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No Smell, Quick and Easy, Almost Pure Bufotenine Extraction

Migrated topic.
Yeah, I just got home from picking up one of my sons.

His jazz band just won the gold at the regional band contest and he nailed the high D's on his horn:d


Sorry folks, proud father got in the way and got off topic:oops:
man....this is getting sad....i split the soup into two jars, added about 100ml 91% ipa to each, gave them a gentle shake and let them sit. now i have two jars of dark clear soup. the ipa isn't separating....

i'm telling you....this is my third time trying to extract bufo and i've never had what i would consider to be a successful go of it. this one is going WAY south...

help... :(

Ant, how much volume are you working with? You should add about equal volumes of ipa as soup.

If it still doesn't separate add more sodium carbonate to increase the alkalinity; this will ensure separation of the layers.

It takes a few minutes to react. Remember that organic reactions are usually much slower than the inorganic reactions you saw in chemistry class.

You don't have to be gentle with this stuff, you can shake the heck out of it.
Ant, just been thinkin' (ouch)... in the worst case you can just evaporate all the liquid away, then pull the bufo-tar with acetone.

The bufo is extremely heat tolerant so it's possible to boil away all the solvents on the stove until dry.

best luck OF
Crisp said:
Interesting results lucid. So ISO is a good substitute for Acetone then?

Also, Ron: How much citric acid should be used as a substitute for the fumaric acid? Is it just as good?

SWIM used both Acetone/ISO and got pretty much exactly the same results.... BUT SWIM ONLY used Acetone though for the final cleaning step, but he see's no reason my ISO shouldn't work for that step also (he'll try this next time and report back)

Also SWIM never bothered drying his acetone at any point & it didn't appear to have any impact.
OpenFace: It might be helpful in considering a scale-up of your elegant tek to be more specific on volumes. For example, you added 500 mg fumarate to acetone, but there is no mention of the volume of acetone. Ant tried a 10X scale-up, and with salting out, phase changes, etc. the mass balances become important to know. Step 8, with a 10X scale, this would then become 500 ml water and 10 grams sodium carbonate. Step 9 should also scale proportionately.

I would be surprised if the addition of ISO to any aqueous solutions would result in phase separations. That was your recommendation, but not the results that Ant saw, but not surprisingly. ISO is a polar solvent and highly miscible in any aqueous solutions.
latest update- OF, i thank you from the bottom of my spicey heart! i think because my volume is so much higher than the original tek, i simply needed MUCH more sodium carb. i split my soupy water into two jars and put a heaping tablespoon full of sodium carb in each, shook the piss out of them and VOILA! separation!! i syphoned off the dark isa and evapped it last night. it was like a hard, tar-like sludge. i scraped it up and put it in a jar with enough acetone (about 75ml) to cover and dissolve it. i'm off to the hardware store to get more naphtha to add to this.....

....i'm prayin'.....

Antrocles, are you suggesting that with your batch size, the sodium carb that you added should have been around 12+ grams? Just trying to provide some analytics to what you have gotten as results. In the phase separation, interesting that isoproponal would separate from the aqueous phase. Is that a result of the conversion to freebase (non-polar)? Overall, this is a beautiful tek with good details and obviously nice experimental work.
i will begin by stating quite plainly that i am a chemistry idiot. i've gotten my spice tek down pretty solid, but anything new like this bufo adventure is just a crap shoot. i followed it all to the letter and just multiplied everything times 13 since i was using 250gr. seeds.

the fix that OF sent me worked seemingly perfect. i didn't measure the sodium carb. i just put a huge tablespoon of it in there out of desperation. BOOM! magic. i came home about an hour ago and added the naphtha to the 50ml acetone i had dissolved the evapped tar in. amazing reaction! a bunch of solid black gunk went to the bottom and the solvent was a lite yellow color. i just poured it into a pan and put it under a fan. 250ml solvent will take a day or two to fully evap before i can report on the end result. i do have a rather positive feeling though....

FE- trust me, i REALLY want this to work....i feel like it's officially time to work with this medicine. we shall see if it is to be....

WELL! i'm looking at a vial filled with 1 1/4 grams of sparkly tan BUFOTENINE!! i guess i'll be toasting you on my maiden voyage OriginalFace! you really pulled my tits out of the fire on that one...

so now that i have this magic, what is the best way to work with it? should i make an infused leaf? this isn't a pure white crystal so i know it will not melt super clean... any and all smoking techniques are greatly appreciated! i guess, based on what FE was saying in the past, i will wait until tonight to give it a shot since it seems to work best at night.


Fantastic news Ant,

It really was an honour for me to help you with your experiment.

Best way of smoking... Changa. I recommend a plain one with just mullein and bufo.

Bon voyage, OF
Ant..be patient when you smoke it and spread the dose out at first over maybe 5 minutes or so..just in case the nausea hits..im not sure about nausea with the pure stuff so..

You should feel the tingling though at least start migrating around the body..and my face goes a bit flush for the first few minutes..take in in the dark and havea spot to lay down like in bed with eyes closed..for me after my 2nd or 3rd hit it starts with mild sort of grids and mandalic patterns with eyes closed and a static energy thing through the air with eyes open..and over the next 3-5 minutes that quickly deepens if you have taken enough..movement starts and i get the sense I am flying and then i start to become aware of beings sort of walking past me and all around me with eyes closed..at a high enough dose I just end up so absorbed into it flying through some sort of alien hyper-techno tryptamine landscape, with visions of all sorts of different things..it's alot like a short ayahuasca or mushroom journey but it has its own character to it..and it can be extremely visionary when you get the dose right..like DMT but not so confusing..you are more aware of whats going on..its so hard to explain though.

I dunno why bufo was like this but It took me probly 10 tries to really get there with it once i actaully did an extraction and stopped smoking the seeds..

Oh and caapi just goes with it for me..
Don’t be put off by the initially prickling feeling in the back of the head. It’s a tingling sensation, but it’s pretty strong for the first minute. SWIM has what he believes to be 98% pure bufotenine, and this is one of the physical effects you get from smoking it. This tingling starts in the back of the head, and then spreads throughout the body as the experience progresses, and becomes a very pleasant tingling sensation.

He’s never experienced any nausea at all from smoking pure bufotenine, but does get nausea from it when taken orally, so I don’t recommend oral use at all.

The experience is unique. There is nothing else like it. It does share some common attributes with others psychedelics. The visuals are a little like 5-MeO-DMT at first, very swirly and lack color, and then there’s an ayahuasca like visionary stage where full blown visions are possible, and then they are more like psilocybin towards the end. As the trip unfolds, its character changes, the visual effects change, the body feeling changes, the tingling sensation changes, etc. This is perhaps one of the most unique things about bufotenine. It’s starts out as one thing, and ends up as another. It’s as if the molecule is changing right in the body and you can feel it.

The overall feeling is relaxed, after the first few minutes pass. It’s easy to lay back and daydream. You don’t feel rushed or over-stimulated like you do with so many other psychedelics. This is another unique characteristic of it.

During the main part of the visionary experience, you tend to see a lot of movement. Traveling at high speed is a common phenomenon. If you’ve ever seen movies where they have a computer generated scene of someone passing through a long tunnel of cyber space at fast speed, you’ll recognize this as being part of the bufotenine experience.

The visuals tend to be very sharp outlines of objects, and tend to flash or pulsate and move at great speed. It’s like neon light or lightning in its character.

SWIM specifically gets very strong auditory hallucinations from bufotenine. They almost sound real. This effect seems more specific to SWIM though.

The visionary stage which happens shortly after the onset, can be very dramatic. However, there’s a sense that you are watching a movie and not taking part in it. There’s a detachment from the visions.

The effects are almost entirely visual. There’s little effect on the mind. The mental effect is mild, but present. It’s a light forgetfulness, but nothing close to the mental confusion present in most other psychedelics at visionary doses. Even mescaline has more psychedelic “mind fuck” than bufotenine.

SWIM has found that THH makes bufotenine far more like DMT, but doesn’t introduce any “mind fuck”. The visuals are softened and more DMT-like, and the body feel is also more DMT-like.

It seems like some people can’t have visual effects from bufotenine without first training themselves to let the visions happen. The visual effects are not forceful like they are with some other psychedelics. SWIM sometimes can at will cause them to stop. SWIM can’t do that with any other psychedelic. If you learn to go with the flow of the visions you’ll have a great time with it. But if you can’t relax and let the visions flow, you’re likely to have NO VISUAL EFFECTS at all.
what do you mean ron whenyou say that its like watchign a movie?..for me bufotenine(with caapi anyway) is very involving..the entities always seem to be focused on me..as if they are aware that I am there and trying to interact with me and show me strange things..
There can be interaction, but you feel detached from it, like it's a movie, or a video game is probably a more accurate description. While you can interact, you don’t feel connected to it, you are still very much grounded in reality.
I dunno personally at the higher doses I am not always grounded in reality at all..there are times where i feel really out there and can barely controll my body, flying through hyperspace..thats beyond just the cev though..I get into places where im afraid to even attempt to open my eyes with bufotenine and i cant really get back to normal reality until the peak calms down..i dont think too many people have made it to that level though..it seems impossible things happen there..

Bufotenine can be very emotionally moving and empathic for me as well at times..its alot more than just visual..emotionally it does feel like a tryptamine to me..different in that the empathic side and whatnot is not pushy..but its potential is still there..its not liek im just having visions and nothign else is going on..it def feels like a tryptamine to me in more ways than just visually..

I have also experienced incredible mind warp from bufotenine to the point of intense synesthesia where language broke down and the visions were of some sort of translinguistic matter..theobromine might have played a role there though..

I usually take cacao before hand though and always caapi extract smoked along with it. Could be the cappi makes it more mind warpy from the harmine..

I have also heard a few people over at the aya forums now talk about how yopo and vilca are really great anti depressants that last for liek a week after each session..does anyone else notice it?? I did when i first got into it..and it helped me stop any cravings i had left for cannabis..but i take it at least one night a week now so i couldnt be sure unless i stopped taking it i guess..

sorry dont mean to derail the thread..
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