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On Life and Tripping: Psychedelics in a Broad Sense (longish, so read highlights for essence)

Migrated topic.
SnozzleBerry said:
jbark said:

Look, it's quite simple : by redefining what a psychedelic is, and thus claiming psychedelic experience, you are rubbing people the wrong way.
EXACTLY!!!!! Until you take a true psychedelic, how can you comment on how psychedelic weed is? You have no perspective (aside from waking life) from which to compare it. This would be like an Eskimo saying, "My god, 4.5°C is blistering hot," having never left the North Pole. Come on down to the equator man, and see how hot things get. :twisted:

Well, why didn't you just say that then instead of going into fully-fledged trollism?

THAT is almost an argument rather than a vent, though it has some merely "venting" elements. Good, you've improved, keep it up, and I might take you seriously. Try to ask that question again without throwing it full-force into my face, and see how that feels... Go ahead, TRY it, you'll be AMAZED at the way you had no idea what it was really like until you actually experienced it for yourself!! REALLY!
Stop arguing! All of you. You misinterpreting things, and some of here do also.
It's not about being right or wrong.
It's about exchange.

But if you offer exchange of something which somebody else has already behind him, he won't accept your advice.
jbark said:

Look, it's quite simple : by redefining what a psychedelic is, and thus claiming psychedelic experience, you are rubbing people the wrong way. You may not intend it, but saying that strolling down the street, or chasing a bus, or merely living is psychedelic (when you have never tried a true psychedelic) is misrepresentative, and, i must say, false, if we are to consider consider the consensus definition.

If I show up with an orange on an apple farm and tell the farmer it is an apple, I must expect him to disagree, and perhaps even expect him to treat me with derision...

You can call an orange an apple, or a peach or a banana, but to most it will remain an apple no matter how hard you insist. I am being polite and respectful in pointing this out, because you still don't seem to get it, despite nearly every poster here saying it in one way or another.

We do welcome you, just please be careful with your terms in a community that has only words to hear you with, judge you by and welcome you with.

And have the humility to say that you have no psychedelic experience, because you can insist all you want, but - and I mean this as respectfully as possible - you really don't...


Ah, you have grown, grasshopper :idea:. I knew it was in there somewhere. If you had merely approached me this way, approached the one who was already exposed, who was already "out there on the limb" (so to speak...) in a meaningfully communicative way, then you could have had a valuable communication instead of the trivial episode we saw here today, though I know someone above thinks he understands my thought process perfectly also thinks I'm the culprit for everyone else's behavior. Amusing that is (channeling Yoda? wtf?) Anyway, I FULLY do understand your perspective. Indeed, had I known those here were SO ATTACHED to this perspective I would have side stepped it, maybe, though it brings interesting hubris to light(this view of yours of the overspecial and overemphasized specialness and uniqueness of the chemically direct psychedelic experience I think is mistaken in a very profound way, and please think about what that means, because it means that I think that if is corrected you could have a really profound UNDERSTANDING that it otherwise prevents). So our views are not the same. So what? Still just doesn't justify what I received, and never will, not in any way, and certainly not merely because I reacted to the way I was treated in a way that isn't liked by those who instigated it. Saying something you don't agree with (or like) does not constitute grounds for being treated the way I have been because it presumes motive AND intent, neither of which were present, and if you had presence of mind to acknowledge this then you should have had the integrity for seeing it through into your interaction. I'm not one to be "put at bay" as someone else said it, so folks just shouldn't even go there.

Even so, I for one am willing to forgive and forget! Especially if I see promise in someone. I consider that the ego-trip experience that most of us have on a daily basis is most of our REAL problem, and it makes it laughable to practice psychedelics unless it is directly addressed (I do have an ego but it is not as viscious in lashing out in defense as it has been lashed out at in this case, and besides that it is a small subset of my consciousness, believe it or not, and I don't do psychedelics to "get rid of it" or manage it, but to explore my potential in ways that incidental factors are most definitely occluding in a chronic way). I can listen to anything, but I can't guarantee that my reactions will be pleasant if the person I'm reacting to isn't willing to be at least objective. Most here were not objective OR pleasant, whereas I was simply explicating one view I have and out for no one's blood, too bad everyone acted like they were at a bloodbath. I can't see what matters about your psychedelic activities if your "mundane" ones are so pissy.

Still, I must say that I have enjoyed this trip called life, and I enjoy it more every day, and for me, it is VERY psychedelic (too bad no one has had the "humility" they all claim to have enough to ASK me WHY I think that, since my essay wasn't clear... to bad for them because now they have fought a shadow of their own creation, a straw man, what a waste of a good trip!!!). As was suggested, I may be moving on soon. Good site though it may be, it has some seriously flawed apples at the tip-top of the pile. I think that it is liable to drive away good folks like me, and not keep out the flies as well as hoped, because they are not as forthright, and they will slip in under the radar, I promise you that. Not a good trade really.
Hyperontosis said:
I'd like to say something without it being a reply to someone's nonsense. My experiences are none of your business unless I tell you what they are, and until that day, you have no clue. You have no clue what or who I am except for what I tell you, and even then you cannot understand, and I guarantee you this as a blind man who has never seen blue cannot understand blue no matter how much I describe it to him. For all you know, I've had "DMT" trips walking around about once a month for the last few years, strange as you may think something like that is. You think there's something wrong with that if it did happen? More wrong to be inflicting it on yourself then if you don't naturally do it, and worse still if you NEED something like that, because then you are less "normal" than someone who has it naturally. That was a hypothetical story for making a point about what counts as "knowing someone else's experience" and also for pontificating on what constitutes "normal", just in case that was lost on the next dude who wants to show me what it's all about and what I don't get. I wouldn't want you to be in a state of confusion by mis-comprehending what I just wrote (is that a Bush-ism? Almost is).

When I tell you my experience, you either take it at face value, or you about face. I'm not about to indulge someone who questions my authenticity. I say what is true for me, and it has nothing to do with what you expect, what you want, what you need, what you believe, what you like. You can explain those things to me politely if you think I need to know that, and if you are not coming on like a gorilla throwing his fecal frustrations at me, I'll listen. I'm not demanding you agree with me, or even understand me, but don't expect "respect" by showing me your ass after failing to understand what you are criticizing and spraying your ego-grafitti all over it. Please...

I've seen a few gems of good sense on this site, I've read a lot of reports that point out that if these DMT experiences are worth much, then you guys should have known better than to play this game. You could have just been polite and quoted a part and asked me what I was saying there in other words, but no, you had to show your asses. Is that fun? If it's that fun, then don't complain. If wanted to show your asses while getting respect, SURPRISE!!!! Doesn't work that way. That's the fundamental attitude line that you have crossed. Think that you're hot shit because "you've been there" etc? HAHA!!! I ask you "where have you really been"? Can you tell me that, special ones of the hubris-ridden collective? No, you can't. You don't know WHAT you have done to your brain, or yourselves, and from what I've witnessed here, you haven't done anything impressive.

Like they say, garbage in, garbage out. As "clouds" pointed out, you don't get a medal on your chest for doing DMT and then proclaiming your experiential superiority to someone. I'd add that you espectially don't if on top of that you show what a dimwit you are in barking at his essay like a dog behind a fence. You could have overcome your urge to vent and just asked me what I meant about what you presumed to be offended about, and you might have had an explanation served up to you on a golden platter. Instead, you pulled the "I'm already in" asshole card. Worth it? If it was worth it, stop complaining and let the intelligent people have their say, the ones who can speak without ad hominem and misinterpretation ad nauseum! (and no I'm not posing, I konw one of you is cherishing the thought that you are someone so special that I pose to you, since I've heard that from just about every numbnut who decided to air out that notion, but you aren't, so do yourself a favor and get over that, you'll be a lot better for it)

Wow... nuff said here.
jbark said:
Wow... nuff said here.

I guess so. But it IS what I said, and if you can't deal with it, why not just go away? Why appoint yourself my judge? You certainly haven't answered it. Seems you are kind of fixated...
Mr_DMT said:
Stop arguing! All of you. You misinterpreting things, and some of here do also.
It's not about being right or wrong.
It's about exchange.

But if you offer exchange of something which somebody else has already behind him, he won't accept your advice.

Mr_DMT, I dare say you make sense. But surely you must see that I am the guiltless one here? I show up at the door and am waylayed. It's a joke to put someone at disadvantage by claiming a status over them and then subject them to disrespectful ridicule, for by doing so the ridiculer makes himself rediculous, makes his institution or office rediculous, for what bother do the illustrious have to persecute the petty, if they really be so? If the wise sages of Spice really want to set something straight, why not their manners? Someone gives a bad turn and expects a good one? When did this nonsense start going around like a disease?

Again, you are right, that it is about exchange. The only things that these here fellows want to exchange is insult and insinuation. Ususally this was to be avoided by creating screening rooms, but it seems to attract some sadistic assholes who want to see "newbies" twist in the wind or else tuck tail. That's not happening with me, pals. You can get what you give, you can take what you dish out, or you can just face the fact that you are weakminded and standing on weak ground after all. The Golden Rule is not asymmetrical, and it requires the initiative of each person, not the initiative of preaching it, but of practicing it. Seems most just want to pull out the famous sayings of the past to use a stick to swing at others, which misses the point entirely if anything ever did.

But you make a good point. Am I the only one who has recieved it?
Hyperontosis said:
SnozzleBerry said:
jbark said:

Look, it's quite simple : by redefining what a psychedelic is, and thus claiming psychedelic experience, you are rubbing people the wrong way.
EXACTLY!!!!! Until you take a true psychedelic, how can you comment on how psychedelic weed is? You have no perspective (aside from waking life) from which to compare it. This would be like an Eskimo saying, "My god, 4.5°C is blistering hot," having never left the North Pole. Come on down to the equator man, and see how hot things get. :twisted:

Well, why didn't you just say that then instead of going into fully-fledged trollism?

THAT is almost an argument rather than a vent, though it has some merely "venting" elements. Good, you've improved, keep it up, and I might take you seriously. Try to ask that question again without throwing it full-force into my face, and see how that feels... Go ahead, TRY it, you'll be AMAZED at the way you had no idea what it was really like until you actually experienced it for yourself!! REALLY!
See, what you seem to be missing is that it was your attitude that brought all of this onto you. If you had stopped and considered what you were saying before arguing so hard to defend yourself, I wouldn't have flown off the handle. The fact that you are still unable to see this speak volumes. I am not claiming to be better than anyone, I can accept that my words and attitude have been harsh. Yet for some reason, you are so inflexible in your position that you still are determined to claim that you "get it" despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. None of my posts have been trollisms, I have answered multiple things that you "challenged" people to present oyu with and then you ignored them because of my tone. I understand that it must be easy to feel superior when you ignore the points people are making and reduce their arguments by calling them trolls instead of addressing their points. That's fine, I see the futility of trying to present any novel perspective to you and thus I will refrain from doing so. Again all I have to say is this:

Take a real dose of a real psychedelic and then come back and talk to us, please. I think you will be shocked at how different everything is. The beauty of this experience is that it can be had by all, all you have to do is ingest the substance. There is NOTHING unique about my experiences that you could not have for yourself. I do not think I am elite for doing this, quite the contrary. And that is my point; all you have to do is ingest a good dose of any of these substances and your baseless ranting will suddenly be given a leg to stand on. Maybe you will have the same perspective, maybe it will be different. Either way, you will have the experience with which to support your conjectures and beliefs with regards to psychedlics.
Since this topic gets a bit too much heat I'm closing it down for now.
I respectfully ask all people involved to rethink your position and thought waves and try to look from the viewpoint of the other people in this thread.

Once I think all is ok again I will re-open this thread. Please don't open any other threads to address this one since I will delete them on sight. ;)

Kind regards,

The Traveler
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