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Please Assist Ms.Swim (Solvent Related)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
The following is a fiction, written for literary purposes only:

Ms.Swim lives in Canada, and although she has searched the nexus forums thoroughly, she has not been able to locate any definitive information on what storebought solvent is appropriate (available) for use.
VMPNaptha seems to be completely unavailable, and Ms.Swim is getting somewhat frustrated, as she has been to numerous outlets in a vain attempt at finding something that will suffice.

Please help Ms.Swim solve this Canadian specific problem. Pretty please.

Ms.Swim desires the cleanest possible crystals. Ms.Swim very much appreciates any information you might afford.

PS - Ms. Swim was planning on doing either RainbowSerpent's or Noman's tech.

If I were you, I'd use the 4.66$ 344ml bottle of Ronsonol lighter fluid from Canadian Tire. In the yellow bottle.

No, it's not the best, but it's by far your best choice. I use it all the time for salvia purification, and it does evaporate pretty cleanly, although it takes a good while longer than pure petroleum ether (leave your crystals out for a good week in the fridge or something). I've had friends use it and pull a full 1% of pure crystals from their lye mixtures.

Another alternative is to order some pure petroleum ether from a reputable online dealer... Although I'm not going to link it here due to the fact it's a very reputable company, and would probably like to be absolved from activities like this :).

And if I were you, I'd just do a straight basification and naphtha pull if it's your first time. I've never done either, but that method seems like it'd be the easiest for new experimenters.
Big Inhale said:
Use nomans tek or marsofold

With lighter fluid?
I've read many bad things about it.

Ms.Swim just needs to find a solvent.
Petroleum Ether is like $200 a pop from online lab suppliers, none of which Swim can find in Canada.

Try to find out what ingrediens the solvent alcohol has, that is sold in your hardware store. Ask if it contains Hexane or Heptane, the usally purpose is to solve it with colours or to remove colour & oils from wood & other surfaces, test if it evaporates without any residues.
ZaZen said:
Try to find out what ingrediens the solvent alcohol has, that is sold in your hardware store. Ask if it contains Hexane or Heptane, the usally purpose is to solve it with colours or to remove colour & oils from wood & other surfaces, test if it evaporates without any residues.

Never, ever, ask a hardware associate to help you with anything chemical-related... Dear god, having worked in 2 hardware stores, you'd be lucky to find someone that knows what naphtha is.

General Information
Company's Name: SHELL OIL CO
Company's Info Ph #: 800 832-3766
Date MSDS Prepared: 21JUN91
Safety Data Review Date: 12JAN94
Ingredients/Identity Information
Proprietary: NO
Ingredient Sequence Number: 01
Percent: 95
NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1002250AN
CAS Number: 64742-89-8
Proprietary: NO
Ingredient Sequence Number: 02
Percent: 5
NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1003692SN
CAS Number: 64742-88-7
Other Recommended Limit: 100 PPM
Proprietary: NO
Ingredient Sequence Number: 03
Percent: <30 PPM
NIOSH (RTECS) Number: CY1400000
CAS Number: 71-43-2
Other Recommended Limit: 16 MG/CUM

So, according to the MSDS, ronsonol is very similar to VM&P, but with added lacolene and benzene.
Noman said:
What about Bestine?
If one can get Bestine - strictly for removing rubber cement, of course - and used it to clean a Ronsonal extraction that was evaped....

Very, VERY hard to find Bestine locally in Canada. I've searched for it for ages for computer related work. You can get it in a "mixture" with other solvents, but... yeah...

You need to order from a chemical supplier, and that is mucho expensive.
Does anyone know the reason it is difficult to obtain something like vmp naptha in canada, but not in the US? Does Canada not have any hardware stores, or art supply stores? or is there a more sinister reason for the un-availability?
Spock's Brain said:
Does anyone know the reason it is difficult to obtain something like vmp naptha in canada, but not in the US? Does Canada not have any hardware stores, or art supply stores? or is there a more sinister reason for the un-availability?

It's just the companies that produce and carry VmP naphtha don't have a presence in Canada. We're just getting Lowes here, which might eventually carry something like this, but Home Depot has a "no toxic chemical" rule, and our local petroleum company (petrocan) has their own names for these products. So, they exist, but as analogues, or slightly different formulas, as transporting this sort of flammable solvent over the border is a really difficult task.
Isn't Bestine highly carcinogenic and doesn't it bind to fat cells like, super easily. Will a recrys really keep that nastiness out?

Noman said:
Try a Ronsonal evap and a recrystalization with whatever you can find then.
Maybe OMS would work - shitty as it is for extraction.

You mean Swim should use Ronsonal for an evap but use some other solvent for a recrys?
Swim is on the verge of going oral...which is disappointing, to be honest.

btw, SWIM wants to thank all those here who have participated in this fictitious exercise.
SWIM considers it poetry.

VMP doesn't seem to be available to order online anywhere either.
KeyIngreedient said:
VMP doesn't seem to be available to order online anywhere either.

You're not going to find vmp naphtha. Your best bet for a similar product (same thing, actually, just under a different name) in Canada is Shellite.

Or, just use ronsonol... like other's here definitely haven't been doing for ages ;)

I can guarantee it evaporates cleanly without an oily residue here in Canada. I use about a liter of it a week for extracting grams worth of Salvinorin A.
From swim's experience north of the 49 th paralel - Ronsonol brand lighter fluid in plastic bottles has NO additives - very clean naphtha. She uses this $4.49 bottle (345 ml size) every time sh eneeds a NP solvent, and get's sparkling clear results, > 0.9% yeild sometimes !

Metal containers for naphtha (camping fuel) often have 'anti-rust' agents added - test these, especially if cheap, for residues when evaporating > 200 ml's worth.

Ronsonol is clean in Canada - it comes in plastic bottles - go to the camping section of canadian tire stores or in the paint/solvent section of Home Depot.
Agreed 99% with the above.

Ronsonol is clean in Canada - it comes in plastic bottles - go to the camping section of canadian tire stores or in the paint/solvent section of Home Depot.

Only thing I don't agree with is Home Depot. They don't sell "hazardous" chemicals like naphtha (I know, I worked there *shudders*). Canadian tire is your best bet :)
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