acacian!
I forgot to mention that -

The acacia identity thread is the go to place for all ur pics, tips and tricks.
and a pool of genuine members from what I've read.

without the members there, to reach out with there support, It can become very scaRY and confusing.
So we went into a gully i used to play in as a kid, we would ride the ponys that were on private land, the ponys wernt there this time. , Iod stumbled apon a population of unknown acacia, never seen before, this is pretty out there and Iod noticed to his suprise the bark was removed from this particular species. Iod counted 20 or so. 10% of bark was removed from the base. The damage was done over 6 mnts ago. Still they looked healthy and scares are healing. From a distance It looked like a.melanoxylon but the phyliods were green olive and straighter, weres a. malonoxylon has curly pods and phyliods.
Unknown acacia had old pods that were tear shaped and split in middlie with what looks like 2 seeds.
[This is reddiculus, Iod u need to post some pics],
Anyhow Iod gathered some bark, pods and removed branches with seq cutters to take back.
vineger acid boils x 3, bout 300g of bark and branches
still filteriing and reducing over 24hrs. Iod didnt sleep well.
Any advice is welcome.
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