From your lips to God's ears apparently, no problems with the stomach at all, SWIM has an awesome vibe going, been just jammin with Stevie Ray which is like trying to light a match on the beach. Gotta love it though. So much bullshit going on around us everyday all the self imposed stress and crazy ass shit that just drives us to the ground, and yet right now its as if time has stood still, SWIM's maker has given him a chance to breathe. SWIM has 7 months now since his last and final OD from Heroin, SWIM says 7 months clean some beg to differ. He's so fucking tired, this whole living life is for the birds, but what's the alternative, death? SWIM has everything he needs yet he's always looking for something, what, God only knows, Serenity, yeah like that first shot when your sick as hell. Shit that can't be as good as it gets, oh yeah the joy of simple pleasures those seem to get forgotten so easily. Happiness either comes from within of emptiness rots you out. Reflections lie in stagnant water, face where your headed lest you turn to stone and head for the hills seek shelter in LOVE!!!