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Oral DMT- Preparing for the journey

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM has been planning and preparing as much as he can to embark on his first ever oral DMT experience.

SWIM is planning on mixing 25-50mg of freebase DMT with 200mg of pure THH in a glass of orange juice or water with lemon juice (whatever ends up being around).

SWIM thinks it is important to mention that the DMT has some impurities, and has basically been in a drawer the past 3 months. I don't suspect a loss in potency, but I suppose it's possible.

SWIM is unsure of the DMT dose he should take for a few different reasons:

-He is planning on attending an Ott concert that he has tickets to in the midst of the trip. He told me that he wants to take the DMT a few hours before the show so that by the time he is at it he will be starting to come down.

-He has a fairly high tolerance to tryptamine based psychedelics, and when he reads that people need 250mg of DMT to have an experience it further confuses him. He wants the experience to be somewhat intense, but mild enough to keep composed while being at a show.

-He has never taken THH with DMT (smoked or oral)- only THH by itself. This leaves him somewhat unsure how much the THH will potentiate the DMT in his case, and can only go by what a couple of other people have reported.

These three things, primarily, are leaving SWIM unsure about what DMT dose to start with. He was thinking it might be effective to start with a 20mg dose, and based on how strong the onset is, possibly take more.

What do you guys think would be an appropriate dose under these circumstances?
Oral DMT is a hard thing to get right the first time, as different people have very different tolerances to it.

Personally I would not plan on taking it at a show, especially the first time as you have no way of knowing how it will effect you. With a decent dose of oral, I personally would not want to be anywhere near a concert, but to each their own. If you take enough, you just want to lie/sit there and explore innerspace, for me a concert would be far too distracting and take away from the inward journey which is the hallmark of the Oral DMT journey.

I for instance have a very high tolerance. I need 250-400mg of THH/Harmine in order for DMT to activate orally, and 200-250mg DMT to have a minor experience. Last time I took dmt orally I think in total I consumed nearly 600mg before I got to where I wanted to be. But that is me personally and not common amongst the reports I have written.

To start with, I'd go with 200mg of THH and 25-50mg of DMT. You said you normally have a high tolerance for tryptamines, so my guess is that you wont feel that at all. But it may blow you away, there is really no way of knowing until you try. Oral DMT is a tricky thing, it took me about 5 attempts before I found the "sweet spot".

What you can do, is take 25mg, and if after an hour you are not feeling it, then take 25mg more etc. At some point you may have to take some additonal MAOI if your first couple 25mg dmt shots don't do it for you. Be patient, this is great medicine and will provide you with great insights into yourself (far far more than smoking it). There is no rush, and finding the right dose for the right circumstances is in my opinion very valuable knowledge.

Happy journeys! You won't regret it!

i have not experimented with said thh so i cant advise you there
i have experimented alot with oral dmt i usually take ~125mg harmala (syrian rue manske method with addition of sodium carbonate after adding salt) as far as freebase dmt in my experience (with very clean white crystals, A and defat/B-sodium carbonate wash-freeze-A and defat /B-sodium carbonate wash-freeze-decant-recrystallize by reheating in fresh naphtha then slow evap) it takes me about .4-.6 mg/kg for a moderately strong dose comparable to 1-2 hits of good acid although not as long lasting... 1+mg/kg is very intense like imo puts acid to shame (although not as long lasting) DONT take that much... 250mg would put me in an asylum for sure... to be honest though you need to test the waters wisely... i started with 10mg and it had effect without visuals but good body high better to barely feel anything then to take 10 times to much you know what i mean... if its your first time taking it orally id recommend .3-.4 mg/kg but take that with a grain of salt as i got no idea how strongly the maoi your taking interacts

i need to go eat lunch and head back to my human job if you got any other questions ill try my best to help
Saidin said:
I for instance have a very high tolerance. I need 250-400mg of THH/Harmine in order for DMT to activate orally, and 200-250mg DMT to have a minor experience. Last time I took dmt orally I think in total I consumed nearly 600mg before I got to where I wanted to be. But that is me personally and not common amongst the reports I have written.

:shock::shock: holy toleto.....
the most iv ever taken at once was 1.3 mg/kg (120mg/155lbs) and believe me i regretted it... it was without a doubt the farthest i have ever been on anything...

this just goes to show you start slow dont "believe the hype" if i had just gone by what i read that first time i would of consumed double my highest dose... that would of been bad heh heh better to feel nothing then way way too much
For SWIM 200 mg of THH and 20 mg of DMT is very strong, strong enough for visions to occur. Oral DMT dosages vary a lot from person to person. Start low and work your way up.
psychosisdoses said:
Saidin said:
:shock::shock: holy toleto.....
the most iv ever taken at once was 1.3 mg/kg (120mg/155lbs) and believe me i regretted it... it was without a doubt the farthest i have ever been on anything...

this just goes to show you start slow dont "believe the hype" if i had just gone by what i read that first time i would of consumed double my highest dose... that would of been bad heh heh better to feel nothing then way way too much

Yeah, it can vary from time to time depending on state of mind, contents of your stomach, etc.

That time I took 350mg of Harmines, and then 300mg of spice an hour later. Nothing happened, didnt' feel it at all. Two hours later I took another 200mg of spice...a slight something after an hour. I then took 150mg of THH/Harmine and another 150mg of spice, and finally got to where I wanted to be. Not the best experience as I got stuck in a 5 second loop which lasted for probably a half hour, but I learned a lot from that experience. There are no good or bad trips, only learning experiences. I weigh 100kg, so that was about 6mg/kg, which I would not recommend for anyone who does not know their tolerance. .5mg/kg is probably a good starting point, and just go up from there if you find you want/need more.

You have to find what is right for you, and it may take some time and experimentation, but it is totally worth it.
Thanks for the info guys. SWIM will start with 25mg and work his way up if needed.

And just to clarify, SWIM won't be at the concert until he is on the come down if all goes as planned. He thinks Ott live will be a beautiful way to end his journey.
i know this is a far out ridiculous question..... but what would you suspect would happen if one were to eat a gram or two of dmt...... can you o.d. ....... is there an oral break through point....... or would your ass colapse on itself and the universe would go down with it?
The Infinite Abyss said:
i know this is a far out ridiculous question..... but what would you suspect would happen if one were to eat a gram or two of dmt...... can you o.d. ....... is there an oral break through point....... or would your ass colapse on itself and the universe would go down with it?
As far as I understand its impossible to overdose on DMT, but I don't see why SWIM would do such a thing. Though harmine potentiators can be proven dangerous and even fatal at high doses causing progressive CNS paralysis.

100-250mg of DMT fumarate has been SWIM's noted doses with a combination of harmal alkaloids ranging from 200-350mg total(Note: SWIM weighs 180lb). Although he cannot recall of the time of onset, it is usally lasting 2-5 hours varying as a complete ayahuasca experience with the slightest hint of nausea. Would aim a six hour timeframe before heading out. Best of luck and peace be the journey.
coz42 said:
The Infinite Abyss said:
i know this is a far out ridiculous question..... but what would you suspect would happen if one were to eat a gram or two of dmt...... can you o.d. ....... is there an oral break through point....... or would your ass colapse on itself and the universe would go down with it?
As far as I understand its impossible to overdose on DMT, but I don't see why SWIM would do such a thing. Though harmine potentiators can be proven dangerous and even fatal at high doses causing progressive CNS paralysis.

100-250mg of DMT fumarate has been SWIM's noted doses with a combination of harmal alkaloids ranging from 200-350mg total(Note: SWIM weighs 180lb). Although he cannot recall of the time of onset, it is usally lasting 2-5 hours varying as a complete ayahuasca experience with the slightest hint of nausea. Would aim a six hour timeframe before heading out. Best of luck and peace be the journey.

There has been one reported death, that I'm aware of, due to amine intoxication in an individual who smoked 5-MeO-DMT and then immediately took ayhuasca.

And thanks a lot for the input.
The Infinite Abyss said:
i know this is a far out ridiculous question..... but what would you suspect would happen if one were to eat a gram or two of dmt...... can you o.d. ....... is there an oral break through point....... or would your ass colapse on itself and the universe would go down with it?

you probably wont die directly from it but you might as well i cant imagine anything good coming from that much... i have had experiences on 50-120mg comparable if not surpassing very strong acid trips..... dont forget this is very very strong stuff
There might be a point where all the MAO in your stomach can no longer break down all the DMT, if you'd swallow multiple grams of it. But imagine that this point would be at 5 grams and you've taken 6 grams. That would mean you'd be tripping on the equivalent of 1 gram of smoked DMT.
That's the equivalent of the universe collapsing down on your ass at least ten times.
On the other hand; nothing might happen at all.
The Infinite Abyss said:
purely, purely hypothetical.... i have an inquisitive nature..... not a stupid self destructive one

i know exactly what you mean i myself have wondered

"gee wonder what will happen if i take whole handful"

good always gets better right... righhhht???

i have had very trying experiences on 1.0-1.2 mg/kg i cant imagine even fathom what would happen with proper maoi and 20-30 mg/kg .... i would have to think in all likely hood you "wouldnt come back" it would probably drive the poor soul insane

Saidin- i feel sorry for your tolerence man my goldfish knows how it is hes the same way with acid... but dmt for some reason.... he tells me hes had many wonderful times on 100mg harmala and 30-50 mg furmate or 30-50 mg freebase (prefer furmate) although he will occasionally roll up his sleaves and "have at it" taking like 1-1.2 mg/kg with 150-180 mg harmala he says that kinda dose really does him in like a good strong dose of acid..... that crazy goldfish he loves the spice
Thanks for the sympathy, it is really frustrating.

It has happened the last couple times I've done it. Just cant seem to get it to activate. I'd had good experiences in the past with 250mg of harmalas, and 200mg spice. Did everything the same these past two times but it just wont kick in :cry:

I am going to take a break for a while and try again in a few weeks, see if its any better. If not, it may just be that I've learned all I can from it in this envrionment and I have to head to the Amazon and a Shaman if I want to continue my journeys.

It is definately worth it, since I started taking it orally, smoking just doesn't do it for me anymore. Just go slow and be patient, and the magic will come!
Saidin said:
Thanks for the sympathy, it is really frustrating.

It has happened the last couple times I've done it. Just cant seem to get it to activate. I'd had good experiences in the past with 250mg of harmalas, and 200mg spice. Did everything the same these past two times but it just wont kick in :cry:

I am going to take a break for a while and try again in a few weeks, see if its any better. If not, it may just be that I've learned all I can from it in this envrionment and I have to head to the Amazon and a Shaman if I want to continue my journeys.

It is definately worth it, since I started taking it orally, smoking just doesn't do it for me anymore. Just go slow and be patient, and the magic will come!

i pretty much only oral dose and sublingual and insulated heh those later methods arnt for the timid i warn you... but iv only smoked it a few times and very modestly the one time i smoked it sober was ~10mg freebase i honestly didnt like the way it made me feel to rushed and pushed iv used it few times since during oral dmt doses with appreciable enough results still modestly i doubt iv toked more then ~20 mg usually with smoking it for me the more the less enjoyable ... perhaps ill go there one day but for now i am content brushing against it...

i have to admit tho im curious as to the cause of such tolerance
to be frank i think iv only gone one or two days with out taking the spice (in some amount) in the past 2-3 months (i am aware of my actions and content with my choices) and i have noticed very little tolerance and to say the least i have quite a background as far as using until it wont do no more...

1mg/kg and 100-125 mg harmala still has me soarin for hours

but eh the human brain is a tricky thing
it may be a mute question but you dont take any medications do you?
Saidin said:
It has happened the last couple times I've done it. Just cant seem to get it to activate. I'd had good experiences in the past with 250mg of harmalas, and 200mg spice. Did everything the same these past two times but it just wont kick in Crying or very sad

I am going to take a break for a while and try again in a few weeks, see if its any better. If not, it may just be that I've learned all I can from it in this envrionment and I have to head to the Amazon and a Shaman if I want to continue my journeys.
Tried adding cacao/theobromine?
psychosisdoses said:
iv only smoked it a few times and very modestly the one time i smoked it sober was ~10mg freebase i honestly didnt like the way it made me feel to rushed and pushed

it may be a mute question but you dont take any medications do you?

No, I'm not on any medications. Nothing has changed from the previous times I've done it, even took a 3 weeks break between the last effective dose and the 2 duds.

I find smoking small doses very unplesant, anything under 20mg for me just makes me feel a bit nauseated and uncomfortable...30mg and up is where the juice is at. I suggest smoking a bit larger of a dose, it may take care of those uncomfortable feelings for you.
Saidin said:
Not the best experience as I got stuck in a 5 second loop which lasted for probably a half hour, but I learned a lot from that experience. There are no good or bad trips, only learning experiences.

I've been in a smoked time loop and that would of only been for 7 min, but for half an hour!! god dam man.. thats a straining thought. Very true what you said though.

Saidin said:
I suggest smoking a bit larger of a dose, it may take care of those uncomfortable feelings for you.

I'd agree, if you've only tried 10-20mg smoked you haven't tried smoked yet and I highly suggest you do.
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