sgtWow wrote:
Hundreds of reports on both the DMT Nexus and other forums do have reports of being 'operated' on by foreign intelligence's and you could say that all most all of them report the experiences as malevolent/foreign/probing and 'alien' in nature.
Endlessness wrote:
Thats your own biased statistics based on your already-formed opinion, isn't it? Or did you really do a search for all trip reports and classify them in a table with "positive/negative experiences" and actually counted them and then come to your conclusions?
It is merely what the information represents. Hundreds of reports stipulate that such things as unwanted probes/operations/possession and other things of that nature happen when taking DMT both on the Nexus and elsewhere. That's not all that happens on DMT but it can and does happen.
Some of Strassman's patients also had encounters with evil entities with one reporting reptilian like beings raping him and another patient who said insect alien beings were feasting on his heart, there were other similar things too. You cannot say that these things don't happen with DMT.
sgtWow wrote:
With that being the case and if we also take into account Shamanic Knowledge of these things into consideration which also state similar things in a slightly different Cultural framework can you elaborate on why you would love to be operated on against your will under these states?
Endlessness wrote:
"Shamanic knowledge", you're again using the word shamanic to back you up while I have already pointed out that is clearly wrong. There is no consensus in shamanic knowledge, you're imagining one and putting it in your favor.
I loved to be operated because it was beneficial to me, during that entheogenic experence, there was something negative that was removed in the operation, and I changed many of the things to positive in my life. How can anybody else tell me that it was bad to stop eating junk food and completely improve the relationship with my family from one day to the other due to this experience?
There is plenty of consensus in Shamanic Knowledge. The Shaman's have classified these things into a multitude of realms/spirits and even other supernatural forces that they all have consensus on and have named. Pablo Amaringo's book Ayahuasca Visions highlights some of these things that Shaman's hold verifiable consensus on but there are many many other sources.
Even among smokers of DMT here on this forum people encounter similar beings such as Jester's/Elves, Octopi and many other beings even though they have never met or had prior preconceived ideas or thoughts about such entities.
As for your experience on being operated on. I feel that any being that does anything against somebodies will is already highly dubious. Did you ask to be operated on? Did you consent to this procedure? I find that most of the experiences for both myself and my colleagues as well as all the one's I have read center around the fact that there is no 'say' in the matter. They will do to you what they want, they are in control not you and you will submit to these forces whether you like it or not. That doesn't sound that reassuring does it?
Do you have a report about said positive operation on the Nexus? I'd love to read it.
sgtWow wrote:
To clarify on what 'Enlightened' actually means from the view of Buddha Law Cultivation......
Endlessness wrote:
You are always bringing the word of others to back up what you say. What about your own words and specially, where are your questions? What you write seems to come from a predetermined belief and cherry-picking of quotes and ideas that you think fit your belief. There's too many ready answers.
Plus, the quote itself is not clarifying and rather just brings more off-topic questions to the table ("six supernatural abilities recognized" -> Which? ) , plus its offering no proof other than circular arguments and vague expressions e.g. "can see the truth of the universe" .
There is a reason I quote a highly accomplished Qi Gong Master to illustrate my point.
Firstly I am not a High Level Qi Gong Master. This is someone that has vastly more wisdom and Knowledge about Supernatural and Spiritual Matters then myself. There are people still alive in the world who have access to States and Supernatural abilities that the common man does not have and that can expound on these matters far better then I.
It's the analogy of being a first year college Student and learning things from a very accomplished Professor with a whole lifetime's worth of experience in his field. Sure I may know a few things but you can bet that Professor to know more then what I do.
The quote clarifies clearly what 'Enlightened' means from the perspective of a high level Cultivation practice. As for supernatural abilities they are expounded in great detail in the core book 'Zhuan Falun' which I had linked to on my previous post but if you missed it it's here:
It expounds on many things from Other Dimensions, Supernatural abilities to the Soul, Transcending the Five Elements, Karma, The cosmos in the macro and microcosm and various other fascinating things.
To answer your question a few supernatural abilities that exist in the world are The 3rd Eye, The ability of knowing Fate, The Ability of remote vision, Greater and Lesser Telekenisis although there are many others. These can't be just sought like ordinary skills. They are altogether a higher thing and only through years of Cultivation do they begin to emerge.
These abilities are all actually a person's innate abilities that have atrophied as society began to seal itself of from the spiritual world and began believing purely in science and our sophisticated tools.
sgtWow wrote:
You can think of Shamanic use of Entheogens as deep sea diving and True Shamans as deep sea divers with far more diving time, experience and knowledge then the common person or Urban Shaman who doesn't fully grasp or understand these states of being or how to traverse them.
Endlessness wrote:
Value-judgement and false-dichotomy fallacy. "Urban Shaman" already has a negative connotation, plus you made an artificial division between what you considered as true shamans and what you didnt. Would an indigenous person who has learned things in his childhood in the tribe but moved to the city be a true shaman? What about an indigenous that was born in towns/city and later in his life went to the jungle? What if it isnt tribe but a small town near the forest? What about a western person in those cases? What if the westerner had actually lived a significant part of his life next to " masters" or in tribes? What if his parents were "enlightened" people and psychedelics were always a part of his growth? What if it was an urban western person but that took ayahuasca in santo daime or similar churches every week for decades? etc etc etc etc ..
See, there are so many variables that are being unnacounted for your in simplified argument that it shows (at least to me) why you having never met a shaman is very telling in this case.
That artificial division, instead of realizing all the nuances, also makes me wonder if you ever question yourself or your own arguments? Or are you already so sure of whats true ?
So Steve Beyer, Peter Gormon, Jeremy Narby, Terence Mckenna, Graham Hancock and many many other highly accomplished and intelligent anthropologists and scientists who have first hand experience with genuine Shamans and Shamanic practices are all under false dichotomy?
Everyone of them agrees that the Genuine Shaman's of the Amazon and other places have a great wealth of knowledge, experience and understanding of these places/entities and states of being, much more so then someone in Western society who without understanding the astral/spiritual repercussions or dangers involved smokes DMT and hopes for a 'breakthrough'.
Perhaps the DMT trip turned out quite traumatic and had effected the person after he got back from the trip. Genuine shamanic cultures talk about things such as soul retrieval, using icaros to navigate these realms, knowing which spirits to bargain with and which to avoid and how to use 'helper' spirits to pull out various pathogenic things. Mind you I had elaborated on these supposed 'helper' spirits in some of my earlier posts in this thread.
All these things they had learnt through a lineage type way for millenia. Do most people smoking DMT in western society know how to do any of these things? They don't. Have they ever received True instruction on how to protect themselves in these states? They haven't.
Thats the difference between a genuine Shaman and an Urban Shaman.
It doesn't take a Shaman to know that these things are evil. A cursory glance by any person can show what this is Truly about.
What is evil for one is not Good for another. Evil is evil and it is the antithesis of good, they are morally opposed like fire and ice.
Things such as killing, rape, torture and mindless violence are all evil things and that is why all of the world's nations have laws against such evil things as all people have morality and a conscience guiding their actions and are opposed to such things.
Endlessness wrote:
Nope. Killing and torture is considered acceptable by some people, even by religious people or those with spiritual aspirations, western or indigenous. Death penalty is killing, and yet not considered evil by many. The Shuar killed their enemies and put their shrunken heads in poles, and took ayahuasca to celebrate. Some will say killing in self-defense is justified, some will think its also bad, what do you think? What about if the harm is not immediate but you know the person is planning harm, is pre-emptive action in defense justified? What about when it comes to animals?
See, there are so many questions, you keep painting it in black and white, which is excellent for those who don't want to think and want to settle for ideas others make us eat, but think for yourself, and you'll see it's never black and white. There's so many questions that one can ask, so many details regarding ethics, so many paradoxes and moments of uncertainty on what is right and wrong......But maybe only when one gets out of the computer, stops reading the beautiful spiritual books and goes out and travel across the world living these paradoxes, that one can realize the problem of these arbitrary dualistic subjective judgemental world views and really appreciate the depth and mistery of existence.
It doesn't matter if killing is 'acceptable' by people, religions governments or whoever. It doesn't matter if what one kills is humans or animals.
Killing is killing and it is a grave sin that incurs a great amount of Karma for anyone that does it. That's how every upright and 'True' spiritual practice sees it. Any so called religion/belief or spiritual doctrine or government or following that allow's killing for any reason whatsoever is already doing something evil.
People can make up thousands of excuses/ideas/concepts to justify their selfish actions and pursuits but it doesn't matter what people think. There are forces above and below us observing all of what Humanity does. I thought if DMT taught you anything it should have at least taught you that.
From Zhuan Falun Lecture Seven:
On Killing
Killing is a sensitive subject. We have a strict rule for practitioners: practitioners can’t kill. Whether it’s the Buddhist system, the Daoist system, or the Qimen practices, it doesn’t matter which discipline or which school it is, true cultivation disciplines are absolute about this: no killing. There’s no two ways about it. That’s because killing causes some huge problems afterwards. We’ve got to explain this to you in detail. In the original Buddhism, "killing" mainly referred to killing people, which is the most serious type. Later on, large creatures, large livestock, and other creatures that are pretty big were also considered serious. So why have they taken killing so seriously in the cultivation world? It’s been said in Buddhism that if lives that shouldn’t die are killed, they become lonely souls and roaming ghosts. And it was those beings that the old saying about "releasing souls from purgatory" referred to. If those beings aren’t freed from purgatory, they suffer from hunger and thirst, and it’s awfully tough for them. That’s what Buddhism used to teach.
We say, when a person does something bad to somebody, he’ll give that person a lot of virtue as compensation. That’s what we’re referring to when we talk about people taking things from others in normal situations. But suddenly ending a creature’s life, be it an animal or some other being, that generates quite a lot of karma. "Killing" used to refer mainly to killing people, and that generates a pretty big amount of karma. But killing an average creature isn’t minor, either, and it directly generates a lot of karma. A little bit of tribulation is arranged at different levels, and this is especially so for practitioners in the process of their cultivation, that’s all your own karma, they’re your own tribulations, and they’re placed for you at different levels to help you improve. As long as you improve your character you’ll be able to get through them. But if so much karma was suddenly piled on, how could you get through it? With your character, you really wouldn’t be able to handle it, and that might be the end of your cultivation.
We’ve found that when a person is born, many, many him are born at the same time within a certain range of the space of this universe. They look the same, have the same name, and do things that are more or less the same. So, they can be called part of his whole being. This causes a problem, then: if one of the beings (and this goes for other large animals’ beings, too) dies all of a sudden, and the him in all other dimensions haven’t finished the course of life that was originally arranged, and they still have a lot more years to live, then the person who died will fall into a situation where he has no resting place, and he’ll float around in the space of the universe. People used to believe that he’d be a lonely soul or roaming ghost, that he’d suffer from hunger and thirst, and it would be awfully tough. And maybe that’s true. We can say for sure, though, that we’ve seen he is in a terrible situation, and that he’ll keep waiting until the him in every dimension have finished their courses of life, and only then can they find their final resting place together. The longer the time, the more he suffers. And as he suffers more, the karma that causes his suffering will be continually piled onto the person who killed him. So think about it, how much karma would that put on you? That’s what we’ve seen with abilities.
There’s another thing we’ve seen. When a person is born, his whole life is already laid out there in a specific dimension. Meaning, where he is in his life, what he’s supposed to do, and so on—it’s all there. So who arranged his life? It’s obviously done by higher beings. For example, in our ordinary world, after he’s born, he’s in a certain family, he goes to a certain school, and when he grows up he works at a certain company, and through his work he establishes contact with people from every walk of life. That tells us that the overall design of the whole society is arranged like that. But, because that being suddenly died and isn’t following the original, specific arrangement anymore, and things have changed, that higher being won’t let whoever disrupted it off the hook. Let’s think about it: as cultivators, we need to cultivate up to high levels, but if that higher being doesn’t let him off, would you say he can still cultivate? Even some masters’ levels aren’t as high as the higher beings who arrange these things, so even his master runs into disaster, and he’s cast down. Then think about it, is that an ordinary problem? That’s why it’ll be really hard for someone to cultivate after he does that kind of thing.
Now out of all our students who cultivate Falun Dafa, there might be some people who’ve fought in times of war. Wars are a state of affairs brought about by major changes in the overall celestial phenomena. You were only one small part of those affairs. If nobody made a move under changes in the celestial phenomena, it wouldn’t bring about that state of affairs in the ordinary world, and it wouldn’t be called a change in the celestial phenomena. Those things change based on larger changes, so you can’t be held totally accountable for that thing. What we’re talking about here is the karma that’s brought about when you insist on doing bad things to benefit yourself, or to get ahead, or when something of yours is on the line. So when it comes to changes that affect the entire, large space, and major changes that involve the state of society, those aren’t your fault.
Killing will generate a lot of karma. So some people are thinking, "So I’m not allowed to kill things now, but I do the cooking for my family. If I don’t kill things what’s my family gonna eat?" I’m not going to get into the specifics of that. I’m teaching the Law to practitioners—it’s not like I’m just randomly telling ordinary people how to live their lives. When it comes to specific things, just evaluate them based on the Great Law, and do what you think is best. Ordinary people can do whatever they want, that’s ordinary people’s business. There’s no way everybody can truly cultivate. But practitioners should set their sights on high standards, so these are requirements set for practitioners.
Human beings and animals aren’t the only ones with life in them, plants have it too. All matter appears in the form of life in other dimensions. When your Third Eye reaches the Law Vision level, you’ll discover that stones, walls, or whatever will all talk to you and greet you. Now maybe some of you are wondering, "Then the grains and vegetables we eat all have life in them… And what should we do when flies and mosquitoes get into our homes? In summer they bite us and it doesn’t feel good, so we’ll have to just watch them park there and bite us? We’ll have to just watch flies land on our food, since we can’t swat them? That’s gross." I can tell you that we shouldn’t just kill things on a whim or without a reason, but we can’t be like overcautious goodie-goodies either, and always focus on those petty things, like being so afraid of stepping on ants that we hop all over the place when we walk. I’d say it would be so tiring for you to live that way. Wouldn’t that be another attachment? If you jumped around when you walked, sure, maybe you wouldn’t crush any ants, but there’d still be a lot of microorganisms that you’d step on and kill. At the microcosmic level there are tons of smaller beings, like fungi and bacteria, and maybe you stepped on them and killed a bunch. Then we might as well just call it quits, right? We aren’t trying to be that kind of person. We couldn’t cultivate like that. We should focus on the big picture and cultivate openly and with dignity.
We human beings should have the right to sustain our lives. So our living environment has to meet the needs of human living. We can’t intentionally harm anything, but we can’t be too restricted by those trivial things, either. For example, the vegetables and grains people grow all have life in them, but we can’t stop eating and drinking just because of that. How would you be able to practice then? We should look at the big picture. For example, if you’re walking and some ants and insects run under your feet and get stepped on and killed, then maybe they were supposed to die, since you didn’t harm them intentionally. There’s the issue of ecological balance among organisms and microorganisms, and when there are too many of them they’ll spread unchecked. We talk about cultivating openly and with dignity. When there are flies and mosquitoes in our homes we can drive them out and install screens to keep them from getting in. But if you can’t drive them out sometimes, it’s okay to kill them. If they bite people and harm people in people’s residences, of course we should drive them out. And when they can’t be driven out, we can’t just watch them bite people there. You’re a practitioner so it’s not a problem for you, you’re immune to them. But your family members don’t practice, they’re ordinary people, so there’s a concern about getting a contagious disease. So you can’t just watch them bite your kid’s face and not do anything about it.
I’ll give you an example. There was a story about Shakyamuni during his early years. One day in the forest Shakyamuni wanted to take a bath, so he asked his disciple to clean the bathtub. His disciple went there and saw that the bathtub was covered with bugs, and that if he cleaned it the bugs would be killed. The disciple came back to tell Shakyamuni that the bathtub was covered with bugs. Without looking at him, Shakyamuni said, "Go clean the bathtub." The disciple went to the bathtub and found that he didn’t know where to begin, since the bugs would be killed if he started cleaning it. He circled around it once and headed back, and asked Shakyamuni, "Venerable teacher, the bathtub is covered with bugs. If I clean it I’ll be killing them." Shakyamuni took a glance at him and said, "What I asked you to clean was the bathtub." The disciple suddenly got it and cleaned the bathtub right away. That illustrates a point: we can’t stop taking baths because of insects, and we can’t look for other places to live just because of mosquitoes, just as we can’t tie up our necks and stop eating and drinking because grains and vegetables have life in them. That’s not the idea. We should keep these things in perspective and cultivate openly and with dignity. It’s fine as long as we don’t harm living things on purpose. At the same time, human beings need to have their living spaces and living conditions, and these need to be maintained and protected. Human beings need to sustain their lives and live normally.
Some fake qigong masters used to say that it’s alright to kill on the first and the fifteenth of the lunar month, and some even said that it’s alright to kill two-legged animals, as if two-legged animals aren’t alive. If killing on the first and the fifteenth doesn’t count as killing, what would you call it then, digging dirt? You can tell that some qigong masters are fake just by their words and actions, by what they say and what they want. Usually the qigong masters who say those things and do those things are possessed. Just look at the way those qigong masters who are possessed by fox spirits eat chicken—they wolf it down and don’t even want to spit out the bones.
Killing doesn’t just generate a serious amount of karma, it also has to do with the question of compassion. Shouldn’t we cultivators have compassion? When our compassion comes out we’ll probably see that all sentient beings are suffering, that everyone is suffering. You’ll come to see that.
It's true I have never met a Shaman. I have never met a Submarine Captain either but I know that such a person would have a much vaster knowledge on how to traverse the depths in his submarine and I would know that someone like that could pass on his knowledge to me via written form or video form about what to expect, how to pilot the submarine safely, how to navigate naval mines etc, without having to meet him in the flesh.
I must also say that I myself have also had ample experience with DMT in it's various forms so these states of consciousness and the experience and encounters one has aren't foreign to me.
Endlessness wrote:
Yeah but a submarine captain is someone doing a specific tangible physical job on a consensually-agreed-upon realm of existence. You cant say the same about shamans.
Also even if you have ample experience with DMT, the whole point is that this is YOUR experience, not mine or anybody else's. For you maybe its evil and bad, clearly not for many others who have had a great positive impact on their lives because of it.
Shaman's are also doing a job albeit in the spirit realm where as I have mentioned earlier they have mapped out and navigate the same as a captain in the physical realm, the see the same beings and realms and have consensual agreement on these matters. Whether these realms are 'real' or not is still up for debate but many Shamans would tell you they are every bit as real as this realm.
Indeed it is my experience Endlessness and I have shared a little of my history of my DMT experimentation with you. My experience with DMT has been negative so I am sharing my view on these matters. That's what a forum is for isn't it? To share all experiences?
Endlessness wrote:
Ayahuasca/DMT/Psychedelics are certainly not for everybody, and not for all times. Some people will never take them, some will start taking and eventually stop (for any number of reasons), eventually returning or not, and some will consume them till they die. If you feel it was not doing you good or helping your own path, I think that's very reasonable and understandable that you stop taking them... I would too.
But I would certainly realize that, regardless of my own experience, it is clearly beneficial for others (as anecdotal as well as scientific knowledge shows), so I would respect people's choice to use psychedelics. I definitely wouldn't talk in absolutes of 'good and evil' when discussing mine or other's experiences.
Yes your right. I haven't touched DMT for a long time now and I never will. I also know that for others they will continue explorations with this compound, that's a given. I am merely sharing my view's and my beliefs on all of these matters but at the end of the day people will come to their own conclusions and understandings on all of this. Everyone has free will and everyone has their own path to travel. I just hope there's is a bright one.
Eliyahu wrote:
Speaking personally, my spirit guides are angelic entities. IMO all spirit guides are angelic entities. It is possible to make alliances with elemental entities that are not angels, I can not speak for that because such alliances are forbidden by the torah to my knowledge. There is some evidence in his paintings that Pablo Armaringo was involved with elemental lower energies generally depicted as mermaids, fairies of sprites, these entities may have led to his fateful trip, however that is speculation obviously...
Angelic entities do not simply turn on you from my experience. Betrayal is not something angels do, unless they are fallen angels of course. Angels are unconditionally loving in every way... While they can be firm, they are never destructive towards humans. That would violate their directives.
Anyway, my point is that we have nothing to fear when it comes to psychedelic exploration as long as our intentions are to better ourselves. We can trust in the universe to provide for us everything we need in terms of protection and guidance. There is no need to seek a wise-man or to travel to far away lands....
Eliyahu I had read one of your reports on the Nexus:
You have summed up the DMT experience perfectly in that report in my opinion.
Once you have really entered their domains deeply, once you have really crossed the threshold there is no going back, you are completely at the mercy of these beings.You will encounter whatever these beings want you to experience and you have no say in the matter.
I do not believe that any of the beings you encounter are angelic beings however. Angelic beings know there is a hierarchy and order to things and you are a human in this dimensional realm for a reason.I beleive that Positive Higher beings don't show themselves to humans that frivolously, at most they will be kind but stern with you that you should not be there at your current stage of development.
To transgress your place in the cosmos with these compounds opens you to the greater universe with it's multitude of beings and dimensions. I am of the opinion that most but of course not all of what one encounters in DMT space is of what the Buddha Masters called the 'Asura Realms'
An Excerpt From Zhuan Falun on 'Practicing in an Evil Way' :
Buddhism talks about Transmigration, and by doing so they’ve revealed something called the asura realm, which actually refers to living things in different dimensions, but those things don’t have human nature.
In the eyes of Great Enlightened Beings they’re extremely low-level and really weak, but to ordinary people they’re terrifying. They have some energy, and they think ordinary people are beasts, so they like to feed on people.
And in recent years they’ve jumped at the chance to teach some practices. What a despicable creature! Look at its face—could you call that human?! It’s really frightening. When you learn their things you have to go join them and become one of them.
AlbertKLloyd wrote:
The excerpts seem at odds with Buddhism as taught by Buddha.
Your right Albert, Falun Dafa is not Buddhism the religion although it is from the Buddha Law school of Cultivation.
To get a really concrete idea of where Falun Dafa fits into Buddhism and an overall history of Buddhism aswell as the other different Cultivation schools I highly recommend checking out this lecture excerpt from Zhuan Falun:
Buddhist Qigong and Buddhism
Buddhist qigong is not Buddhism the religion—I want to make sure you understand this. And actually, Daoist qigong isn’t Daoism the religion. Some of us are never clear about these things. Some people who are monks practicing in monasteries and some others who are lay Buddhists think they know more about Buddhist things than other people, so they really cause a stir promoting Buddhism’s things among our students. I want to tell you: don’t do that, because those are a different discipline’s things. Religions have religious forms, while what we’re transmitting here is the cultivation part of our discipline. We don’t worry about religious forms unless you’re a specialized Falun Dafa disciple. So anyway, we’re not part of Buddhism in the Age of the Law’s End.
The Law in Buddhism is only a small part of the Buddha Law. There are a lot of other profound Great Law practices, and every level has a different Law. Shakyamuni said that there are 84,000 cultivation disciplines. And how many disciplines are there in Buddhism? It has just a few, like the Tendai sect, Huayan sect, Zen sect, Pure Land, and the Esoteric sect. They don’t even add up to a fraction of it! So it can’t cover the entire Buddha Law, it’s just a small part of Buddha Law. Our Falun Dafa is also one of the 84,000 disciplines, but it’s never been related to Buddhism, from the original Buddhism right on up to the one in the Age of the Law’s End. And it doesn’t have anything to do with today’s religions.
Buddhism was founded 2,500 years ago by Shakyamuni in ancient India. At that time, after Shakyamuni had Unlocked and Enlightened, he recalled what he had cultivated before, and he spread it to save people. In his discipline, no matter how many tens of thousands of sutras have been written, there are actually just three words, "Precept, Concentration, Wisdom," and these are the features of his discipline. "Precept" was about making a person get rid of all the desires ordinary people have, forcefully making him do away with his desire to get things, cutting himself off from everything in the secular world, and so on. So he would free himself of all attachments, there was even nothing in his mind, and naturally he could enter into concentration.
Continued. . .