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Please Assist Ms.Swim (Solvent Related)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
The following is a fiction, written for literary purposes only:

Ms.Swim lives in Canada, and although she has searched the nexus forums thoroughly, she has not been able to locate any definitive information on what storebought solvent is appropriate (available) for use.
VMPNaptha seems to be completely unavailable, and Ms.Swim is getting somewhat frustrated, as she has been to numerous outlets in a vain attempt at finding something that will suffice.

Please help Ms.Swim solve this Canadian specific problem. Pretty please.

Ms.Swim desires the cleanest possible crystals. Ms.Swim very much appreciates any information you might afford.

PS - Ms. Swim was planning on doing either RainbowSerpent's or Noman's tech.

KeyIngreedient said:
Big Inhale said:
Use nomans tek or marsofold

With lighter fluid?
I've read many bad things about it.

Ms.Swim just needs to find a solvent.
Petroleum Ether is like $200 a pop from online lab suppliers, none of which Swim can find in Canada.

YES with lighter fluid what do youu think naptha is Ive used ronsonol before when I couldnt get to the store
Isn't Bestine highly carcinogenic and doesn't it bind to fat cells like, super easily. Will a recrys really keep that nastiness out?

You're thinking of Benzine, Bestine is a name brand rubber cement thinner that is basically pure Heptane.
Noman said:
What about Bestine?
If one can get Bestine - strictly for removing rubber cement, of course - and used it to clean a Ronsonal extraction that was evaped....

Noman, if SWIM has Bestine anyways, why wouldn't SWIM just use it for the extraction in the first place?

(Sincere fictional question)
I was assuming that Bestine was difficult to come by and that Ronsonal was easy so one would want to save their Bestine for what it was most useful for.
I've also heard of some folk that don't find Bestine to be that great an extraction solvent - spice isn't all that soluable in it, which is something that makes it ideal for recrystalization.
Actually, it might be the case that heptane is fine for an A/B.
Looking back to an old Antarctican experiment:
I see that in that case at least, heptane pulls pretty much the same as naptha.
Maybe it's just the heavy yellow gunk initially produced bt a STB that won't go into the heptane?
Which, again, would be why heptane is such a good recrystalization solvent.
Spock's Brain said:
Does anyone know the reason it is difficult to obtain something like vmp naptha in canada, but not in the US? Does Canada not have any hardware stores, or art supply stores? or is there a more sinister reason for the un-availability?

Its not that it is easy to find in the US its just possible easy is deffinetly not the word I only know of One national chain that still carries it with little stores it super hit and miss and to boot you can olny buy it by the quart so you either need to bring a car load of friends or hit like 4 or 5 stores or they red flag you as being a possible meth cook same story with lye fucking tweekers have made it hard to buy any of this shit without using your name
SWIM is confused somewhat -- how could bestine be used to clean crystals which were freeze precipitated in ronsonol?
Wouldn't the contaminants left behind by the ronsonol simply migrate into the bestine and recontaminate the crystals during recrys?

SWIM has the feeling she is missing something.
When you recrystallize, not everything that you dissolve in seperates back out. The reason DMT seperates out from bestine so well is because it's not very soluble at all in bestine at low temperatures. But in hot bestine, it dissolves no problem. So when you saturate some hot bestine with DMT, as it cools, it loses its ability to hold onto the DMT, which starts falling out as crystals.

Contaminants in the ronsonol were presumably selected because they're quite soluble in 6-7 carbon alkanes. That means the contaminants are expected to stay in solution while the DMT precipitates out.
SWIM's imaginary friend did a Bestine evap and it turned out to have as much, if not more residue left over than the Ronsonol.


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