Rising Star
First of all: this site is a real deal. When I stumbled across DMT while seeing 'The spirit molecule' on Netflix, I was amazed. I'm 37 now,live in Europe, have a scientific background and already tried a couple of drugs. Hallucinogens we're new to me since I never had a good opportunity to try it (and maybe never pushed on having one). To be honest I maybe was a little afraid of as well. When I heard talking the scientists about their trip experiences in that documentary, I was caught between amazement and the slight feeling, that these persons are maniacs. To be honest: a DMT trip experience sounds exactly like that to someone, who tends to think in flowcharts too often and never tried hallucinogens. When I found out, that the extraction is pretty simple and everything available legal the scientist in me woke up. I researched until I was convinced, that I knew everything important about DMT and then extracted my first batch. Since there's no market in Europe this was the only way to get my hands on that stuff. From then on I had about 15 breakthroughs and I'm still experimenting on how to amplify the experience by set, setting and intentions while working on old behavior patterns that affect my life in a negative way. Thanks to this site I found access to one of the most life changing experiences ever due to the more or less scientific approach to hallucinogens.
I try my best to give a share of my pretty new experiences here...
I try my best to give a share of my pretty new experiences here...