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noob first time extracting dmt from phalaris arundinacea weird layer, need help

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Rising Star
I pulverized about 250g of phalaris arundinacea while it was fresh, it was growing on my village and i harvested about 2.5kg in the sunset while concentration is higher, i know if the yield is like perfect i would get about 250 mg of dmt that i dont expect but it is my exploring trail.

Anyway i did everything right, in pulverized the grass really fine, i added vinegar until PH was about 3-4, i added naphtha and waited for 3 days while steering the solution and then separated naphtha i did that 3 times until naphtha was clear.

Today i added sodium hydroxide ( homemade by electrolysis saltwater and water separated) highly concentrated in water PH was more than 14 but it was not enough to get hp beyond 7 so i added sodium carbonate and i raised PH to about 10-11. While i was adding washing soda i was getting bubbles i expected that but after bubbles cleared i noticed some like particles (yellowish-white color) forming in the solution that were not there before, i know that i spend about one whole day on filtration pulverized grass with water and after it there was no particles that could be seen. Anyway i decided to ignore that and i added naphtha to pull DMT out, after shaking naphtha with solution a weird layer formed under the naphtha and above basified solution i didn't expect this to form i guess it has something to do with that formed particles.

I wonder if this is okay and if some of you guys had the same experience.


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Day after weird layer was formed - i keep up the work like nothing happened, i am stirring the solution trying to avoid bigger emulsion.
I noticed that dense yellowish white layer formed day before is becoming less dense and more clear, naphtha is i believe getting some of the yellow color but i am not shure since instead of glass pot i am using the plastic non transparent container. I will wait one more day and then do the first pull.
( i decided to write updates if some people end up with same problem )


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You formed an emulsion when you shook it. You would probably benefit from using a sealable glass container so that you can carefully mix the nps in vs shaking to avoid getting an emulsion again. Heat also helps to break up emulsion so you could get a container of hot water and set your working container in it to warm it up.
I've never done extraction from phalaris but are you sure your tek is OK? Adding naphtha to acetic solution before basifying seems weird to me. Just want to make sure..

As for emulsion try upping ph to 12+. And also heat helps too. Give it a hot water bath.

Oh, you are using plastic container? :surprised :shock: :thumb_dow you'd better move your solution to a glass one
melotikaci said:
Adding naphtha to acetic solution before basifying seems weird to me. Just want to make sure..
It is true that i added naphta after acidifying the solution then waited for 3 days because i wanted to celar out the fats and other impurities i did that cycle for 3 times, then i basified the solution to about 11 pH and added naphtha again to pull DMT without fats that were cleared before, i am shure that teck is ok. And then i shacken it really hard and emulsion formed :thumb_dow .

About glass container, i wanted to use something transparent but since i was working with 7-8 L of solution i could not find any glass container big enough so i used old empty protein container ( plant content was about 250g )

Anyway guys thanks for suggestions i hadn't thought about clearing emulsion with warming up the naphtha. I will try warming it and then do the first pull.

Also ways to fight emulsion by Erowid:
The pH you basified too has a big influence on this, but the best pH will vary with different ingredients. If you patiently waited, and it still won't resolve, there are a few tricks. Add more nonpolar solvent, shake a bit, continue waiting. Or put a straight wire in and break up the emulsion. You can chase down any leftover blobs that are stuck and they will usually migrate to the proper layers. The container must be scrupiously clean. If there was,for example, an oily smudge on the side in the area that should contain the polar layer, then nonpolar gunk may stick there where you don't want it. As a last resort add some salty water (not so salty that the salt won't all dissolve), and agitate again. This makes the polar layer MORE polar, and may do the trick. First,though, just be patient and it will hopefully separate just fine.
Today i finished with first extraction i think this is fail instead of crystals i got some kind of yellowish jelly/goo like thing, i am not shure if it is smokable and i dont want to poison myself so i will experiment with this trying to pull something from it. Anyway i will try one more time this time with less water i will try with 500g of grass in 2l of solution max. Now this was only one pull and i waited 48h for naphtha to dissolve DMT i wanted to see will i get something but after this i will not even bother about nex two pulls that i planned to do.


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if what you started with was really phalaris arundinacea then most probably the goo you got is highly active, when you don't freezprecip and do a fast fan evaporation you will end up with goo..
dissolve that goo in around 25ml of naphtha in a small glass container add 25ml of a saturated solution of sodium carbonate to the container.. put the container in a heat bath and mix for few mins, pull the naphtha and put it in a shot glass, cover with a fabric mesh to prevent dust from falling in and leave it somewhere cool and dark for few days. hopefully you will have some crystals
Yea may be that i got goo because of fast evaporation i literally dried the whole plate in about 1h :? , nex time i will do the freezing teknik. I will try what you said when i buy more naphtha i literally spent all of it on extraction but anyway the best learning is from mistakes nex time i hope that i get better results :thumb_up: .
What you got there is foam in between the layers.
Goo doesnt mean its not dmt. You can turn most dmt into good if you just dissolve into ethanol isopropanol. Even if you started with crystals it will turn into goo because fast evap.
It sounds like you may have had some beta-carbolines precipitating when you added the base (or just excess sodium salts?)

The emulsion has already been addressed, be gentle when mixing. I'll echo the admonition to use glass.

Goo is generally what you will get from Phalaris. It's very likely going to be a mixture of beta-carbonlines, and if you are lucky tryptamines. Assuming it's fully dry of the solvent, there should not be anything to poison you present in the material, it should be reasonably safe to smoke. If you have access to ehrlich's reagent you can drop some on a bit of the goo and see if it turns pink to indicate the presence of tryptamines.
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