My camera is terrible, it's the standard camera on a kindle fire hdx, no zoom, poor resolution, the camera is pointing towards you, so it's really hard to see the screen when taking pictures, and it's hard not get in the background of your pictures, but the worst part has to be the poor resolution and lack of zoom...
Why am I complaining about the camera? Because I got some pretty purple cannabis just for this thread, and then my camera shows no detail, and the color is off, I had to place the purple buds next to.some green ones just so it would look semi-close to how it does in person, and not just look like a black blob...with this camera you can't see trichomes, you can barely see hairs, and the color is off...these buds look 1-million times better in person...
Any way, the purple cannabis is "grape ape", kind of whispy, but smells and taste amazing...THC, CBN, CBD, etc...are odorless and tasteless, so the taste and smell of cannabis is generated by other terpenes, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and terpenoid compounds, "The typical scent of hemp results from about 140 different terpenoids" most of which may have activity in their own right or may enhance or alter the effect of the THC and CBN.
Any way, pictures of purple and green cannabis buds.