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Older members do not post enough

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
I've got the feeling, that older, knowledgable members are posting less than newbies nowadays. This is a major threat to this forum because lots of hearsay is beeing spred. Its also getting harder to integrate new members in a meaningful way. As much as i hate to say it, i think there should be a registration stop for a couple of months. I know i'm not going to be liked for this and i myself find the thought revolting...but the town is growing to fast and I don't want this place to become some kind of anonymous dump for information.
The Nexus usually doesn't slam newbies with "utfse" and newbies generally don't use it. Lots of the misinfo would be stopped if they simply did. Maybe we could start a policy of referring simple questions to the search to discourage laziness?
obliguhl said:
The Nexus usually doesn't slam newbies with "utfse" and newbies generally don't use it.

The day that happens, the nexus dies.
Yes...no need for slamming anyone with anything (except maybe mimes with pies to the face)...at the same time, it would be nice if the new members could use the Nexus search engine or Google the Nexus, or Google the topic and dmt nexus. When I look back on the amount of time I spent researching not only the teks, but the actual substances themselves, I find it laughable that people "don't have the time" or are in such a rush that they cant be bothered to spend some time searching for or reading up on these things they are considering putting into their bodies.

I do feel that the loving vibes of the Nexus have diminished to some degree (along with some of the oldschool high-level science/philosophy discussions), and in a troubling way over the past 8 months or so...:cry:
I know what you mean. When I joined there was a bombardment of new ideas every day and even always something to discuss. During these days the Nexus had a relatively different attitude and was (at least according to my understanding) more scientifically and research-oriented as well as philosophical. Today this is less so and has also drifted towards to spiritual/mystic side.

As it often happens often, things reach a plateau and this is happening now. With a few isolated examples I do not see much novelty around here lately and there is always the same issues discussed as well as the same questions being asked. Maybe new members should actually use the search engine. On the other hand, there is a topic discussing about blind people and dmt and this is the third(!!!) time I see this question being asked. I also tried to use the search engine to locate the older threads using "blind AND dmt" keywords but I could not locate the previous topics. It appears that the search engine limits the results to 100?

Traveler, could that be the case? Or (and I am not a search engine guru) how one could locate the previous "blind person smoking dmt" threads? If I couldn't find the threads within a few search attempts why would someone else? In this respect USFSE simply does not work.
A google search of "blind people dmt nexus" yielded: Blind people! - DMT Discussion - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus
A google search of "blind dmt nexus" yielded: Welcome to the DMT-Nexus and DMT and Blindness - Welcome discussion - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

All of these google findings were the first page on the list...

Even if the nexus search engine is slow or limited, google is not...I tend to remember topic names (or close enough approximations) and just use google to pull them when i need them.
I never liked the nexus search engine and end up using google, but that's fine I guess.

On the OP, I guess the bigger the wiki gets, the less need there is for forum discussion and a lot of us are still here, not because we're searching, but because we're quite fond of the place. I guess we need to expand our horizons. How about a nexus cooking wiki? :)
you people are all incredible.. the nexus changed my life.

What we do here is amazing, theres nothing else like it in the world.

Nothing but admiration and respect for anyone who ventures down this path.
Infundibulum said:
Traveler, could that be the case? Or (and I am not a search engine guru) how one could locate the previous "blind person smoking dmt" threads? If I couldn't find the threads within a few search attempts why would someone else? In this respect USFSE simply does not work.

The search engine limits to 100 most likely because of the query/retrieval time using up so much processing power. It could potentially bring the Nexus down if everyone were actually using the search engine.
I think improvements on the search engine would help your problem, Infundibulum.

I was able to pull those old post by using the parameter "Match Exact Phrase" with the critera "blind person".
Still though, the search engine is very primitive and it's difficult to find exactly where you want to go or the information you need.

Asking people to use the search engine in it's current state is probably not the best idea. Snozz has the better idea. Using the mass indexing giant Google to facilitate searches. The only issue that comes about there is security. Instead we can go to Scroogle Scraper and insert out queries there, using the something like this as our critea:
site:dmt-nexus.me blind person dmt
site:dmt-nexus.me whats the difference between THH and THC
:lol: :lol:

Anyway, I haven't been here that long, so take this with a grain of DMT; what I notice people reiterate the most is basic stuff about extraction techniques. Maybe a better phrase would be "all your questions are answered in the FAQ" with a link to the FAQ. However, this is already being done by nexus members so maybe I'm being superfluous.

Psychedelics do tend to bring the mystical/magical/supernatural side out in people, but that is something I would expect all of us went through (unless we had someone there who guided us in our thought processes). A natural part of the course, in my opinion.
Maybe a bit of the geezer factor at work here? The been-there-done-that syndrome in operation? Maybe it seems lile there are no new discussions cause you've made the rounds several times and are only now just noticing that the same topics keep cropping up? I do feel the same way to a degree, but recognize the phenomena, being just sub-sub geezer meeself!

Jest a taught....

I agree with soulfood and jbark. I'm not really here to get concise info, more to discuss. If I want concise info I'll search. I read a lot before I got here. Now I'm just interested in reading people's casual opinions and experiences. I'm new, but the nexus has been my third tab for a few weeks - gmail, facebook, nexus :) I've never liked the attitude of "this question has been asked". Who cares? Let the new people share their info in excitement, and when they stray, bring them back on track.
Excitement is needed but not enough. Excitement doesn't sustain a forum of this scale. The nexus had the fortunate opportunity to grow at a really slow pace for a while. It had time to develop it's own culture. There is nothing wrong with new members and i welcome most of them. There is nothing wrong with a new pulse...fresh ideas is what a forum like this strives on.

But having the same questions asked over and over again by impatient people ...that IS wrong, because it takes the focus away from serious discussions. They're needed. This is what makes the nexus so interesting: Scientific, Philosophical and Spiritual progress!

...a forum to advance it's members through collaboration, hold by the spirit of love.

It's NOT a quick fix for information. It's more than that. We ought to keep it this way.
soulfood said:
I never liked the nexus search engine and end up using google, but that's fine I guess.

On the OP, I guess the bigger the wiki gets, the less need there is for forum discussion and a lot of us are still here, not because we're searching, but because we're quite fond of the place. I guess we need to expand our horizons. How about a nexus cooking wiki? :)
Shall we post more useful teks on the wiki ?
I've wondered why many interesting teks were not there ...
Maybe yes, the Wiki needs a bit more input.
Do not give up guys! I have been traveling lately, so I wasnt as active as ever, but im still here and happy to contribute to this wonderful community, even though I perfectly understand that the rythm of novelty has been slowing down. But its in cycles, soon enough it all picks up im sure, its all about what you and me can do. For all of those that are missing the chemical developments: There are so many chemical tests we could all make, side-by-side tests of extraction, solubility tests, tests on whats up with harmala red, plus all the subjective tests (for example blind testing different types of dmt/jungle, etc) etc.. Its all about having time, will and the products to test. Whatever small amount of contribution you guys can make, its already great!

Back to the original issue, I think the slowing down new members registration might be an idea.. Maybe open registration once a month, and have new members register first, and have a 1 month waiting period where they can read up the nexus for all the information, before being able to post. For sure there will be some people who will just forget about the nexus for a month and then ask questions that have been answered in the FAQ or elsewhere many times, but at least some people might be more informed, so I think it can be a good idea.

Also another thing we have done is that new members now get a welcome message that links the FAQ and the wiki and attitudes page and so on, explaining a bit, so that they dont have an excuse that they didnt know about these things.

By the way, another thing you guys can do is, whenever you see a question being discussed many times, add it to the FAQ (its in the wiki, anyone with an account there can edit), or just pm me with the question and I'll add it myself.

By the way r0m, yes, every TEK or general information added to the wiki is a great contribution
If anyone feels that they have anything worthwhile to add to the Wiki, then register and do some work on it. There is nothing stopping anyone from adding to the knowledge.

The way I feel about this thread is, when people join the Nexus it is most likely that they are starting their journey with DMT, its somthing new, after a while, say 2 years, yes things might feel that they arent progressing, but for alot of members this is just the begining, and its exciting. I agree that members need to do some more searching and reading of sticky's and helpfull link's, but at the end of the day, some people are just lazy. Personaly, ive spent many a nights just reading thread after thread, searching for more info.

The Nexus has grown alot since I joined in here, I remember the days when we had maybe 6 or so sub-forums and we only had like 5 or so hot topic headers at the bottom of the page.

Lets also remember that people do have other issues and things to work through in their daily lives, and I think that alot of members here are enjoying the summer.
It seems to me that ever since the BBB troubles, the Nexus has not been quite the same. I think some of the older users are more paranoid about posting things on forums that could be legally risky.

Younger people are less likely to worry about things like that.

Also, another possibility is that the subject of DMT itself has reached sort of a peak.

If you’ve noticed, I don’t post nearly as often as I used to about DMT, bufotenine, mescaline, etc. This is directly related to the BBB troubles. As soon as BBB got into legal trouble I was frantically searching for alternatives to things like mimosa. I still am. I’m worried that soon things like Yopo, mimosa, cacti, etc., will be banned and all that will be left are things like calamus, sassafras, elemi oil, nutmeg, etc. This is a real concern for me. I’d rather know how to harness the legal psychedelics now before things like mimosa get banned so that I’m more prepared for the day that happens. Because of this I now post more on other forums that are more interested in legal drugs.
I'm fairly new here to the Nexus, but I have been around long enough to see some of the same topics re posted over again for the second and third time. I use the search engine quite a bit and I read allot through old threads instead of starting a new on on a topic that was discussed a year or two ago.

The same topics coming up dont bother much because, with new members come new ideas and new perspectives and different points of view.

So let me understand what some of the old timers are suggesting here,

A noob should use the search engine and -

a. read what the old timers wrote and just accept their comments as gospel?
b. respond, ressurect, or re-open a thread on a topic that has been inactive for a few years?
c. Start a new thread on the topic and reference/link the old one?
d. All of the above?

DMT is becoming more and more popular. Thats it. This site is going to explode over the next few years.

Maybe we need an old timers lounge. That is only for a selct group of members that are?

Oldtimers in any group NEVER like change and the new generation.

Change is a fact of life.

Certain things bother me about new members and I havent been around long myself.
We were all once noobs.
Everyone is a noob to someone.

I think we all need to be patient, accepting, and understanding.
We members are a cross section of society with something in common.
I think new membership is our strength and the seasoned vets have a responsibility to teach, mold, and shape the new membership so that it reflects the core ethos and values that is ...

The Nexus.
I'm excited about this place because DMT and ayahuasca are new to me. However psychedelics are not new to me. I had my first acid trips in the early 1970's, so you know that makes me closer to being an old geezer than I want to be. If it weren't for the side effects, I would not mind getting older at this point. But life is as it is and with being alive I get older and I get the side effects.

I have spent a lot of time reading through the wiki reading the extraction documents, and was able to put together a great extraction using A/B with acetic acid, lye, and light petroleum ether. I tend to ask my questions in the chat and using PMs because I don't want to clutter the forum and appear to be a dumb fuck in the permanent record so to speak.

I have had the good fortune in the last couple of months to meet one guy on here to talk about lots of stuff, and also to feel the friendship and gain valuable information from a few other members. Horsing around in the chat can be a lot of fun too.

Being a bit older myself I have some paranoia about revealing too much about myself, so I can understand why other 'older' or more established members feel the need to quiet down.
Ice House Shaman said:
I'm fairly new here to the Nexus, but I have been around long enough to see some of the same topics re posted over again for the second and third time. I use the search engine quite a bit and I read allot through old threads instead of starting a new on on a topic that was discussed a year or two ago.

The same topics coming up dont bother much because, with new members come new ideas and new perspectives and different points of view.

So let me understand what some of the old timers are suggesting here,

A noob should use the search engine and -

a. read what the old timers wrote and just accept their comments as gospel?
b. respond, ressurect, or re-open a thread on a topic that has been inactive for a few years?
c. Start a new thread on the topic and reference/link the old one?
d. All of the above?

DMT is becoming more and more popular. Thats it. This site is going to explode over the next few years.

Maybe we need an old timers lounge. That is only for a selct group of members that are?

Oldtimers in any group NEVER like change and the new generation.

Change is a fact of life.

Certain things bother me about new members and I havent been around long myself.
We were all once noobs.
Everyone is a noob to someone.

I think we all need to be patient, accepting, and understanding.
We members are a cross section of society with something in common.
I think new membership is our strength and the seasoned vets have a responsibility to teach, mold, and shape the new membership so that it reflects the core ethos and values that is ...

The Nexus.

^^---------sound about right to me
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