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Nobody at all is saying anything on the chat

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

I've been in the chatroom for over 24 minutes straight and nobody, with the exception of myself, has said anything at all, and there are numerous people in the room which I can gather from looking at the right-hand section of my screen.
It's really frustrating, especially when I openly share of myself, in order to hopefully encourage some feedback from others, but nobody says a damn thing basically, it's as if I'm on "ignore" or something.
If someone can help me with this, thanks.
I've sent you a message about this. Also you did try another thread about the same issue a few weeks ago and a few people explained why this happens sometimes. Do you not remember the other thread? As I've said before, and others have said, people are not actively ignoring you, it would be the same thing with any other person talking in the welcome room in chat.
Psilosopher? said:
We don't notice the other rooms, being too busy in the full member's chat. No one is ignoring anyone. We're just human, and we don't see that someone is posting there.

Isn't there a little number on each chat tab to say how many new posts have been made in it since it was last opened?
hug46 said:
Isn't there a little number on each chat tab to say how many new posts have been made in it since it was last opened?

There is but it's not very noticeable. It doesn't grab your attention when you are focused on other things, like chatting in the main area.
You just as mason jar said.... unless you are actively paying attention you won't notice the number pop up indicating that someone in another room, whether it be the welcome area or any other room, has said something... So if you aren't already talking to someone in the welcome area there's a good chance to won't notice someone come in and start talking. .

And even if you are talking to someone you might get drawn away from that conversation into another conversation, or something in real life, and forget about the original conversation.... This is an internet forum and this is the pattern of communication you see on forums; there are advantages and disadvantages to it but it is inherently less personal than real life or even other forms of communication such as calling someone on the phome.

So I hope you understand now that we are not ignoring you! If you become a full member you will have access to the main chat which usually has more people talking (even there sometimes no one is around ). In the mean time don't stress it and have a good time doing whatever it is you want to do.

Also if you really want to chat you could try letting us know when you plan on being on and then maybe someone will remember if they are on at the same time? Also there is trip sit which is always active although I can't really reccomend going there (if you do realise they are a much different group of people, for the most part, and take any advice with a salt shaker full of salt).

Ok, hope all is well.
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