I would say this current vibe in general society:
TheNtt said:
Noting the psychological and emotional content of those around me (outside of this forum) I see a very similar pattern. The lack of novel ideas here and now expands beyond this forum in my observations.
Is directly related to this current trend in human thought process:
69ron said:
It’s like when I visit any website, if I’ve got to wait for anything, fancy pictures downloading, damn slow java scripts etc., I just go to the next website that runs faster and doesn’t make me wait. I think a lot of people do this.
God forbid anyone has to spend more than
one of there precious seconds on anything other than themselves, right!
I have been extremely busy since the beginning of the new year, so I have not had the time to do much regular experimenting with DMT, extractions, or the Nexus, but to tell you the truth I have to agree with NTT. I pop in & read around from time to time & I just don't see so many threads I feel compelled to be a part of.
I do see a heavy, heavy load of a strange narcissism among a very large number of members, that I feel I have to call attention to. Old members & new members alike....
I get tired of drowning in pissing contests.
I feel the internet has made information so easy to access that people now expect everything to be so easy.
But exploration of the mind is not a quick and easy thing.
I guess I thought it all was about the experience...who wants a fast experience?
One last opinion...reason...whatever...I'd like to relate, that I certainly can't ignore is the conflict between two sides of psychedelic users:
A - those who think DMT (
or psychedelics in general) should be marched right out into society with swirling neon colors & forced into the eyes of our great powers that be, for whatever reason...come what may!
And that the flood of info about DMT on the internet in the past 2 years is a good thing.
or B - those who think that these kinds of things a sacred & special and that quick easy information about them really defeats the whole idea. These folks generally believe that DMT should be kept a bit more under the radar...something that has to be searched out & worked on.
I just can't ignore the small scale example that the DMT-Nexus has been for this concept over the past two years.
Seems to me that opening the flood gates of easy, simple information about DMT & extracting it, has brought a giant influx of weirdos & nuts to the nexus, who are just seeking another high.....or get caught up in the idea that DMT is "attacking" or somehow judging them, or favoring them.....then there are those who get on a god-trip, either related to their experiences, or even their extraction methods!?!?!
I too remember a smaller dedicated community of consciousness explorers who were humble & respectful of other people opinions or methods.
People of many roads...
not just there own.
I'm not trying to say that new members or people learning about DMT is a bad thing....NOT AT ALL!!!
In fact, I wish everyone could experience it at least once in there life!
But with easy entrance &
little experience, plus the anonymity of the internet, of course things are gonna get twisted!
The people behind this forum
are genuinely wonderful people, who want to spread the news about a wonderful thing & provide a place to learn more about it & interact with other people who also hold this chemical dear.
Unfortunately there are always those
other people waiting around to take advantage of kindness like this.
...how to deal, how to deal....
oh yea, that's why there has to be rules when more than a few people are involved in anything....
or the assholes will ruin it for everyone!!
Sorry if I offend anyone, that is certainly not my intention...I simply morn a lost, simpler time.