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Other Dimensions/The Heavens

Migrated topic.
Endlessness wrote:

SgtWow, thanks for expanding a bit more

I think it might be easier if you would just link to the sources of these texts, no?

Regarding DMT being "dangerous spiritually", this makes me think of two things: Why are you posting in the DMT Nexus, then, instead of going to some buddhist retreat or similar? Dont you see how DMT is incredibly important to us here and that we all find it is a great tool for our own development, hence why we are here?

You have the right to your own opinion, of course, if its respectfully stated, but it really feels strange, its as if I went to a cooking forum and made posts saying how I hated cooking and linking people to industrial food pages or something ?

Anyways the other thing that I wonder, do you equate freebased smoked DMT with oral DMT/ayahuasca too? If you notice, there has been a lot of research about ayahauasca, and shown how it is beneficial for the people taking it, they form a big community bond, they have no cognitive/health damage, they are people who are trying to improve themselves, have used ayahuasca to stop being addicted to different substances, etc...

Also did you ever read the publication about mushrooms and spiritual experiences? So they researched how mushrooms affected people in spiritual/mystical aspects. So basically this very well developed research showed how these people who took the mushrooms in the experience mentioned it was the (or one of the 5) most meaningful experience of their life, equating to the birth of a child or similar. Not only that, but in the research they also asked people in their close circle (Family, friends) for how the experience affected them, and those people confirmed that the research volunteers had become better people, more friendly, more open, etc. Im pretty sure if this research was done with ayahuasca/oral dmt, the same would be true. What do you think?

I have placed the link to the lectures in my 2nd post in this thread. The reason why I have chosen a few excerpts to share is because not everything covered in the lectures pertains to Spiritual and Metaphysical matters and there is indeed alot of lectures to cover to find such excerpts.

As to why I am sharing this material on the Nexus, well this is the Spirituality section after all and the excerpts do have many fascinating insights and similarities to the DMT experience but are coming from a very different angle and perspective. These excerpts are in my opinion shedding light on what these DMT dimensions, experiences and entities are all about and the more knowledge people have of these matters the better.

You mention DMT a great tool for development but I feel, as do many Shamanic Scholars such as Stever Bayer and Jeremy Narby that there are real and inherent risks with these substances that most people still dismiss by looking at these 'bad trips' and other negative phenomena through the lens of 21st century science and psychology.

Narby does talk about the dark side of Shamanism and Entheogens in this interesting interview here:

Some other videos in regard to this:

Shamans who voyage in these realms take this things extremely seriously and most often then not they do not plunge into these realms on a whim or out of curiosity, they also protect themselves via various means against negative entities and forces.

Also one must be aware that what looks good on the surface is not always the case in reality, this is doubly so for entities and dimensions that most people that have no true understanding of.

Many Shamans infact have what they call 'Spirit Animals' or 'Spirit Helpers' such as snakes, foxes and other beings that help heal a patient. The truth is that these Spirit Animals have actually attached themselves to this Shaman when he partakes in Ayahuasca and they do indeed heal a person but they are not benevolent. They are actually possessing spirits that have their own goals and agendas and their help comes with serious strings attached for both the Shaman and the Patient being healed.

Many beings and entities offer guidance, help, teachings and healings but not all of them are benevolent even though it looks like they are.

Some people after smoking DMT for example may spontaneously perform mudras and think this is something wonderous and highly spiritual. Did you know that Demons also know these things? They possess a person to perform these hand signs and on the other side they are 'changing' you but it is not for your benefit in the least.

Endlessness wrote:

Lastly, about the texts themselves, sure if you get into the mindset, they have something of interest. But personally, I find it all way too arbitrary... Who's to say whats on The Other Side ? We are all humans, we can all be mistaken, even gurus. Im not gonna give up my own autonomy and consciousness for someone because he holds one or another title, because he has one or another model for what existence is all about. Its just a model, which might be more or less appropriate for one or another person in one or another context, but its not The Reality, its a model. The Menu is NOT the Meal.

The search for the Truth of these matters is indeed a tricky thing. I beleive people have their own discernment and judgement in these matters and anything that can shed new insights and light onto this phenomena is a positive thing.

I am merely sharing some fresh insights from an accomplished Buddha GrandMaster and his views on spiritual matters which seems to correspond to the DMT phenomena in certain regards.

Of course if this doesn't resonate with people and they don't believe in it or they don't care for this information, that is also fine. Everyone is entitled to their views and beliefs.

My personal belief however is that many people here do not understand what they are truly doing to themselves when they enter these realms through DMT and Ayahuasca.

I think an analogy is a person who scales the protective walls of a Zoo's animal enclosure to take a look at the wild animals up close and personal thinking that if he has light and love in his heart or if the sends out love he will be safe, it's not as simple as that as can be attested by the many bad and sometimes horrific trips that people also experience on DMT. This is not a game or a recreational toy one does out just does out of curiosities sake.

Sure I might listen, I might try to incorporate what I feel makes sense to my own ideas, and I will also question what I dont feel is right. To stop questioning and blindly follow is the death of conscience, IMO. You were born an individual and not simply an extension of a master, like his arm or nails, for a reason.

And lastly, I feel spirituality is not some abstract concept where you have to suppose deities and demons, where you have to talk about this or that mystical thing, but that spirituality is shown in daily life, in the small actions. What good is it to go to some religious cerimony and do all the special rituals, but if you cant talk well with your own family, or if you throw garbage on the streets, or so on and so on.. ? I think people have too many theories about the spiritual world and often forget to live their lives, each day at a time. Not saying you fit this case, but just a point I thought worth making.

I agree with you. Religions for the most part are just formalities and the Gods don't care about them. They only look upon a person mind and heart. When Buddha Shakyamuni or Jesus was in the world they never wanted to form a 'religion'. They only preached their Law on how to purify oneself and be a good person with the goal to eventually attain salvation.

That is what 'Cultivation' and the 'Dao' truly is. No thing 'out there' can help you attain it. You have to work hard on your own self, on one's mind, pour out the filth, temper the will and guard one's virtue and be a good person. That is what 'spirituality' truly is, it's not about formalities like Kow Towing to a statue or going to church or building Temples or shrines, they are just intention filled formalities that no Gods in the Heavens pay heed to.

Endlessness you in the end choose your own destiny as we all do. I am not trying to convert you to anything I am merely sharing some fresh information on all of this fascinating stuff. I do beleive that DMT has inherent dangers in all it's forms and I feel it is good to share this information with people.

I also feel that their are still true and upright ancient Practices that do have ways to elevate themselves to higher realms safely and naturally and awaken one's Supernatural abilites that you 'yourself' have bought out through spiritually working on yourself and that weren't gifted to you by beings who's true intentions are unknown and could very well be detrimental to your spiritual development.

Rising Spirit wrote:

While there seems to be some element of universal truth to the teachings presented here, the underlying tone is not wholly "spiritual ", by any of the definitions which I have come to understand. In other words, when one cultivates deep levels of mindfulness, said "essence " is seen in all things and on all planes.

I am not saying that all perceptual input becomes some kind of indstinguishable homogeny or any such notion ... but the living presence becomes recognizable in everything else, as existent in all of being. So, from the lens which I have trained my mind 's eye to observe, there indeed appears to be a grand singularity in consciousness, uniting all awareness in the fulcrum of the Sacred oneness.

I have come to believe that those who immerse themselves within the living current, come to see the interconnections more clearly and differentiate less and less, between thsemselves and others. No need to label degrees of attaiment or cultivation, for in perceiving the whole of creation as, in reality, no different than the Heavenly plane ... self blooms exponessially. For is it not an illusion, that matter and spirit appear as other than one unified field of being?

This 'essence' that you speak of, this 'energy' as it were is, I agree, the fundamental force of the universe and from which the different dimensional realms are created but from our own Earthly level there are indeed degrees of attainment, even in the normal world there are different jobs and people fill out there responsibilities to different extents.

There are good people and bad people and there are people that have very fortunate lives and others that have extremely painful lives full of misery. Not only that but why is it that some people are born rich and some into poverty?, some are born beautiful and others deformed and so forth. People are not the same, there are Karmik reasons for everything one is and has in their current lifetime so the universe is indeed very complex.

There are indeed levels of attainment in the spiritual realms, even in Buddhism they talk about Arhats, Boddhisatvas and Tathagatas and so forth, all different spiritual attainment levels depending on how much a person 'Cultivated', how much he worked on himself spiritually while in this Earthly existence.

Some ancient masters like Lao Zi, Jesus, Buddha Shakyamuni and the ones before them that are unknown have raised their levels and eventually through painful and arduous cultivation through many years become unlocked or 'Enlightened'.

What does Enlightenment truly mean? I will share with you what Enlightenment means from a Buddha Masters Perspective:


What’s "enlightenment"? "Enlightenment" started out as a religious term. In Buddhism it refers to a cultivator’s understanding of Buddha Law, to his enlightening to different truths, and to his final Enlightenment, and it means Wisdom-Enlightenment. But nowadays it’s being used by ordinary people to refer to somebody who’s clever, or who knows what’s on his boss’s mind and can pick up on it right away, somebody who’s good at pleasing his boss. People say that that’s somebody who’s good at enlightening to things. People often understand it that way. But if you jump out of this level of ordinary people and get to a level slightly higher, you’ll find that what ordinary people see as the truth is usually wrong. But for us, "enlightening" is totally different from that kind of enlightening.

A crafty, slick person’s ability to enlighten is actually pretty poor, and that’s because somebody who’s overly clever will tend to just do superficial work to get on the good side of his boss and superiors. Then won’t other people have to do the real work? Well, then you’ll have to pay them back. He’s crafty and he’s good at doing things that make him look good, so he makes out better, and then other people have to fill in for him. With his cleverness he won’t let himself lose out on anything, and chances are he won’t lose out, so other people will then have to lose out. As those trivial, immediate benefits become more and more important to him, he gets more and more calculating and petty, and he thinks more and more that ordinary people’s material gains are something he shouldn’t let go of. And he’ll think he’s practical, and that he doesn’t get short-changed.

And you know what, some people admire that kind of guy! But look, I’m going to tell you: don’t admire him. You have no idea how exhausting his life is—he can’t enjoy his food, he can’t sleep well, and even in his dreams he’s worrying about losing out. And when it comes to his own gain, he’ll dig his heels in over even the most trivial things. Wouldn’t you say his life is exhausting? He goes through his whole life just living for that. We say that when you’re handling a disagreement, if you can take a step back you’ll see things in a whole new light. I guarantee things will look different. But people like that guy won’t give ground. His life is just the most exhausting, so don’t go learn from him. In the cultivation world they say that people like him are the most lost.

He’s gotten completely lost among ordinary people over his own gain. If you suggest to him that he guard his virtue, good luck! Suggest to him that he cultivate and he’ll come right back at you, "Cultivate? You practitioners don’t even hit back when you’re attacked, or talk back when people insult you. People treat you like dirt, and you aren’t supposed to hold a grudge like other people would. Instead, you have to turn around and thank them. You’re all like that pathetic guy Ah-Q! There’s something wrong with your heads!" Somebody like that can’t understand cultivation. He’d say you’re the one who’s unbelievable. He’d say you’re dumb. Wouldn’t you agree he’s hard to save?

What we mean by "enlightened" isn’t that. Turns out, what we mean by enlightened is actually what that guy calls dumb when it comes to making out well. That’s the "enlightened" we’re talking about. Of course it’s not really being dumb. It’s only that we take lightly those things that have to do with self-interest, when it comes to other things we’re plenty smart. When we work on a scientific research project, or, say, when our supervisor gives us an assignment, or when we’re completing our tasks, we do a great job with crystal-clear thinking. But when it comes to that petty personal gain, or when it’s about tensions and disagreements with other people, it’s just then that we take things lightly. Who’d call you dumb for that? Nobody will. I guarantee it.

Now let’s talk about somebody who’s a bit mentally slow. The truth about this matter is totally reversed at higher levels. Someone who’s slow probably won’t do any seriously bad ordinary things. There’s no way for him to fight and compete to benefit himself. He’s not out to build a name for himself, and he doesn’t lose virtue. But other people give him virtue. They hit him and insult him, they all give him virtue, and that material is really precious. There’s a law in this universe of ours: someone who doesn’t lose doesn’t gain, and to gain you have to lose. When people see that retarded guy they’ll put him down, "You big retard!" And when they open their mouths to insult him, a piece of virtue is flung over. When you’ve abused somebody you’re the party that’s gotten something out of it, and so you’ll have to lose something.

Maybe somebody will walk over and kick that guy, "You big retard!" Well, then another hefty chunk of virtue is flung over. When somebody bullies him or kicks him, he isn’t bothered and just takes it with a grin, "Go ahead, what matters is you’re giving me your virtue. I won’t push any of it back!" So if we go by higher truths, then let’s think about it, who’s clever? Isn’t he the clever one? He’s the cleverest. He doesn’t lose any virtue. When you fling virtue over to him he doesn’t push any of it back and he accepts it all, he takes it all with a grin. Maybe he’s retarded in this life, but he won’t be in his next life, his master soul isn’t retarded. In some religions they say that if a person has a lot of virtue then in his next life he’ll be a high-ranking official or make a big fortune. His virtue is exchanged for them.

We believe that virtue can be evolved directly into gong. Isn’t how high you cultivate to evolved from your virtue? It can be evolved right into gong. Isn’t the gong that decides how high your level is, or how strong your potency is, isn’t it evolved from that material? Wouldn’t you say it’s precious? You should know that it can be brought along at birth and taken along at death. In Buddhism it’s said that whatever height you’ve achieved in cultivating, that’s your Fruition. However much you put in, that’s how much you get out. That’s how it works. In some religions they say that a virtuous person will be a high-ranking official or make a big fortune in his next life, while somebody without much virtue can’t even get anything begging for food, and that’s because he doesn’t have any virtue to swap—no loss, no gain, right?! And when somebody doesn’t have an ounce of virtue left, both his body and spirit will perish, he’ll truly die.

There was a qigong master whose level was pretty high when he first went public with his practice. Later on that qigong master got all caught up in fame and money, so his master left with the guy’s subordinate soul, since he was one of those people whose subordinate souls cultivates. When his subordinate soul was still around it was his subordinate soul that called the shots. I’ll give you an example. One day his company was assigning an apartment to one chosen employee. Management said, "Whoever needs housing come on over, tell me why you think you deserve it and why you each need an apartment." Everyone got riled up about making a case for himself, but that guy was mute. In the end management decided that he was in a tougher situation than everybody else, and that the apartment should go to him.

The other people said, "No way, you can’t give him the apartment. You should give it to me. Let me tell you how badly I need it." Then the guy said, "Okay, then you can take it." In ordinary people’s eyes that guy was dumb. Some people knew he was a cultivator, so they asked him, "You cultivators don’t want anything. So just what do you want?" He told them, "Whatever other folks don’t want, that’s what I want." The truth is, he wasn’t at all dumb. He was pretty sharp. It was just when something of his was at stake that he handled it that way—he let things happen naturally. Then the others followed up, "What don’t people want nowadays?" He said, "The stones on the ground are kicked around and nobody wants them. So I’ll take the stones." Ordinary people think that’s just unbelievable. Ordinary people can’t understand cultivators. There’s no way they can, their level of awareness is just too far behind, there’s just too huge a gap in levels. Of course, he’s not really about to go pick up stones.

But he told a truth that ordinary people just can’t grasp—"I’m not after ordinary things." Let’s just talk about stones as an example. You know how the Buddhist scriptures say that in the Western Paradise the trees are gold, the ground is gold, birds are gold, flowers are gold, houses are also gold, and even Buddha’s body is golden and shining, right? Well, you can’t find even one piece of stone there, and word has it they use stones as money. Now that guy wouldn’t haul a chunk of rock over there, but he did reveal a truth, and ordinary people can’t get it. Beyond a doubt, a cultivator believes, "Ordinary people have those ordinary pursuits of theirs, but we don’t go after that. And we don’t care for what ordinary people have. But what we have, that’s something ordinary people couldn’t get even if they wanted to."

So in fact, the "enlightening" that we just talked about is still just the type of enlightening that is during the process of cultivating. And it’s just the opposite of ordinary people’s "enlightening." When we talk about real enlightening it has to do with whether we can, while we’re cultivating, come to understand that we’re cultivators when we run into difficulty; with whether we can understand and accept the Law that the master teaches, or the Dao that a Daoist master teaches; and with whether we can, in the process of cultivating, do things in line with that Law. Some people won’t believe in these things no matter how you explain it to them, and ordinary things are still more real to them. They hold on to their rigid ways of thinking and don’t let go, and so they can’t believe in it. And then some people are just thinking about healing. The second I said qigong really isn’t for healing they got turned off, and now they won’t believe anything that’s said.

Some people’s comprehension just doesn’t improve. Some folks just go and start marking up this book of mine. Now, those of us with open Third Eyes can see that this book is full of dazzling colors, and sparkling with golden light, and every word is in my Law Body’s image. If I lied I’d be cheating you, so I’ll tell you: the marks you make are so dark, and you dare to just mark it up like that? Do you know what we’re doing here? Aren’t we guiding you upward in cultivation? You should stop and give a little thought to some things. This book can guide your cultivation—now think, isn’t it precious? You worship Buddha, but can that help you do true cultivation? You’re very pious and you handle that Buddha’s statue like fragile glass, and you burn incense for it every day, yet you dare to tamper with the Great Law that can truly guide your cultivation.

When we talk about a person’s comprehension, it’s about how much you understand, while you’re in the process of cultivating, the certain things that come up when you arrive at different levels, or the certain things or certain Laws that your master teaches you. But that’s not what we mean by fundamental enlightenment. When we talk about fundamental enlightenment, it’s about how during his life a person, from the time he takes up cultivation on, keeps rising to higher levels and keeps getting rid of his human attachments and all those desires, and his gong keeps growing, until at some point he reaches the last step of his cultivation.

His virtue, that matter, will all have been evolved into gong, he’ll arrive at the end of the cultivation path his master arranged, and at that split second, "Boom!" all the locks will be blasted open. His Third Eye will reach the highest point of the level he’s at, and he’ll see the reality of the various dimensions at his level, the forms of existence of the various beings in different space-times, the forms of existence of matter in each space-time, and he’ll see the Truth of our universe. His divine powers will be displayed in all their grandeur, and he’ll be able to communicate with all kinds of beings. At that point, isn’t he a Great Enlightened Being? Isn’t he a person who’s become Enlightened by cultivating? In the language of ancient India, that’s a "Buddha."

That type of enlightenment we talk about, a type of fundamental enlightenment, is in the form of "sudden enlightenment." With sudden enlightenment a person is locked for all the years that he cultivates. He doesn’t know how high his gong is, and he doesn’t know the forms of the gong he’s cultivated, he can’t feel anything, and even the cells in his body are locked, all the gong he’s cultivated is locked, and it stays that way until he cultivates to the very final step, and then it’s unlocked. Only somebody with a great spiritual inclination can handle this, and the cultivation process is awfully tough. He starts as a good person, he perseveres in improving his character standard, perseveres in bearing hardships, perseveres in cultivating upward, and he perseveres in demanding of himself that he improve his character, but he can’t see his gong. That kind of person’s cultivation is the hardest, and he has to be somebody with great spiritual inclination. He’ll cultivate for a lot of years without any awareness of what’s going on.

There’s another type of enlightenment, called "gradual enlightenment." A lot of people can feel the Law Wheel rotating right from the get-go, and I also open your Third Eye for you. For different reasons some people will go from not being able to see things to at some point being able to see them, and they’ll go from not seeing things well to seeing them well, or from not knowing how to use it to knowing how to use it, and their levels are constantly going up. As you improve your character and give up all those attachments of yours, all kinds of abilities are coming toward the surface. And all the changes during the progress of your cultivation, and the process of transforming your body, these all take place in such a way that you can see them or feel them. You go on like that until you reach the final stage, at which point you’ve completely understood the Truth of the universe, and your level will have reached the highest point that you’re supposed to reach in cultivation.

The evolving of your innate body and the strengthening of your abilities will have reached a certain point. You gradually achieve all this. That is "gradual enlightenment." Cultivating by gradual enlightenment isn’t easy, either. Once some people get abilities they just can’t give up their attachments, and they tend to show off or do bad things. And that way your gong drops, you cultivate for nothing, and in the end you’re ruined. Some people will be able to see things, and they’ll be able to see all kinds of beings displayed at different levels. Maybe those beings will try to get you to do something or other, or they’ll try to get you to cultivate their things or try to take you in as a disciple. But they can’t help you achieve a True Fruition since they haven’t even achieved a True Fruition.

Also, the people in higher dimensions will be divine beings who can become enormous and who can grandly display their divine powers. If your thoughts aren’t proper, won’t you follow them? As soon as you follow them your cultivation will be ruined. Even if they are real Buddhas or real Daos, you’ll still have to cultivate again from scratch. Aren’t the beings at different levels of Heaven all Celestial Beings? Only when somebody has cultivated up to an extremely high level and achieved his goal can he completely break out. But when these divine beings are in front of ordinary people’s eyes they look tall and huge, and endowed with great powers. Yet maybe they haven’t achieved True Fruitions. When you’re being interfered with by all kinds of messages, and when you’re being tempted by all kinds of scenes, will you be able to stay unaffected inside? That’s why we say cultivating with the Third Eye open is hard too.

It’s even harder to guard your character. But don’t worry too much, because for some of our practitioners their abilities will be unlocked at the halfway point, and then they’ll enter the state of gradual enlightenment. We open the Third Eye for all of you, but a lot of people’s abilities aren’t allowed to come out. But when your character improves bit by bit to a certain level, your state of mind is steady, and you can handle yourself well, so then we’ll blast them all completely open for you. So, when you get to a certain level you’re allowed to experience a gradual enlightenment state, since at that time it’s a bit easier to handle yourself, and all kinds of abilities will come out, and you will keep cultivating upward until eventually everything is unlocked. You’re allowed to have that happen halfway through your cultivation. That’s the case for a lot of us, so don’t be anxious to see things.

Maybe you’ve heard about the Zen sect making a distinction between sudden and gradual enlightenment. The Zen sect’s sixth patriarch, Hui Neng, believed in sudden enlightenment, while Shen Xiu from the Northern School of Zen believed in gradual enlightenment. The debate between the two carried on in Buddhist philosophy for a long time, with people arguing on and on. But I’d say it’s meaningless. And why is that? Because what they were talking about was really just the understanding of a truth in the process of cultivating. And as for that truth, some people will grasp it instantly, while others will come to enlighten to it, or grasp it, a bit slowly. So then what’s the difference? It’s better to grasp it instantly, but it’s fine to gradually enlighten to it, too—in both cases he enlightens to it, right? Both ways of enlightening work, so either way is good.

sgtWow said:
Shamans who voyage in these realms take this things extremely seriously and most often then not they do not plunge into these realms on a whim or out of curiosity, they also protect themselves via various means against negative entities and forces.

Also one must be aware that what looks good on the surface is not always the case in reality, this is doubly so for entities and dimensions that most people that have no true understanding of.

Many Shamans infact have what they call 'Spirit Animals' or 'Spirit Helpers' such as snakes, foxes and other beings that help heal a patient. The truth is that these Spirit Animals have actually attached themselves to this Shaman when he partakes in Ayahuasca and they do indeed heal a person but they are not benevolent. They are actually possessing spirits that have their own goals and agendas and their help comes with serious strings attached for both the Shaman and the Patient being healed.

Many beings and entities offer guidance, help, teachings and healings but not all of them are benevolent even though it looks like they are.

Some people after smoking DMT for example may spontaneously perform mudras and think this is something wonderous and highly spiritual. Did you know that Demons also know these things? They possess a person to perform these hand signs and on the other side they are 'changing' you but it is not for your benefit in the least.

My personal belief however is that many people here do not understand what they are truly doing to themselves when they enter these realms through DMT and Ayahuasca.

I also feel that their are still true and upright ancient Practices that do have ways to elevate themselves to higher realms safely and naturally and awaken one's Supernatural abilites that you 'yourself' have bought out through spiritually working on yourself and that weren't gifted to you by beings who's true intentions are unknown and could very well be detrimental to your spiritual development.

Well, I would guesstimate that more than 90% of the members of this forum, possibly more, are not receptive to your repeated cautioning. While I do share your concerns for the perils of the unprepared and largely uninformed (in such matters) members of this psychedelic family, I must question your involvement here, at the DMT-Nexus. What's up with that? 😉

Do you partake of Sacred Medicines or did you once? I'll add that the picture you paint of the entheogenic voyage is quite negative and most extreme. Fear is unproductive and I find love, courage and faith to be far more useful. I'll argue that there is MUCH to discover from tripping on phenethylamines and tryptamines, to say the very least!

Many of the concepts you express or more truthfully, cut & paste, filter down from this self-proclaimed Buddha/Qigong master. I personally feel that a little bit of presenting the ideologies of third parties goes a very loooooong way. Honestly, I wont criticize your path, field of study or your choice of teachers... as all roads lead to the transcendental summit of human consciousness.

But please don't continue to propagate so many anxiety-producing warnings and such overt negativity. Astral travel is NOT always a passage through hostile territories. For myself, there is a tremendous degree of Light and wisdom imparted from experiences under the rushing current of these magikal molecules. I have been reborn from such transcendent journeys. And from my vantage point, many of the ideas you express are founded in the sheer mental illusion. We all, in fact, will traverse these levels in our own time and in some cases, initially at least, the ONLY avenue is psychedelia. I must add that without cultivating internal strength and a focus of unwavering intensity, much of the danger you feel the need to warn others of, can occur. :shock:

Still, I have found that psychedelics have gifted me experiences of deep spiritual transformation. It is neither a substitute, nor a wayward distraction from my daily sadhana. I continue to meditate, concentrate and contemplate the paradigm of human existence. This quest for awakening is palpable, here on the material palne as on each level of ascension, aimed towards the reality of the Eternal Godhead.

I and many of our fellows are drawn towards the Light. And I must emphasize that many of us DO INDEED know what we are doing and where we are traveling. The Omniversal quintessence has gifted these molecules for our growth, shifting of awareness and greater spiritual understanding.

Admittedly, I personally chose to abstain from the Medicine way for nearly 18 years. Not because a Guru, shaman or spiritual master told me not to... I simply needed a long stretch of time to integrate much of what I had experienced. You see, many of the planes of higher consciousness I had visited were shown to me before I was able to fully balance the force of such expansion. When I was called back to the art & science of entheogenic usage, I was well prepared for the transition.

This 'essence' that you speak of, this 'energy' as it were is, I agree, the fundamental force of the universe and from which the different dimensional realms are created but from our own Earthly level there are indeed degrees of attainment, even in the normal world there are different jobs and people fill out there responsibilities to different extents.

There are good people and bad people and there are people that have very fortunate lives and others that have extremely painful lives full of misery. Not only that but why is it that some people are born rich and some into poverty?, some are born beautiful and others deformed and so forth. People are not the same, there are Karmik reasons for everything one is and has in their current lifetime so the universe is indeed very complex.

There are indeed levels of attainment in the spiritual realms, even in Buddhism they talk about Arhats, Boddhisatvas and Tathagatas and so forth, all different spiritual attainment levels depending on how much a person 'Cultivated', how much he worked on himself spiritually while in this Earthly existence.

Some ancient masters like Lao Zi, Jesus, Buddha Shakyamuni and the ones before them that are unknown have raised their levels and eventually through painful and arduous cultivation through many years become unlocked or 'Enlightened'.

What does Enlightenment truly mean? I will share with you what Enlightenment means from a Buddha Masters Perspective:

I don't profess to have all of the answers, as nobody really does, given the infinite nature of the Spirit and the many planes of existence... yet, from my own personal self discoveries, I am convinced that the whole of universal being is radiating Divine effulgence (hidden in all the folds of realities).

I have been drawn to perceive of the awakening of the Omniself, which is a singular and wholly indivisible state of being. This totality is free of limitation and form. Neither demons nor angels exist, in the highest realm of Heaven/Satloka, for naught but I Am exists. Both insubstantially unborn and assuredly immanent here and now, eternally present. Sure, we are not born seeing the full scope of the Unified Field of Indivisible Oneness. Largely not... but the door is open and it requires perseverance and training.

So, for many of us, we must explore altered states and steadfastly seek the Light of all lights. I do agree with your implication that we need to practice expanding the boundaries of our consciouess and cultivate The Tree Treasure: Jing, Qi & Shen. We all ought to share and rejoice in harmonious energy patterns, eh? The flight of the wounded healer is precarious but not without soulful healing and great merit. :thumb_up:

What you say does have some definite validity, surely, but I do not feel that promoting fear and paranoia is particularly helpful or at all practically beneficial for those undaunted psychonauts, who simply seek to find out what human awareness is and what the evolution of our species was pre-programmed to seek.

Furthermore, I don't believe that my stance is right or wrong. We are all trying to awaken to new frontiers of awareness. Nor is yours wholly contrary to my own. And I will also state that God (as I understand this force) planted the Medicine within these Sacred plants.
..to go back to the first line of the OP, sgtWow wrote:
Just where do people go when they enter these DMT realms?
..personally, i've never felt we/i go anywhere..what we are in fact seeing is here/now (from each POV)..in a much less filtered manner..it is not 'in the mind' or brain, or external..just here..
Rising Spirit wrote:
I have been drawn to perceive of the awakening of the Omniself, which is a singular and wholly indivisible state of being. This totality is free of limitation and form
..this would be the same as the most focused, highest bandwidth perception of here/now..the 'angels and demons' of the Bardos, however, must have a purpose, even if only for the entertainment of the 'one'

..just musing..
nen888 said:
..to go back to the first line of the OP, sgtWow wrote:
Just where do people go when they enter these DMT realms?
..personally, i've never felt we/i go anywhere..what we are in fact seeing is here/now (from each POV)..in a much less filtered manner..it is not 'in the mind' or brain, or external..just here...

... this would be the same as the most focused, highest bandwidth perception of here/now..the 'angels and demons' of the Bardos, however, must have a purpose, even if only for the entertainment of the 'one'

..just musing..

I can definitely see your point, as it is so profound that I am almost falling off of my computer chair! Well said friend.

One thing I have found as a universal truth, is that in all the fervent searching my soul has gone through and focused observation I believe I have done (OK, objectively speaking, it was an awareness that has observed these impressions, not exactly my usual normal sense of ego-consciousness... so I am just coining the common vernacular for one's subjective perception, as it expands exponentially)... for ALL levels seem to be occurring simultaneously, if one broadens one's scope and perceptual field. 😁

I believe that this extends to all time periods, dimensions and levels of being. They seem to stack one upon the other, infinitely expanding and concurrently, contracting in all densities and directions, YET, they are all composed of that very same, unbroken essential energy-current. Where else would we go but deeper into this eternal moment, to the loftiest heights of our existential parameters?

If there is a Heaven/Satloka/Nirvana to be discovered through subjective perception... must it not also be palpably immanent and quite present NOW, right before our perception? I believe this to be so. There may be nothing but the present moment, regardless of the height & subtlety or lack of height & subtlety in vibrational frequency and essentially, the fulcrum of awareness/consciousness. And that being said, no concept can adequately describe such an unbound, Omniscient force. But of course... no words can truly convey the limitlessness, and the only constant is change. 8)

And all levels/planes/dimensions coalesce in the timeless eternity of the here & now. It's really so simple and so poetically beautiful. Also, from a purely non-dual perspective, is not all manifestation a dance of polarities in contrast and balance? Whether our feet are firmly on the ground or floating in alternate dimensions, through experience we grow and become able to ascend freely at will. There is no need for fear or self-doubt, as with enough heart cultivated, all doors open and we awaken to find our way back to the indivisibility of the One. :thumb_up:

As our dear friend Alan Watts used to so eloquently say, "This is it."
Rising Spirit Wrote:

Well, I would guesstimate that more than 90% of the members of this forum, possibly more, are not receptive to your repeated cautioning. While I do share your concerns for the perils of the unprepared and largely uninformed (in such matters) members of this psychedelic family, I must question your involvement here, at the DMT-Nexus. What's up with that?

So what you are saying is that you are speaking for all the members of the Nexus and that all of them are not receptive to this information? I have actually gotten a number of PM's thanking me for this information and a member earlier in the Forum Thread also found the information of interest so I cannot say I agree with your assumption.

As for my involvement here? It's pretty much like anyone else's here, to try to understand what all this is about and try to bounce around some fresh ideas and concepts from different perspectives. It's not only psychedelic users that have seen these realms and dimensions, there are other ways too and I am sharing that with people.

Rising Spirit wrote:

Do you partake of Sacred Medicines or did you once? I'll add that the picture you paint of the entheogenic voyage is quite negative and most extreme. Fear is unproductive and I find love, courage and faith to be far more useful. I'll argue that there is MUCH to discover from tripping on phenethylamines and tryptamines, to say the very least!

Indeed I also at one time had used DMT and it's derivatives and I have come to my conclusions from my own personal experiances coupled with those of my collegues aswell as researching the true nature of the Shamanic traditions which are as you may be aware, highly dangerous in unqualified hands.

I have already posted a thread\interview with Jeremy Narby on the dark side of Shamanism which actually accounts for 50% of Shamanism and which most people from Western countriies and 'Urban Shamans' don't seem to acknowledge enough and understand the implications of, if you missed it it's here:

Also from another post on the Nexus I have found a great article from Steve Bayer ( a highly qualified scholar in Shamanism and Ayahusaca use ) on the true nature of Ayahuasca and shamanism, and I do mean even healing shamanism.

Briefly summarized a qualified shaman uses 'helper spirits' to both heal and harm, but are you aware that the Healing Shaman is using spirits that actually are Malevolent?

I quote from the article: “the tsentsak make you do bad things.” and: "The magic darts want to kill, and it requires hard work to keep them under control and use them for healing rather than attack."

Full article here:

This is coming from real Shamans of the Amazon with most likely far more experience, knowledge and flight time in these realms then you and I and their knowledge and wisdom about these matters should not be ignored. These things are not as simple as what one sees at face value when interacting with these substances.

Rising Spirit wrote:

Many of the concepts you express or more truthfully, cut & paste, filter down from this self-proclaimed Buddha/Qigong master. I personally feel that a little bit of presenting the ideologies of third parties goes a very loooooong way. Honestly, I wont criticize your path, field of study or your choice of teachers... as all roads lead to the transcendental summit of human consciousness.

Well I have mentioned in my original post that these are indeed excerpts from various Buddha Master Li Hongzhi's lectures that have been given around the world.

I personally find it very interesting that a highly accomplished Qi Gong Master is talking about other dimensions, the microcosm and macrocsmic realms, entities and various other things that seem to correlate with what many people who do DMT also experiance and I feel it is very valuable information so I am sharing it here.

The truth of the matter is that there are still indeed Masters of powerful Schools of Buddha Law that are very accomplished and have, through spiritual purification and arduous Cultivation, awakened their innate Wisdom and have come to know much about the Cosmos, the different dimensions of existance and many many other things. Ofcourse if this information does not interest you thats fine, you don't have to read it if you don't want to.

Rising Spirit wrote:

But please don't continue to propagate so many anxiety-producing warnings and such overt negativity. Astral travel is NOT always a passage through hostile territories. For myself, there is a tremendous degree of Light and wisdom imparted from experiences under the rushing current of these magikal molecules. I have been reborn from such transcendent journeys. And from my vantage point, many of the ideas you express are founded in the sheer mental illusion. We all, in fact, will traverse these levels in our own time and in some cases, initially at least, the ONLY avenue is psychedelia. I must add that without cultivating internal strength and a focus of unwavering intensity, much of the danger you feel the need to warn others of, can occur.

Well I am sharing my own point of view on this compound and Shamanism in general and also the views of accomplished Shamans and researchers. They all concur with my assumption that these compounds, realms and the inhabitants therein are not all benign and indeed there is real danger to people inexperienced in the proper usage and understanding of these things.

I agree that possibly not everything one encounters in these realms is of a negative nature. You cannot deny that 'bad trips' from DMT and Ayahuasca do not occur however. A brief glance at the DMT Experiances section will show that the occur quite often and sometimes they are quite horrific to say the least.

Now what if these 'experiences' are actually harmful to one's spiritual development? What if they are damaging their very soul in some way? Wouldn't you say this is something profoundly serious? Wouldn't you agree that it is good to share some information that can show that this is possibly harming them? Why do shamans talk about the Spirit helpers wanting to "eat flesh" and make "make you want to do bad things"?

Scholars say this stuff is deeply serious and not a game as do Shamans yet people here just think they can acheive a 'spiritual state' like ordering a Big Mac. Let me smoke this or drink this and I want my spiritual fix now! You don't for a second think there are no reprecussions to doing DMT or Ayahuasca? Every drug 'high' has a downside but they manifest in different ways, DMT is no different.

The question to be asked then is if what the Shamans of the Amazon and Scholars like Beyer and Narby are saying is true, that atleast 50% of shamanism is the dark side, how can you be sure what you are interacting with is positive? My belief is that Illusion, deception, seduction and 'gifting' are just some of the things negative beings use to entice one into the fold as it were.

Still, I have found that psychedelics have gifted me experiences of deep spiritual transformation. It is neither a substitute, nor a wayward distraction from my daily sadhana. I continue to meditate, concentrate and contemplate the paradigm of human existence. This quest for awakening is palpable, here on the material palne as on each level of ascension, aimed towards the reality of the Eternal Godhead.

I and many of our fellows are drawn towards the Light. And I must emphasize that many of us DO INDEED know what we are doing and where we are traveling. The Omniversal quintessence has gifted these molecules for our growth, shifting of awareness and greater spiritual understanding.

If these compounds are your chosen path then so be it. I am merely sharing some views from my personal self as well as those of experienced Shamans and the Scholars who have studied them. If you feel that they have helped you in any way that I am pleased to hear it.

You say that many people here know what they are doing when they take DMT. I totally disagree with your comment. The way I see it, most people smoke it not knowing at all what they are getting themselves into, hoping for a "breakthrough" at the same time praying that they will have a positive experience and not be torn asunder or bump into some kind of negative force that may or may not play them like an instrument. Just read a handful of the DMT experiences here and you'll see that many follow that formula.

I am sharing all of the 'negative side' of DMT mainly because I am genuinely worried for alot of the people here. If you yourself are not worried and do not see the inherent risks and dangers of what this stuff is really all about than I honestly think you don't fully yet grasp the gravity of what this is and the implications of taking something that could be very well be tampering with your soul. .

nenn888 wrote:

..to go back to the first line of the OP, sgtWow wrote:


Just where do people go when they enter these DMT realms?

..personally, i've never felt we/i go anywhere..what we are in fact seeing is here/now (from each POV)..in a much less filtered manner..it is not 'in the mind' or brain, or external..just here..

Many DMT users experience travelling through wormholes, down tunnels, deeper into the microcosm and various other such things. I beleive that the concepts of time and space are different in other dimensions then they are in our own as are the laws of physics so these things are very complicated. I do agree with you that all theses dimensions are intrinsically linked in some way from the macrocosm to the microcosm. .

I want to share some powerful lecture excerpts once more this time focusing on the Entities that many seem to encounter in their DMT voyages. From A Buddha Masters perspective these entities do indeed exist and are very real:

Actually, I only mentioned negative beings when I talked about the law of mutual generation and mutual inhibition and the correspondences among different beings in the cosmos. At a low level there are humans and there are ghosts. Speaking of ghosts, the [Chinese] term “ghost” (gui) that modern people use is a generic term, and there are in fact many, many varieties, including ghosts, evil spirits, mountain spirits, forest spirits, monsters, fiends, spirits, demons, and so on. Contemporary people refer to them collectively as “ghosts.”

At this human place there are humans and there are ghosts. Up higher, there are Buddhas and there are demons. And up even higher, there are positive beings and there are negative beings. And why is that? Because the higher it gets, the better—the higher the level, the better things are. At very high levels there are positive and negative beings.

You can’t call the negative beings “demons,” though. They’re totally different from demons. But they are the opposite of positive beings, and that’s why one is positive and one is negative. Since the lower it gets the worse it is, when it gets to a certain level there are Fa Kings and Demon Kings. Buddhas are Fa Kings. As for Demon Kings, I can tell you that they too don’t have any human emotions or desires, and they don’t have any human attachments. They are beings at that realm, and that’s why they can stay there. It’s just that they aren’t kind and exhibit cruelty—that’s putting it in human terms—demons are vicious, and Buddhas are kind, so they exist in opposition to one another, and they deal with things in opposite ways.

In the past, people said that kindness and malice can be in a person’s one single thought, that kindness or malice comes from a person’s single thought. In this cosmos it’s hard for anyone to do something. When a Buddha wants to do a good thing, as soon as that thought comes forth, malice will follow along immediately. However big the good thing that he does, that’s how big the bad thing that follows. It’s the same with humans. However big a good thing that you do, it’s guaranteed that the same extent of bad thing will be dealt to you. Some of the things manifest in this dimension, and some of the things don’t manifest in this dimension—they manifest in other dimensions. For example, say you’ve done a major good thing for someone and that person is grateful to you.

Because you’ve done that good thing other beings might have been harmed and might lose out. In other words, however big a good thing you do, that’s how big a bad thing will happen. So in the past the law of mutual generation and mutual inhibition was absolute, and when a being wanted to do a certain thing, he absolutely couldn’t just do it. Those Gods… you all wonder why Gods have to wait for the right time or opportunity to come along if they’re going to save somebody, and why it’s said that “the right time” or “the right opportunity hasn’t come yet,” or that “the opportunity is not ripe yet.”

They couldn’t do it because the law of mutual generation and mutual inhibition has been pretty much absolute and was restraining everything. A God absolutely wouldn’t cause a big, bad thing to happen for the sake of doing a good thing and as a result cause himself to fall down. They absolutely wouldn’t do that. Some monks used to go on and on about “saving people.” Sometimes I would think, “They really have no clue what boasting that is.” It’s not like how humans imagine it. So, the law of mutual generation and mutual inhibition has caused Gods not to dare do the things they want to.”


“Buddhas are merciful to people because Tathagatas and Bodhisattvas are closest to humankind—they’re the lowest-level Buddhas. When Buddhas who are many levels above that level of Buddhas stop and take a look, Tathagatas are to them likewise ordinary people. Then what are human beings to them? Human beings count for nothing. When they see that human beings are no longer good, they just destroy them and start over. That’s their thinking. Mercy to them is not towards human beings but towards Buddhas. When gods at even higher levels stop and take a look, human beings are nothing to them and more trivial than microorganisms.”


“Why are humans what they are? Why are they said to be so deficient? For one thing, they have little wisdom. Additionally, they have to accomplish things by using their hands and feet, through physical labor and hard work. A god, by contrast, doesn’t need to move his hands or feet to once in a while get things done. That god can do it with his mind—whatever he thinks of will come true. It’s because a god’s gong exists in particles ranging from the extremely microscopic to the very macroscopic, and every one of those particles carries that god’s image. His gong contains particles of all sizes.

Whenever that god wants to form an object, he will create it simultaneously from the most microscopic level to all other levels, as well as to the surface level. As that god thinks, his gong brings the object, which was nonexistent, into being, and in a very fast time-field. This is why a Buddha has such great abilities and a God is so powerful. Human beings, on the other hand, are the most deficient. They have to labor with their own physical bodies to accomplish anything. To construct a building, so many people need to go up and down, just like hundreds of molecules that are busy working here and there, back and forth.

This is the clumsiest method. What’s more, when a Buddha wants to do something—unlike human beings who do things in this human time—it’s done in the dimension of the fastest time. So it can be accomplished instantly in this dimension; in the human field of time, it seems to be accomplished by just a thought. The higher one’s cultivation level, the more powerful one is and the more time-fields one can command.”


“People say that a Buddha does not eat food, and that a Buddha does not have a human body. This statement sounds as if people all think that a Buddha is this way. Let me tell you that what a person says in the community of cultivators should not be understood with an ordinary human mind. A Buddha does not have a human body, which is to say that it does not have this dirty human body made up of matter of the molecular particle level. The coarsest particles of his body on the surface are atoms while his most microscopic particles are the more microscopic matter in the universe.

The more microscopic his matter is, the greater his radioactive energy is. The Buddha's light shines everywhere. Some people say that a Buddha does not eat food. A Buddha does not eat human food. He eats the substances within his level. Also, he does not call it "food" as in human terms. Therefore, you will not be able to understand the meaning of the language in the Buddha's realm and cannot comprehend them. Human beings just have the human way of thinking.

Some ordinary people say that if one becomes a Buddha, how boring it would be. One will have nothing, sitting there like a piece of wood. Let me tell you that a Buddha is the king of Fa in his heavenly world. We call him a Tathagata as a way of referring to the embodiment of his Heart nature standard level. He is actually the king of Fa in that world of his. In that world, there are numerous beings under his management. Of course, it is not the management of our ordinary people with laws for reinforcement. He manages it completely with compassion and loving-kindness. Everyone meets the standard of that realm, and it is wonderful beyond compare.

They do not have the sentimentality of ordinary people. But, they have compassion, a higher realm, and something purer. They have none of the things that ordinary people have. They have things that are correspondingly more wonderful in a higher realm. That is a higher life; there are even higher, even higher, and even higher lives. If it were all boring, one would be better off to die and end it all. It is more wonderful. Only by going to that world, can one know what happiness is. It is more wonderful, but if you do not give up these ordinary people's attachments and cannot remove them, you will not be able to attain it.”
..i once had a few hours access to a Dzog Chen buddhist master who, after i asked him about entheogens & entities, left me with the following impression of his tradition's viewpoint:

"..all the bardos of fairies, elves, angels and demons are of the imagination - the realms of the 'Lesser Light'..
the true nature of reality, and where one should focus upon leaving the body during death, is the 'Clear Light'..."

..make of that what you will..

('out of the emptiness')..

sgtWow said:
So what you are saying is that you are speaking for all the members of the Nexus and that all of them are not receptive to this information? I have actually gotten a number of PM's thanking me for this information and a member earlier in the Forum Thread also found the information of interest so I cannot say I agree with your assumption.

Hey now, sgtWow

Honestly, my response was certainly not the most inspired one that I've ever written. Almost edited it down... but I thought I'd state my disagreement and get it out in the open. It was hardly the usual type of reply I am prone to post and so, ramble on and on and on...

Sorry about that, I am really not a combative person. But you've expressed yourself with an air of absolutism and this leaves no room for free discussion. I was admittedly, reacting to your obvious intentions, that being, to SCARE some of our members into being too paranoid to voyage with entheogens. My bad for taking a reactionary stance and so too, taking the proverbial bait.

But I do actually believe that there are serious dangers to the psychedelic journey. It's serious business. In that sense, I too, share your worries that the unwitting and unprepared voyager, might suffer unduly from the shocking intensity of the DMT lift-off and the exponentially unfolding, expansion of one's mind.

Neither do I believe in going to the well, very often. We need to fully assimilate the teaching we are gifted, and this requires time spent free of saturation from these molecular Sacraments. This path requires thoughtful, respectful usage and total faith in the Light. A little healthy warning is fine... but you seem to be on a campaign. Or at least it appears that way from your emphatic statements.

And no, no, no... I don't presuppose to speak for all the members of the Nexus, as nobody ever could. Not even The Traveler does that, and he actually has administrative right to do anything he wants to. He's a gem. I just felt the need to remind you of the message banner at the top of the home page, Entheogenic University: Learn, Share & Expand. That's all I meant and I humbly apologize if I offended you. So, please forgive me if I came off as all bossy-sounding and overtly challenging. :oops:

Like I said, being an ordinary human being, I get up... and I get down. Just like the rock group Yes so poignantly sang on their musical masterpiece, Close to the Edge. And no, its not because I am possessed by a demon or something malevolent, as God is my witness and constant companion.

I was truthfully guesstimating mathematically, that (IMO) probably less than 1,678 people who share membership here, would be receptive and supportive to the terror and potential soul-annihilation, you are so fervently highlighting as a probable and most likely outcome of tripping on psychs. That's out of the 16,787 members in this Nexian community. Is this so unfair a guesstimate? There's a lot of love and light in this forum body. We do try and keep it positive and maintain an objective clarity in judgement.

Most folks do come here to share, discuss and openly REVEL in the beauty and profound teachings imparted from the entheogenic experience. Sure, it's not for everyone, most of us would agree to this, right? This would be unwise. That's based on own my observations and attempt to be an attentive and fairly good listener. How does this imply that I choose to speak for the entire Nexus? I hope I get thoroughly bitch-slapped by everybody, if I ever do something so horribly stupid!

I do take strong exception to you filling the minds of those who are relatively inexperienced with this journey and so, vulnerable to SUGGESTION, with extreme states of high anxiety! It's just not a nice thing to do. As if there isn't enough of that kind of terrifying, anxious energy and pre-flight jitters, already. I do sincerely share your concerns and do also feel that education is a very powerful and effective learning tool.

In that light, much of what you speak of is most valid, indeed. But I do not find any semblance of a clearly positive alternative, other than for the aspirant to cease to use DMT, cacti or mushrooms. That is, in regards to those who choose to fearlessly continue their psychonautical explorations. Nor a wholly encouraging message for their continued transcendental fights. Now there are two sides to every coin, friend. There is much that can discussed, on neutral ground,within this specific area. Your way just may not be the only way?

Frankly, some of us will not abandon the Medicine Path, unless it is our choice and without deeply specific reasons. Neither, from what I know of this fellowship, is it our sole source for spiritual understanding or personal growth. I don't recall anyone saying they only use entheogens as a path; do not utilize critical thinking and spend much time in contemplative modality... and don't have other practices to support their studies and internal discoveries. For a good many of us, it is intimately linked to our spirituality.

To coin a Vedantic phrase, it's our Dharma. Like I said earlier, Love is usually the answer to any negative vibrations or malevolent force. I believe that all consciousness-awareness-being is fundamentally, born of the Indivisible. Whether we name it... or simply surrender to it's magnificence, is largely irrelevant. the supposition I hold dearest is this: an unshakable faith can take one directly to the core of this Sacred state, in which one experiences the awakening of the Omniself.

This doesn't suggest mere blind faith, mind you, but faith born of direct experience (both with and without the use of psychedelics). This is where you and I do cross philosophical blades. For I believe that through strong intention and a keen focus, we can bypass all of these myriad entities and so-called, "angels, elves, demons & devils", and in so doing, move on to still higher realms, steadily aimed towards the One.

We've probably all seen the 10,000 Heavens and 10,000 Hells spoken of within the Tibetan Book of the Dead. This is a natural possibility when psychedelically engaged, a condition spoken of by the Tibetan Buddhists but not one that need keep us paralyzed with fear. Of course I believe that the Bardos are mentioned for a highly valid reason. We learn to release their insistence to form within our perceptual field, within our own minds. They are illusions, my friend. Phantoms of our own psyches and while real to a degree, they are just as unreal to another degree, as well.

Only the living spiritual current exists free of form and substance, and it's best IMO, to attune to THAT and let your fixation be upon the Godhead within us all. If one chooses to awaken to this pristine moment, the here & now, Sacred Medicines can be truly benevolent guides to our blooming. It's how we balance the rise of the peak experience and THAT i important to fully understand. We CAN bring this current to a single-pointed of focus and expand peacefully to new heights of pristine awareness. I had to learn to do this more than 35 years ago, and I keep having to re-assert my mental control to avoid the unpleasant snares. It takes unwavering faith and a fearless, loving heart. 8)

sgtWow said:
As for my involvement here? It's pretty much like anyone else's here, to try to understand what all this is about and try to bounce around some fresh ideas and concepts from different perspectives. It's not only psychedelic users that have seen these realms and dimensions, there are other ways too and I am sharing that with people.

Hey, I can respect that. I'm not trying to demean you, friend. I simply operate on the assumption that most of us here, DO find the respectful and serious imbibing of phenethylamines and tryptamines, most illuminating. And spiritual HEALING, if I might say so! And there is the great REBIRTH, to mention another wholly positive outcome from the entheogenic process.

Forgive me if it seemed like I judged you too severely, for it's no one's place to stand in judgment of another. Heck, it's just plain bad karma for everyone. I'll remind you, that I loudly scolded Citta for reacting with such rational opposition to your thread. Logic alone does not dictate the tone of these "spiritual" discussions. But objectivity is a must for the psychonaut, so who can really blame him for reacting so pragmatically?

But I actually do draw a definitive line in the sand, when I see extremely dangerous behavior on the part of any well-meaning, fellow member. Ya know, you are unwittingly sending many of our more easily persuaded members into Hell states and propagating a fear-based framework, by which to consciously launch into the higher realms. We just need to intentionally choose to bypass the less beneficial visions (and/or vibratory distractions) and boldly merge within the current of Spirit. I truly believe that The One is all that exists, so I am compelled to say, "shame on you for startling so many enthusiastic, would-be shamanic voyagers". :shock:

sgtWow said:
Now what if these 'experiences' are actually harmful to one's spiritual development? What if they are damaging their very soul in some way? Wouldn't you say this is something profoundly serious? Wouldn't you agree that it is good to share some information that can show that this is possibly harming them? Why do shamans talk about the Spirit helpers wanting to "eat flesh" and make "make you want to do bad things"?

You know, I really do not advocate the notion that EVERYONE should try psychedelics, in general, and DMT in specific. It's an explosive experience and monumental shift in awareness! Lots of folks should NEVER trip or enter into such high energy planes of consciousness, no matter how they arrive at them. It's a heavy jolt to the central nervous system, for sure. But that being said, many are of us called into flights beyond the boundaries of the "normal" universe of the time-space-continuum. So yeah, in did disagree with Dr.Timothy Leary's idea that LSD was for everyone and also, with some of my current friends and colleges, within this internal field of psychonautical study.

sgtWow said:
You say that many people here know what they are doing when they take DMT. I totally disagree with your comment. The way I see it, most people smoke it not knowing at all what they are getting themselves into, hoping for a "breakthrough" at the same time praying that they will have a positive experience and not be torn asunder or bump into some kind of negative force that may or may not play them like an instrument. Just read a handful of the DMT experiences here and you'll see that many follow that formula.

OK, there is merit to your statements here, and to some extent, it falls under the banner statement of the DMT-Nexus, learn & share. It just doesn't fall into the all-inclusive category of expand. And on one level or another, some of our fellowship might find your John the Baptist approach just the very data they are looking for. Then, admittedly, you've done a great service to said individuals. But... I would caution about the cut n' paste thingy. Not cool. Capiche? :!:

None of us are allowed to transcribe large sections of, or even worse, entire books or lectures, one post at a time. It's really better to put things into your own words, with brief and minimal third party back-up quotes, to support your own personal stance. Dropping some links here and there is cool, just try not to get too preachy or others will let you know it's uncool. I've had to swallow that bitter medicine myself, so it goes for all of us. OK?

nen888 said:
..i once had a few hours access to a Dzog Chen buddhist master who, after i asked him about entheogens & entities, left me with the following impression of his tradition's viewpoint:

"..all the bardos of fairies, elves, angels and demons are of the imagination - the realms of the 'Lesser Light'..
the true nature of reality, and where one should focus upon leaving the body during death, is the 'Clear Light'..."

..make of that what you will.

My point exactly, they are as "real" as we make them, through our own minds and subjective cognition! We can, however, also accept their appearance within our experience and then, release them back into the Void from whence they emanated (along with our ego, which is our biggest mirage). Are we not created for ascension to the very summit of consciousness-awareness-being? I surely believe it and many of my family members here, share this belief. Are we not meant to touch the very fringes of the eternal? To taste an immersion within the effulgent light, at the center of the Godhead? Oh yeah, a plant told me so and I'm a true believer! :thumb_up:
I have to agree with Rising Spirit. Using giant blocks of quotes from some "grand master" isn't the number one way to get your point across. I would hope you have more to say on these topics than "This enlightened guy thinks this..." or "A few people who studied shamanism say that..." Give us some originality, eh? There are so many paths to "cultivate" oneself, and I think it's foolish to disregard psychedelics as inferior just because people have found some truth and happiness using other methods.

You're right that many people have dark experiences with psychedelics, but that can be said about many things. Some guys and gals have negative experiences meeting people, but that doesn't mean they should cut off contact with all humans. Sometimes bad trips can be very valuable, as they can show you doubts, fears, anger, and anxiety that you've been holding onto. They can also help you appreciate all of the good things in your life and see just how wonderful you already have it when you open your eyes a little bit.

Several Buddhist paths are fraught with negativity. Some people use it the wrong way and turn into ugly, egotistical, disconnected, self-righteous beings. I've met plenty of these people. The psychedelic path is scattered with their own "rotten fruits", but both of these trees are still capable of producing ripe, juicy deliciousness.:) Track down some of the BEST psychedelic shamans in the world, and I'm sure they can enlighten you in as many ways as can the most revered Buddhist master.

I think many of us here are more drawn to psychedelics BECAUSE of the intense, unknown, and possibly chaotic nature of the experiences. Our souls NEED that kind of stretching sometimes, and most of us learn rather quickly how to avoid getting burned in these trials by fire. We do have to work on, or "cultivate", ourselves to ensure that we keep progressing in a positive way, and we reap the rewards that we sow.

These other dimensions and entities are still a mystery to most of us, but we're all obviously curious enough to keep finding our own answers. If pondering the Zhuan Falun and doing the exercises prescribed within help you get more understanding on these things, then more power to you. I do think that the deepest and wildest truths in life can't simply be understood; they have to be experienced. DMT and it's allies have certainly been friendly to me, showing me things beyond my wildest imagination, and I'll keep using them joyfully and respectfully as long as they keep helping me grow and progress. We're each so infinitely unique, so there's no way that one path can work for everybody. To each his own.
sgtWow said:
Endlessness wrote:

You mention DMT a great tool for development but I feel, as do many Shamanic Scholars such as Stever Bayer and Jeremy Narby that there are real and inherent risks with these substances that most people still dismiss by looking at these 'bad trips' and other negative phenomena through the lens of 21st century science and psychology.

Narby does talk about the dark side of Shamanism and Entheogens in this interesting interview here:

Some other videos in regard to this:

Shamans who voyage in these realms take this things extremely seriously and most often then not they do not plunge into these realms on a whim or out of curiosity, they also protect themselves via various means against negative entities and forces.

Also one must be aware that what looks good on the surface is not always the case in reality, this is doubly so for entities and dimensions that most people that have no true understanding of.

Many Shamans infact have what they call 'Spirit Animals' or 'Spirit Helpers' such as snakes, foxes and other beings that help heal a patient. The truth is that these Spirit Animals have actually attached themselves to this Shaman when he partakes in Ayahuasca and they do indeed heal a person but they are not benevolent. They are actually possessing spirits that have their own goals and agendas and their help comes with serious strings attached for both the Shaman and the Patient being healed.

Many beings and entities offer guidance, help, teachings and healings but not all of them are benevolent even though it looks like they are.

Some people after smoking DMT for example may spontaneously perform mudras and think this is something wonderous and highly spiritual. Did you know that Demons also know these things? They possess a person to perform these hand signs and on the other side they are 'changing' you but it is not for your benefit in the least.

I think an analogy is a person who scales the protective walls of a Zoo's animal enclosure to take a look at the wild animals up close and personal thinking that if he has light and love in his heart or if the sends out love he will be safe, it's not as simple as that as can be attested by the many bad and sometimes horrific trips that people also experience on DMT. This is not a game or a recreational toy one does out just does out of curiosities sake.

Did you ever take time to read our 'Health and Safety' section?

Nobody saying it's all 'fun and games', in fact, we say the opposite, that this experience is not to be taken lightly, and we offer a host of different tools for people, from a multi-levelled perspective (including 'shamanic/spiritual' ideas, scientific thinking, experiential knowledge and personal tips, etc), to deal with the different things one can experience in the DMT realm, good and bad.

Also regarding Shamans, may I ask if you ever had direct experience with shamans? Seems to me some "idealized" version of some shamanistic consensus, which is untrue since what some shamans might feel is good and an ally, others might consider negative. So who has it right? Also, have to be careful avoiding a fallacy of "appeal to tradition", which in the end is no argument for the actual validity of the claims. In the end, each one must choose their own path.

Personally though, I still find it a bit strange that you are in a forum about DMT and try to say that it is a harmful shortcut, as if your experience is generalizable to others, and as if everybody here is deluded in their thinking that for them it is beneficial.

Lastly, you say things are not always as they seem and that there may be "dark" things behind the experiences, that's a non-argument imo because I can just turn it around and say that the 'dark' things are in fact light things hidden, and in this way, we can take this to eternity in a cycle that leads nowhere, all would be suppositions anyways. Who's to say that you posting in this forum (or any other thing that you think is good for you) isnt detrimental to your spiritual development? You see, we may think some things and think others, but it's all subjective and nobody knows anything in the end. All that matters is that you choose your path that feels right if it doesnt hurt others (and respecting other's path too) :)

btw, sorry if I missed the answer but did you tell me what you think of oral dmt use/ayahuasca, as opposed to vaporized dmt?
Rising Spirit wrote:

Hey now, sgtWow

Honestly, my response was certainly not the most inspired one that I've ever written. Almost edited it down... but I thought I'd state my disagreement and get it out in the open. It was hardly the usual type of reply I am prone to post and so, ramble on and on and on...

Sorry about that, I am really not a combative person. But you've expressed yourself with an air of absolutism and this leaves no room for free discussion. I was admittedly, reacting to your obvious intentions, that being, to SCARE some of our members into being too paranoid to voyage with entheogens. My bad for taking a reactionary stance and so too, taking the proverbial bait.

But I do actually believe that there are serious dangers to the psychedelic journey. It's serious business. In that sense, I too, share your worries that the unwitting and unprepared voyager, might suffer unduly from the shocking intensity of the DMT lift-off and the exponentially unfolding, expansion of one's mind.

Neither do I believe in going to the well, very often. We need to fully assimilate the teaching we are gifted, and this requires time spent free of saturation from these molecular Sacraments. This path requires thoughtful, respectful usage and total faith in the Light. A little healthy warning is fine... but you seem to be on a campaign. Or at least it appears that way from your emphatic statements.

And no, no, no... I don't presuppose to speak for all the members of the Nexus, as nobody ever could. Not even The Traveler does that, and he actually has administrative right to do anything he wants to. He's a gem. I just felt the need to remind you of the message banner at the top of the home page, Entheogenic University: Learn, Share & Expand. That's all I meant and I humbly apologize if I offended you. So, please forgive me if I came off as all bossy-sounding and overtly challenging.

It's fine Rising Spirit, no offense taken. My intention is not to scare anyone but to inform people about the possible dangers inherent in DMT use. We all know that there are dangers when using such a powerful Shamanic compound with no real understanding of the Spirit World and trying to rationalize some of these things with our current model of reality and Science and ignoring the vast wisdom of Shamans and Spiritual Sages is in my opinion quite foolhardy and dangerous.

I would like your opinion on the article written by Steve Beyer and by the talk given by Jeremy Narby which I have posted earlier. These two scholars do indeed raise some interesting points on the dangers of these compounds and they do beleive that the dark side of Shamanic Practices is both very real and can indeed bring harm upon the person involved who doesn't understand the implications and that true nature of what he or she is getting themselves into which I have to say is a vast number of 'Urban Shamans' that imbibe in these chemicals in a frivolous nature.

Specifically, whats your take on that Steve Beyer article when he talks about Shamans using 'Tsenk Tsenk' or supposed 'helper' spririts to both Heal and Harm and that these spirits need to be kept in check with great will or as they "want to eat flesh" and "make you do bad things". Can you tell me why the supposed good spirits that heal would want one to do that?

Rising Spirit wrote:

Like I said, being an ordinary human being, I get up... and I get down. Just like the rock group Yes so poignantly sang on their musical masterpiece, Close to the Edge. And no, its not because I am possessed by a demon or something malevolent, as God is my witness and constant companion.

I was truthfully guesstimating mathematically, that (IMO) probably less than 1,678 people who share membership here, would be receptive and supportive to the terror and potential soul-annihilation, you are so fervently highlighting as a probable and most likely outcome of tripping on psychs. That's out of the 16,787 members in this Nexian community. Is this so unfair a guesstimate? There's a lot of love and light in this forum body. We do try and keep it positive and maintain an objective clarity in judgement.

Most folks do come here to share, discuss and openly REVEL in the beauty and profound teachings imparted from the entheogenic experience. Sure, it's not for everyone, most of us would agree to this, right? This would be unwise. That's based on own my observations and attempt to be an attentive and fairly good listener. How does this imply that I choose to speak for the entire Nexus? I hope I get thoroughly bitch-slapped by everybody, if I ever do something so horribly stupid!

I do take strong exception to you filling the minds of those who are relatively inexperienced with this journey and so, vulnerable to SUGGESTION, with extreme states of high anxiety! It's just not a nice thing to do. As if there isn't enough of that kind of terrifying, anxious energy and pre-flight jitters, already. I do sincerely share your concerns and do also feel that education is a very powerful and effective learning tool.

But is it truly just me that is stating such experiences occur? Is it not so that many trip reports show that such experiences do and can occur on a quite frequent basis? If one takes a look at the experience reports both here and on many other forums there are many cases of Dark and sometimes horrific experiences that do infact happen with both DMT and Ayahuasca.

I have read many reports here of people being drilled into, probed, dissected and even possessed when plunging into the DMT realms. Have a read of skinwalkers 'Hell Again' trip report, thats just an example of where one can end up when traversing these dimensions so the evidence is there for all to see.

It's not that I am saying something new or that people don't already know. People know that these dark things can occur. The only thing that worries me is do they truly know the full implications and ramifications of what is happening or do they just think it is a 'bad trip' and theres nothing more to it?

Our current model of psychology would say that's all that is to it but Shamans and Spiritual Sages say that there is far more to it then that and it's not as simple as we think.

In that light, much of what you speak of is most valid, indeed. But I do not find any semblance of a clearly positive alternative, other than for the aspirant to cease to use DMT, cacti or mushrooms. That is, in regards to those who choose to fearlessly continue their psychonautical explorations. Nor a wholly encouraging message for their continued transcendental fights. Now there are two sides to every coin, friend. There is much that can discussed, on neutral ground,within this specific area. Your way just may not be the only way?

Frankly, some of us will not abandon the Medicine Path, unless it is our choice and without deeply specific reasons. Neither, from what I know of this fellowship, is it our sole source for spiritual understanding or personal growth. I don't recall anyone saying they only use entheogens as a path; do not utilize critical thinking and spend much time in contemplative modality... and don't have other practices to support their studies and internal discoveries. For a good many of us, it is intimately linked to our spirituality.

Well I never said my way is the only way and i have never asked anyone to abandon their Path. I am merely sharing some views from an accomplished Buddha Master and sharing them with people in the Spirituality and Mysticism section to broaden the map of what these dimensions are about.

Do not you find the lecture excerpts interesting? It seems the ancient awakened ones have known about these dimensions for a very long time and how to access them naturally and at will in a very elegant, controlled and most importantly 'safe and protected' manner. They have passed down this information for aeons and that is what I have come to understand and that is what I am trying to put across and sharing here.

I have also come to understand that this universe is vast. Vast to the point that cannot be described in words. In such a place when one imbibes in DMT his soul can be flung out to the furthest reaches of the Fractal Dimensional Hierachy and where he ends up and what he encounters is not in any way under his control.

Shamans use various icaros, incantations and other methods to try to steer their vessel through and avoid the crags, undercurrents and sharks of the Multiverse, most DMT psychonauts do not know how to do this and do not have any understanding of what is truly occurring, they smoke and hope for the best, a toss of a hyperdimensional coin, isn't this so?.

I am not telling people they have to stop taking psychedelics, everyone has free will and can and will do things regardless of what I have to say or what any Qi Gong Master has to say. Of course knowledge and wisdom about these realms and inhabitants is always something that is valuable and this is exactly what I am sharing with people.

To coin a Vedantic phrase, it's our Dharma. Like I said earlier, Love is usually the answer to any negative vibrations or malevolent force. I believe that all consciousness-awareness-being is fundamentally, born of the Indivisible. Whether we name it... or simply surrender to it's magnificence, is largely irrelevant. the supposition I hold dearest is this: an unshakable faith can take one directly to the core of this Sacred state, in which one experiences the awakening of the Omniself.

There are many psychonauts that have little rituals, meditiations and focus on love and light before entering these realms but alot of the time when a Malevolent experience begins they are totally and completely at the mercy of these forces. Many people even then try to focus on love and light and send out positive energy while this is occurring but it's like placing a splinter of ice into a furnace. You are overwhelmed for you are out of your depth and you do not have the spiritual power or benevolent might to fight such forces. There are many many reports of people trying to fight, reason with or sending 'love' to negate such forces all to no avail.

Alot of the time 'surrendering' is the only option but then you must ask yourself the question deeply. 'What' are you surrendering too?

This doesn't suggest mere blind faith, mind you, but faith born of direct experience (both with and without the use of psychedelics). This is where you and I do cross philosophical blades. For I believe that through strong intention and a keen focus, we can bypass all of these myriad entities and so-called, "angels, elves, demons & devils", and in so doing, move on to still higher realms, steadily aimed towards the One.

We've probably all seen the 10,000 Heavens and 10,000 Hells spoken of within the Tibetan Book of the Dead. This is a natural possibility when psychedelically engaged, a condition spoken of by the Tibetan Buddhists but not one that need keep us paralyzed with fear. Of course I believe that the Bardos are mentioned for a highly valid reason. We learn to release their insistence to form within our perceptual field, within our own minds. They are illusions, my friend. Phantoms of our own psyches and while real to a degree, they are just as unreal to another degree, as well.

Only the living spiritual current exists free of form and substance, and it's best IMO, to attune to THAT and let your fixation be upon the Godhead within us all. If one chooses to awaken to this pristine moment, the here & now, Sacred Medicines can be truly benevolent guides to our blooming. It's how we balance the rise of the peak experience and THAT i important to fully understand. We CAN bring this current to a single-pointed of focus and expand peacefully to new heights of pristine awareness. I had to learn to do this more than 35 years ago, and I keep having to re-assert my mental control to avoid the unpleasant snares. It takes unwavering faith and a fearless, loving heart.

You are implying that when you are imbibing in these compounds you have perfect control and you can just 'bypass' various realms and do as you wish with perfect control and clarity but this is not really so is it?

Isn't it the case for most experiances that you have little to no control of what you encounter and where you go whatsoever? You may indeed randomly reach a certain level where there is no concept of time and space and experience timeless bliss just as it is possible to enter into a malevolent void or be probed or possessed by a foreign entity but that is up to the whims and currents of the multiverse and the beings you encounter, most times with DMT you are like a dust mote in a hurricane and the idea of intention or intentionally 'bypassing' things is wishful thinking.

Alot of people these days are finding Shamanism/Psychedelic use as attractive because it's such an easy access to the spiritual realms but you guys all know already that the spiritual cosmos is so "vast" and when you smoke DMT or take Ayahuasca your "firewall" is well and truly down and demonic beings are also in there.

When you haven't cultivated your own spiritual energy and can't emit high energy matter and you encounter something that is manevolent or at the very least hungry, it doesn't matter if your intent is good or you give it love, try to give a shark love and it will bite off your arm.

Many ancient civilizations, the Great Enlightened ones, Shamanic Elders and various other sages and spiritual adepts have all said that these beings are very real but do not exist in our current dimension but in other dimensions in the deep microcosm and that their power and importance is in no way delineated by there size.

As for the illusory nature of said beings? I will expound upon this when I answer nenn888 later in the post.

sgtWow wrote:

As for my involvement here? It's pretty much like anyone else's here, to try to understand what all this is about and try to bounce around some fresh ideas and concepts from different perspectives. It's not only psychedelic users that have seen these realms and dimensions, there are other ways too and I am sharing that with people.

Rising Spirit wrote:

Hey, I can respect that. I'm not trying to demean you, friend. I simply operate on the assumption that most of us here, DO find the respectful and serious imbibing of phenethylamines and tryptamines, most illuminating. And spiritual HEALING, if I might say so! And there is the great REBIRTH, to mention another wholly positive outcome from the entheogenic process.

Forgive me if it seemed like I judged you too severely, for it's no one's place to stand in judgment of another. Heck, it's just plain bad karma for everyone. I'll remind you, that I loudly scolded Citta for reacting with such rational opposition to your thread. Logic alone does not dictate the tone of these "spiritual" discussions. But objectivity is a must for the psychonaut, so who can really blame him for reacting so pragmatically?

You say there is great rebirth and 'healing' with Tryptamines. The Shamans of the amazon take very high doses of these Hallucinogens, very strong brews indeed to reach the levels and the inhabitants of those realms and yet as I have stated earlier they use beings to heal that have the inclination and the desire to 'eat flesh' and that'they make you do bad things'. Only the will of the Shaman can subdue them and make them heal instead of harm. Can you understand why that is so? Why do so called 'Healing' beings have such proclivities?

Something someone who has been using these compounds for quite some time had this to say to me:

"Alliances with “spirits” can be dubious and are often fickle. Relying on spirit helpers depends on either your control over them or their good will towards you. However close you may feel them to be; they can turn on and betray you on a whim. I’ve seen this in my own experience, and curanderos like Pablo Amaringo have quit the path after his helpers betrayed him. (He wasn’t the only ayahuasquero this has happened to, either.)"

And someone else had this to share:

"Guys, I've been doing the shaman thing for half my life and I think I've come to the end of my road.. .

I mean, I've been there... stood toe to toe with an 'ally' who cracked my neck without me having to move it. This animal energy is lower then human energy... it is! It gave me schizophrenia for which I have to take a miriad of medications and opened me up so I couldn't close the door anymore. I hear voices... they aren't mine. I'm just saying... once you invite these animals into your body - consent - its so hard to get rid of them. "There's ways to deal with it..." Sure... "

But I actually do draw a definitive line in the sand, when I see extremely dangerous behavior on the part of any well-meaning, fellow member. Ya know, you are unwittingly sending many of our more easily persuaded members into Hell states and propagating a fear-based framework, by which to consciously launch into the higher realms.

We just need to intentionally choose to bypass the less beneficial visions (and/or vibratory distractions) and boldly merge within the current of Spirit. I truly believe that The One is all that exists, so I am compelled to say, "shame on you for startling so many enthusiastic, would-be shamanic voyagers".

Rising Spirit it is not my intention to send people to 'hell states' as you put it. Glance through the hundreds of experience reports here and elsewhere on the internet and you will see that many have already been in such places and continue to go there. I am merely trying to express concern about the possible damage spiritually one is doing when one is taken to one of these malevolent places.

Also, I do not beleive you can 'choose' anything once under the spell of a high dose DMT or Ayahuasca experience. It takes you where 'it' wants.

sgtWow wrote:

Now what if these 'experiences' are actually harmful to one's spiritual development? What if they are damaging their very soul in some way? Wouldn't you say this is something profoundly serious? Wouldn't you agree that it is good to share some information that can show that this is possibly harming them? Why do shamans talk about the Spirit helpers wanting to "eat flesh" and make "make you want to do bad things"?

Rising Spirit wrote:

You know, I really do not advocate the notion that EVERYONE should try psychedelics, in general, and DMT in specific. It's an explosive experience and monumental shift in awareness! Lots of folks should NEVER trip or enter into such high energy planes of consciousness, no matter how they arrive at them. It's a heavy jolt to the central nervous system, for sure. But that being said, many are of us called into flights beyond the boundaries of the "normal" universe of the time-space-continuum. So yeah, in did disagree with Dr.Timothy Leary's idea that LSD was for everyone and also, with some of my current friends and colleges, within this internal field of psychonautical study.

I know regardless of what I have shared with people they will continue to explore these dimensions with psychedelics, thats a given. But the more one knows the more one can begin to understand the gravity of what these entheogens truly are.

They do have dangers involved with them, you and I both know this. The point I'm getting across here is that money, material possessions or anything from this worldly realm cannot be taken with you when you cross over for good. The only thing you take with you when it's time to depart is your soul, the most precious thing you have. The question then being is, are these negative experiences which do and can happen on DMT damaging one's soul in some way?

sgtWow wrote:
You say that many people here know what they are doing when they take DMT. I totally disagree with your comment. The way I see it, most people smoke it not knowing at all what they are getting themselves into, hoping for a "breakthrough" at the same time praying that they will have a positive experience and not be torn asunder or bump into some kind of negative force that may or may not play them like an instrument. Just read a handful of the DMT experiences here and you'll see that many follow that formula.

OK, there is merit to your statements here, and to some extent, it falls under the banner statement of the DMT-Nexus, learn & share. It just doesn't fall into the all-inclusive category of expand. And on one level or another, some of our fellowship might find your John the Baptist approach just the very data they are looking for. Then, admittedly, you've done a great service to said individuals. But... I would caution about the cut n' paste thingy. Not cool. Capiche?

None of us are allowed to transcribe large sections of, or even worse, entire books or lectures, one post at a time. It's really better to put things into your own words, with brief and minimal third party back-up quotes, to support your own personal stance. Dropping some links here and there is cool, just try not to get too preachy or others will let you know it's uncool. I've had to swallow that bitter medicine myself, so it goes for all of us. OK?

Yes I wanted to address why am I sharing these quotes in the first place.

These quotes are from Buddha Master Li Hongzhi who has passed down Falun Dafa ( which can be translated into English as 'Law Wheel Great Way') to the secular world. This isn't Buddhism the religion or neither is it Daoism the religion.

This is a high level cultivation technique to cultivate Buddahood that is very profound and powerful, it also has no formalities and it cannot be confused with today's religions.

Buddhahood means actually to transcend this earthly mortal world and ascend back up to higher dimensional levels which there are many of and which infact all people originated from.

In a way you can say that we are all 'Fallen Gods' that have finally fell to one of the lowest dimensions of the Multiverse and the goal of life is actually to return back to our true homes:

An excerpt from Zhuan Falun:

So why is it okay to do that for cultivators, then? Because nobody is more precious than a cultivator. He wants to cultivate, and that’s the most precious thought. In Buddhism they talk about Buddha-nature, and that when a person’s Buddha-nature comes out the Enlightened Beings can help him. And what do they mean by that? If you ask me, since I’m transmitting a practice on a higher level, it involves truths from high levels, and the issues it touches on are huge. In this universe, human life, as we see it, isn’t generated in the ordinary world.

A person’s true life is generated in the space of the universe. The reason being, there are many types of matter in this universe that produce life, and these types of matter can generate life through motion and interaction. What this means is that a person’s earliest life originates in the universe. The space of the universe is inherently good, and its nature is to be True, Good, and Endure, and when a person is born he has the same nature as the universe. But as more beings are created, community-like social relationships form. Some of the beings might grow selfish and gradually lower their levels, so they can’t stay at that level and have to drop. But then at the next level they become not so good again, and again they can’t stay there, so they keep dropping down and down, until at some point they finally drop to this level of human beings.

The whole human society is at one level. When they drop down this far, these beings were supposed to be destroyed if they are looked at only in terms of abilities, or only from the standpoint of the Great Enlightened Beings. But Great Enlightened Beings take compassion as their starting point, so they gave them another chance and made this special environment and this special dimension. The beings in this dimension are different from the beings in all other dimensions in the universe.

The beings in this dimension can’t see the beings in other dimensions, and they can’t see how the universe really is, so it’s just like these people have dropped into a realm of delusion. If they want to get healed, get rid of adversity, or eliminate their karma, then they’ve got to cultivate and return to their original, true selves. That’s how all the different cultivation ways see it. A person should return to his original, true self—that’s actually the true purpose of being human. So, once somebody wants to cultivate, they’d say his Buddha-nature has come out. That thought is the most precious, because he wants to return to his original, true self, he wants to break out of this level of ordinary people.

When Buddha Sakyamuni was on the earth he once told his disciples that the Holy Law King that Turns the Law Wheel is the most powerful Tathagata in the Universe:

An exceprt From the Western U.S. International Fa Conference:

Our students who have read Shakyamuni's scriptures probably know that back when Shakyamuni taught the Fa, he talked about a "Holy Law-Wheel King," otherwise known as the "Holy King Who Turns the Wheel."

The name Holy King Who Turns the Wheel has been used more often in the human world, whereas Holy Law-Wheel King is the title used in the heavens.

Buddha Shakyamuni once said that the Holy Law-Wheel King is the most omnipotent and powerful Tathagata in the universe. A Tathagata Buddha is a King of Law. The king of a Buddha's paradise is a Tathagata. We call it "Tathagata" based on ideas in cultivation and enlightenment.
"Tathagata" means that the Buddha has come with the truth and the power to do what he wants.

So the world's people call Kings of Law "Tathagatas," which is another correct way to understand it, since they [the Tathagatas] grasp the truths at that level, and among all of the beings in their respective domains they are the highest and grasp the highest truths of those levels. That's why they are Kings of Law, that is, kings of the beings at a given level or of that group of beings.

There are many Kings of Law. Of course, to humans there are countless beings who are Tathagatas, one of whom is the Holy Law-Wheel King. Why did Buddha Shakyamuni name specifically the Holy Law-Wheel King? It was because the Holy Law-Wheel King was going to descend to the human world to teach the Fa and save people. Of course, you might have heard that Buddha Shakyamuni also said that Maitreya would descend to the human world and save people. Actually, "Maitreya" is a name, and "Holy King Who Turns the Wheel" is a title--the title of a king--which, if it's put in human terms, is, well, a job title.

So this isn't something that anyone can just teach, least of all me. I do however practice this Cultivation Way and I have to say I have benefited tremendously from it in all avenues of my Life.

This is also why I am sharing these quotes with people. This Buddha Master is someone truly Benevolent and Enlightened who has boundless Mighty Virtue and who is not an ordinary Person. He has cultivted since the age of 4 and has been trained and taught by many Buddha Masters throughout his life for many many years until he became Enlightened.

So in light of this I beleive that what Buddha Master Li Hongzhi shares in his lectures is most profound and interesting indeed and not something that anyone can teach.

I must also stress that if anyone does not want to read this material that is fine too, if you see a big block of text in yellow it's very simple to just skip over it with a flick of a mouse if it doesn't interest you. I'm sure many people do just that and I'm fine with it. But I feel that some may also find this material interesting and resonate with it and so this is for them.

nen888 wrote:

..i once had a few hours access to a Dzog Chen buddhist master who, after i asked him about entheogens & entities, left me with the following impression of his tradition's viewpoint:

"..all the bardos of fairies, elves, angels and demons are of the imagination - the realms of the 'Lesser Light'..
the true nature of reality, and where one should focus upon leaving the body during death, is the 'Clear Light'..."

..make of that what you will.

Rising Spirit wrote:

My point exactly, they are as "real" as we make them, through our own minds and subjective cognition! We can, however, also accept their appearance within our experience and then, release them back into the Void from whence they emanated (along with our ego, which is our biggest mirage).

Are we not created for ascension to the very summit of consciousness-awareness-being? I surely believe it and many of my family members here, share this belief. Are we not meant to touch the very fringes of the eternal? To taste an immersion within the effulgent light, at the center of the Godhead? Oh yeah, a plant told me so and I'm a true believer!

Rising Spirit and Nen888 back in Shakyamuni's time he indeed said that eveything one see's with one's 3rd eye is demonic illusion and that they should ignore it and continue to solidly cultivate. But there was a reason he called it so and it was not because it was all illusion, it was because it could distract, seduce and mislead practitioners and so he made this precept so that his disciples wouldn't run into problems. It is also referred to as "Transforming according to Thoughts" or "Breeding demons in one's own mind".

This excepert from Zhuan Falun expounds on this in great detail ( and I know how much you love these excerpts Rising Spirit!) I'm joking but I do highly recommend reading as it is quite interesting:

Breeding Demons in Your Own Mind

What’s it mean to "breed demons in your own mind"? A person’s body has a material field in every dimension. In a special field, everything found in the universe is cast like a shadow into that dimensional field of yours. Even though they’re shadows, they also exist materially. Everything in your dimensional field is controlled by the thoughts in your brain. In other words, when you look at things with your Third Eye, if you calmly observe with no thoughts added in, what you see is real.

But as soon as you use your mind, even if it’s just a little bit, everything you see will be false, and this is "breeding demons in your own mind," which is also called "transforming according to thoughts." It’s because some practitioners aren’t able to act as cultivators, because they aren’t able to handle themselves well, because they want abilities, because they’re attached to trivial skills and small tricks, or because they’re even attached to some things they heard in other dimensions—they’re attached to seeking these things—that’s why these people are the most likely to breed demons in their own minds, and that’s why they’re the most likely to fall.

It doesn’t matter how high you’ve cultivated to, once this problem comes up, you’ll fall all the way to the bottom and you’ll be totally ruined. This problem is extremely serious. It’s not like other problems, where if a person doesn’t pass a character test one time he can still get up after falling and keep on cultivating. But when it’s the problem of breeding demons in your own mind, that’s real trouble, and his whole life will be shot. This is especially an issue for people who have their Third Eyes open at a certain level in their cultivation, it’s easy for them to have this problem. And then there are people who always have external messages interfering with their minds. Whatever foreign messages they receive, they go and believe it, and they too will have this problem. So some of us will have every aspect of our cultivation interfered with by messages after our Third Eyes open.

Let’s illustrate this. While cultivating at a low level it’s hard not to be affected inside. Maybe you can’t quite see what your teacher looks like. Suddenly, one day, you see a big, tall Heavenly Immortal come toward you. This big Immortal praises you and then teaches you something. So you accept it, and your gong gets messed up. You get happy, you take him as your master, and you go and learn from him. But he hasn’t achieved a True Fruition either..
Breeding Demons in Your Own Mind Continued . .

(cont from previous post ). . . it’s just that in that dimension they can expand and shrink.

This is unfolding right before you, and you’re actually seeing this huge Immortal—how exciting! Once your attachment of happiness wells up, won’t you go learn from him? When a cultivator can’t handle himself well it’s hard to save him, and there’s a good chance he’ll ruin himself. The celestial beings are all deities, but they haven’t achieved a True Fruition, and they have to enter the cycle of rebirth just the same.

If you just go and casually take somebody as your master and follow him, which level will he take you to? He isn’t good enough to achieve a True Fruition himself—won’t you have cultivated in vain? And in the end your own gong will be turned into a mess. It’s really hard for humans to be unaffected inside. I’ll tell you, this problem is very serious, and a lot of us will run into it later on. I’ve taught you the Law.

Whether you can handle yourself the right way is all up to you. What I talked about is just one scenario. When you see Enlightened Beings from other disciplines, don’t let it affect you and just cultivate in one discipline. "It doesn’t matter what so-called Buddha, what Dao, what Deity, or what demon it is—they can’t sway me." When you’re like that there’s definitely a good chance you’ll succeed.

Breeding demons in your own mind also comes in other forms. Maybe you see deceased family members who interfere with you, they cry and weep, and they tell you to do this or that—all kinds of things come up. Can you stay unaffected inside? Maybe you dote on your kid or you love your parents. Your parents have passed away, and now they tell you to do certain things… things that you shouldn’t do, and it’d be a disaster if you did them.

That’s how hard it is for a practitioner. People say that Buddhism is now a mess, and Confucianism’s things have crept into Buddhism, like filial piety, affection between men and women, and so on—these things have crept into Buddhism. But these things don’t belong in Buddhism. Why is this wrong, then? Since a person’s true being is his master soul, only the mother who gave birth to your master soul is your real mother. In your cycle of rebirth, if you want to count the mothers that are human and nonhuman, they’re just countless. And how many children have you had over all those lifetimes? They’re countless, too.

Who is your mother? Who are your children? When you take your last breath no one recognizes anyone, and you still have to pay back the karma you owe. People just can’t let go of these things when they’re lost in delusion. Some people’s children have died, but they can’t let go of them and talk about how wonderful they were, or they talk about how great their mothers were, but they’ve died. These people grieve their hearts out as if they want to follow their deceased for the rest of their lives. Why don’t you think about it: aren’t they doing this to wear you down? They do this to keep you from living a comfortable life.

Maybe ordinary people can’t understand this: if you’re attached to this stuff you can’t cultivate at all. That’s why this isn’t a part of Buddhism. If you want to cultivate, you have to set aside human emotion. Of course, while we’re cultivating in the ordinary world we’re supposed to respect our parents and be good to them, just as we should teach our kids and discipline them. In every situation we should be good to others and be kind to people, let alone your family members. We should treat everyone the same, be good to our parents and our kids, and always be considerate of others. Then your heart isn’t a selfish one when you do that, but a compassionate one—it’s compassion. Emotion is the stuff of ordinary people. They just live for emotion.

A lot of people can’t handle themselves well, and this has brought a lot of challenges into their cultivation. Some people say that a Buddha told them something. Whoever tells you that you’re going to have trouble today, or that something bad is going to happen, and they tell you how you can avoid it, or if someone tells you today’s winning lotto number and tells you to draw one, unless your life is in danger and they’re telling you how to get out of it, whenever someone tells you how to gain something out in the ordinary world, that’s a demon. When you just want to get ahead in the ordinary world, you’ll fail the tests of those tribulations, and you won’t be able to improve. If you live a plush, comfy, and luxurious life among ordinary people, how can you cultivate? How’s your karma going to be transformed?

Where’s the environment for you to improve your character and transform your karma? Make sure you remember this, now. Those demons might praise you, tell you that your level is so high, tell you that you’re a really high-level great Buddha or great Dao, or tell you how amazing they think you are. All of that’s bogus. Somebody who truly cultivates up to high levels has to let go of all the different attachments he has. When you run into these things you really have to watch out!

Your Third Eye might open during your practice. People whose Third Eyes are open have their challenges while cultivating, and those whose Third Eyes aren’t open have their challenges cultivating, too—cultivation isn’t easy either way. After your Third Eye opens, it definitely is hard for you to handle yourself the right way when all sorts of messages are interfering with you. In other dimensions things are a feast for the eyes, they’re really beautiful and wonderful, and any of those things could tempt you.

Once you’re swayed, maybe you’ll get interfered with and your gong will be messed up. That’s usually what happens. And that’s why when people breed demons in their own minds and they can’t handle themselves well they might experience a certain situation. I’ll give an example. As soon as this guy has bad thoughts it’s dangerous. One day his Third Eye is open and he can see things, and even see clearly. He thinks, "At this practice site I’m the only person whose Third Eye is opened well. Maybe I’m not just your average person, eh? I’ve been able to learn Teacher Li’s Falun Dafa, and I’ve learned it so well—better than anybody else.

I’m probably not just an average person." These thoughts are going in the wrong direction. Then he thinks, "Know what, maybe I’m a Buddha. Now, let me take a look at myself." He looks at himself and sees that he really is a Buddha. And why is that? It’s because all matter within the scope of the dimensional field that’s around his own body transforms with his thoughts. This is also "transforming according to thoughts."

All the things reflected over from the universe change with his thoughts. The reason is, everything within the range of his dimensional field is at his command, and shadows exist materially, too—they’re no different. This person thinks, "Maybe I’m a Buddha. And maybe what I wear are Buddha’s clothes." Then he’ll see that what he wears really are Buddha’s clothes. "Wow, I’m really a Buddha!" He can hardly control his happiness. "Maybe I’m not just a small Buddha." He takes a look, and sees that he’s a giant Buddha. "Maybe I’m higher than Li Hongzhi! Let me take a look... Wow, I really am higher than Li Hongzhi." And then there are people who hear this stuff through their ears. A demon interferes with him and says, "You’re even higher than Li Hongzhi. You’re such-and-such amount higher than Li Hongzhi." And then he believes it.

Have you thought about how you’ll cultivate from that point on? Have you cultivated before? Who taught you cultivation? Even when a real Buddha comes down to do things, he has to cultivate all over again, he doesn’t keep any of the gong he originally had, and it’s just that he cultivates faster now. When this happens, once someone has this problem, it will be really hard for him to pull himself out, and he’ll immediately develop that thought. After it wells up, he’ll dare to say anything, "I’m a Buddha. You don’t need to learn from anyone else. I am a Buddha. I’ll tell you what to do." He’ll start to act like this.

Don’t we have somebody just like that in Changchun? He was pretty good at first, but then he got like that, claiming he’s a Buddha, and in the end he claimed he was higher than anybody else. That happens when someone can’t handle himself well, when his attachments come out. Now why does this happen? In Buddhism they say that if you see something you should just ignore it since it’s all demonic illusion, and you should just enter into concentration and cultivate up. Do you know why they don’t let you see things, and why they don’t let you get attached to those things? It’s because they’re afraid you might run into this problem.

The cultivation in Buddhism doesn’t have any intensive cultivation methods, and their scriptures don’t guide you on how to avoid this problem. Back then Shakyamuni didn’t teach this Law, so, to avoid the problem of breeding demons in your own mind and transforming according to thoughts, he called all the scenes that people see in cultivation "demonic illusions." So once you have an attachment it’ll generate this demonic illusion, and it’s really hard to break free from it. And then this person might even be done for and turn demonic. Since he calls himself a Buddha he’s already started down a demonic path, and in the end, he might even get possessed or bring on other things, and he’ll be totally finished. His mind will have gone bad, and he’ll fall all the way down. There’s a good number of people like this.

Even in this class there are people who think highly of themselves, and they even speak with a different tone. As for what your true situation is, even in Buddhism that’s something taboo. What I just talked about is another situation, and it’s called "breeding demons in your own mind," which is also called "transforming according to thoughts." Beijing has had some students like this, and they’ve appeared in other regions too. And this problem interferes with practitioners pretty badly.

Some people ask me, "Teacher, why is it you don’t straighten this out?" Think about it, folks, if we straighten out all the obstacles on your cultivation path, how are you going to cultivate? Only when there’s interference from demons can you show whether you can keep up your cultivation, whether you can really grasp the truth, whether you can take the interference, and whether you can be steadfast in this discipline. Great tides wash away the sand, that’s how cultivation is, and what’s left is true gold. I’d say that without these kinds of interference it’d be too easy for people to cultivate.

The way I look at it, your cultivation would be too easy. Those Great Enlightened Beings at high levels would think it’s even more unfair when they saw it, "What do you think you’re doing? You call that saving people? They don’t have any obstacles along the way, and their cultivation is smooth sailing all the way to the end—is that cultivation? The more they practice the more comfortable they get, and they don’t have any interference. How could that work?" That is the issue, and I’ve been thinking about it, too.

In the beginning stage I took care of many demons like that. But I don’t think it’d be right if I kept doing that all the time. Others have said to me, "You’ve made their cultivation so easy. People just have that little bit of adversity of their own, and there are just those little things between people. There’s a lot of attachments they still aren’t able to get rid of! We still have to wait and see whether your people can understand your Great Law when confusion and chaos arrive." There’s this issue, so there will be interference, and there will be trials. What I just talked about is one form of demon. It’s really hard to truly save a person, but extremely easy to destroy him. Once your understanding goes too far off your cultivation is over.

Shamazi Wiz wrote:

I have to agree with Rising Spirit. Using giant blocks of quotes from some "grand master" isn't the number one way to get your point across. I would hope you have more to say on these topics than "This enlightened guy thinks this..." or "A few people who studied shamanism say that..." Give us some originality, eh? There are so many paths to "cultivate" oneself, and I think it's foolish to disregard psychedelics as inferior just because people have found some truth and happiness using other methods.

I never said that psychedelics are inferior, I am just in a way, trying to understand these realms just as much as the rest of us are and I have found that a high level Buddha Master seems to be talking about entities, different dimensions, and things of that nature that might be of interest to the DMT community. As for the dangers of DMT? Well I've expounded on that earlier and I'll leave that up to individuals to decide themselves.

And as for originality, I think many of these lecture excerpts are quite original in there material and quite in depth and informative and not something I have ever really read before. Especially interesting is how some of this material seems to have in common with the DMT idea of 'entities', 'realms' and things of this nature.

Shamazi Wiz wrote:

You're right that many people have dark experiences with psychedelics, but that can be said about many things. Some guys and gals have negative experiences meeting people, but that doesn't mean they should cut off contact with all humans. Sometimes bad trips can be very valuable, as they can show you doubts, fears, anger, and anxiety that you've been holding onto. They can also help you appreciate all of the good things in your life and see just how wonderful you already have it when you open your eyes a little bit.

Several Buddhist paths are fraught with negativity. Some people use it the wrong way and turn into ugly, egotistical, disconnected, self-righteous beings. I've met plenty of these people. The psychedelic path is scattered with their own "rotten fruits", but both of these trees are still capable of producing ripe, juicy deliciousness. Track down some of the BEST psychedelic shamans in the world, and I'm sure they can enlighten you in as many ways as can the most revered Buddhist master.

Well I can't say I have seen any negative Buddhist paths really. But I do agree with you that there are all sorts of people and just because someone is practicing a certain practice does not make them any less human with all their foibles and flaws as we all have them in different ways and to different extents.

I know that people will do as they wish and will take psychedelics like DMT and others and I agree with you, I'm sure Shamanic Elders also have vast knowledge of the cosmos it's just that many of these Shamans have been trained since a young age how to traverse these plains relatively safely. We in the west are more often then not going in blindly with no real Shamanic understanding or tutelage to guide people how to avoid the perils and pitfalls of this path.

Shamazi Wiz wrote:

I think many of us here are more drawn to psychedelics BECAUSE of the intense, unknown, and possibly chaotic nature of the experiences. Our souls NEED that kind of stretching sometimes, and most of us learn rather quickly how to avoid getting burned in these trials by fire. We do have to work on, or "cultivate", ourselves to ensure that we keep progressing in a positive way, and we reap the rewards that we sow.

These other dimensions and entities are still a mystery to most of us, but we're all obviously curious enough to keep finding our own answers. If pondering the Zhuan Falun and doing the exercises prescribed within help you get more understanding on these things, then more power to you.

I do think that the deepest and wildest truths in life can't simply be understood; they have to be experienced. DMT and it's allies have certainly been friendly to me, showing me things beyond my wildest imagination, and I'll keep using them joyfully and respectfully as long as they keep helping me grow and progress. We're each so infinitely unique, so there's no way that one path can work for everybody. To each his own.

Very well Shamazi. If this is the path you have chosen and that goes for all the psychonauts out there. If this is the path you have all chosen and you feel that there is Goodness, Wisdom and Truth within it I wish you the best.

My goal here is to share Wisdom and Insights with people from a person with great knowledge of spiritual matters, I must humbly say far greater knowledge of these matters then myself and this is why I refrain on writing about such things. What do I know of the higher worlds anyway? To tell it like it is I know very little from my current level of understanding but I do know that there are Sages and great Enlightened Masters that do know things and this is what I am wanting to share with people.

Endlessness wrote:

Did you ever take time to read our 'Health and Safety' section?

Nobody saying it's all 'fun and games', in fact, we say the opposite, that this experience is not to be taken lightly, and we offer a host of different tools for people, from a multi-levelled perspective (including 'shamanic/spiritual' ideas, scientific thinking, experiential knowledge and personal tips, etc), to deal with the different things one can experience in the DMT realm, good and bad.

Yes and this is also why I am sharing this information from a Buddha Master. Knowledge is power as they say and it pays to learn about these things from various sources so I hope some do truly find some of these excerpts of interest.

Endlessness wrote:

Also regarding Shamans, may I ask if you ever had direct experience with shamans? Seems to me some "idealized" version of some shamanistic consensus, which is untrue since what some shamans might feel is good and an ally, others might consider negative. So who has it right? Also, have to be careful avoiding a fallacy of "appeal to tradition", which in the end is no argument for the actual validity of the claims. In the end, each one must choose their own path.

I have never met any Shamans myself no. I am only sharing information with what Shamanic Scholars like Beyer and Narby have come to learn from real Shamans from many years of research.

Endlessness wrote:

Personally though, I still find it a bit strange that you are in a forum about DMT and try to say that it is a harmful shortcut, as if your experience is generalizable to others, and as if everybody here is deluded in their thinking that for them it is beneficial.

I guess I am worried about what the implications of what the 'bad trips' are. Perhaps they are more serious then we currently imagine them to be? I just see Shamans talk about protecting themselves and warding of malevolent spirits with various techniques and songs so if they take these things to be of upmost seriousness I beleive we should really take note of this.

Lastly, you say things are not always as they seem and that there may be "dark" things behind the experiences, that's a non-argument imo because I can just turn it around and say that the 'dark' things are in fact light things hidden, and in this way, we can take this to eternity in a cycle that leads nowhere, all would be suppositions anyways.

Who's to say that you posting in this forum (or any other thing that you think is good for you) isnt detrimental to your spiritual development? You see, we may think some things and think others, but it's all subjective and nobody knows anything in the end. All that matters is that you choose your path that feels right if it doesnt hurt others (and respecting other's path too)

I have read many DMT reports of people being operated on without their will, probed, dissected, raped and torn to pieces aswell as tortured. Anyone would tell you that these are not Benevolent experiences in any way, shape or form. I am not saying these things always happen on DMT but they do happen.

In a way most of us do not have real Shamanic understanding of whats what in those places and that is what I am getting at. Even the Shamans that are meant to understand these places and that do 'healing' seem to be allying themselves with some highly dubious entities that I have already talked about with Rising Spirit earlier in the post.

As for my own practice of Falun Dafa, I have never felt such a dark cloud lift off from my being as I have since taking up the practice. Various mental, physical and spiritual changes have also occured but are hard to articulate in words. I guess the best analogy I can use to explain it is that I felt in the past like I was a dry and Withered plant and since practicing the meditation exercises it felt like I have been watered daily with the most healing water imaginable and am starting to rejuvinate myself. Thats the closest approximation I can articulate in how I have felt.

Endlessness wrote:

btw, sorry if I missed the answer but did you tell me what you think of oral dmt use/ayahuasca, as opposed to vaporized dmt?

I have tried both. In my opinion smoked DMT just plunges one deeper into the other deeper universes and Ayahuasca seems to tether you somehow but as you are aware the length of time while in the Ayahuasca state means you are under there for a much longer time so there is far more time for a journey to possibly go bad.
sgtWow said:
It's fine Rising Spirit, no offense taken. My intention is not to scare anyone but to inform people about the possible dangers inherent in DMT use. We all know that there are dangers when using such a powerful Shamanic compound with no real understanding of the Spirit World and trying to rationalize some of these things with our current model of reality and Science and ignoring the vast wisdom of Shamans and Spiritual Sages is in my opinion quite foolhardy and dangerous.

Cool, since I do honor your perspective and don't want to come off as a total wank. I have a different vision, but that's what makes for a great discussion, right? I can honestly see that your concerns are in sparing some of our more adventurous fellow species members, the possible damaging psychological trauma and/or the very real possibility that there may indeed be some potential damage done to the auric body of the would-be psychonaut (when largely or even partially unprepared for what they will encounter in Hyperspace).

It's certainly one side of the proverbial coin, eh? It is balanced by the GOOD STUFF, when the very doors of perception blow wide open. Like seeing the most beatific and enchanted aspect of human existence, brand spanking new. The stairway into the ascending expanse of infinity, dawns right before your eyes, as if for the very first time! :love:

That being said, my primary point is about the unique value of the psychedelic experience, and it's capacity to open the eyes of it's user and HEAL the "spiritual damage" that material human ignorance can inflict upon each of us. In other words, there is true Magik and a wealth of Sacred teaching, locked within these special molecules. Our symbiosis is a Cosmic Dance, that our effulgent Creator most certainly intended to take place. And furthermore, it is the foundation stone for all human religions, worldwide.

Shamanism, as practiced by indigenous peoples of this planet, is just part of the entheogenic tradition and one based on a markedly dualistic cosmology. Just crack open the Zend Avesta, Rig Vedas or Torah/Holy Bible... and you will see many, many references to Sacred Medicines and the epiphanies they generated. Ones that take the aspiring initiate directly to God and aid one to transmute the mind to a balanced level of Divine understanding. They create within us, under optimum circumstances, an urgency towards AWAKENING. :thumb_up:

For myself, this is valuable beyond any worldly riches, passion, accolades or worldly power. Tryptamines and phenethylamines are more than frequently, a wonderful catalyst for self-growth. I will go on the record as proclaiming them Sacred Medicines. with their continued use, there is a responsibility assumed and need for intuitively finding ways to navigate around the pitfalls. They are not for everyone, without a doubt... yet, if used with respect and proper ritual awareness, entheogens are truly a God-send.

To say nothing of a genuine rebirth and so, psychedelics can often facilitate a deep understanding about oneself, the multiverse/universe/Omniverse and of course, open our eyes to the living presence of what men and women have called, God. Whereas, my own penchant is for the term the Omniself.

Please understand that I do not contest against your message, but rather, your delivery of said message. IMO, those most vulnerable are the impressionable youngsters, who naively believe that tripping one's balls off is way cool and like being in a computer-generated video game or in a special effects movie like The Matrix. In this light, we share some of the same concerns.

But I was young once too (heck, I still am well past the 50 year mark) and I was thrown end-over-end into the Void, which silently awaits all of us to re-emerge into the formlessness of the insubstantial quintessence. My intense desire to touch the Sacred plane, propelled me (and still does) without any shadow of fear or doubt. I launched upwards, perhaps "recklessly", into the boundary-less unknown. Sometimes it's as simple as sink or swim, since once we ignite the current, there is no turning back until the power of the molecule releases us.

As I urgently keep repeating, there are useful tools to cultivate, by which we learn to traverse through the phantoms of our own mental parameters and very limited subjectivity. It requires a centered and concentrated point of focused attention, unswerving intent, deep faith and more than anything else, an overwhelming desire to direct one's mind towards immersion within the Clear Light of the Void (AKA God).

I would like your opinion on the article written by Steve Beyer and by the talk given by Jeremy Narby which I have posted earlier. These two scholars do indeed raise some interesting points on the dangers of these compounds and they do beleive that the dark side of Shamanic Practices is both very real and can indeed bring harm upon the person involved who doesn't understand the implications and that true nature of what he or she is getting themselves into which I have to say is a vast number of 'Urban Shamans' that imbibe in these chemicals in a frivolous nature.

My opinion is that these people are contemporary scholars and as such, succinctly catalog much of the potent duality of the spirit world. Any fool knows that we are a mix of positive and negative energies. On this material plane, people heartlessly kill each other, lie and steal, push and shove, etc, etc, etc... :(

Why wouldn't we expect that when we amp our consciousness with Saced Medicines, we would not still see our own species' propensity for polarity? That which exists outside of the realm of reason and pragmatism, is not 100% dangerous or damaging, for as with our "normal" lives, we CHOOSE for ourselves, what we perceive. As The Moody Blues sang in 1967, "But we decide which is right and which is an illusion". It's all hapenig between our ears and the transcendental bridge of our soul. Our intuition guides us, our heart inspires us and our vision is one of unity and love.

Sure, powerful entheogens are not mere party drugs. We quickly learn this. such is the rocketing flight of the 21st century, Wounded Healer. They open doors that most folks are unable to cope with. But those whose calling is to voyage into the realm of the universal mind, the reward outweighs the risk. And I do concur with your estimation, the 'urban shaman" doesn't have the necessary training to cope with the dynamics of the spirit world... but then again, who amongst us is born able to cope with the insanity of life on the material plane? We exist upon a dualistic plane of being. Yet hidden within this appearance of duality, exists a unity so bright and radiant, it behooves us to embrace it's immeasurable beauty.

As brother endlessness points out, The Nexus does take the risks of imbibing DMT very seriously. There is much wisdom and compassion being consciously imparted here, as well as the scientific, procedural extraction stuff.

sgtWow said:
Specifically, whats your take on that Steve Beyer article when he talks about Shamans using 'Tsenk Tsenk' or supposed 'helper' spririts to both Heal and Harm and that these spirits need to be kept in check with great will or as they "want to eat flesh" and "make you do bad things". Can you tell me why the supposed good spirits that heal would want one to do that?I know regardless of what I have shared with people they will continue to explore these dimensions with psychedelics, thats a given. But the more one knows the more one can begin to understand the gravity of what these entheogens truly are.

He seems like a descent fellow. Highly intelligent and quite well spoken. His is the role of anthropologist, so he is doing a service by conveying the dual nature of entheogens. This shit an be very "real" if we let it manifest within or minds. But might we not all be far wiser to approach perceiving ANYTHING AT ALL within our experience (be it psychedelic or on the mean streets of the city), with an impartial and centered equilibrium?

Honestly, I don't deal with the entities at all. I've seen so many things I cannot begin to describe them. But that's not why I pry open this window into the eternal horizon-line. I seek the Light. Nor do I fearfully reject demons and enthusiastically embrace angels... for they are mirrored reflections of our dualistic selves. I intentionally release any and all forms, even the lovely and most enchanting fractal patterns, as my mind spirals into the fulcrum of the Sacred, the Divine state of unbroken Oneness.

Frankly, I am nothing at all... but I do have a temporary earthy persona, which has been dreaming the dream of an Advaitin Yogi, Zen Buddhist and Taoist. So, perhaps I cannot speak properly in shamanic terms? Still, there is a powerful force of goodness in the eclipsing of the curious humanoid and the entheogenic saccrement. It is at once, shattering and deeply attuning; something that cannot be called anything less than truly TRANSCENDENTAL in nature. ;)

They do have dangers involved with them, you and I both know this. The point I'm getting across here is that money, material possessions or anything from this worldly realm cannot be taken with you when you cross over for good. The only thing you take with you when it's time to depart is your soul, the most precious thing you have. The question then being is, are these negative experiences which do and can happen on DMT damaging one's soul in some way?

I feel that the soul cannot ever be damaged, corrupted, stolen or compromised. The mind and emotional stability of the fixed human ego... now that' another story. Soul interlinks us intimately within the Omniversal Field, so nothing can destroy it's enigmatic equilibrium. For when we awaken from our mortal slumbers, we perceive the moment as it truly is, empty of thought, shimmering in resplendent glory, silently within the here and now. That is what I believe is the core of soul-awareness and it is without a doubt, immortal and quite invulnerable to the darkness of the negative force.

IMO and from my own direct experiences, when we arrive into states of fear, confusion or oblivion, we need only bring our awareness back to center and project love sweet love into the darkness we are afraid of. Love is light and living in the light is a precious gift from our deepest interior self (our soul).

gibran2 said:
Evil is a human invention. It does not exist outside of ourselves.

Word. Brief but powerful, as always. 8)

We contain within ourselves, all that we are able perceive, process and integrate. That arguably includes all of the good-bad-neutral states of being, and we filter-out most of it, so as to continue exist within the safety zone of our own paradigmatic mirages of self-identification. Truly, this may actually be a dream within a dream?
Rising Spirit wrote:

Cool, since I do honor your perspective and don't want to come off as a total wank. I have a different vision, but that's what makes for a great discussion, right? I can honestly see that your concerns are in sparing some of our more adventurous fellow species members, the possible damaging psychological trauma and/or the very real possibility that there may indeed be some potential damage done to the auric body of the would-be psychonaut (when largely or even partially unprepared for what they will encounter in Hyperspace).

Yes thats right Rising Spirit. Many dangers have been outlined by Shamans, Shamanic Scholars who partake in these entheogens and also the many bad trips that are reported by Urban Shamans who largely brush the negative experiances off as a set and setting issue. Shamans have a different view and beleive that malevolent beings in these realms can cause real life maladies and problems for the person who encounters them. Ofcourse how they manifest varies immensley but I think we should heed these people's warnings as they have quite extensive knowledge and experiance of what is transpiring in these places.

It's certainly one side of the proverbial coin, eh? It is balanced by the GOOD STUFF, when the very doors of perception blow wide open. Like seeing the most beatific and enchanted aspect of human existence, brand spanking new. The stairway into the ascending expanse of infinity, dawns right before your eyes, as if for the very first time!

That being said, my primary point is about the unique value of the psychedelic experience, and it's capacity to open the eyes of it's user and HEAL the "spiritual damage" that material human ignorance can inflict upon each of us. In other words, there is true Magik and a wealth of Sacred teaching, locked within these special molecules. Our symbiosis is a Cosmic Dance, that our effulgent Creator most certainly intended to take place. And furthermore, it is the foundation stone for all human religions, worldwide.

I agree with you that certain entheogens sometimes allow one to reavaluate one's self and his place in the universe and see the greater picture. With such a catalyst a positive change in their views and way of life can occur that may indeed be less materialistic and lead to a healthier and more positive outlook on Life.

I do not think however that this always occurs and sometimes it can even have the opposite affect leading one to have other problems compounded upon any they may have previously had such as HPPD, anxiety or a number of psychological issues they did not have before.

These compounds are extremly powerful as Zarkov, a well know DMT enthusiast once quoted:

"Tryptamines are a real phenomenon. If you take a high dose of tryptamines you see certain things. I am a believer that you are not a blank slate when you're born.

You're a long complicated product of genetic engineering by the Goddess, under all sorts of selection criteria, and there's a hell of a lot of hardware and wetware, so that DMT's not going to change everybody, or everybody positively. That has to do with how you're wired up, and how you're raised.

Now, my experiences have been extremely positive, but several of my closest friends are dead as a result of psychedelics. If you're not up to handling heavy equipment, DMT is a very dangerous, very powerful hallucinogen. It's extremely strong."

Shamanism, as practiced by indigenous peoples of this planet, is just part of the entheogenic tradition and one based on a markedly dualistic cosmology. Just crack open the Zend Avesta, Rig Vedas or Torah/Holy Bible... and you will see many, many references to Sacred Medicines and the epiphanies they generated. Ones that take the aspiring initiate directly to God and aid one to transmute the mind to a balanced level of Divine understanding. They create within us, under optimum circumstances, an urgency towards AWAKENING.

For myself, this is valuable beyond any worldly riches, passion, accolades or worldly power. Tryptamines and phenethylamines are more than frequently, a wonderful catalyst for self-growth. I will go on the record as proclaiming them Sacred Medicines. with their continued use, there is a responsibility assumed and need for intuitively finding ways to navigate around the pitfalls. They are not for everyone, without a doubt... yet, if used with respect and proper ritual awareness, entheogens are truly a God-send.

To say nothing of a genuine rebirth and so, psychedelics can often facilitate a deep understanding about oneself, the multiverse/universe/Omniverse and of course, open our eyes to the living presence of what men and women have called, God. Whereas, my own penchant is for the term the Omniself.

I beleive that Shamanism is 'Breaking Into' these heightened states of awareness. For example the spiritual Master such as Daoist Sages, Buddha Masters and other say that to become enlightened it takes arduous cultivation to Purify and Energize one's spiritual being.

This is a process of constant and steadfast purification and elevation of one's mind and spiritual energy and the shedding of one's Karma through meditation and other means which takes a very long time. This is how all enlightenes Master needed to cultivate in the maze of the ordinary world.

It's not easy to become a Buddha or become enlightened being and taking an entheogen is as the ancients used to call it, the 'Left Hand Way' or the 'Poison Path'.

So in effect you are not Nourishing and Cultivating your own spiritual energy but instead you short circuit this process via a drug which grants you access to these realms haphazardly and randomly which in my view is dangerous.

Many psychonauts have been at the mercy of beings that are both very malevolent and very powerful. Because one hasn't cultivated his spiritual power himself he himself is as helpless as a mouse in these situations.

Although these dangers do not manifest so much in this dimension I truly they can cause harm to your Spiritual body and this then can manifest in subtle and not so subtle ways in day to day life.

Whats also interesting as I have mentioned previously is that all accomplished Shamans talk about using their will on the spirits they work with to 'reign them in' so that they can be used for healing. If left to their own violations however these spirits have the inclinations to 'make you do bad things' and 'eat flesh'.

This is a very serious statement and if Shamans are encountering such beings then surely from the haphazard and chaotic journeys of Urban Shamans they also have a very good chance of encountering similar beings. I would consider this a very dangerous and serious gamble with one's soul.

Please understand that I do not contest against your message, but rather, your delivery of said message. IMO, those most vulnerable are the impressionable youngsters, who naively believe that tripping one's balls off is way cool and like being in a computer-generated video game or in a special effects movie like The Matrix. In this light, we share some of the same concerns.

But I was young once too (heck, I still am well past the 50 year mark) and I was thrown end-over-end into the Void, which silently awaits all of us to re-emerge into the formlessness of the insubstantial quintessence. My intense desire to touch the Sacred plane, propelled me (and still does) without any shadow of fear or doubt. I launched upwards, perhaps "recklessly", into the boundary-less unknown. Sometimes it's as simple as sink or swim, since once we ignite the current, there is no turning back until the power of the molecule releases us.

As I urgently keep repeating, there are useful tools to cultivate, by which we learn to traverse through the phantoms of our own mental parameters and very limited subjectivity. It requires a centered and concentrated point of focused attention, unswerving intent, deep faith and more than anything else, an overwhelming desire to direct one's mind towards immersion within the Clear Light of the Void (AKA God).

As one very accomplished Shaman said:

Once you drink ayahuasca, I was told, once you start to learn the plant teachers with your body, the world becomes a more dangerous place. Sorcerers resentful of your presumption will shoot magical pathogenic darts into your body, or send fierce animals to attack you, or fill your body with scorpions and razor blades — especially while you are still a beginner, before you gain your full powers. Peruvian poet César Calvo Soriano says that drinking ayahuasca makes one into “a crystal exposed to all the spirits, to the evil ones and the true ones that inhabit the air.” Such transparency is perilous.

SgtWow wrote:

I would like your opinion on the article written by Steve Beyer and by the talk given by Jeremy Narby which I have posted earlier. These two scholars do indeed raise some interesting points on the dangers of these compounds and they do beleive that the dark side of Shamanic Practices is both very real and can indeed bring harm upon the person involved who doesn't understand the implications and that true nature of what he or she is getting themselves into which I have to say is a vast number of 'Urban Shamans' that imbibe in these chemicals in a frivolous nature.

Rising Spirit Wrote:

My opinion is that these people are contemporary scholars and as such, succinctly catalog much of the potent duality of the spirit world. Any fool knows that we are a mix of positive and negative energies. On this material plane, people heartlessly kill each other, lie and steal, push and shove, etc, etc, etc...

Why wouldn't we expect that when we amp our consciousness with Saced Medicines, we would not still see our own species' propensity for polarity? That which exists outside of the realm of reason and pragmatism, is not 100% dangerous or damaging, for as with our "normal" lives, we CHOOSE for ourselves, what we perceive. As The Moody Blues sang in 1967, "But we decide which is right and which is an illusion". It's all hapenig between our ears and the transcendental bridge of our soul. Our intuition guides us, our heart inspires us and our vision is one of unity and love.

So you agree that with me that by as you say it 'amping' conciousness with these drugs you are quite possible 'amping' the polarity of mankind's innate good and evil? But this is not how I see it though. I see it more as These compounds are like a set of Picklocks that allow one to 'break in' or 'access' certain dimensions with various beings that are both good and evil. Without true spiritual power and knowledge though one can easily beleive the good to be the evil though. Aren't demons masters of cunning and deception?:

From Zhuan Falun:

Buddhism talks about Transmigration, and by doing so they’ve revealed somethingcalled the asura realm, which actually refers to living things in different dimensions, but those things don’t have human nature. In the eyes of Great Enlightened Beings they’re extremely low-level and really weak, but to ordinary people they’re terrifying.

They have some energy, and they think ordinary people are beasts, so they like to feed on people. And in recent years they’ve jumped at the chance to teach some practices. What a
despicable creature! Look at its face—could you call that human?! It’s really frightening.

When you learn their things you have to go join them and become one of them. Some
people have bad thoughts when they’re doing qigong exercises, and when those thoughts
are in line with their thinking, they’ll come teach them.

But, “One good can overcome a hundred evils.” If you don’t ask for it, nobody will dare to touch you. But, if you have evil thoughts and go after bad things, they’ll come to help you, and then your cultivation will go down a demonic path. That’s the problem that comes up.

Sure, powerful entheogens are not mere party drugs. We quickly learn this. such is the rocketing flight of the 21st century, Wounded Healer. They open doors that most folks are unable to cope with. But those whose calling is to voyage into the realm of the universal mind, the reward outweighs the risk. And I do concur with your estimation, the 'urban shaman" doesn't have the necessary training to cope with the dynamics of the spirit world... but then again, who amongst us is born able to cope with the insanity of life on the material plane? We exist upon a dualistic plane of being. Yet hidden within this appearance of duality, exists a unity so bright and radiant, it behooves us to embrace it's immeasurable beauty.

As brother endlessness points out, The Nexus does take the risks of imbibing DMT very seriously. There is much wisdom and compassion being consciously imparted here, as well as the scientific, procedural extraction stuff.

Why the need for such protection in an Ayahuasca ceremony by professional Shamans?:

At the start of every ayahuasca ceremony, my maestro ayahuasquero don Roberto Acho goes around the room putting agua de florida cologne in cross patterns on the forehead, chest, and back of each participant. As he does this, he blows smoke from the powerful tobacco called mapacho into the crown of the head and over the entire body of each participant, and he whistles a special song of protection called an arcana. The song has no particular name — it is just la arcana — and no words; it is intention abstracted from human language; the wordless whistling approximates instead to puro sonido, pure sound, which is the language of the plants.

The goal is to cleanse and protect. The song calls in the protective genios — the thorny palm trees, the fierce animals, the predatory hawks and owls that are used in sorcery and thus best protect against it. The h6 sweet smells of cologne and tobacco attract the protective and the healing spirits, seal the body against attack, and avert the pathogenic projectiles — the darts, scorpions, monkey teeth, razor blades — of the envious and resentful. The goal, as don Roberto puts it, is to erect a wall “a thousand feet high and a thousand feet below the earth” to protect himself, his students, and all who are in attendance.

Honestly, I don't deal with the entities at all. I've seen so many things I cannot begin to describe them. But that's not why I pry open this window into the eternal horizon-line. I seek the Light. Nor do I fearfully reject demons and enthusiastically embrace angels... for they are mirrored reflections of our dualistic selves. I intentionally release any and all forms, even the lovely and most enchanting fractal patterns, as my mind spirals into the fulcrum of the Sacred, the Divine state of unbroken Oneness.

Frankly, I am nothing at all... but I do have a temporary earthy persona, which has been dreaming the dream of an Advaitin Yogi, Zen Buddhist and Taoist. So, perhaps I cannot speak properly in shamanic terms? Still, there is a powerful force of goodness in the eclipsing of the curious humanoid and the entheogenic saccrement. It is at once, shattering and deeply attuning; something that cannot be called anything less than truly TRANSCENDENTAL in nature.

You have never dealt with any entities whatsoever in your DMT or Aya experiances? Well many thousands of reports and experiances of people aswell as Shamans encounter intelligences on a constant basis so that is indeed interesting.

You sound like you have much more control then most when one when traversing these realms with these compounds. Most people are more or less taken wherever the beings or the compound wants them to and they have no say in the matter.

"Throughout the Upper Amazon, a shaman’s power — the power both to heal and to harm — is conceptualized as a slimy or sticky substance, sometimes corrosive, which is kept in the shaman’s chest. Mestizo shamans call this substance simply la flema, phlegm, or llausa, the ordinary Quechua term for phlegm, or yachay, the Quechua word for ritual knowledge.

It is in this phlegm that the shaman, whether healer or sorcerer, stores the magic darts that are used for both attack and defense; in the phlegm of the sorcerer are also toads, scorpions, snakes, insects, monkey teeth, razor blades — the biting, the stinging, and the venomous."

Rising Spirit Wrote:

I feel that the soul cannot ever be damaged, corrupted, stolen or compromised. The mind and emotional stability of the fixed human ego... now that' another story. Soul interlinks us intimately within the Omniversal Field, so nothing can destroy it's enigmatic equilibrium. For when we awaken from our mortal slumbers, we perceive the moment as it truly is, empty of thought, shimmering in resplendent glory, silently within the here and now. That is what I believe is the core of soul-awareness and it is without a doubt, immortal and quite invulnerable to the darkness of the negative force.

IMO and from my own direct experiences, when we arrive into states of fear, confusion or oblivion, we need only bring our awareness back to center and project love sweet love into the darkness we are afraid of. Love is light and living in the light is a precious gift from our deepest interior self (our soul).

How can you be so sure the the soul can never be corrupted, stolen or compromised?

An excert from Buddha Master Li Hongzhi:

The universe has a law. What’s it called? It’s called “no loss, no gain.” To gain, one has to lose. So if you want to eliminate karma for man, people will have to bear the karma. If you don’t help them pay off their karma they will accumulate more and more of it.

If the karma becomes enormous, it’s called “evil beyond forgiveness.” Annihilation is what comes after the state of evil beyond forgiveness is reached. The person’s existence will be annihilated and not allowed to continue—it will be completely annihilated. So if you want to eliminate karma for humans so as to protect them, they have to endure the suffering of paying off their karma.


“Annihilation of a person’s body and spirit, that’s something really horrifying—extremely horrifying! Were I to tell you the details, you wouldn’t be able to bear the extent of its dreadfulness. It’s just too frightening! People think they only have one life, when in fact this lifetime is just like being asleep, as your true self assumes little role.

When you come out of the shell of your physical body, you will find that you are light and buoyant. You will discover that your mind is totally open, as you are then free from the human brain’s restrictions. Upon your entering that dimension, time will change from the time in the dimension of ordinary humans. It’s like waking from sleep: You will suddenly find that everything you did over the course of your life is clearly and vividly before your eyes.

Every little thing will appear, as if you had just done it—it will be that clear. The brain will have suddenly been set free. You will know all of the good things and bad things you’ve done. Can you say that the things you’ve done among ordinary humans aren’t your own doing? You can’t just reincarnate again and keep doing bad things. Gods look at your beingin its entirety, not just one lifetime of yours. Accordingly, you, as a being, have to pay for everything you’ve done. That’s the principle. So if a person does bad deeds he has to pay for them.

If annihilation is to take place, that’s just terrifying! If body and spirit are to be completely exterminated, how are they exterminated? It’s done by killing and exterminating the tangible beings of this person’s entire life. At the moment when the body is killed, his Spirit and all of his intelligent beings—which can exist in realms at this same level—will all be killed. But he isn’t really dead after being killed.

He has merely left this level, and his more microscopic beings still exist. Then the more microscopic beings are killed at the same time. And he has to pay at every level for his karma during the process of being killed.

How does he pay for it? He pays through the pain from being exterminated and through all the suffering—just like suffering all kinds of torment in Hell, such as being seared with a sheet of burning-red iron. In short, everything has to be paid for throughtorment, and then he’s killed level by level.

His existence is still not over yet after being killed, for he still has beings composed of more microscopic particles. Beings at those levels have to continue to suffer, to continue being killed. And then his bodies at even more microscopic levels will continue to suffer, and continue being killed, until all are completely annihilated.

That agony is utterly horrifying!!! Some people say, “When I die, all the bad things I did will be over with.” How could it be that easy?! You have to pay for all the bad things you did before they’re “over with.” Yet this “over” isn’t really over: You are cast down to somewhere tremendously filthy—the filthiest place in the cosmos. Gods all say that human sputum is the filthiest thing.

You will be thrown into a pot of sputum. You feel that a sick person’s sputum is filthy, the filthiest thing. But let me tell you that it can’t even be compared with those filthiest of filthiest places.

This person will be cast down to the filthiest of filthiest places, yet he’ll have a glimmer of consciousness and know that it’s filthy. You tell me what that’s got to feel like! He will stay there forever and never be able to get out. Now that is really something horrifying! Shakyamuni didn’t discuss it to this extent. He only spoke of Hell and mentioned the eighteen levels of Hell. Each level of Hell is more miserable than the previous one.”

gibran2 wrote:
Evil is a human invention. It does not exist outside of ourselves.

Rising Spirit wrote:

Word. Brief but powerful, as always.

We contain within ourselves, all that we are able perceive, process and integrate. That arguably includes all of the good-bad-neutral states of being, and we filter-out most of it, so as to continue exist within the safety zone of our own paradigmatic mirages of self-identification. Truly, this may actually be a dream within a dream?

Many Shamans, Sages, Enlightened Ones and much of Mythology would dispute that statement. They believe their are malevolent and evil forces and intelligences far older and more cunning then man.
I have read many DMT reports of people being operated on without their will, probed, dissected, raped and torn to pieces aswell as tortured. Anyone would tell you that these are not Benevolent experiences in any way, shape or form.

Speak for yourself, I loved being operated ;)

Many Shamans, Sages, Enlightened Ones and much of Mythology would dispute that statement. They believe their are malevolent and evil forces and intelligences far older and more cunning then man.

Thats fallacious argument, such as appeal to tradition and so on. To define who is "Enlightened ones" is disputable anyways. Plus, mythology is not to be taken literally.

Also, you're again talking as if shamans have a consensus on what is an evil spirit, and that is clearly a misunderstanding. What is evil to one, is good to another. And if you're arguing for the objetivity of evil spirits, you got a big hole in your argument right there. It clearly points out to what gibran said, evil as a subjective human creation. If it wasnt so, humans (and shamans) would agree on what is evil and what is not, and they dont.

You said yourself you have never met a shaman and yet you are so sure to teach us about them, through quoting other people. Dont you find this a bit... lacking?

Also, is this really leading anywhere? Seems to me like its going round and round. We KNOW psychedelics are not all positive, we have a huge part on the health and safety section related to this. Dont you think its time to contribute to other parts of the forum ?
I know it all said:
If annihilation is to take place, that’s just terrifying! If body and spirit are to be completely exterminated, how are they exterminated? It’s done by killing and exterminating the tangible beings of this person’s entire life. At the moment when the body is killed, his Spirit and all of his intelligent beings—which can exist in realms at this same level—will all be killed. But he isn’t really dead after being killed.

His existence is still not over yet after being killed, for he still has beings composed of more microscopic particles. Beings at those levels have to continue to suffer, to continue being killed. And then his bodies at even more microscopic levels will continue to suffer, and continue being killed, until all are completely annihilated.

That agony is utterly horrifying!!! Some people say, “When I die, all the bad things I did will be over with.” How could it be that easy?! You have to pay for all the bad things you did before they’re “over with.” Yet this “over” isn’t really over: You are cast down to somewhere tremendously filthy—the filthiest place in the cosmos. Gods all say that human sputum is the filthiest thing.

You will be thrown into a pot of sputum. You feel that a sick person’s sputum is filthy, the filthiest thing. But let me tell you that it can’t even be compared with those filthiest of filthiest places.

Again, I'll bite. Why I do so... I just can't quite say for sure. Call it gumption? And I'd again like to qualify that I do not advocate the use of entheogens for the greater part of humankind. Nor do I want to perpetuate a fruitless debate. But I do strongly feel that there is an undeniable dividing line, a point of spiritual awakening... whereby the psychonaut fearlessly chooses his/her own path.

Sacred Plants come into our organic material being, by the compassion and sheer intelligence of the Divine Being and so, gift us insight, exponential expansion and in rarefied, sublime moments... awareness of the Omniversal TRUTH (to the degree that our earthly species can comprehend it's limitlessness). :thumb_up:
Endlessness wrote:

Speak for yourself, I loved being operated.

Hundreds of reports on both the DMT Nexus and other forums do have reports of being 'operated' on by foreign intelligence's and you could say that all most all of them report the experiences as malevolent/foreign/probing and 'alien' in nature.

With that being the case and if we also take into account Shamanic Knowledge of these things into consideration which also state similar things in a slightly different Cultural framework can you elaborate on why you would love to be operated on against your will under these states?


Many Shamans, Sages, Enlightened Ones and much of Mythology would dispute that statement. They believe their are malevolent and evil forces and intelligences far older and more cunning then man.

Endlessness wrote:

That's a fallacious argument, such as appeal to tradition and so on. To define who is "Enlightened ones" is disputable anyways. Plus, mythology is not to be taken literally.

Enlightened One or 'Buddha' is an ancient word from the Sanskrit Language. To clarify on what 'Enlightened' actually means from the view of Buddha Law Cultivation you may find this excerpt from Zhuan Falun of interest:

Qigong is Cultivation Practice

Since qigong has such a long history, what’s it for? Let me tell everyone that since we are of a great cultivation way in the Buddha School, we of course cultivate Buddhahood. In the Tao School, one of course cultivates the Tao to attain the Tao. Let me tell everyone that "Buddha" is not a superstition.

It is a word from Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language. When it was introduced to China, it was called "Fo Tuo." There were also people who translated it as "Fu Tu."

As the word was passed around, our Chinese people left out one character and called it "Fo." What does it mean in Chinese? It means "an enlightened person," one who has become enlightened through cultivation practice. What’s superstitious in this?

Think about it, everyone: One can develop supernormal abilities through cultivation practice. In the world today, six supernormal abilities are recognized, yet they are not limited to these alone.

I would say that over ten thousand genuine supernormal abilities exist. As a person sits there, without moving his hands or feet, he is able to do what others cannot do even with their hands and feet, and he can see the actual truth of each dimension in the universe.

This person can see the truth of the universe and things that an everyday person cannot. Isn’t he a person who has attained the Tao through practicing cultivation? Isn’t he a great enlightened person? How can he be considered the same as an everyday person? Isn’t he an enlightened person through cultivation practice?

Isn't it correct to call him an enlightened person? In ancient Indian language he is called a Buddha. Actually, that is it. This is what qigong is for.

From Zhuan Falun: http://www.falundafa.org/book/eng/pdf/zfl_new.pdf

Endlessness wrote:

Also, you're again talking as if shamans have a consensus on what is an evil spirit, and that is clearly a misunderstanding. What is evil to one, is good to another. And if you're arguing for the objetivity of evil spirits, you got a big hole in your argument right there. It clearly points out to what gibran said, evil as a subjective human creation. If it wasnt so, humans (and shamans) would agree on what is evil and what is not, and they dont.

You can think of Shamanic use of Entheogens as deep sea diving and True Shamans as deep sea divers with far more diving time, experience and knowledge then the common person or Urban Shaman who doesn't fully grasp or understand these states of being or how to traverse them.

Shamans can tell good spirits from evil one's and most people in society also have an understanding of what Good and Evil are. I wrote earlier in this post about Shamanic 'Helper' spirits or 'tsentsak' that Shamans say have their own volition's and that have an urge to 'Eat Flesh' and 'tempt one to harm' and 'kill' if left unchecked.

It doesn't take a Shaman to know that these things are evil. A cursory glance by any person can show what this is Truly about.

What is evil for one is not Good for another. Evil is evil and it is the antithesis of good, they are morally opposed like fire and ice.

Things such as killing, rape, torture and mindless violence are all evil things and that is why all of the world's nations have laws against such evil things as all people have morality and a conscience guiding their actions and are opposed to such things.

The one's that lack such things as as a moral code or a conscience or don't believe such things and think that evil and good aren't real are usually the one's that are the easiest swayed by the evil forces. How do you think most of the world's serial killers justified their actions? Do you think they became like that overnight?

Evil works in increments and gains footholds in one's mind and soul until you don't think that doing any unspeakable or evil act isn't evil anymore.

Endlessness wrote:

You said yourself you have never met a shaman and yet you are so sure to teach us about them, through quoting other people. Dont you find this a bit... lacking?

It's true I have never met a Shaman. I have never met a Submarine Captain either but I know that such a person would have a much vaster knowledge on how to traverse the depths in his submarine and I would know that someone like that could pass on his knowledge to me via written form or video form about what to expect, how to pilot the submarine safely, how to navigate naval mines etc, without having to meet him in the flesh.

I must also say that I myself have also had ample experience with DMT in it's various forms so these states of consciousness and the experience and encounters one has aren't foreign to me.

Endlessness wrote:

Also, is this really leading anywhere? Seems to me like its going round and round. We KNOW psychedelics are not all positive, we have a huge part on the health and safety section related to this. Dont you think its time to contribute to other parts of the forum

Well my original topic wasn't to highlight the dangers of DMT but to share some quote's from an accomplished and high level Qi Gong Master and the striking similarities between what he talks about and some of the dimensions people tend to break into under DMT aswell as other interesting spiritual topics.

I'm aware that you have a health and safety section and every bit of information helps in understanding the implications of all this does it not?

Rising Spirit wrote:

Again, I'll bite. Why I do so... I just can't quite say for sure. Call it gumption? And I'd again like to qualify that I do not advocate the use of entheogens for the greater part of humankind. Nor do I want to perpetuate a fruitless debate. But I do strongly feel that there is an undeniable dividing line, a point of spiritual awakening... whereby the psychonaut fearlessly chooses his/her own path.

Sacred Plants come into our organic material being, by the compassion and sheer intelligence of the Divine Being and so, gift us insight, exponential expansion and in rarefied, sublime moments... awareness of the Omniversal TRUTH (to the degree that our earthly species can comprehend it's limitlessness).

To Both Rising And Endlessness,

All the knowledge we can garner about this phenomena whether it's positive or negative illuminates the fire of our understanding about what this is substance is all about and what it is Truly showing us if anything.

We all walk our own paths and I am merely sharing information that some may find useful and interesting and others may not. That's not up to me to decide but up to the reader.

I can tell you from my personal experiences from DMT and Ayahuasca that I initially too thought I had found something special and healing and I was starstruck like most people are when they first encounter this substance and these realms.

There is an alluring and sometimes spectacular and seductive nature to the realms this compound flings you to but underneath the veneer of this Alien Circus extravaganza lies something 'Other' that is evil concealed with the gloss of godliness.

There was always something 'not quite right' about these experiences that I couldn't quite grasp or put my finger on, call it intuition if you will but something was telling me that something was off, that things one encounters in/out there had ulterior motives that were hard to articulate but revolved around seeing the human soul/energy matrix as a resource to probe / hack into or exploit in various ways as well as a spiritual seduction to give in to these 'things' so that they can 'change' you somehow.

I can tell you that by the end of my experimentation with these substances I was 'changed' but the thing about this stuff is that this change is so 'subtle' but it was there nonetheless. A transgression or a serious of transgressions had occurred is the best way I can describe it as well as a spiritual numbing/corruption as well as a lowering of one's vibrational frequency and a lingering of some kind of possession type feelings. This revolved around one's 'will'. Somehow willpower is very important to them.

Now all of these manifestations didn't go away in the least, they actually intensified albeit subtly over time and it felt like a battle of my will over these strange foreign forces trying to somehow co opt it. My dreams in this period of time were also greatly changed and become nightmarish/bizzare/perverted in the extreme.

I knew or had a sense that this substance which people call DMT as well as it's analogues is not what people think it is and most people do not know in the least with what they are tampering with.

It took an arduous amount of spiritual meditation and purification to be finally free of this 'net' or 'demonic cloud' that had been placed over me which is exactly how it felt.

Mind you this all my personal experiences with this substance.

I want to share with you another Law Speech excerpt from Li Hongzhi given in New York in 2012. The Full talk can be found here:

It is a human notion that wherever a person can plant his foot on the Earth, that’s what the ground is, and an open space that a person can’t stand on is not the ground. But that’s not how gods see it. To them, everything composed of molecules is the ground, or is soil. If the gods above are composed of atoms or atomic nuclei, then that plane of particles too pervades all domains of the cosmos. Gods and human beings look at things differently, and their concepts are different.

Human eyes are composed of molecules and can only see these little, few things. It’s completely different for a god. Within his domain he is omnipotent, and he can see anything. This universe is so vast—how many beings are there, going from the macrocosm to the microcosm? And how many particles make up each being? Within each particle there are worlds, and that entire plane is composed of simply countless universes.

And how many gods’ worlds are there within? How long is the history of each such god’s world? How many stories of lives are to be found there? When I look at each being, it’s like reading a biography or a historical novel, with every lifetime being contained inside it and all of it still unfolding, alive and vivid.

The lives in the greater cosmos are just so countlessly many and come in so many different sizes, with each person, each god, and each being having his own history—much like a story. The course of life is, for each person, just like a volume of history. Then just think about how amazingly rich and complex this cosmos is.

It’s hard to say where the things that you see and encounter in cultivation come from, but when they are displayed before your eyes, or when you do manage to encounter one of these things, however miniscule it may be, its appearance will nonetheless be as it would in a massive cosmos. That is because for you to have entered that realm, to personally be there, you must have assumed the same size as the beings there, and then you will find that world to be incomparably vast.

Your state of mind, meanwhile, will align with the manner of thinking of that world. That holds true for entering any environment: you will look upon that world in a manner consistent with that dimension. Some people have even seen a microcosmic world so small that it seems like nothing could possibly be smaller, yet that small place, when sized up with the concepts of large and small that humans have, will seem no different from a large dimension or a being of larger form—be it in terms of how the gods or beings [in that miniscule realm] manifest or the miraculous displays there.

Sentient beings are equal. It’s not about their physical size. But all the same, [seeing them] will trigger your attachment of being overjoyed. You will think, “Wow, that’s truly amazing!” But the truth is: in the massive cosmic body of the universe, such things are really just too trifling to mention. Have you grasped what I am trying to explain?


I previously explained to you the concept of the universe, and how multiple Milky Ways make up one expanse of it. That expanse is what we refer to as a small universe. It takes hundreds of millions of universes such as this to make up a universe of the second layer.

As for how massive the cosmos ultimately is, suppose we considered a massive universe that consists of a trillion layers to be one domain, and then grouped a trillion of these one-trillion-layer domains together—we could then call this trillion one-trillion-layered domains a particle of air.

Such particles permeate the conference hall here. Although that amounts to a massive number of universes, this is still but a small, insignificant particle in just one dimension of the universe. When I arrived at the end while doing Fa-rectification, I saw that the form of beings was not something the beings below would be capable of understanding anymore; as the Fa’s principles ascended, there would be simply no way for gods at lower planes to understand them. When I arrived at that realm and its state, I ultimately discovered that it too was but one particle of dust in the cosmos.
sgtWow said:
Hundreds of reports on both the DMT Nexus and other forums do have reports of being 'operated' on by foreign intelligence's and you could say that all most all of them report the experiences as malevolent/foreign/probing and 'alien' in nature.

Thats your own biased statistics based on your already-formed opinion, isn't it? Or did you really do a search for all trip reports and classify them in a table with "positive/negative experiences" and actually counted them and then come to your conclusions?

sgtWow said:
With that being the case and if we also take into account Shamanic Knowledge of these things into consideration which also state similar things in a slightly different Cultural framework can you elaborate on why you would love to be operated on against your will under these states?

"Shamanic knowledge", you're again using the word shamanic to back you up while I have already pointed out that is clearly wrong. There is no consensus in shamanic knowledge, you're imagining one and putting it in your favor.

I loved to be operated because it was beneficial to me, during that entheogenic experence, there was something negative that was removed in the operation, and I changed many of the things to positive in my life. How can anybody else tell me that it was bad to stop eating junk food and completely improve the relationship with my family from one day to the other due to this experience?

sgtWow said:
To clarify on what 'Enlightened' actually means from the view of Buddha Law Cultivation......

You are always bringing the word of others to back up what you say. What about your own words and specially, where are your questions? What you write seems to come from a predetermined belief and cherry-picking of quotes and ideas that you think fit your belief. There's too many ready answers.

Plus, the quote itself is not clarifying and rather just brings more off-topic questions to the table ("six supernatural abilities recognized" -> Which? ) , plus its offering no proof other than circular arguments and vague expressions e.g. "can see the truth of the universe" .

sgtWow said:
You can think of Shamanic use of Entheogens as deep sea diving and True Shamans as deep sea divers with far more diving time, experience and knowledge then the common person or Urban Shaman who doesn't fully grasp or understand these states of being or how to traverse them.

Value-judgement and false-dichotomy fallacy. "Urban Shaman" already has a negative connotation, plus you made an artificial division between what you considered as true shamans and what you didnt. Would an indigenous person who has learned things in his childhood in the tribe but moved to the city be a true shaman? What about an indigenous that was born in towns/city and later in his life went to the jungle? What if it isnt tribe but a small town near the forest? What about a western person in those cases? What if the westerner had actually lived a significant part of his life next to " masters" or in tribes? What if his parents were "enlightened" people and psychedelics were always a part of his growth? What if it was an urban western person but that took ayahuasca in santo daime or similar churches every week for decades? etc etc etc etc ..

See, there are so many variables that are being unnacounted for your in simplified argument that it shows (at least to me) why you having never met a shaman is very telling in this case.

That artificial division, instead of realizing all the nuances, also makes me wonder if you ever question yourself or your own arguments? Or are you already so sure of whats true ?

It doesn't take a Shaman to know that these things are evil. A cursory glance by any person can show what this is Truly about.

What is evil for one is not Good for another. Evil is evil and it is the antithesis of good, they are morally opposed like fire and ice.

Things such as killing, rape, torture and mindless violence are all evil things and that is why all of the world's nations have laws against such evil things as all people have morality and a conscience guiding their actions and are opposed to such things.

Nope. Killing and torture is considered acceptable by some people, even by religious people or those with spiritual aspirations, western or indigenous. Death penalty is killing, and yet not considered evil by many. The Shuar killed their enemies and put their shrunken heads in poles, and took ayahuasca to celebrate. Some will say killing in self-defense is justified, some will think its also bad, what do you think? What about if the harm is not immediate but you know the person is planning harm, is pre-emptive action in defense justified? What about when it comes to animals?

See, there are so many questions, you keep painting it in black and white, which is excellent for those who don't want to think and want to settle for ideas others make us eat, but think for yourself, and you'll see it's never black and white. There's so many questions that one can ask, so many details regarding ethics, so many paradoxes and moments of uncertainty on what is right and wrong......But maybe only when one gets out of the computer, stops reading the beautiful spiritual books and goes out and travel across the world living these paradoxes, that one can realize the problem of these arbitrary dualistic subjective judgemental world views and really appreciate the depth and mistery of existence.

It's true I have never met a Shaman. I have never met a Submarine Captain either but I know that such a person would have a much vaster knowledge on how to traverse the depths in his submarine and I would know that someone like that could pass on his knowledge to me via written form or video form about what to expect, how to pilot the submarine safely, how to navigate naval mines etc, without having to meet him in the flesh.

I must also say that I myself have also had ample experience with DMT in it's various forms so these states of consciousness and the experience and encounters one has aren't foreign to me.

Yeah but a submarine captain is someone doing a specific tangible physical job on a consensually-agreed-upon realm of existence. You cant say the same about shamans.

Also even if you have ample experience with DMT, the whole point is that this is YOUR experience, not mine or anybody else's. For you maybe its evil and bad, clearly not for many others who have had a great positive impact on their lives because of it.

I can tell you from my personal experiences from DMT and Ayahuasca that I initially too thought I had found something special and healing and I was starstruck like most people are when they first encounter this substance and these realms.

There is an alluring and sometimes spectacular and seductive nature to the realms this compound flings you to but underneath the veneer of this Alien Circus extravaganza lies something 'Other' that is evil concealed with the gloss of godliness.

There was always something 'not quite right' about these experiences that I couldn't quite grasp or put my finger on, call it intuition if you will but something was telling me that something was off, that things one encounters in/out there had ulterior motives that were hard to articulate but revolved around seeing the human soul/energy matrix as a resource to probe / hack into or exploit in various ways as well as a spiritual seduction to give in to these 'things' so that they can 'change' you somehow.

I can tell you that by the end of my experimentation with these substances I was 'changed' but the thing about this stuff is that this change is so 'subtle' but it was there nonetheless. A transgression or a serious of transgressions had occurred is the best way I can describe it as well as a spiritual numbing/corruption as well as a lowering of one's vibrational frequency and a lingering of some kind of possession type feelings. This revolved around one's 'will'. Somehow willpower is very important to them.

Now all of these manifestations didn't go away in the least, they actually intensified albeit subtly over time and it felt like a battle of my will over these strange foreign forces trying to somehow co opt it. My dreams in this period of time were also greatly changed and become nightmarish/bizzare/perverted in the extreme.

I knew or had a sense that this substance which people call DMT as well as it's analogues is not what people think it is and most people do not know in the least with what they are tampering with.

It took an arduous amount of spiritual meditation and purification to be finally free of this 'net' or 'demonic cloud' that had been placed over me which is exactly how it felt.

Mind you this all my personal experiences with this substance.

Ayahuasca/DMT/Psychedelics are certainly not for everybody, and not for all times. Some people will never take them, some will start taking and eventually stop (for any number of reasons), eventually returning or not, and some will consume them till they die. If you feel it was not doing you good or helping your own path, I think that's very reasonable and understandable that you stop taking them... I would too.

But I would certainly realize that, regardless of my own experience, it is clearly beneficial for others (as anecdotal as well as scientific knowledge shows), so I would respect people's choice to use psychedelics. I definitely wouldn't talk in absolutes of 'good and evil' when discussing mine or other's experiences.
I want to just respond to the statement the OP made about Ayahuasca's dark side and about DMT being dangerous and what not.....

I would agree that there are an abundance of what one could refer to as Evil shamen that exist. Infact I would say that if you go to South America seeking a Shamanic guide you are more likely to get a dark side sorceror than a light side one...

This is another reason I personally believe it is safer to take Ayahuasca in your living room rather than out in the jungle where there may be evil intentioned sorcrors in charge of your safety..

Speaking personally, my spirit guides are angelic entities. IMO all spirit guides are angelic entities. It is possible to make alliances with elemental entities that are not angels, I can not speak for that because such alliances are forbidden by the torah to my knowledge. There is some evidence in his paintings that Pablo Armaringo was involved with elemental lower energies generally depicted as mermaids, fairies of sprites, these entities may have led to his fateful trip, however that is speculation obviously...

Angelic entities do not simply turn on you from my experience. Betrayal is not something angels do, unless they are fallen angels of course. Angels are unconditionally loving in every way... While they can be firm, they are never destructive towards humans. That would violate their directives.

Anyway, my point is that we have nothing to fear when it comes to psychedelic exploration as long as our intentions are to better ourselves. We can trust in the universe to provide for us everything we need in terms of protection and guidance. There is no need to seek a wise-man or to travel to far away lands....
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