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Research Phyllodium pulchellum Workspace

Research done by (or for) the DMT-Nexus community
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So I decided to check out the original publications that Trout and look at the references he used and think he has made errors or has misrepresented some numbers...

The closest why to fix the 0.2-0.25% yield of 5-meo-dmt is to assume it is of the 0.3% total alkaloids. So would equal 0.0006% yield is EXACTLY the yield I estimated on my last extraction. It could also be .02% but can't find the reference.

Looking directly at the publications from S. G HOSAL (there are a few) most of them he doesn't give quantitative values but gives the weight of the fraction so like he got 8g tar ball and from that he divided and started to separate and identify the compounds one by one NOT quantitative.

There is one paper his 1972 publication that does have some yields. Starting with 1.8kg of dry roots he ended up with a sum of around .4g 5-MEO-DMT which is 0.02% and 10x less than than the reference. DMT was found in larger amounts at 0.05% yield in this publication getting around .9g NN-DMT from the 1.8kg roots.

With the amount of references and numbers that trout had to collect errors are expected but then Julian seems to have taken those numbers as FACT despite being at best 10x off and then adding to the lore/setting and some minor exaggeration had an experience that NO ONE has been able to replicate even if the trace MAOi compounds were active it is still extremely low dose he mentions taking and a more realistic value would be at minimum double what he suggests AT BEST.

I emailed him recently with the correction but considering the book is 20 years old IDK if it matters. But his error has caused many like myself to grow this plant just to be disappointed. The lore is pretty cool but the experience doesn't come close to reality with very minor experiences.

This plant is active to some extent and I've had some minor activity however needed to add 200mg harmalas to the extremely minimal amount of content extracted. Based on original publications by Ghosal this is a better DMT source than some other plants reaching close to 0.05% content in dry roots. How accurate that is considering more recent publications in China and this plant is actually use medicinally adverse effects would be better known.
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as 790 mg. of pale yellow viscous liquid from 1.8 kg dried roots.

Should be 0.0451% actually .0439% but the decimal point makes a huge difference and makes Julian’s numbers completely wrong and this being the “high end”
The main thing is, it's more usual to eliminate the superfluous zeros entirely and use the form "10⁻²" rather than "100⁻¹".

I'll admit to being facetiously pedantic in rendering "6gx100g^-3" by including the g units in the exponential calculation, such that g×g⁻³ = g⁻² after having managed to mess up the first calculation (which should read 0.0326, etc.), as well as it slowly dawning on me here (💡) that the "100g^1" format is a slightly unusual way of writing "percent"/"%". Perhaps this is a result of complications arising through their document encoding systems, since percent codes would potentially lead to, for example, whatever character is represented by the digits following the percent sign - but normally a percentage would be followed by a space, a full stop (period) or a comma, and not digits. I can also appreciate that the authors will have had to translate their work into English, presumably from Mandarin, which leaves me wondering if there's a correlation to the way percentages might be written in Chinese.

Apologies for the diversion, hope it's still of some use!
Please do I likely got it wrong but I know that it is not 3% and in fact .03%.... I thought the 100^-1 is .01 so just move the decimals over 2 times. so from 3.26g you get 0.326 and then (/100) = 0.000326 or 0.0326%. I've seen this a lot with tiny mol and shit like that where they do ^ -4 ^ -6 and it gets annoying to try to calculate/convert to macro calculations since I wouldn't try to prepare 1ml with fractions of a mg of a product.
So got a few messages and Julian replied as well. He seems adamant in his claims and also says he shared tea with many over the years with some having strong activity and others none. Someone messaged that the plant they have from gardenshaman seeds likely the wrong species which would explain my issues.

Julian made a reference to Desmodium gangeticum to back his claims that fresh material is required which based on the paper reference was indeed the claim but didn’t render the plant inactive if dried. Even then the yield of the 5-Meo-dmt was .05% and made from 1kg of fresh material which is fairly high considering.

Pleurolobus gangeticus and Phyllodium pulchellum have since been changed in genus so how closely related they are in enzymes and behavior is questionable.

With the .05% from fresh yield the 50g tea returns to a possibility since some report oral activity at 25mg of 5-Meo-dmt but the results seem mixed.

However over so many years noone has replicated results that he shared atleast publicly. There are also other projects that seem more interesting until someone is able to find the correct seeds. Phalaris seems like a easier source if not gonna just synthesis.

And the Lore continues since misidentified seeds in circulation still providing active plants. Julian’s claims are interesting and there are documented references with interesting yields and profiles.
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So someone shared a different article more recent in support of the claims…

Reading the title seems in direct favor but they didn’t seem to read the article and it shows a total alkaloid yield of 0.12% and the rats were dosed 20mg/kg which to humans would be 1.8g of this extract. The paper extracted from 10kg of plant material to 12g total extract. That would be over 1kg dry material and even using 5x potency of fresh material would be 200g dose.

This article didn’t show the yields of the maoi but the other paper had 200mg from 1kg material which would be more realistic in comparison to caapi harmalas

So this becomes a better source for the DMT and 5-Meo-DMT over a standalone plant in this instance.
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Somewhat off topic, but the strongest phalaris extract I ever got was dry dead grass collected under snow mid winter in the PNW. This has been the only time vaping grass extract hit me so hard I was flat on the ground by the time I exhaled.

This is not in line with the rest of the data on dry vs fresh, summer vs fall etc. When I hear things like it “only works fresh not dry” I tend to be sceptical until enough other ppl can verify.

It’s looking like the only one getting Julian’s results, is Julian?
Somewhat off topic, but the strongest phalaris extract I ever got was dry dead grass collected under snow mid winter in the PNW. This has been the only time vaping grass extract hit me so hard I was flat on the ground by the time I exhaled.

This is not in line with the rest of the data on dry vs fresh, summer vs fall etc. When I hear things like it “only works fresh not dry” I tend to be sceptical until enough other ppl can verify.

It’s looking like the only one getting Julian’s results, is Julian?
From reports in the phalaris project they get around the .2-.3% 5-Meo-DMT on certain clones and others seem to be the similar with NN-DMT. There was a paper that supported the claims of dry/fresh but the issue is only Ghosal seems to have done work on these plants in publications with a few more recent getting much lower content. I was told someone on reddit/nexus phalaris group has disproven the dry/fresh claims that was also said to occur with grasses.

The main thing I think is work should be repeatable by anyone interested. You don't need to do it every paper but with claims from 50 years ago a new study would be nice. Julian indeed is the only one that publicly claims these effects. He said he has sent tea to others with mixed results and some time he needs 100g but 50g is usually enough. Unfortunately the seeds in the market seem to be the wrong species.

I think grasses are quite interesting and I may attempt in the future but want to finish many of my projects rather than just add more.
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