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nitrous oxide worthwhile experience?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Was recently in the presence of some use of the gas(most likely combined with other psychs)...I taked with one of these people later on and I smoked some of my homemade salvia extract with him. He was very experienced with ketamine and nitrous and spoke of a strobing effect, and a visual and audio ecko of the world...and that you could have out of body trips.

He really liked the salvia (was not his first time), and said it had more of an LSD euphoria(he sold LSD and claimed to do lots of liquid) than nitrous and ketamine but that they were still similar, but did note that salvia had a specific "opening" effect, and he described it as a ever widening V shape that starts to split reality in half and present the emerging salvia reality in the middle..

I have been reading today a bit about nitrous, and it seems to have been used for quite some time, and also seems completely safe as long as you dont try to fill a room with it or stick the bag over you're head and suffocate from oxygen deprivation..This chemical has quite a long history(a few hundred years) of mystical/explorative use..does anyone know if it occurs "naturally" anywhere, or is it strickly artificial as far as we know?

I wasn't interested in trying it at the time, mainly because I was completely content with my sage and spice, and figured what's the point if salvia is better(other persons opinion)..but still I will prob try it one day to see how similar to my beloved sage it really is..
I don't think too many people consider nitrous an entheogen.

It is a pretty cool experience, but more in the collage-party-fuck-me-up kind of way.
It feels very...chemical...:?
And it can be very dangerous if you do it for extended periods of time, or do a whole lot at once.

Just be careful!

thanks for the quick replies!..I have no intention of repeated use if and when I do ever try it..Im really more just into nature and plants, and working with the plants that have already called me..but still I am curious about anything reported to be entheogenic or psychedelic..and I have had a long term interest in astral projection so when I hear about these things I just want to know!
It's quite an "out of body" feeling for sure!!

I also get a very "deep thought" inner monologue, that I sometimes remember reveling great cosmic secrets...that I immediately start to forget as I come out of it.

Too much though & I start to feel mentally & physically worn out.

i feel its very natural.. it was here before us i think not sure though
in any case on any psychedelic consider it nitromethane itll blast you out of this world
I think it's a waste, at least without any psychedelics. It gives me a quick but very intense rush (in that sense, it might be a good preperation for the tryptamin rush) and euphoria...but that's just it.
NOS is excellent with K it blows ya fucking head off same with pills MD etc etc. well worth a go but u cant just do one its so short lived and enjoyable u no doubt will want another! =) if ur really intrested just buy a charger and dispencer kit off the net just type nitrouse chargers in google ;)
Yes, had this auditory thing once, but it left me unimpressed. It's somehow erotic though...
But for 20 seconds....it's a waste of money and a kids drug ...a "legal high" kind of drug.
obliguhl said:
Yes, had this auditory thing once, but it left me unimpressed. It's somehow erotic though...
But for 20 seconds....it's a waste of money and a kids drug ...a "legal high" kind of drug.

hmmm... im guessing you have NOT tried it on shrooms or acid then have you
psychosisdoses said:
obliguhl said:
Yes, had this auditory thing once, but it left me unimpressed. It's somehow erotic though...
But for 20 seconds....it's a waste of money and a kids drug ...a "legal high" kind of drug.

hmmm... im guessing you have NOT tried it on shrooms or acid then have you
True. I'm not sure how everyone else does it but when I blow the gas into a balloon and consistently breath out of it for a period of time I'm able to achieve DMT like dissociation states, however short it may be..
best way to figure out n20 is to get a tank and relax with it. Turns into a never ending cycle until the tank kicks. Doing it constantly will end up out weighing the other drugs IE Molly, sometimes LSD to the point where all you feel is the nitrous. Then your tolerance will build up to where you think it is not really doing anything to you. Thats when its time to take an hour break or so and let your ears pop.
On its own, it isn't anything too extremely exciting unless you repetitively take hits and barely ever breathe in oxygen, then it has a tendency to get pretty fucking crazy for a little while. But, doing that is extremely, extremely dangerous. I've seen a lot of people end up in the hospital, and I've heard of a lot of people dying while using nitrous alone from oxygen depletion.

But, as an enhancer towards psychedelics and dissociatives alike, its basically nothing less than a gift from god.

Its fun and worthwhile to do very occasionally, but doing it all the time will mess up your head, makes you stupid and probably addicted.
next festival your at when your trip starts kickin in reallllll goooood find the dudes with the ballons get one....

blow the air out of your lungs all the way....
inhale from the ballon....
blow out all the way....
inhale from the ballon....
and holllllllldddd WHA WHA WHA WHA WHA WHA WHA......
make sure you keep walkin straight (i tend to swerve at that point)
AND HOLD TIGHT TO THE BALLON!! (youll likely drop it at this point :p)
On it's own it's silly. But as there's no after effects when it's around I have a balloon or 2 (my friends work in coffee shops) but it's little more than a cheap thrill.

I can understand people liking it as an enhancer, but I always found the enhancing effects too shortlived and make the rest of the trip seem fairly weak. Maybe good for those first rising vibes but not on the peak or the tail.
whys everyone hating on the laughin gas??

look how much fun hes having...
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