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Older members do not post enough

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
I've got the feeling, that older, knowledgable members are posting less than newbies nowadays. This is a major threat to this forum because lots of hearsay is beeing spred. Its also getting harder to integrate new members in a meaningful way. As much as i hate to say it, i think there should be a registration stop for a couple of months. I know i'm not going to be liked for this and i myself find the thought revolting...but the town is growing to fast and I don't want this place to become some kind of anonymous dump for information.
I recommend having a master thread archive, where all the old posts that are worthy of reading by all are kept. This will ensure the proper exposure they deserve. Mods?
the nexus was my diving board into the exciting world of kitchen chemistry.
its changed alot but i still dig it just as much.
Spira said:
I recommend having a master thread archive, where all the old posts that are worthy of reading by all are kept. This will ensure the proper exposure they deserve. Mods?
I concur - this is a great agree. I also think we should encourage all users to search the forums more. A good way to do this is to have a Google search engine instead of the engine currently being used, as that one is pretty much useless.

Besides that, I want to urge everyone to understand that things goes in waves. Everything always do. Nothing is constant! Some months we have many new discoveries, some not, some months we have great discussions about philosophy, some not, etc. It will come a better time. It always does.
I do agree that alot of the new members should really take the time with researching and learning the processes of extraction and/or the molecule itself. It can be all had here just with a little patience and wanting to learn. It's all just a few clicks away. No need for constant reiteration lol. Stuff of this nature requires such. :)

With that said..this place is an amazing wealth of imformation. The fact is everything and everyone changes. This place will always have its strong base as a fundamental learning center for chem/molecules of sorts/ and above all improving the self. But as people come and people go change is inevitable.

I say the Nesus just keeps doing what its doing! I am still learning til this day and will never stop. Especially learning about myself based on all the other like minded "selves" out there.
I think I'm guilty of taking more than giving here on the Nexus. I just don't have any special knowledge of chemistry (just a kitchen chemist) and I'm not very good at writing trip reports. I find words do no justice to the DMT experience. I get frustrated trying to explain the unexplainable :p (And I also haven't been tripping much lately)

But if I can help I'm always willing to give people advice or what ever they need if I have it :)
I also use google to search the nexus. Also, if you guys think there are too many new members now...wait till October. When the Spirit Molecule documentary hits, we are gonna get a ton of people. You can quote me on that:wink:
Infundibulum said:
I know what you mean. When I joined there was a bombardment of new ideas every day and even always something to discuss. During these days the Nexus had a relatively different attitude and was (at least according to my understanding) more scientifically and research-oriented as well as philosophical. Today this is less so and has also drifted towards to spiritual/mystic side.

As it often happens often, things reach a plateau and this is happening now. With a few isolated examples I do not see much novelty around here lately and there is always the same issues discussed as well as the same questions being asked. Maybe new members should actually use the search engine. On the other hand, there is a topic discussing about blind people and dmt and this is the third(!!!) time I see this question being asked. I also tried to use the search engine to locate the older threads using "blind AND dmt" keywords but I could not locate the previous topics. It appears that the search engine limits the results to 100?

Traveler, could that be the case? Or (and I am not a search engine guru) how one could locate the previous "blind person smoking dmt" threads? If I couldn't find the threads within a few search attempts why would someone else? In this respect USFSE simply does not work.

you have said so well man. I am aware that i myself also prefer to be in chat with friends and to provide and get more interactive help from there any time, rather than posting below ultra spiritual or the repetative subjects. I still see a point where we should support the new comers in nursery section about their first questions... but it seems that nexus comunity is dealing with that well.

I love this community and it has always been that way, my decreased post number doesnt mean the opposite. I just enjoy being with this community more in chat room by jokes and some chit-chat.

I really support infundibulum's idea that new members should learn how to use the search function rather than inflating the forum with repetitive stuff.
Take a look and try out the search feature at edot. You don’t have to be a member to use it, so give it a try:

edot search

It is so easy to find threads and posts at edot, and although I love the Nexus, I must say that the search feature here is so limited it is almost unusable. When members say to use Google instead, that says something about its usefulness.
It's not only about content. It's also about community. Integrative powers are currently not strong enough to keep the nexus going as the place we love it. I'm not against change per se, but if this change means more anonimity, less love and a more careless attitude concerning dmt, then i don't like change at all.

About the search: I'm a fan of the system the shroomery uses...it shows a couple of related topics at the bottom of every thread. Its fantastic...i'd always hop from thread to thread, learning tons about mushroom cultivation.
if this change means more anonimity, less love and a more careless attitude concerning dmt, then i don't like change at all.

I just want to chime in the the Nexus is a very special place.

Maybe a refined search engine would be a good idea? It is very important that we continue to represent responsibly, *especially* with something like The Spirit Molecule documentary coming out. Feels like an enormous task, just thinking about it. :shock: Wow!
I love this place, the message and the movement, the community, but we shouldn't look down on new users, it doesn't mean they are oblivious or out of the loop, we were all there at one point. For example one thing I did was ask for was an identification of a mimosa genus which no one could identify. There are a lot of topics I want to contribute to if I have the time or motivation. For me, my initial excitement with DMT has died down since almost a year ago. Well, that can change, I am hoping no one loses interest in this forum or the molecule, and that the forum will continue to evolve. :d
I'm fairly new to this community so I don't want to sound pretentious looking down on new members.

I'm very interested in chemistry and biology so I'll try to post interesting topics to discuss about where appropriate. I also have a cacti micropropagation project going on and, although it's still too soon to post about it, I'm positive that it'll provide some interesting stuff to talk and learn about.

As for the increasing number of inane posts, my thought is that the dynamic of a forum is that: it's linear. Posts appear and disappear as they are created and abandoned. Although it'd require some coding skills and time, I have a simple idea that could help a bit with this. Topics are automatically recycled when they show activity bringing them back to the top place on the list of topics of a subforum. Well, this is nice but it lets good topics die very quickly. In a week or so, new topics suffocate them and they are lost forever, unless some brave member follows the ">" link. My idea is to create a box, just like "Active Discussions" from the homepage, showing random topics with the condition that they have, say, more than 20 posts. This would bring back interesting (or at least controversial) topics back to life and allow us to see past discussions with a different eye. I'm sure that it would be beneficial for everyone and create fresh discussions.

Regarding the search function, Google allows you to search something on a specific site. For example, site:dmt-nexus.me blind dmt. Furthermore, Google lets a webmaster embed their search engine in their site. This would be a great replacement for the current search engine. You can find more information here http://www.askdavetaylor.com/how_can_i_add_a_google_search_box_to_my_web_site.html .
I think that's a great idea, Advino. That way, when I'm on hiatuses I can check back on what the popular subjects were.

I don't think the coding would actually be all to difficult.
You could take the current query for "Active Topics", duplicate it, tweak it to extend the date range and say "WHERE post.replynumber > 20" or whatever that column name may be.

Really wouldn't require too much in my mind.. unless things are a bit messy back there :)
just a small comment to what Sublime said: I dont think its anything to do with looking down on new members. Nobody should look down on new members because indeed we were all new members one day, and as I said in many introduction threads, we are all 'noobs' in one or other area of life, and we're all experts in one or another area.

The issue is not in being new, but its in one's attitude. There are many new members that either have been reading the forum for a while and 'get' the attitude, or others that understand it fast after registering. These new members bring refreshing point views to the nexus and regardless of their experience with dmt or extractions, they soon enough are posting very interesting opinions, asking good questions, etc. The problem is when new members post all sorts of repeated questions, dont take their time in doing their part in reading, go against the attitude and dont read the important links we show (FAQ, wiki, health and safety and attitude section, etc). And to prevent this we need the help of all of you guys, to patiently show them the way, to keep posting good informative things so that the forum is still in general filled with new interesting information. The mods are also doing a very important job in mantaining the place with high standards, but I do think we have to consider other options such as, as I mentioned in the first post here, slowing down the registration so that potential new members have time to read the forum and understand the workings before posting away impulsive questions.
Infundibulum said:
I know what you mean. When I joined there was a bombardment of new ideas every day and even always something to discuss. During these days the Nexus had a relatively different attitude and was (at least according to my understanding) more scientifically and research-oriented as well as philosophical. Today this is less so and has also drifted towards to spiritual/mystic side.

Couldn't agree more.

One of the main reasons I don't post on the boards much anymore is strictly because of the UTFSE or Check The Wiki/Attitude Page. I refuse to completely spoon-feed people, no one spoon fed me and that's why I learned and was dedicated.

Rainbow gathering had this motif of having to walk to where you wanted to go throughout the day, lots of things were purposefully put farther apart because part of the journey, is actually having a journey.
With the greatest of respect Ilpt found many off new members annoying. Not only because they are lazy to use search engine and creating new threads with questions already answered thousands times but also with questions lacking any logic at all. Some threads which were very valuable for Ilpt are buried deep underneath this filthy clutter. Forum should be cleaned up and members posting questions already answered should be warned. With so many mods I don't see the clean up to be difficult. Forum went downhill within last few months and Ilpt is tired of it. Ron it has to nothing to do with BBB,
endlessness said:
Kemist and others: Please use this thread to help us
I`m very busy man at the moment, but I`ll do my best to help.

Could you please keep new members in nursery until they reach say 100 of posts. I`m sure that majority basic and primitive questions would be answered and clutter wouls be kept in nursery so it wouldn`t mess up the main subforums.
Only if some very unexpectional thread would be created in nursery(bringing something new and yet unknown ) , this would be moved into appropriate location and member will be promoted straightaway.
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