Neō KyK ĖntheŌnaut
Consciousness is psychedelic, whenever you're aware, distortion and waves, bells from citie of jades pass on the last echo of ancient whales. From this moment realized, every step forward is a step backward, closer to the origin, movement is an annihilation of itself. Centers everywhere, dismembering themselves in arks and rosaces, interlaced in beams of light, birthing fruits of myriad richness.
So here I am, wandering, endless seas and crystal ruins. Escalations of cosmic vibrations are the form of this thought, an experiment that will vanish, evolve and reorganize itself into new shapes. Horizons stir in every direction. Seagulls they scream my name. The sun rises, wind howls, to reach the nearest and furthest places, water's reflections are a maze from which emerges this present form, the trees they waggle it. I am forged of all this.
So here I am. Not very anxious but there is a little nervousness, though I like the rite of passage to get here, it instills a mood, not unlike the one I approached the spice with. There is an earning necessary to those kinds of experiences, from which respect and carefulness should arise, be the foundation. Though I always had a psychonautic attitude toward psychedelics, and their siblings -
which went through researching on the great big internet, since I had no close relation to guide me - I still regret using them sacred plants and chemicals recklessly. Being absorbed by the weird dream that is the rave world, for only a bit, but was that bite enough.
The first thing any psychonaut should do is change the way he uses, it's all like eating. Our current world doesn't know how to eat, nor how to breath. So obviously, when my mind had been dissolved and information was penetrating me in accentuated manner - once I integrated the experience - I started taking care of what I put in my body, and what my mind eats. Reconnection with nature, my nature, was so natural. Interest in eastern philosophy and meditation, paganism, and other things from that branch of the tree, also came instinctively.
(Though there actually is a lot of scientific questions)
I love Goa music. She is so soaked with psychedelic magic, and its teachings, its vibrational echoes, high and deep frequencies. So meditative, yet crazy and filled with blasting creativity. A perfect blend of the new and the old, from the shaman to the machine, a machine that screams for organicity, electricity that thrives to awake your body's energetic circuits, the flow of it. And it just sounds like an alien language on top of that - which drove my recent interest to the spice. Sort of always had this connection to space from music (and books), through Hendrix, Floyd, Sun Ra, then it evolved.
So why I am here?
Well after my first Changa experience, it just seems like the thing to do. Get to the tribe.
Changa came at the right time. I was interested in trying it earlier this year but couldn't find a source, was still on medication, but the germs were there. High interest in Goa and looking for books about alien languages. Then I evolved into a more extremist view of technology and nature, started eating in mindfulness again, thinking of being independent of the system as much as possible. Then comes the spice, in a form that I could make myself, interacting with plants and closer to an Ayahuasca brew, lasting not too long. Among some other synchronicities (one being that I was offered Caapi resin, by a member of the Nexus if I recall well), a substance that I was offered by a friend.
So the right time came.
And it was still a, tiny, big deal. I hadn't had a full-blown trip since three years. Though I am in a nice period now, I am not so stable - I would never have written this, a trip report or anything on the internet just three weeks ago. But then, things they change, they have a way of changing. For me they change a little bit too fast, which has kept me from building more ... concrete things. I guess this place could even become an anchor of some sort if I feel well into it.
If I had to pin down a core reason to my coming here - which was more instinctive and nebulous that thought out really - I would say it's for the social. Integrate my experience, and coming experiences, into a circle of interaction. This is however something I also should seek outside of the digital world and I will keep that in mind.
I thought this would be a nice place for communication experiments too. I was so happy to see you created a Lexicon for Hyperspace. I would very much like we create little symbol - glyph - runes as a tapestry, well, when I will have explored it alright.
Upon answering the questionnaire today I also encountered the Egnimaticus project and it was a unique synchronicity. Yesterday I layed out many principles and idea for a game where one would travel cyberspace, and interact with it, in a psychedelic way. It is a lot embedded in my personal experience of the spiritual, my day to day life, and inspired from games like Rez, Thumper, and your usual music visualizer. It's a continuation of a vision of the internet I had two years ago, where one would roam freely inside geometrical patterns accessing more or less random data.
I guess it came as a way of processing my Changa experience too - which I have a report of almost ready.
I feel like I have written enough. It's a pleasure stepping in, I hope I can give in return of what I will receive and that I will be able to build with you one of those beautiful castles of sand ...
The Truth of Communication