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Older members do not post enough

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
I've got the feeling, that older, knowledgable members are posting less than newbies nowadays. This is a major threat to this forum because lots of hearsay is beeing spred. Its also getting harder to integrate new members in a meaningful way. As much as i hate to say it, i think there should be a registration stop for a couple of months. I know i'm not going to be liked for this and i myself find the thought revolting...but the town is growing to fast and I don't want this place to become some kind of anonymous dump for information.
The idea of minimum 100 posts came up, as some parrots thinking that there is more vendors on the forum then use to be.

100 posts limit could distract them, lol :d
kemist said:
The idea of minimum 100 posts came up, as some parrots thinking that there is more vendors on the forum then use to be.

100 posts limit could distract them, lol :d
Whilst the idea of 100 posts to get out of the Nursery sounds like a sound one I think we are already developing an issue with new members making many, many posts in a short time in order to get promoted or just to get on their way to a multi-thousand post-count. :(
d*l*b said:
kemist said:
The idea of minimum 100 posts came up, as some parrots thinking that there is more vendors on the forum then use to be.

100 posts limit could distract them, lol :d
Whilst the idea of 100 posts to get out of the Nursery sounds like a sound one I think we are already developing an issue with new members making many, many posts in a short time in order to get promoted or just to get on their way to a multi-thousand post-count. :(

That's the problem with having a new users section. It encourages people to try to get their post count up so that they can get promoted. It also encourages duplicate threads because new users cannot post in many threads they are interested in so they make a new one that is nearly identical. I think having a "nursery" is more trouble than it's worth.
obliguhl said:
Another idea would be to remove nursery posts from the bottom of the main page where recent threads are shown.
I don't agree - I think this only will lead to us other members not posting in the nursery. We can't forget about the nursery. Our children is our future, you know... ;)
Evening Glory said:
obliguhl said:
Another idea would be to remove nursery posts from the bottom of the main page where recent threads are shown.
I don't agree - I think this only will lead to us other members not posting in the nursery. We can't forget about the nursery. Our children is our future, you know... ;)
Yeah but there isn't guarantee that this ' childrens ' won't go astray, is there. I have the gut feeling that there is more vendors, cops and reporters on the forum then ever.
I think you are correct, but you have to remember that we have never tried to hide ourselves. We are even searchable through Google. Of course cops and reporters read our forums, just like very many other kinds of people. That is part of the point. We want to show the naked truth about entheogens to the world.

Also remember that both you and me were "children" in here once. Certainly when the word of DMT-Nexus has gotten out like it has now, we will see many new members, where some of them doesn't fit. These people are not allowed to become full members. For the sake of the great majority of the "children" who in fact are great people, I think the nursery should remain in the "latest posts" and "active topics". We want more likeminded people! :)
Ron I disagree with you, I think through the nursery we have prevented several trolls from joining in, and the time needed for people to join have also turned many new members into understanding our attitude before starting to be full members and posting around.

As for the 'active topics' list, as I said before, I am pretty confident that the best way would be to divide it into two lists, one below the other. One with the 'main forum' active threads and one with the nursery active threads. This way the big amount of nursery threads wouldnt disturb the visibility of the rest of the forum, but they would still be very visible for everybody to see and not forget that the nursery exists. Thats just my opinion though :D
As a decently new member, I think the nursery is a very important aspect of the nexus.

Upon joining and realizing my limitations, it was very clear that I would need to read more than I could post. I knew starting pointless threads would be frowned upon and that I would need to weed out all agression in my posts..which is much harder to do online than it would be in person. Even calm and kind people can become rude on forums. The nursery cultivates the mindset of this forum...one of its greatest attributes.

However, I do think getting promoted is a bit too easy. I at least know my own promotion was quite a shock...I don't feel I deserved it at all. It came in less than 2 weeks and about 15 posts. Thank you, though. :)
Evening Glory said:
obliguhl said:
Another idea would be to remove nursery posts from the bottom of the main page where recent threads are shown.
I don't agree - I think this only will lead to us other members not posting in the nursery. We can't forget about the nursery. Our children is our future, you know... ;)
I agree with Evening Glory, the nusery is important, too important to remove.
I did not advocate the removal of the nursery. I said, an idea would be to remove it from the active topics list. It's not fair to the rest of the forum, that this list is dominated by the nursery and its duplicate posts and attempts to get promoted quick (I'm purposely exaggerating here).

I guess splitting the list would be the best solution.
I think the whole concept is not good. I would never have even bothered joining the Nexus had I had to go through the nursery crap. I'm not a member of any other forum that has similar limited access rules. I don't like the idea of having to wait to be "approved" to be a real member. It rubs me the wrong way. It's like its a private club for members only, not a place for everyone to hang out at.
I know what you mean and i can't say that I don't have this feeling as i prefer things to be as open as possible. But what would be the alternative? A delayed signup sounds good in theory...but I'm not sure if it would really work.
69ron said:
I think the whole concept is not good. I would never have even bothered joining the Nexus had I had to go through the nursery crap. I'm not a member of any other forum that has similar limited access rules. I don't like the idea of having to wait to be "approved" to be a real member. It rubs me the wrong way. It's like its a private club for members only, not a place for everyone to hang out at.
Well I am glad you weren't turned away, as you have obviously contributed much to this forum. As I see it, though, the nexus should not be "a place for everyone to hang out." Hanging out suggests a certain amount of stagnation, IMO, something that could become the downfall of this community.

The nursery requires a certain amount of humility in new members. The price for full membership is an open mind and a willingness to learn. I do not think that is too much to ask. Yes, certain subforums are "private", but it is hardly a feat to get promoted.
Eden said:
69ron said:
I think the whole concept is not good. I would never have even bothered joining the Nexus had I had to go through the nursery crap. I'm not a member of any other forum that has similar limited access rules. I don't like the idea of having to wait to be "approved" to be a real member. It rubs me the wrong way. It's like its a private club for members only, not a place for everyone to hang out at.
Well I am glad you weren't turned away, as you have obviously contributed much to this forum.

When I joined the nursery didn't exist. It was made after I joined to try to solve the problem of nuts joining the Nexus. I never join any forums unless I can get full access the day I join. Some places require writing an essay before you can join to prove you have something “meaningful” to say or contribute to the forum. I’m not a member of any of those places. I don’t have time to devote to writing an essay.

It’s like when I visit any website, if I’ve got to wait for anything, fancy pictures downloading, damn slow java scripts etc., I just go to the next website that runs faster and doesn’t make me wait. I think a lot of people do this.

I think one big problem with the Nexus is that you can post about vendors freely. This attracts a lot of people that I think you don’t want. Why be able to post about vendors anyway? If I visit the vendors section of the forum, most of the positive posts about a vendor are from the owner who’s made multiple accounts to appear as though he’s a group of people who love the store. It’s rather obvious in a lot of cases. Some of the vendors appear to be attacking other competitor vendors as a pastime. And then they post something useless in the non-vendor section just so it’s not too obvious they are just here to promote their store.

I’m not a MOD and I don’t want to be. I don’t have the time for it. Whatever solution you guys come up with will probably be something I don’t like anyway. I like 100% freedom to post whatever you like, and since that attracts nuts who post crazy crap you don’t want, it’s a problem. But gladly its not my problem. I just don't read those posts. But others on the forum are bothered by it.
I miss this place dearly. After an initial year+ of exploring DMT it began to stop consuming my thoughts. I think the decline in interest has a lot to do with needing to get real life priority's taken care of. Psychedelics have been at the forefront of my conscious energy for years, and I had to take a break to focus on getting my life in order. I went from checking the forums and posting multiple times daily to never checking it at all. I smoked DMT for the first time in almost 2 years a couple weeks ago- I was in a place of great sadness, and wanted to be shown what I needed to in order to achieve growth. It ended up being the most difficult psychedelic experience of my life, and has instilled the awe and wonderment of DMT's role in consciousness/the universe again. I've started to check the forums more frequently, but am having an extremely difficult time finding discussions that are as fruitful and mind opening as they once were. I find myself having a hard time reading through entire discussions because they get boring. I find myself wondering if DMT is truly as meaningful and profound as it seems to be, and if it's truly worth putting this much energy into. Noting the psychological and emotional content of those around me (outside of this forum) I see a very similar pattern. The lack of novel ideas here and now expands beyond this forum in my observations. Makes me think of the time wave zero theory, despite my skepticism of it's truth.
I'm so sorry that i haven't been posting as much as i used to. As a lot is happening in my life at the moment, I'm in the process of relocating due to a new job offer. I have noticed an influx of new members on The Nexus, maybe it would be better for new members before they get promoted outside of the nursery to answer a questionnaire. Which would be based on basic extraction knowledge and research, that might help significantly in preventing members from asking simple questions and filling up the forum with unnecessary threads. ...Just a thought...

As The Nexus means a great deal to me, it would be very sad to see the quality of the community and knowledge which is shared decrease...

Much Peace and Happiness
I would say this current vibe in general society:
TheNtt said:
Noting the psychological and emotional content of those around me (outside of this forum) I see a very similar pattern. The lack of novel ideas here and now expands beyond this forum in my observations.

Is directly related to this current trend in human thought process:
69ron said:
It’s like when I visit any website, if I’ve got to wait for anything, fancy pictures downloading, damn slow java scripts etc., I just go to the next website that runs faster and doesn’t make me wait. I think a lot of people do this.

God forbid anyone has to spend more than one of there precious seconds on anything other than themselves, right!

I have been extremely busy since the beginning of the new year, so I have not had the time to do much regular experimenting with DMT, extractions, or the Nexus, but to tell you the truth I have to agree with NTT. I pop in & read around from time to time & I just don't see so many threads I feel compelled to be a part of.
I do see a heavy, heavy load of a strange narcissism among a very large number of members, that I feel I have to call attention to. Old members & new members alike....I get tired of drowning in pissing contests.

I feel the internet has made information so easy to access that people now expect everything to be so easy.
But exploration of the mind is not a quick and easy thing.
I guess I thought it all was about the experience...who wants a fast experience?

One last opinion...reason...whatever...I'd like to relate, that I certainly can't ignore is the conflict between two sides of psychedelic users:
A - those who think DMT (or psychedelics in general) should be marched right out into society with swirling neon colors & forced into the eyes of our great powers that be, for whatever reason...come what may!
And that the flood of info about DMT on the internet in the past 2 years is a good thing.

or B - those who think that these kinds of things a sacred & special and that quick easy information about them really defeats the whole idea. These folks generally believe that DMT should be kept a bit more under the radar...something that has to be searched out & worked on.

I just can't ignore the small scale example that the DMT-Nexus has been for this concept over the past two years.
Seems to me that opening the flood gates of easy, simple information about DMT & extracting it, has brought a giant influx of weirdos & nuts to the nexus, who are just seeking another high.....or get caught up in the idea that DMT is "attacking" or somehow judging them, or favoring them.....then there are those who get on a god-trip, either related to their experiences, or even their extraction methods!?!?!

I too remember a smaller dedicated community of consciousness explorers who were humble & respectful of other people opinions or methods.
People of many roads...not just there own.

I'm not trying to say that new members or people learning about DMT is a bad thing....NOT AT ALL!!!
In fact, I wish everyone could experience it at least once in there life!
But with easy entrance & little experience, plus the anonymity of the internet, of course things are gonna get twisted!
The people behind this forum are genuinely wonderful people, who want to spread the news about a wonderful thing & provide a place to learn more about it & interact with other people who also hold this chemical dear.
Unfortunately there are always those other people waiting around to take advantage of kindness like this.
...how to deal, how to deal....
oh yea, that's why there has to be rules when more than a few people are involved in anything....or the assholes will ruin it for everyone!!

Sorry if I offend anyone, that is certainly not my intention...I simply morn a lost, simpler time.

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