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Parallel Universes / String Theory

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
I find this both amusing and educational. The following link goes to part one of a pretty good video series on String Theory. What I find amusing about it though, is the narration during the first minute of the video. She talks about the concept of parallel universes with the implication that it is such an abstract concept, that only the world's most intelligent and accomplished physicists can comprehend it.

Now I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a physicist by trade, nor could I blast out any of the proofs to the countless equations supporting String Theory, Quantum Physics, etc. As a recreational psychonaut, and all-around curious human being however, I CAN say that the ideas of parallel universes, or universes inside of universes, or by extra dimensions that exist beyond our ability to perceive, are by no means foreign concepts to me or others of us on this forum.

It's just funny how we discuss these types of concepts every day, without using math and physics, but purely based on our own personal experiences and explorations of consciousness, and we do so with the freedom of knowing we wont be judged as a kook, and are more than likely going to find another explorer that has experienced something similar. If all of the physicists of the world would only partake in some of what we "discuss" here, I can only imagine the leaps ahead human kind would be in its understanding of the universe.

Here is part one of the series:

It's a great series by the way. Enjoy!
Yes but the difference is that scientists eventually have to prove these theories for anyone to believe them. Everyone hear just smokes a powerful psychoactive substance and assumes it took them to or allowed them to perceive another dimension of space. There is no reason to assume that is the correct interpretation of what is happening on dmt or any other psychoactive substance.
Well, what's more interesting is the fact that so many have experienced similar "space" and entities. Strikingly similar. Sure, you can account that to expectations from hearing/reading other's experiences, but it's still quite the coincidence. If only we could get scientific proof either way. :p
Yeah this is an interesting topic...I'm very much in favour of CERN and the Large Hadron Collider e.t.c., but I think it would still be very interesting (and a lot cheaper) for the top scientific minds such as quantum/particle physicists, molecular biologists, brain scientists, to take these substances and study how their own particles respond when being bombarded (although yeah actually building a particle accelerator and studying that is a lot less subjective).

A bit off topic but read an interesting report of these 3 molecular biologists, both at the cutting edge of their fields, drank ayahuasca with a shaman after following the dieta, and each had some very profound and useful insights that they may not have had otherwise...
Great video, thanks for sharing!
There are plenty of physicists who use psychedelics. It can be a great way to help a person imagine the unimaginable.
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