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nitrous oxide worthwhile experience?

Migrated topic.
Nitrous oxide is not much to hooray for alone, but in combination with other psychedelics, then we're talking...
Even combined with Cannabis, the experience is something out of the ordinary. One cartridge on a normal CB-high results in strong euphoria (and weak visual/audio distortions) while two cartridges (after each other) generates classic dissociative effects, hallucinations and light confusion. After three cartridges (and more), you're in another world. Here the user experience stuff like vivid CEV fractals and worlds, and strongly noticeable OEVs.
More interestingly though the OEVs are accompanied by what I like to call depersonalization. The user may experience forgetting everything from the ordinary to wake up 5minutes later and rediscover the ordinary world. (Which often feels like an accident when opening eyelids) Still with strong fractalization though (especially triangular shapes and patterns) of both movement in space/time and the senses. This can last for quite a darn while longer then the plateau of nitrous alone (it's quite a powerful synergy).
This combination (of psychedelics/cannabis and nitrous) has great potential for insights and travels in the mind, since it often seem to detach the person to such extent from the real world. It's truly an immense experience, and trust me when I say that one can see a colorful triangular 3D spiral, and believe that this spiral is the own body, mind and universe and everything that has ever existed, just to wake up surprised to discover one's own physical body 5 minutes later. IMMENSE!
When I used to use gas, at heavy doses I always used to think I was in a field surrounded by friends only to come round and realise I was alone. It was pretty strange. Then I'd be thinking "what was the point of this again?"
seems there are quite a few on each side of the fence when it comes to nitrous...I dont know what to think!..I am glad though that topics like this are not so poorly recieved here on the nexus as they are elsewhere..thanks nexus for answering my questions!!..It's so nice to be able to discuss these things openly here, synthestics and such, while still showing responcibility..other sites would either demonize synthetic completly and close any threads started, and look down upon plant extractions even..

Anyways, thanks for all the responces!.. i wont go out of my way to try nitrous, but I know it will come around one day either way..im leaving it up to the stars!
fractal enchantment said:
seems there are quite a few on each side of the fence when it comes to nitrous...I dont know what to think!..I am glad though that topics like this are not so poorly recieved here on the nexus as they are elsewhere..thanks nexus for answering my questions!!..It's so nice to be able to discuss these things openly here, synthestics and such, while still showing responcibility..other sites would either demonize synthetic completly and close any threads started, and look down upon plant extractions even..

Anyways, thanks for all the responces!.. i wont go out of my way to try nitrous, but I know it will come around one day either way..im leaving it up to the stars!
I agree, this forum is gold!
Nitrous is a very special drug, it is a dissociative drug but it has got some deviant characteristics. One thing I especially like with it is the fact that it is so extremely safe, the greatest dangers being loss of oxygen (if the user don't breathe in-between cartridges) and a lowering of B12-levels (after heavy use). Also it is quite easy to use, one cartridge has got a quite reasonably amount (4.4l) of gas, and with a siphon it is not that much of a hassle.
It's a special drug that has got some undeserved bad reputation after students using it to get a quick high on. I don't say that this is necessarily bad (it is about the safest way to get high), but just because it can be used in this simply manner doesn't mean that it hasn't got some serious potential, especially when it comes to synergies with psychedelics!
psychosisdoses said:
WHA WHA WHA WHA WHA wha wha wh wh w w

Oh boy the memories (that I'm missing now)! It is a lot of fun on its own if you have a tank, but after a couple days you get kinda braindead and start falling and bashing your head on stuff. Yes try it, no don't get a 40lb tank of it. Combined with other psychedelics it is fantastic.
West-en said:
fractal enchantment said:
seems there are quite a few on each side of the fence when it comes to nitrous...I dont know what to think!..I am glad though that topics like this are not so poorly recieved here on the nexus as they are elsewhere..thanks nexus for answering my questions!!..It's so nice to be able to discuss these things openly here, synthestics and such, while still showing responcibility..other sites would either demonize synthetic completly and close any threads started, and look down upon plant extractions even..

Anyways, thanks for all the responces!.. i wont go out of my way to try nitrous, but I know it will come around one day either way..im leaving it up to the stars!
I agree, this forum is gold!
Nitrous is a very special drug, it is a dissociative drug but it has got some deviant characteristics. One thing I especially like with it is the fact that it is so extremely safe, the greatest dangers being loss of oxygen (if the user don't breathe in-between cartridges) and a lowering of B12-levels (after heavy use). Also it is quite easy to use, one cartridge has got a quite reasonably amount (4.4l) of gas, and with a siphon it is not that much of a hassle.
It's a special drug that has got some undeserved bad reputation after students using it to get a quick high on. I don't say that this is necessarily bad (it is about the safest way to get high), but just because it can be used in this simply manner doesn't mean that it hasn't got some serious potential, especially when it comes to synergies with psychedelics!

Well stated.

I always say that drugs don't kill people, stupid people kill themselves.

Darwinism at its best.
40oztofreedom said:
I always say that drugs don't kill people, stupid people kill themselves.

Darwinism at its best.

i agree these are inanimate things.. if people are to stupid to know better then they shoudnt be fuckin with it in the first place..
"hippy crack" can be fun by itself if it is done repeatedly.It's not enlightening in any way and it kills many many brain cells but, if i am in a parking lot at a music festival a hear the "PSSSSSST" sound coming from behind someones truck and people walking away with baloons.... i usually end up picking up a few balloons myself.

It is amazing with LSD & mushies but even by itself i enjoy it from time to time.I will alway's hit it hard and hold it in as long as possible.The thing that you must do......AND THIS IS A MUST.....if your going to get a few ballons and it it hard, just MAKE SURE YOU ARE SITTING DOWN.

Alot of people aren't impressed by "hippy Crack" because the will get a balloon and hit it lightly and not hold it in but i personally have had a lot of fun with nitrous and it's great with heavy trance or even hardcore.

I'm not saying that it is a beneficial drug and is certainly not what i consider an ethneogen but it can be a lot of fun......just like alcohol.f you mix it with other psychedelics it can become even more bizzare.......just remember to sit down, if your going to do it the right way and not half ass it (which isn't fun).
This is why you want to be sitting down. That is not me.....i got it from passedoutwookie.com funny site.


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The only time SWIM had nitrous was at a rave afterparty. The pills we got were loaded full of 2CE so everyone was tripping pretty good, then this dude that looked like Neo from The Matrix walks into the room with a ton of balloons just started handing them out. I didn't get it at first then I watched some people inhale and start to giggle, I caught on and did the same. It made SWIM feel super spacy, like when you first wake up, and his body felt like it was vibrating a little bit. Fun stuff for sure.

SWIM never did find out how Neo got there, suppose it could have been the pills:) ...
psychosisdoses said:
obliguhl said:
Yes, had this auditory thing once, but it left me unimpressed. It's somehow erotic though...
But for 20 seconds....it's a waste of money and a kids drug ...a "legal high" kind of drug.

hmmm... im guessing you have NOT tried it on shrooms or acid then have you

Hahaha! I have to agree with Psychosisdoses on this one! On it's own I consider N2O "Kiddie Crack". It basically gives you a short, really nice high that leaves you craving more, and then you've suddenly sucked down a whole box of cartridges. BUT when you combine it with LS* or shrooms it's a WHOLE nuther story!! I had one of my most unbelievable shroom experiences with this combo.

I was sitting in the passenger seat of a parked car, extremely blown away on shrooms. Someone handed me the n2o balloon, I hit it, and had one of the most intense and pleasant experiences I have ever had on shrooms! There was an entire circus rolling down the street! There were dudes on unicycles, bears doing cartwheels, midgets, a ring leader, you name it... It was all there, right in front of my face. Probably only 2nd in intensity comparison to The Spice. I will never forget that experience and long to try it again for sure!! It's also very pleasant to use moderately when coming down from LS* and shrooms. It brings you down very nicely.
just make sure ur doing the real thing, i know of alot of people who say they have done nitrous, actually it was em canisters u fill up your carbon drinks machine thingy.

personally i never tried the stuff, ive seen alot of people off there cracker for a few seconds(mainly on psychedelics aswell), also dont think you sould be walking or standing

lying down on a beenbag or sitting seems much safer.
SWIM tried this recently. It doesn't seem to work on him :( His lips, hands and feet tingled loads, actually so much a few times that he was wondering if he was damaging himself... but there was no laughter, no euphoria, no hallucinations, nothing.

He bought ISI cream chargers. 10. He filled balloons up with them for administration. First he tried one cartridge. When that was unsatisfactory, he tried 3. That didn't work either so he went straight onto having the final 6 cartridges back to back, with I guess 20-60 seconds in between each balloon. He held each lungful in for a count of 10 before exhaling. Nothing but tingles. Is this normal? Are some people immune? Maybe because he was already happy he didn't notice the 'euphoria'?

Usually he's sensitive to stuff. Kanna hasn't worked on him either but his friends didn't think it worked either so maybe that was bunk stuff. But the canisters can't be bunk, surely? They're the cream chargers, not the other ones that have the different gas in. He checked on ISI's website. Unless the wrong ones were put in the pack? The writing with the make and number on the canisters was red, is that the right one?
are you sure its not CO2 cartridges you should get something from one ballon 1 cartridge.......

Funny I went to my local store that sells High Times mag to get my monthly issue and bought 24cartridges for $20 a cracker $11 and a Baloon. Havent done this in 20 years last time was a mini tank connected to a 8 hose Hookaa. My friend worked at a Hot Rod shop and they use it to make cars faster as well. This was not medical grade so we put ice in the hooka to catch the small amount of hydrocarbons present in automotive grade nitrous. Neon gas has exectly the same effect but is VERY expensive.

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