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Phalaris/other grass types ID thread

Migrated topic.


Armchair activist
Hi, its well about time for a grass/phalaris ID thread. Take pictures of wild plants and upload it here.

hopefully there will be members here who will have the knowledge to know if its the right species or not.

1: For your protection: right click image=>details=> click the blue text "remove propeties and personal information" => check the box remove the following properties from this file=> select all=> ok. Then your done(advice for more protection is welcomed).

2: Uploading the picture to this site not imageshack or some other. They might trace ip and trace it to here. Just a suggestion :)

3: how to upload here.

Step 1: create your post, check the box attach file. Post the post.
Step 2: see your posted post in the thread. You will now see a new button on your post that says attach photo. Then upload the pictures, it will create a list and the pictures is at the bottom of your post.

Extraction wise, there seems to be good development and good folk at the forum is working on how to extract the dmt, 5 meo, bufo. Maybe theres is a way seperating them, I dont know the specifics. But it seems its possible to eliminate hordenine and gramine from the final product atleast. Its still work in progress. DONT EVER INGEST OR SMOKE A CRUDE EXTRACT YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT TIL YOU KNOW THE ALKALOIDS IN IT, WAIT UNTIL THERE IS A GOOD TEK FOR A PATICULAR SPECIES. YOU CAN SERIOUSLY HURT YOURSELF

In the meanwhile we can try to ID these grasses in the wild. These local alternativs either bark or grass will be the only way so I will start with my find,

Could my pictures be Phragmites australis - Common Reed?

Phragmites - Wikipedia
Im gonna go to lakes to take pictures of what I think it might be to. but hopefully they are the same.

If somebody has info on what alkaoid % of each alkaloid I would love to have a look. From what it looks like this type have: N,N-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, bufotenine and gramine.

So I start with the ones I think is phragmites:
The last one is the kind that grows in water to, seems to have smaller leafs, dont know if its the same species. But I know where to find. The last picture is not mine so sorry for bad picture.


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AlbertKLloyd said:
Phragmites is all i see so far.

I can't tell the type, there are both old and new world phenotypes...

Now thats good news, thanks for helping :) what is the difference between them? And would a picture of a more specific area help?
Thought I would jump on this thread and see if I can get some help with an ID. It looks like it may fall under the phalaris/phragmites species, but I can't be too sure.

I tried to get as many helpful photos as I could, though the lighting could have been a bit better. I have the roots, nodes (?), and flower(?).

Thanks to anyone who can help out.


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Dozuki said:
executi0n: Nope, that grass is neither Phragmites Nor Phalaris.

Heh, it's funny, because after I posted it, I thought I probably should have added "or neither of them". Theres a few other different types that are local to where I live that look like they might fit the description. I'll have to try and get some photos at some point.

It's annoying to come across something that looks like it may be the right one, only to find out that it is just another everyday plant. But, I guess that's all part of the learning experience. Plus, I get to see a lot of great scenery when I'm out on these little adventures, which isn't something I can complain about :D
cinagor said:
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, I apologize if it's not.
Anyway I was walking in a forest nearby, and I saw a few plants that look like phalaris species.
I'm no expert though, that's why I'm posting this. So, does any of these look like phalaris :)?

I hope the image is enough, as I didn't have my phone/camera with me in the forest :).
I was thinking the third and fourth would be the most similar to images of phalaris aquatica and arundinacea respectively.

Thanks in advance!

also I'm not english sorry if I've maid any mistake

There you got the thread, but as for from any possitive id. I cant help. good luck :)
Sorry but are you just picking random grases you see while taking a walk and post it in the forum? Are you aware of the number of Pocaeae species you can find in your local forest? You could fill many pages with pictures before you run out of new examples. 😁 In your photo I see a foxtail, something that looks like some sort of wild oat and a another two I would need to look up for determination. (grasses are really annoying to ID):lol: The one at the right might be a Phalaris species if you are really lucky. But I am everything but sure about this.
I would suggest you learn about the characeristics of the genus you are looking for.

If you think you may found a Phalaris, spread a blade away from the stem. The ligule, a small semitransparent sheat coating the stem should be clearly visible and at least a few mm long. It is visible in the following picture.


The flowers (or later seeds) should be in small bundles at the end of a relatively long "branch". These branches spread in all directions when flowering.


The plant should grow from rizhome, so dig for the roots if the other characteristics fit.

If you find a plant that fits in this description, take pictures of rizhom, ligule and flowers and post them here. It really helps if you try to make a good makro of single flowers, both how they look like naturally and preparated in a way all the important morphological features of the flower are visible.
Here are some pics. Hope its enough to ID.

I got pretty excited cuz it looks pretty much like what I'm looking for ( poor knowledge tho :) ).

I can also make some photos of the batch if needed. They grew close to my pool, next to some other plasticky flowers.

More photos in the way of the future thread. ( got too excited and posted there first for ID :shock: )


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Different specimen than previous post, but if the above is P. Aquatica this should be as well.

Still hoping someone can assist me in verifying the plant. The flower/ligule appear to be, can someone comment on the rhizome?

This sample is dry or at the end of its cycle (I'm guessing).


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Dry Flower:

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Edit: Did some more comparisons with P. Aquatica online. Still unsure.

Relevant Reference Images for Phalaris Aquatica:
P. Aquatica Flower
P. Aquatica Ligule
P. Aquatica Rhizomes


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Hey there fellow travellers. :) I have recently come across sources of information, which state that one can find small amounts of alkaloids in the common River Reed Grass, and I was rather serendipitated by that, as I have seen those plants everywhere.
Or, so I thought... It turns out there are COUNTLESS reed grasses that look very similar to p. aquatica, p. arundinacea and p. brachystachys, so I picked the heads of some local reeds and took a photo in the hope someone in the depths of the nexus may be able to help me out with identifying the ones I picked, and work out whether any of them are legit. :) Namatse.
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