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Obtainable 5-meo plants?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I first came to this site for suggestions on cleaning MHRB extract I may or may not have acquired recently... but the respectable wealth of knowledge here has led me to think of trying a plant which contains 5-meo exclusively. The trouble lies in finding such a plant that's easily obtainable from an online vendor (preferred) or one common enough to be available in plant or seed form at a local nursury. Does anyone here have any suggestions?
Good work 5-MeO-DMT is sooo cool :D i used to love putting two hits in my joints, faaaaaantastic 😉 but those days are over, and i too want to bring them back I've thought about Anadenanthera peregrina because i think the seeds are mostly 5-meo-dmt but i really can't be sure Anadenanthera colubrina contains a mixture of bufotine, n,n-dmt, and 5-meo-dmt i believe, but it's all very uncertain there's a bit of info out there but it seems not many people have really chased this thoroughly enough in my opinion you should be hunting out colorado river toads, 5-meo-dmt is what they do best
Unfortunately, repeatedly abusing psychoactive amphibians isn't something I'm too anxious to take up. I wouldn't like it too much if some giant creature, hot to get high, started milking me for my urine... on second thought... nevermind. :)
I know what you mean but consider that you WILL end up forming a bond with the toad, no doubt you will love and respect your toad, and no doubt he will feel that and treat you will pleasurable gifts accordingly toad toad toad toad :shock:
From what I've read I believe Virola rufuta contains 5-MeO-DMT; whether you'd be able to obtain it from an online vendor is another story.
if someone does find a plant with sufficiently high alkaloid content, would the extraction procedure be exactly the same?
i spent a while hunting around on a similar quest not long ago. i ended up settling on some concentrated virola theodora, which, from what i could gather, has a very high 5-MeO content. i was not successful in my attempts to isolate it though. unfortunately i don't know whether this was because of my bad method or simply the absence of the compound.

i am still pursuing this, so i'd love some advice if anybody can give it!
Phyllodium pulchellum :)

Synonomus with Desmodium pulchellum. Check Trout's Notes on the Genus Desmodium for details. Total alkaloid yield from dry herbage was 0.3%, 0.2%-0.25% was 5-MeO-DMT.

Don't think its widely available in the states or Oz unfortunately. If there are any members here from China or Hong Kong then maybe you would be so kind as to collect some seed for anyone interested 😉 I understand its quite common over that way.
Harry said:
Phyllodium pulchellum :)

Synonomus with Desmodium pulchellum. Check Trout's Notes on the Genus Desmodium for details. Total alkaloid yield from dry herbage was 0.3%, 0.2%-0.25% was 5-MeO-DMT.

Don't think its widely available in the states or Oz unfortunately. If there are any members here from China or Hong Kong then maybe you would be so kind as to collect some seed for anyone interested 😉 I understand its quite common over that way.


this is a new name for me. now, where to get some from...
Dryvadeum said:
From what I've read I believe Virola rufuta contains 5-MeO-DMT; whether you'd be able to obtain it from an online vendor is another story.

I've found a UK herb place that appears to have some.PM for details:)
It seems that young plants have a higher amount of N,N-DMT, whereas more mature plants have a higher concentration of 5-MEO-DMT

Nice to see you here Harry 😉
Thanx Coschi :)

Yeah the seedlings contain predominantly DMT but hardly worth while considering the amount seedlings you would need due to the miniscule amount of biomass you would get from a single seedling. Then again when does the plant cease to be a seedling?

Better off playing with brachystachys for DMT 😉

Re the pulchellum, its damn hard to find! It was only through tireless searching and an extreme case of luck that I managed to obtain seeds of this one. The ones I have were harvested from the wild in the Hong Kong area and were a once off chance. Like I said above if anyone here on the forum is from HK way then you may become very popular. Also if anyone has any friends or contacts in HK then you may be able to organise some seed to be collected. Short of that I should have some seeds available when my plants seed, 12 monthsish time if they seed first year, longer if second year. At any rate when they do seed I shall be sharing them around. Cuttings may be possible for those in Oz... I shall have to see how well they take when I am able.
For soil I mixed up roughly 3 parts potting mix with 3 parts compost and around 1 or a bit more parts coarse sharp sand. They seem to like the mix as they are powering along :)

Did you pre-treat the seed Coschi? They need to be treated like Acacia seeds, bit of a file and then a soak over night in hot water. They need to filed and soaked otherwise they won't swell.

Shall get some pics to put up :)

[EDIT] Here is a pic of my Phyllodium pulchellum seedlings.

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