I'd like to say something without it being a reply to someone's nonsense. My experiences are none of your business unless I tell you what they are, and until that day, you have no clue. You have no clue what or who I am except for what I tell you, and even then you cannot understand, and I guarantee you this as a blind man who has never seen blue cannot understand blue no matter how much I describe it to him. For all you know, I've had "DMT" trips walking around about once a month for the last few years, strange as you may think something like that is. You think there's something wrong with that if it did happen? More wrong to be inflicting it on yourself then if you don't naturally do it, and worse still if you NEED something like that, because then you are less "normal" than someone who has it naturally. That was a hypothetical story for making a point about what counts as "knowing someone else's experience" and also for pontificating on what constitutes "normal", just in case that was lost on the next dude who wants to show me what it's all about and what I don't get. I wouldn't want you to be in a state of confusion by mis-comprehending what I just wrote (is that a Bush-ism? Almost is).
When I tell you my experience, you either take it at face value, or you about face. I'm not about to indulge someone who questions my authenticity. I say what is true for me, and it has nothing to do with what you expect, what you want, what you need, what you believe, what you like. You can explain those things to me politely if you think I need to know that, and if you are not coming on like a gorilla throwing his fecal frustrations at me, I'll listen. I'm not demanding you agree with me, or even understand me, but don't expect "respect" by showing me your ass after failing to understand what you are criticizing and spraying your ego-grafitti all over it. Please...
I've seen a few gems of good sense on this site, I've read a lot of reports that point out that if these DMT experiences are worth much, then you guys should have known better than to play this game. You could have just been polite and quoted a part and asked me what I was saying there in other words, but no, you had to show your asses. Is that fun? If it's that fun, then don't complain. If wanted to show your asses while getting respect, SURPRISE!!!! Doesn't work that way. That's the fundamental attitude line that you have crossed. Think that you're hot shit because "you've been there" etc? HAHA!!! I ask you "where have you really been"? Can you tell me that, special ones of the hubris-ridden collective? No, you can't. You don't know WHAT you have done to your brain, or yourselves, and from what I've witnessed here, you haven't done anything impressive.
Like they say, garbage in, garbage out. As "clouds" pointed out, you don't get a medal on your chest for doing DMT and then proclaiming your experiential superiority to someone. I'd add that you espectially don't if on top of that you show what a dimwit you are in barking at his essay like a dog behind a fence. You could have overcome your urge to vent and just asked me what I meant about what you presumed to be offended about, and you might have had an explanation served up to you on a golden platter. Instead, you pulled the "I'm already in" asshole card. Worth it? If it was worth it, stop complaining and let the intelligent people have their say, the ones who can speak without ad hominem and misinterpretation ad nauseum! (and no I'm not posing, I konw one of you is cherishing the thought that you are someone so special that I pose to you, since I've heard that from just about every numbnut who decided to air out that notion, but you aren't, so do yourself a favor and get over that, you'll be a lot better for it)