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Non toxic food safe extraction of mescaline using d-limonene (orange oil)

Migrated topic.
69 Ron, does SWIM need to take off the outer waxy layer to perform an extraction like this? or will the calcium hydroxide happily break everything down with it in there?
Antichode, I have no idea. For this tech SWIM has only used skin with the waxy coating removed. My guess is that it won’t make any difference. However the waxy coating is said to cause nausea. I don’t know if that’s true or not. SWIM doesn’t use the waxy coating.
Nausea would be due to the material being very difficuilt to digest tho right? not because of any chemicals in the actual skin itself.

SWIM has a lot to take off, and he tells me its coming off in tiny pieces, very painstaking work
antichode said:
Nausea would be due to the material being very difficuilt to digest tho right? not because of any chemicals in the actual skin itself.

SWIM has a lot to take off, and he tells me its coming off in tiny pieces, very painstaking work

nobody ever said isolating and purifying your own hallucinogens would be easy :p
you may want to just order some dried flesh chips seems to be the thing to use
Yeah SWIM is beginning to accept it :) He might try half with half without and see what happens.

Dried chips arent an option where SWIM lives, customs are very tight down there near the bottom of the globe and nothing exists locally.... These plants do grow like crazy tho
SWIM has had no luck whatsoever with his extractions, but he has decided that SWIM's 5th cousin twice removed should eat 75 grams of FV dried Pedro, in capsules of course, and fully expects to be in the spirit relm by 9:30 eastern standard, SWIM will attempt to document some of his journey but for him this is his chance to find god from within. Be good all catch up with you later...
Cosmo said:
SWIM has had no luck whatsoever with his extractions, but he has decided that SWIM's 5th cousin twice removed should eat 75 grams of FV dried Pedro, in capsules of course, and fully expects to be in the spirit relm by 9:30 eastern standard, SWIM will attempt to document some of his journey but for him this is his chance to find god from within. Be good all catch up with you later...

i shall pray for your stomach..
you are a brave person
From your lips to God's ears apparently, no problems with the stomach at all, SWIM has an awesome vibe going, been just jammin with Stevie Ray which is like trying to light a match on the beach. Gotta love it though. So much bullshit going on around us everyday all the self imposed stress and crazy ass shit that just drives us to the ground, and yet right now its as if time has stood still, SWIM's maker has given him a chance to breathe. SWIM has 7 months now since his last and final OD from Heroin, SWIM says 7 months clean some beg to differ. He's so fucking tired, this whole living life is for the birds, but what's the alternative, death? SWIM has everything he needs yet he's always looking for something, what, God only knows, Serenity, yeah like that first shot when your sick as hell. Shit that can't be as good as it gets, oh yeah the joy of simple pleasures those seem to get forgotten so easily. Happiness either comes from within of emptiness rots you out. Reflections lie in stagnant water, face where your headed lest you turn to stone and head for the hills seek shelter in LOVE!!!
Sorry for the rant had to get it out, and to be honest its not that strong, 75 g's of Pedro is about the same as 50 of Bridgesii, the Pedro is way more chill, the visuals are a lot weaker then I was ready for so go figure
Thanks SWIM needed to hear that. Kind words brother. System def has some corrupted files that have to be washed clean, and F-disk if you will. Give time time ha AA slogans on the Nexus. If SWIM always felt the way he does right now things would be easier. SWIM thanks his maker for the chance to see his face even for a glance.
Alright so besides Jimson seeds, some strong coffee, and booster dose anything else get these visuals off the charts?
Phlux- said:
iv never seen mesc like that either - also inhailing vinegar fumes isnt good for u - acetic acid vapours

Well would someone mind posting a pic of their final product so SWIM knows what hes looking for.

That being said, 100mg with some coffee made SWIM feel like a kid on xmas eve. Very giddy ALL DAY. So it is active, but it would be interesting to see other yeilds
Just to add my quick bioassay from 2 weeks back:

My friend took 100mg San Pedro acetate on arrival to his friends mums house in the country in the afternoon before my friends birthday celebrations.
Offered some to others there, a few tried 100mg.

General mellowed out and happy sociable feelings felt, a grounding and energised feeling with slight 'muscle buzz' :)

A few hrs later my friend did another 200mg. The feelings increased, still quite mellow, slightly tripped out but also grounded.
Shortly after my friend took half an E (mdma) and was blessed with boundless energy and happy vibes, danced the night away like he has not in a long time! :)
The next day the mdma comedown hit him a bit, so hard to know how the whole experience would have been without the mdma.

Hopefully another report to follow soon..
hmm i wonder what happened to that cosmo guy... maybe 750-1500+ mg mescaline was a bit too much... what you think psychiatric ward? chained to a bed maybe? having daily exorcism attempts done in vain.. all kidding aside i honestly hope your alright man..
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